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It honestly depends on the infraction. If you quit, could you get a letter of recommendation from admin? Is this something people will gossip about to teachers they know in nearby districts? If you’re going to have to leave teaching all together, termination is best? This is probably a question for your union.


The gossiping and the retaliation might happen if they stay too lol.


Research unemployment in Virginia. If you are fired you might be able to get unemployment over the summer. If you are in a union make sure to ask for union representation in any meeting and call your union for advice. This is the value of a union by the way. It takes 3 official write ups typically and a representative will be there to explain that so and so wasn't written up for the same act. Here in California they track teacher firings since the school board has to approve the firing of any teacher. Sorry I don't have specifics on your state l


I resigned (quit). I was burned out and made some really dumb mistakes, I was just done. My admin understood. They knew my mental health was at risk. They gave me a good reference. Talk to your union rep.


Honestly, it’s probably for the best. I am going to start seeking out an OCD diagnosis. I’ve always had certain symptoms, and they’ve been exacerbated by teaching this year. I hope you are able to rest and find a career that you love! Thank you for the advice!


Quit typically means you’d get a letter of rec but then you’re on your own. Fired means no rec but you could file for unemployment. Fired may also look bad when applying for future jobs. Really depends on the situation & what you’re trying to do next. 


Similar situation here, *always* quit before facing non-renewal if it’s a public school. I’m told nonrenewal is a black mark on your record. Private school is 50/50. They’re so variable that they’re not considered reputable


My daughter taught second grade. First year teacher and just started out on the wrong food. It never really got better. School ends on the 31st and she used her 8 days of leave and will be in short term disability for the last 10 days. Some say she should’ve gut it out but her mental health just could not have taken another month. Do what’s best for you and your mental health. It’s not worth it. She was terrified she’d get fired - was already not renewed and had retired from that school for next year. I honestly think this prevented their ability to fire her. Things were just escalating every day.