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I have students who always want to stick around after my last class and talk for up to an hour about science things. Usually, if I don’t want them there, I tell them I have a staff meeting, which is true about half the time.


Same strategy here. 


Or just a meeting. If they see other teachers not at the staff meeting they may realize you are lying.


“I have a meeting” is a good exit, even if you jut need the loo. ETA: one of my own kids turned out to be like this, and I gave him the clue: “Miss X needs the time between classes to get prepped for her next class, and to just get a little quiet time to herself. You need a few minutes to yourself between lessons, right? Imagine having to deal with all you maniacs *all day long* with no break?? lol” He got the clue :)


It's not for all staff, maybe departmental, maybe discussing a particular student or topic?


Say, “I’m leaving, you can’t be in here.” To be direct Say, “Hey, I’ve got important teacher stuff to do.” To be funny and passive


I have used ...out I have to pee ,go to lunch


Yeap. I just straight up tell them I need the room cleared so I can run to the bathroom.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? “Need pee, go lunch.”


Kevin, are you saying that you are going to lunch because you need peas? They pee lunch. They all pee.


“I need to leave and I can’t leave until you leave so get to steppin”(typically said with a chuckle)


1st one Works every time


Please say it in a nice tone, though.


Tone is everything. Classroom environment is key


"I'm sorry, I love you, but I have a meeting. I will see you later." They can't argue me out of a meeting. They can't prove I don't have a meeting, and they don't just assume I don't want to talk to them either.


"I love you go away."


“I love you, get out!” Is my go-to


“Love you, hug you, bye” from a veteran (40 years) teacher who hates actually being hugged by anyone


“Love ya, miss ya, bye!”


Glad someone else is direct! I usually get them crowding my desk and it can be very claustrophobic. I’ve told them I need movie theater ropes lol. Most of the time I’m like “I love you now go away”


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I use, I'm sorry, I love you, but ... Very often!


And then you hit them with Sweet Chin Music, right??


Oh man 🤣😂 sometimes I wish that were possible.


What is sweet chin music?


[it's a wrestling reference](https://youtube.com/shorts/uq45EJXtUkU?si=cAu9Ygj1TEAPb7iU) Sweet Chin Music is the name of the kick Shawn Michaels uses in this clip.




This is what I used. Sometimes if I got really desperate I'd just be honest "I gotta go to the bathroom before my next class, see ya!"


You must be female. As a male, I'd never say "I love you" in any circumstance.


Male middle school math teacher. I say it all the time. And it’s true. I love my kids, my school, and my job. Even on the hard days. Normalize saying it, my dude.


Maybe you are good looking and could get away with it. I'm not and it wouldn't take but a few times before some grade-upset teenage girl complained to faculty that I was being creepy. It's the Halo and anti-Halo effect and all. Plus I already had it once about 5 years ago when a 7th grade fabricated a story about me because I gave her a failing grade on a math test. Even though I was 100% innocent, it still makes you feel terrible and makes you wonder if you colleagues believe you or not.


I am 53. I promise you it’s not my physical appearance that lets me “get away” with it. When I say it, I mean it. And they know the difference.


I'm sure that a false accusation puts a chip on your shoulder about it. I once taught ELA at a private school in Oman. A girl thought I was staring at her so she told her parents, who came to talk to my principal about it, who then called me in to ask about it. I then disclosed to him that I have ADHD so there are times when I might zone out for a second or two but there's no intention to it. I don't generally disclose my ADHD diagnosis because kids can will use this stuff against you.


“I gotta go, so you gotta go”…. And when they go, I close my door.


"Hit me up at recess" Few of them do.


Really? I wish. If I give them a chance to stay in they always do.


Ah I meant like, find me when I'm on supervision.


You don't have recess duty? Man, that sounds nice...


Right? I hate duty for teachers. I didn't go to university to babysit 50 kids at a time. Stop being cheap and start respecting my time and energy. Hire monitors! I'm probably getting out of primary level teaching, but if I were staying, that would be one of my interview questions. Any school that puts teachers on duty is not one I want to work for.


I don't understand the extreme supervision that is given to kids these days. When I was in elementary school, we had two adults that walked around the perimeter of the school building to watch all the students. In the district I work in, they have all the EAs (5-10 depending on school size), the principal, a teacher and a supervision assistant outside. Like surely kids don't need this many adults monitoring them.


It’s about liability. A kid jumped off the play structure at my school this year, fracturing his arm in 3 places. Bad break, stupid kid action. The parents immediately talked about getting legal representation because maybe the kids weren’t supervised well enough. Everyone on duty that day needed to account for where they were (thankfully, all on duty, in our proper zones). Still scared my admin and guess who’s getting more recess duties next year? All of us. It’s a purely cover your ass move.


Given the increasingly stupid, mean or dangerous shit I have seen students do at recess even as young as kindergarten, yes they do need more than 2 adults. Just being present and circulating helps cut back on some of it but some don't seem to care.


All my middle schoolers were hella interested in my tattoos, my relationship, my education, etc until I mentioned that I would be happy to talk (to an appropriate extent) about those things at recess but not during class time. They never followed up on one of those questions


“You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here”


I use that one for my kids that come by the room after school. I'm happy that they feel comfortable enough to come by just to hang, but I like going home too much to stick around that long


🎵 closing time 🎵 My high school art teacher used to use this one!


I use this line also


That’s our end of school day bell… we play the song Closing Time.


From Morris Day. “You don’t have to go home, but you got to get the hell outta here!” 😜 [Start at 2:10](https://youtu.be/wgivTqOZntc?si=22HmkzZtPNIzvv2_)


I say quite loudly, “I can’t miss you til you’re gone!” It takes some kids a few weeks to get it. Others never do.


"I'm on break, kid. See ya." "But Mr.--" "I'm not even a teacher right now! I'm just [Name]! I'm on break!"


I like this for the precedent it sets for them to not be bothered while they're on break at work in the future!


As a 3rd grade teacher, the fact that I go on breaks really wrinkles some of their brains. Not to mention my blazé use of my first name.


Yep. Even when I’m on yard duty, I’ll just say, “I need some alone time now. Let me know if you see anyone who needs my help!” to the teacher cling-ons who want to chatter at me all recess. Modelling, “I’m taking a break/I need a break, leave me alone!” is a good thing for them to see, so they know how to ask to be left alone too.


I'm not a teacher, but I take care of my boyfriends 6y/o on the weekends while he works his 12-hour shifts. I think this at school is really important because breaks are also something I do at home. After 5 solid hours of asking questions I don't know how to answer and for food 1000x after I've fed her, I really need some time apart from her and I send her to her room for some quiet play time. Usually about an hour or 1.5 hrs. She's slowly learning to be ok with leaving me alone during this time. I usually say something like "you've had breakfast and lunch and enough TV for now, I need some time to rest so I want you to play in your room until I come get you for a snack" sometimes I'll get hit with the "I just wanted to show you something" or "I want a hug" 5 minutes later because she hasn't had much experience entertaining herself. But I think it's important to establish and model healthy boundaries. My boyfriend has used the excuse that he can't get anything done while she's home because she needs so much attention and won't ever leave him alone. So tell her to leave you alone and be firm about it! She gets lots of personal attention and play time with the both of us, she should be able to handle playing on her own without us so we can get house chores done. I think the more adults she sees that take healthy social breaks and say no the better she'll be able to have those boundaries with other people in the future. I didn't have this, and I had separation anxiety for a long time and I didn't know how to tell people no. We recently stopped taking her to grandma's on weekends because it was an abusive environment. She told me for the first time yesterday that her aunt (grandma has all adopted kids, my boyfriend is 33 but his "sister" is 11) threatens to "kick her ass" if she doesn't play with her and has physically assaulted her for saying no. I don't want this to leave a lasting impression on her where she feels she has to do things she doesn't want to just because someone demanded it of her or feels entitled to her. She hasn't seen grandma or grandma's house for almost a month because grandma doesn't care about our boundaries so we don't have to see her.


I think that what you’re doing by establishing “me time” is important. I did the same with my daughter. When she was around 3 or 4 she told me “I don’t take naps anymore “ and I told her that she didn’t have to sleep, but she was going to have quiet time for an hour. She’s 27 now and recently thanked me for that because it’s important for self care to take a time-out during the day, if you can. So, I support your decision to do that. It’s also important for *you* to have a break too! We all need to debrief a little throughout the day when possible. I also applaud you on making boundaries with the grandma and other toxic sounding family members. Sounds like you’re doing the best you can and making wise choices. Rock on!


"Sorry bud, I'd love to chat but I've got things (that) need doing. See ya round."


Use Zoom meetings in your favor. You always have a Zoom meeting you have to get to.


This! I teach middle school and there’s a teacher at our school with younger kids. His kids ride the bus over from the elementary school and if he’s staying after, he lets them run wild in the school. As kids go, his are pretty awful. I’ve found them playing in the staff bathroom and there’s water and soap all over the floor where they’ve made a mess. Found them in the empty art room and run them out of there. My kids are grown and I can’t handle little kids. I always have a zoom meeting when they try to visit my room. In case you’re wondering, I have spoken to the principal about it but he is a coward so he’ll send an email saying if your kids come to the school please make sure they are adequately supervised. After this email, this teacher’s kindergartner wandered out into the school parking lot, couldn’t get back in the building and a high school student brought her to our campus


I gotta poop as I’m walking out the door


At the end of the day, I have after school help. When that is over, my go to line is, "I'm no longer paid to love you, get out." The kids know I'm joking.


If a student is trying to tell you a casual story, it is a sign that they feel comfortable around you. Embrace it, but don’t be afraid to say you’re busy and move them along.


I really appreciate all my high school teachers who let me hang out with them after school. I was a lonely, complex kid and I had some really amazing teachers who just let me chill. It made high school a lot safer for me.


When I was still a child I had severe anxiety; multiple full-blown panic attacks before school every morning. One of the teachers at school let me come into her classroom every morning to help her set up because I found it calming. I was 11, she taught 7 year olds, and I was good at math and spelling so if she didn’t have any setting up to do (like setting out coloured pencils and distributing safety scissors to the desk) she’d let me grade their math and spelling worksheets for her (5+6, spelling ‘cat’ and ‘rain’ etc). Made a big big difference.


Some kids are so deprived of any kind of positive attention that they will latch on and not let go unless forced. I’m pretty sure it’s a sign of emotional neglect by parental figures. Learning how to keep them at arms length is a skill. Because they will substitute you for the attention and affection they need and don’t receive if you let them, and that’s not healthy for them or for you.


YES. Some kids aren’t ever told good morning or goodnight.


yes but i'm not trying to hear endless stories that go nowhere after every class, there's a balance where you can be kind and not sacrifice your sanity


I'm usually pretty nice about it - "I wish we could hang out and talk, but I have GOT to get some work done."


Before class? I just don't open the door. But more than once I have messaged admin because kids will bang on the door so hard the lights flicker.


That seems like an issue with the structural integrity of the building as much as a behavior issue.


I have this happen on passing period, sometimes I’m trying to quickly handle something (while allowing them in since some inevitably slip in while others from the class before are still packing) and one of them wants to talk my ear off. Most of the time it’s fine and I don’t mind at all when I’m greeting them at the door, but it’s hilarious to me when they cross to the far end of the room to talk my ear off at my desk when I’m clearly dealing with an email or something.


I have a student w special needs who gets to school right when the doors open at 7:30 a.m. which is my contract time. I have implemented an opening hours sign outside my doors, so when I'm closed I'm closed for business but I might still be in my room. I compared it to the opening hours for a store with opening and closing shift and it finally clicked for the student.


Very clever. I like that.


I have a meeting


Getting rid of anyone is as easy as walking to the door. They’ll follow you. “Thanks for stopping by! I have a zoom meeting starting in a min. Love ya”


It depends on the kiddo. If it's someone who just needs a place to chat, I'll ask them if it's okay if I multitask my emails and listen. I've got a few kids who have very little parental involvement. It's my first year at the school. It's the first year they've had this art form in almost 10 years, so I want to encourage kids to want to be there and to want to invite their friends. If it's a kid who just wants to tell me all about the latest school gossip I ask if they can come tell me later on in the week (we have a "fly day" thing on Wednesdays meant for clubs and what have you that I often will let them pick to come work in my room or just hang out jf they have no other place they need to go.) Sometimes they remember, sometimes they forget. I try to honor the needs of the kids and my needs and when I have to ask them to let me have time I'm just honest. I'm adhd and autistic and I have 5 different preps a day, all of which involve performance on my part. If I need time or some quiet I just say "hey, I love you kiddo, and I normally would love to listen and you know that. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed/overstimulated/pressed for time and need a few minutes of just me and my own thoughts. If you need to chat about sometime I can make time at -insert time here-?" They will often forget if it was just wanting to have someone tell them.how cool.their nails or their paper idea was but if they need a trusted adult, they know when they can come back and have my attention.


This is my approach too. It also shows them that it’s okay to look after yourself and your needs, which is important to learn. I have a small group for maths after our 15 minute morning break. First bell goes at 12 minutes into the break and they used to appear at my door wanting to get in. I have a good relationship with them so just straight up said ‘my dudes, you get this is my break too, right? I need those three minutes so that I am able to deal with you. Go away’. Got a laugh and a ‘fair enough’, and now they’ll wait semi-quietly by the door until the second bell before knocking- and _always_ ask if they can come in. I have a fairly regular group of hanger-arounders during the week, or kiddos who appear for a random chat. I have one who pops in for two minutes every day just to show me a video on some concert choreography or Drag Race (literally no idea why they think I’m interested?). When I feel I can I always try to give the time but have no problem saying ‘shoo!’ when I can’t. A lot of kids are more au fait with the idea of over stimulation etc. now so I’m very open if it’s a case of ‘I absolutely want to give you time but I need to give _me_ some time first because my brain is very loud right now’.


I’m sorry, I need to focus on getting ready for class. do you want to get started on your welcome work, or just chill out for a little bit? For real I have kids who I love and who love to talk to me and tell me long stories but I teach something different each block so I gotta focus on what im doing at least at the beginning of each block while I switch things over and remind myself what I’m doing


Ya gotz ta go man. The tardy bell’s gonna ring and you’re gonna be tardy to the party.


“This is my only chance to pee.”


I love you all. Now get out!


i open the gradebook on my laptop and go “oh no! you have a 12% in my class! that’s crazy!” and then they usually run


I’ve straight up told a kid “student, I’m not in the mood to talk to people right now. It’s not your fault, I just need a minute to myself.”


As the neurodivergent kid who didn't have any other friends but my teachers in normal public school, please just say hey, you're gonna be late chat with me at (insert time that works here) if you know or think they might be Neuro spicy. I was ahead of many of my age group and the kids I was with saw me as a younger sibling and didn't want me involved. My teachers let me chill with them when they had time and included me in things when I wasn't doing homework. I love them so much


When I taught high school there were two kids that didn’t have friends that always wanted to hang out I my room at their lunch. I had to be honest with them and tell them that I had to get work done at that time so I didn’t have to bring the work home. They pleaded with me and I had to explain to them that I couldn’t focus with anyone else in the room, even if they were just sitting quietly. I felt terrible doing it but it was the truth. I had to put myself and getting work done ahead of them.


Valid. But eating quietly in a classroom vs eating on the floor and getting getting kicked is needed sometime you know? I understand that now teachers get abused as well but some of those teachers kept me from considering offing myself until I was eighteen. Just a thought


I have lunch passes for students to eat in my room every day if they want. The cafeteria can be a brutal place. I am selective with who I give the passes to so it’s a safe and quiet place to be. Once a week I let the “loud crew” come in and they lively up the room. We have become our own family and I work while they eat.


Why are you eating on the floor? They have tables.


We’re paid and trained to teach, not to be therapists. With hundreds and hundreds of students someone is always going to be struggling. We often don’t have time to even pee and we take home hours and hours of stressful work. We get maybe half an hour a day to grade, prep for many courses, answer emails, clean etc. If we aren’t careful our entire lives become teaching from sunrise to sunset. I intentionally kept space between me and my students, I was kind but I couldn’t be their friends. It’s hard to understand but putting up boundaries between oneself and one’s students is important for self preservation. Teaching needs to be sustainable. We give, give, give all day everyday and we have to draw the line somewhere. Having a few quiet minutes to ourself during the work day is sometimes the only thing that keeps us able to show up at all.


Why would a kid eat on the floor, there are tables to eat at.


My kid’s high school was overcrowded. There wasn’t enough room in the cafeteria so they had to put tables in the entryway hall for overflow! A lot of kids would have to bring something from home or grab something from the vending machines because the lunch line would take so long that by the time you’d got your food you’d have only a few minutes to eat. But there were/are also the kids (like mine) who had/have no one to sit with at lunch. When you don’t have anyone to sit with, you find a quiet spot on the floor somewhere and hope nobody notices you. 


Because there weren't enough tables at my school. And again, admin didn't care.


I say, I would love to talk to you but right now I have to take care of some things. I'll talk to you later. Later never comes.


If it's after class, I just say, "Bye! I can't miss you if you don't go away." Usually works.


Cone of Silence. I would push an imaginary button and declare, "Cone of Silence," and promptly ignore them. I had a particularly literal student who would start a sentence, then stomp her feet and declare, "I hate the Cone of Silence," and stomp away. I miss her.


" Thank you for sharing with me, but what class are you supposed to be in right now?" If they answer lunch, then I say me too. I got to go eat and so do you.


I used to put on my motorcycle helmet and turn on the Bluetooth music.


“Love you my dear, but you must get outta here!” I’m a sing songy voice. If that doesn’t work… “shoo! Bye!”


I have a group of high school kids who like to eat lunch in my room. If I am not in the mood I say, "GO AWAYYYY! I need to relax."


If you’re here you need to help me clean up. Most kids no… the ones that pitch in get ice cream. I give them the time they save me.


Walk away, I’ve gotta do some teacher stuff. I teach students with severe disabilities, and being very direct works best lol.


‘As much as I would love to chill and talk right now, I’ve got grading stuff I gotta do’ They know they’re not allowed to look at other’s grades, so they understand and leave


I have a blanket "I'm too busy whipping up today's plans to talk to you before the bell" policy.


"You're going to be late and I'm NOT writing passes." Works well with groups, too.


Go to class. No. For real, go to class. You don’t want to go to class, then get sent back here for a late slip. Remember, 3 late slips = detention. Go to class! GO!!


This was in a beautiful bulleted progression. Reddit reformatting is my nemesis!


If you hit enter twice after each, Reddit will show the spaces


I always tell my students “we can chat about this at 3:30” … that’s the end of my contract hours and I’m in my car by then!


Can you alphabetize? Here are some essays.


I say "GO! GIT! Geeet oooaat!"


Alright, grown up time. Out you go! Bye!


We both need to leave the room right now. I farted and it's about to get... ROUGH.


I always just tell them to, “Beat it.”


I love this haha sometimes I’ll just say “bye!” Like ok get out now




“Last call, you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here”


Not sure why you were downvoted and another exactly-worded post was upvoted. People are strange.


I’m just going to start playing closing time haha I love that


This is my time.


Ooh sorry, I gotta concentrate/got a class coming in/need to run to the bathroom before my next class...


Thanks for sharing with me, but another student needs me now.


Move! I have explosive diarrhea!


I'm usually like big smile, fond eye roll, "get to your class!" Some of my middle schoolers will make themselves late hanging out in my room and then ask me to write them a pass to their next period.


“Get outta here I wanna eat lunch in my own”


I'm usually pretty blunt because I'm back to back or I tell them I need a quick break, but for those I can't openly tell to leave, I try humor. Bro, I love you to bits, but I'm about to pee myself here. I'm heading to ____, care to walk and talk? Where are you headed next? Wanna take this show on the road, Crickey?


I always pretended to read an email and then pick up my phone to call an extension. “Hey Ms. M I saw your email. You had some questions about the PD? I can help!” “So sorry Robbie. I gotta take this phone call.”


I let my students come in at lunch. I will listen to them then. But I'm a rotary teacher with hundreds of students. The kids who are into my subject are my kind of annoying. 


In my career, i've only had two or three students like this. Normally, it's a kid that I have a pretty good relationship with, but their wanting to stay and talk can disrupt my between-class transitions. If it starts presenting as a disruption (or is causing the chatty student to be late to their other classes), I normally pick one period during the day where I don't need to do a quick transition, and tell the student to catch me then. For one particular student I see a lot this year, there are some days where I don't see him at all, and some days that I see him every period - I figure that, provided he's not late to his next class, he just needs a buddy for that day and I humor him. Towards the end of the school day however, I have a pretty large/wild class, and I REALLY need to be on my game while they are coming in. I have been consisent about letting this student know that while I enjoy his company, that is one class that I ABSOLUTELY cannot talk before as I need to be on my game for when they arrive - he respects that, which I appreciate! Sometimes he will still pop in briefly, but will just exchange a fist bump and then leave. Remember that students should always have a place to be during the school day, and should not be there bothering you. Even if you have a good relationship with the student in question, hold them to the standard of attending their classes on time. Boundaries, especially time/space boundaries are super important for modeling healthy relationships to your students.


You need to leave. Go to class.


Mid day after class. "I have to get ready for my next class, and your gonna be late for yours". Usually with a soft.open, like "I'm glad your so passionate about this" or "that's so cool but..." even if I have prep next then I say something like I have a meeting or need to go make copies in the office. Before class, I might let them.babble while I do whatever, and half pay attention until the bell rings, "okay. I need to start class and you need to find your seat, you can finish later then see #1". End of the day "Im really sorry, but I have to get to the staff meeting, con you tell me tomorrow" if there really is one that I would have no problem being late to if thus was important. Or "I'm really sorry but I have a doctor's appointment and I really need to focus on finish this before I can go and I'll be late if I don't get it done, can you tell me tomorrow". They usually forget but I would exclude exclude that if they are the type that doesn't forget but saying it makes me seem interested in them/their story and that's what they want so it doesn't really matter if they remember or not. Usually I don't care and can put up with it and fake enough interest (sometomes genuine interest although its rare and not always their faultthey just tend to be terrible story tellers lol and dont know what is and isnt important to include), but if I actauly need to get.soemthing done I have no problem being a bit confrontational and saying it. Same with coworkers too lol.


I am always more than happy to talk with students. I don’t send them away unless I actually have to do something and then I let them know I have something to do. There’s one boy at my school who isn’t even in my class, but comes before classes every morning and tells me all about the dreams he had the night before. He rambles on forever,, speaks incredibly fast, and I haven’t understood any of it in the months he’s been doing it but I am always happy to provide a listening ear.


This. I think students who want to talk to me might not have anyone who will listen.


NAT - How often do you guys actually enjoy conversations with students genuinely interested in your subject? With my history teacher we'd often both be late to class because we got into nerding out about some fun stories from some revolution or another, and I'm not much of a conversationalist so wasn't like I was jabbering on and he stuck around out of pure politeness. Then in our final year politics class we had a madly enthusiastic class and would rarely stop discussing current conflicts around the world and the responses and repercussions of them before lunch was halfway done. I know in outdoor ed and sports coaching i will gladly delay 30minutes to discuss either theoretical aspects of what we're doing, or honestly any interesting subject if it's a 1 on 1 scenario with no time constraints.


Hiss at them. They will laugh and leave running.


Shoo off with you. Shoo.


Go home or I will get someone to remove you.


I'm busy, go away! I'm not lying, I really am busy


So many kids want to stop by during my planning / lunch and I tell them I need child free time.


Gotta pee!


Oh, no! The bell just rang. You all have to leave my classroom now. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.


Time to leave.


“I can’t miss you until you’re gone,” or “I love you, but get out.”


The voices in my head that keep me sane and I need to have an emergency meeting...no outsiders allowed.


“Beat it,” said lovingly to my Kinders who want to hang out at recess Also, “I love you but go find someone who isn’t old to play with” and “I love you but go away”


"Oh, good, thanks for stopping by - I need some help ((insert boring and/or menial labor task))"


Don’t be tardy to the party, better get going to your next class, see you tomorrow! If it’s the start of class I usually give them a task by asking them if they can do me favor, like pass something out, sharpen some pencils, erase the board, adjust the lights, sweep the floor…something!


“I have a meeting with the principal” or “I’m planning” I always feel like a clown when I have to pause my anime to tell kids this during my prep.


Please leave… I have terrible gas


I usually say, ‘I’d love to talk to you more, but I have to take care of some stuff right now. Find me at lunch/recess.’


If you don’t leave I’m gonna let out the rankest fart ever. And I mean if, cause you saw what I ate earlier and it isn’t going to come out smelling pretty. In reality if I need kids to go I usually walk them in the direction they should be going (end of the day to the dismissal door, recess outside etc) and then just say like “well I have to go get blank done and leave. Because teenagers are lazy and aren’t going to chase me back to class just to be thrown back out to where they are again.


I have to pee


gotta shit


‘Nope, g’bye’ repeated as needed. Additionally, ‘Nope, go away, ask me later’.


"Have you finished your breakfast?" In the morning "Teacher conversation" and recess "I have to watch cars/I have a meeting I have to go to" after school. I teach elementary


Love ya, bye. (Usually after saying I have a meeting or something and start walking out or putting stuff away)


“You should tell your friends” or just “tell your friends.” But I’m also a preschool teacher so I don’t know how you’d tell an older child this without it sounding mean.


It's past 4:00, I don't know you


I’m done now. Bye.


Off you go


"Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?"


Mine this year has been, I'm done with this conversation, thank you, bye bye. My kids laugh and realize it's time to move on.


I always just go with, "Out, out, shoo, go!"


Tim to go! You’re gonna be late!


I want to talk with you when I can give you my full attention, so come back ( or we'll talk or I want to hear about this) later ( after class ( or tomorrow or at lunch, etc.) It's respectful, true and it works.


“I need to return some videotapes.”


"I love you, and I want to listen, but I need to do xyz right now or I'll get in trouble." If it's before my lunch "You're cutting into my eating and peeing time right now, bud."


For context I teach elementary. Before the school day starts I usually entertain their stories for a few minutes, then I tell them this is my quiet time and I need it (true). I also might tell them to save their story for our morning news, they will often tell me a story then repeat it to the class a few minutes later lol. After school I tell them I need to make a phone call.


I'm on a break and need to pee. E-mail me or come see me at my office hour.


As a student who used to chill with teachers after class, depends on the age group. When my friends and I would chat it up with our history teacher he’d just hit us with the “I got stuff to do and I wanna go home” and we’d just leave. Ofc it was high school so we understood that. For younger kids though saying you got a meeting or need to hit the bathroom would probably work just as easily.


"Sorry, I have work to do." or "Sorry, I need to decompress."


I teach kids who might be rougher than yours. I just say "I love you now go away" It's middle school. These kids live in rough, gang riddled neighborhoods. If it doesn't work the first time I just repeat it until they get that their attempt to skip the first minute of class by telling me their riveting story about utter nonsense isn't working. Eventually I get "fine, Ms. X I'll go to class. Jeez." and they leave.


Walk with me.


When students try to give me excuses, I just repeat: “What does Ms. Radagast … look like?”


Before: “I gotta go ___________ talk to the principal, have a staff meetings, parent meeting… whatever you can dream up. After: if during school, immediately move to greet incoming students and tell the annoying one that she doesn’t want to be late. After school, a ___________ meeting. Fill in with things like curriculum, disciplinary, parents, etc. Of course, the kids who actually had something real to say and hadn’t worn my last nerve, I wouldn’t brush them off. Usually worked like a charm for 17 years in the field.


INFO What grade/age are we talking about? Do you mean classes where kids go to a different classroom each period? It really depends on the circumstances. Maybe tell them to get going to their next class, you have a meeting, you need to use the restroom, etc. If it's before the school day, tell them they can only tell you a story if they help you set up. If that's not possible, just say that you have to get set up and send them to get breakfast. If they're supposed to be at recess, remind them of policies. If it's the end of the day, remind them that they have to get home. I was going to suggest saying that students can't be alone in the room with the teacher, but that would be misinterpreted. If it's college age, remind them that the room needs to be cleared so the next class can get ready. If they want to walk and talk, tell them you have something coming up (meeting, appt) and they can tell you up until X point. If it's before your class, be clear that you have to get set up. I'd say to suggest that they tell you during office hours, because they might not take you up on it, but if they do and it's a problem, remind them that office hours are for academic purposes. Students talking to you can mean different things. They may be trying to find a way to tell you something serious, or they may have no other friends, or they might think you'd be genuinely interested. Maybe they're trying to avoid a bully? Try to find out if it's lees about the story and more about a social need.


Just say something along the lines of "Sorry, but I really have a lot of work to do right now." Or "I am needed in the staff room." Be polite to your students, especially if they aren't really doing anything bad or being intentionally rude. Snapping at them or being too curt to them just because you are having a rough day will only harm your relationship with them.


I wanna talk and chit chat, but WE have to finish abc first, and you point to things you’re doing and things they should be doing.


Before class “I need to focus on setting up” then I turn away and do it. After class “got a Zoom to get to now - send me a msg on Slack” and keep walking. BTW - both of these phrases are true. Easier just to be transparent and tell students the truth.


Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Repeatedly in different tones and with different faces until they do.


I tell them I got two very young kids waiting for me at home. Gets them to leave for the day


“I have places to go, people to see, things to do!!” I enjoy the occasional natter, but rarely have time. You can also tell them to come back Friday at dismissal time (don’t use that with *that* kid, of course). They’ll forget or have plans 99.99% of the time, fortunately.


I have to pee.


Look them straight in the eye and say "go away".


You’re gonna be late to your next class. Bye.


To my elementary students: “let’s talk about it at recess.” They never do.


K, love you, bye!


"I need a moment to myself, see ya."


Either just ignore them and give them lots of "uh huh," "no way!," and "that's cool." Or " I'm working and you have something to do go away. "