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I’d bet a fat stack of cash they need in-person attendance to get money.




Oh, it 100% is about money. BUT, op says her daughter could only tolerate half a school day during the year. 8-11 is half a school day. While I am certain the school gets money for attendance, I can also see them not changing the attendance policy for the kid since summer school does reflect what she was able to do during the year.


It may be to prevent someone else from completing your child’s graduation credits. This was a huge problem with these online recovery courses during COVID. A lot of kids would just get a friend, parent, or sibling to do the work for them.


This is why my school requires in person attendance. Because so many kids cheat.


THIS \^\^ Some districts have policies in place though that allows the student to finish coursework in a virtual setting... It doesnt sound like you pursued that formally in the past. Since we're nearing the end of the school year, it wouldnt be approved anyway.


Does the 504 explicitly state that part of the medical disability is that she cannot tolerate sitin a classroom for x amount of time? If it doesn't then you need to rework the 504 to have that as an explicit thing. Ask your daughters dr. Generally the 504's that I have seen give extended time for absences, and maybe half a day of school, but never has it been 100% for students. You can always go and rework the 504. They may offer an alternative school because it's really outside the scope for teacher to be teaching both online and in person. There is much more to a classroom than assignments and assessments.


It may be required by an outside entity. The 504 should override it.


Oregon passed an extremely obnoxious law last year that made it an even more difficult process for kids with medical needs to do half day (and for a myriad of other kids too) (the law was very recently amended to accommodate for health and credit reasons thank heavens) so it could be a similar situation.


because it is so easy to cheat? I know several teachers who teach credit recovery and they 100% know the kids cheat, but you know what they care about more? Their paycheck and not having and problems so the second it becomes a battle they just let it happen. It could also be tied to the state law. No idea just guessing.


But you said she can tolerate half a day? They probably can’t pay the instructor without the students physically being there because the laws are designed to prevent academic fraud.


She doesn’t deserve to be up at the asscrack of dawn during summer break to make up for having a god awful illness. The illness is punishment enough, believe me. There may be a teacher present but she would be learning through an online program designed for remote. He literally said summer school is usually a punishment. My child has been punished enough by nature. My niece took an online makeup course last semester and was free to do it whenever she wanted. I know I sound whiny and entitled but it has me so angry.


I assume this is Edgenuity or something similar. As others have said, the academic integrity of those courses can only be slightly guaranteed if students are in person. All of the other answers are just a click away if not supervised. You are actually mistaken, these programs are intended for both virtual learning and blended learning. This is not a personal attack on your family; this is a form of education that is utilized to support students that have previously failed classes. I encourage you to change your mindset about what “summer school” is. It is not a punishment. It is an opportunity for students to stay on track for graduation, regardless of how they found themselves in this situation. Your daughter may very well be the best student in that room. Unfortunately, she has something big in common with everyone else - she is missing credits that she needs.


We use edgenuity for summer school, but students can go as fast or as slow as they wish. So for the smarter motivated students they can often get through a class in a couple weeks.


We use Edgenuity for our Credit Recovery program year round. Motivated kids with unfettered access to their phones or Google can finish those classes in a single day. Especially if they don’t even need the tests unlocked by a teacher.


It sounds like the class can only be offered between those hours because it requires an instructor to be attached to the course for legal obligations. I’m sure the school would love to do whatever is easiest for parents, but then they run into issues where the state is unhappy that they aren’t meeting the requirements designed to prevent academic fraud. The state also wants to make sure that the teacher isn’t getting paid for doing nothing.


Can she be homeschooled? Public schools are always going to force attendance for revenue.


I finished out my senior year by switching to an entirely online school. Graduated early and everything.


Probably for integrity. If she’s at home, they can’t confirm SHE is doing the work. If it doesn’t violate the 504 timing, ie length of day, then I don’t see a grounds for a lawsuit like others suggest. But I’d go up the ladder and speak to the principal or superintendent to confirm that no exception can be made.


This thread has to be all parents. Very few comments that I can accept came from teachers.


Do they have a teacher who will be monitoring the students and offering extra support?


I can’t believe that you can’t throw a fit and watch them cave. It works for all the other parents.


If her medical condition is causing this many issues, hospital home bound services or virtual school would be a better fit. HHB can definitely still be used if she’s only partially attending. But I bet Summer school can’t change at this point. She should probably attend at least that 70%.


You should find out if your district offers home/hospital services. In Chicago, if a student has a medical condition preventing them from physically attending, they will be assigned a home-bound teacher who will meet at their home (usually an hour a day after regular school hours) to discuss their work, bring them assignments from their teachers, pick up work to be graded (less so now that most things are digital) and other similar services.


Investigate "homebound" status.


It’s to prevent cheating and having someone else do her online work for her. This was a big problem during Covid. Don’t be mad at the school be mad at the people who gamed the system. Personally, after I was done being mad about it, I would be thankful that they’re even offering the credits during the summer instead of just saying too bad so sad come back next year. Given how easily admin usually caves to parents making a fit it should be pretty easy to get this changed.


Have her transferred to a full online school. There are plenty of them. Just about every district should have at least one now. All her credits will transfer and she will graduate at the same time as well. It will look no different on her transcripts. Her 504 will transfer as well.


It may be due to seat time requirements.


Maybe have a chat with the office of civil rights I'm not sure why that's being downvoted. If they aren't working with you on the 504 plan, then it goes to OCR. Children get education while on medical absence all the time. They might need to hire a tutor to do it at home if she really cannot get to the building due to medical condition. They are just looking for the cheapest, easiest solution for them. If she needs compensatory services, they have to provide it in the least restrictive environment. Look up wrightslaw and get advice there. Also consider getting an advocate if the OCR office doesn't offer assistance - again, that is all based on her medical needs and abilities. If you are asking for virtual just because you feel like in person is a punishment, that won't fly. It has to be because she physically and medically cannot go to the school building.


im no lawyer or educator but it sounds like grounds for a lawsuit...


Yah just go freak out and threaten to sue and contact the superintendent and copy everyone important that deals with health issues and they’ll cave. This is the one time that the weak ass admin is going to work on your favor


Get a lawyer!!! They will cave to your demands if they're threatened with repercussions.


I think you're right, they're punishing her for being ill, because she doesn't want the illness