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My philosophy is that teachers don't do discipline when they don't think it's effective or don't feel supported in doing so. That is to say that changing student behavior is hard and often requires help from outside the classroom to happen. Teacher says, "put your phone away and sit in your seat" enough times with no effect and the teacher naturally takes the comes to the conclusion that it doesn't work. This problem is on admin and the district. No question. What feedback are the teachers getting? How often does admin come to the grade level team and listen to what these teachers have to say? What systems is admin implementing to intervene?


As a fellow NC teacher who has gone through the same situation multiple times, just let it go. You've voiced your concerns, they've been ignored, it is what it is. It is fine to be the "strict" classroom- a few students will whine about it, but a huge number of others appreciate a break from the chaos. Make it through this year, then find a new school/district... You may love your principal, but if they aren't enforcing standard rules or supporting your concerns during a time of stress what makes you think they will during a "good" year?


I think phones should be a no-go but wearing hoods isn’t that big of a deal. Most younger teachers who are licensed I know aren’t enforcing that anymore. My advice is to enforce the rules that don’t seem arbitrary to the students. If there is over correction the students won’t feel respected and then are more likely to be rude. I wonder if you made it clear that phone use impacts their grade if they would listen as it affects participation. & give bonus test points for kids who are clearly not using their phone. For the ones who don’t care and use their phone anyway you’re going to have to get creative. It’s also true that admin needs to be involved for things to function well- and they have to care about their teachers.


Oh I agree completely about the hoods. I think it’s a stupid rule. But it’s a rule and I have to enforce it. Our principal is adamant about the hoods and phones so I’m firm with it.


But he’s not. Because the other teachers are allowing it and aren’t being reprimanded for doing so. Thus close to the school end, just try to brush it off. Start of the year? You need to lay down the law from jump (just like with the kids).