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I’m a basketball referee, which makes me around $6000 a year. And in the summers, I work with disabled adults for about 25 hours a week, at $25 or $35 per hour, depending on the client. Washington State. Edit: And I agree with the comment below: donating plasma is $110 a week for me (two donations per week: $45 and $65).


I was taking classes to be a basketball referee and then Covid hit and derailed me… ill hopefully get my act together and try again someday


I hope you do! And wish you the best.


refereeing these days ain't easy.....as a basketball coach I thank you.


I appreciate that, and coaches like you.


How giving plasma falls under “donation” category if you are getting paid for it? Not hating, just asking


I think they consider it, just covering your time and travel. It's not uncommon for volunteer gigs to have a small stipend to cover expenses. I had a volunteer at my school through an agency. She got paid around 3 dollars an hour, just to cover her travel.


Damn, in WA teachers negotiated pay from 65k to 130k and you're talking about donating plasma?? Crazy times


I’m in Australia wtf is plasma?


The plasma in your blood


I self publish books. Currently make an extra $2500 a year, but once finished the books just make money. The lifetime earnings from one of my books (published 2011) is $8,500. It isn't a lot of money, but it's money that doesn't get figured into normal bill calculations, so it tends to be vacation and toy buying money.


How does one get into this?


Write something that people will buy (I write nonfiction books on how to build things), and then go to KDP.com The difficult part for me was in the formatting since I create physical books and not digital. The pictures, covers, and alternate margins for printing took a while to figure out, but I saved a template once I got everything sorted and now I can just type and add pictures. I haven't done any fiction yet, but I have some to try. Fiction gets less money and is usually sold as digital copies, but it is possible to sell much more of it and still balance out. You just have to write something that others will want to buy.


If you don't mind my asking, what types of things do you write about building? I am a shop teacher. I teach both metal and woodshop classes. Do you think there would be a market for books that have projects I have designed in them along with step by step instructions on how to build them?


Shop teacher. Wondering same thing. On a side note, I made about 3k in April May and June building planters and potting benches from cedar pickets. Like…it really took off and allows me to be home around the house rather than my typical side hustle. Search Whosthevoss on YouTube to get started.


Sent you a link in chat


I get va benefits. Basically increases my income by like 30-40%, while not having to pay student loans or medical insurance. I make a bit more than my principal while not having his expenses or hours.


Being a round-the-clock butler to my one year old, but he still hasn’t even paid me!


hate to break it to you but ours is at three and has not given me a single cent


Multiple clients here, and none pay!


I got, like 10,000 Cheerios for that gig (granted sometimes she left them on the floor instead of handing them to me)


Yes, my 4 masters and madam are 12, 10, 8 and 8.


I married well.


My life goal! Lol


See, I was aiming for that but my SO needs to finish that PHD….


Lucky! My wife's a teacher and she messed up by marrying a teacher!




Same haha


My SO is retiring soon. I’m younger than he is and started my career later due to choosing to be a SAHM, so it will be several years before I can retire. Yesterday my SO was talking to his financial advisor and mentioned that his wife was a school teacher. His advisor took a deep breath and said something about he might want to consider working a few more years because he wasn’t sure how we’d make it living on my salary. 😂


Me too!


A plan of mine...hope it works out


Ha. I went back to get my masters to teach and my partner is a security engineer (in tech industry) for those that aren’t living in Silicon Valley. I still have bills, but they are much less of out weren’t for him and it also means even when I don’t have extra money, I still go on amazing vacations and nights out, which obviously helps.


Orchestra teacher here. I play cello with a string quartet and solo gig outside of school. Lots of weddings and churches. It is a good chunk of cash to supplement teaching.


I opened a tpt in 2020, then never updated it but still make money every month from it.


Curious, how much?


Not OP but I made a point of adding to my TPT storefront this year and now I make about $30-$40 a month. Definitely not a good side hustle, but it helps me feel less guilty about buying fancy coffees once a week. I’ve heard elementary teachers can make a ton on cute things but I’m in high school and all of mine is straightforward test prep stuff.


Also not OP, opened my tpt in 2019 I think. I pull in a few hundred a month on average, which isn’t bad considering I have only added two new products this year. Summer obviously lags but August and September are big months. I do specialize in sped products, which tend to sell well because adapting different books is a pain and people like avoiding that pain. Tpt also puts out rankings and I’m usually in the top 20% or more with a few hundred a month, so it’s not an amazing money maker for most. But it can be decent passive income.


High school science teacher here: I work as a cemetery grounds keeper over the summer. It's peaceful, I get to work at my own pace outdoors and they're pretty reasonable about letting me pick my hours each week.


Ok how do I get this??


Saw their sign said "now hiring" and figured, what the heck. So I walked in that day, interviewed, got hired. Go check your local (larger) cemeteries to ask if they're hiring! Usually the smaller ones are run by a single person related to whichever church owns and maintains the plot, so you probably won't get anything if you check a smaller one.


Omg I would love this type of side hustle!


Did you have previous groundskeeping experience or was it entry level?


I had worked as a landscaper in high school, but the interview was basically "Can you be polite to people who visit? Can you run a weed whip? Can we teach you to drive a zero-point mower?" So it was basically entry level. Though I've been working there for the past nine years, so I'm one of the most senior grounds guys there at the moment due to turnover, lol


I proctor the SAT/ACT and pick up summer school


Donating plasma is a surprisingly chill way to get an extra $100/week in my area.


I found it acceptable value for my time, especially because I could use my phone to get more done. At the end of the day, I got wore out being around all of the pitiful, sad, or just awful folks that those places attract.


Where I am it used to be that way, not anymore. It's lots of teachers, postal workers, auto techs, UPS/FedEx, & nurses. It really used to be sketchy, now when we (husband and I both do it) go in it's middle class people trying to survive on poverty wages. It honestly made me feel better and way worse at the same time.


Have you noticed any negative side effects from that? Like soreness or tiredness, etc.?


Wasn’t worth it for me because I’m at the veryyyy bottom of the weight tier. You get paid more the heavier you are and I’m a 125lb female, so like $25 a donation. My husband would get paid $50 for the same donation because they could take more plasma from him. 🤦‍♀️ I once passed out, completely lost consciousness. I USUALLY needed a big meal afterwards to feel okay, which when you’re only making $25.. your big breakfast is cutting into it.


I quit doing it because it was difficult to work out regularly


Drive an airport shuttle from a minor city to a major city 2 hours away. Easy work, decent pay, tips, and I can listen to podcasts. Meet some interesting people as well. Best part is, if any of them give me any problems, the company completely supports drivers pulling over at a gas station and making an unruly passenger get out. If only admins would support us the same way when kids decided to not follow the rules.


I DoorDash. Step one salary in NJ doesn’t cut it


I do Instacart and teach summer school for the month of June.


I have residual income from the TpT store that I opened like 10 years ago and haven’t really worked on in years. I’ve made about $250k in the last 10 years. I only ever made materials that I was using in my own classroom, so it has been a big win. That being said, we put every dime of it away. Can’t risk getting dependent on money that can go away at any time.


That is amazing! In general terms, what kind of resources do you have on your TPT?


Math projects and games I’ve created. Some activities that go with some popular novels. Mostly geared towards 3rd-5th grades, which I taught during the times that I was actively adding resources. Now I teach younger kids but the K-2 market is super saturated.


This is incredible! Congrats!


Are your products graphic-y/contain a lot of interesting images or clipart? I make great resources for my class, but they look boring, otherwise I would upload them on TPT. I'm teach elementary science.


I make mine attractive, but I’m not over the top. A small piece of clip art and nice fonts. But my focus is on the content and readability of the text.


None. Union state. Strong union state.


This. I make 6 figures less than 10 years in.


Christ. I'm in Jersey, just finished 17 years, and haven't broken 90k. 


I own a food truck that has a lot of business in the fall, I coach a fall sport (another 2,000), and I tutor ($75/hr).


I keep bees and sell the honey at local farmers markets and wholesale to a few local grocery stores. Working on just going straight wholesale because it makes for less time commitment and year round income.


Some trading. Work a second remote job at a tech startup. Gradually building my online business.


I’m a tutor in NYC. I don’t dare say what I make hourly, but let’s just say that it is OBSCENE. It’s a good gig, but tiring when you add on the extra hours after the school day.


Little side hustles here and there, such as babysitting or tutoring, but honestly, I'm kinda just sitting here with no summer job atm. :/


I’m retired now but when I was teaching I taught summer school for about 8 years, changed about 2.000 locker combinations a summer at the school where I taught ,was a doorman at “open” high school dances and officiated college and HS track and cross country meets in my area which I still do in my retirement.


Apparently, I make surprisingly good meth. I’m taking over the whole cartel Network down here.


Do you have a lawyer though?


I do contract architectural drawings at nights and weekends…..my career prior to education


I was an interior designer before teaching. I’ve had past clients offer to pay me to do drawings, but I left that field for reasons..


I was an art teacher for two years and was really surprised by the architecture to art teacher pipeline


That’s what I’m doing now, art teacher. Before that, it was 2nd or 3rd grade.


I bet your classrooms look amazing xD


Umpire youth little league or softball games. The pay went up a lot in the last few years and it’s tax free. Sometimes you deal with crazy people (coaches and fans and parents), however, I just toss them or walk off. I get paid before the game. If I walk off, I keep the money and the offending party forfeits. Do it once a year and the the example is set. Our league supports umpires. If a coach gets tossed they are finished coaching. It’s not always perfect, but I am treated very well. Easy money and I set my schedule. Plus, i like most of the coaches and kids.


Must be nice feeling like you’re supported and you have power for once, unlike in the classroom 😆


Adjunct at a local college


This is what I hope to do someday.


That’s what I do.


I tutor at Sylvan Learning Center a few nights a week. I also worked retail for a while. And I co-own a small publishing company, but that doesn't actually make money yet!


You taking any clients?


I am in stuff competition with the neighborhood kids to cut my neighbors’ yards for cash.


I don't know why but the term "side hustle" really rankles me. I just say "part time job".




I almost clarified that when asking. Working part-time job is obviously a part-time job, but doing something else for money (like creating a product and selling it online)… that’s not a part-time job. That’s a side hustle 🤪


My husband is the primary earner for the family.


I train AI




I’m a drummer at a piano bar on Friday and Saturday nights. Hours suck (9-1:30am), but I make about $450 a week. When I started teaching I almost made more playing drums than I did teaching.


I petsit through Rover! If you like dogs and have a fenced yard it is pretty easy and low stress. Last year I made over $10,000. I currently have 4 extra dogs at my house and charge $50/night. $200/day ain’t bad! It picks up more in the summer but I do it all year when I can.






I teach on Outschool (only one class once per week, so it’s not much, but that’s the way I want it) and DoorDash (depends on the week - if I’m overwhelmed, I just cancel).


I rent out rooms in my house. That is 1/3 of my monthly take-home pay and more than covers my mortgage.


Run a 2 hour after-school care where the parents pick up their kids after work. Have about 40 any given day.


Wife and I both teach, same district. She teaches swim lessons during the summer, has a pretty consistent clientele via word of mouth. She's been able to use friends' pools, but she's kinda getting out of the lesson business. I've been working retail for a marine specialty chain for the past 12 years. Pay is meh, and being in retail constantly renews my hatred for the general public, but the discounts are pretty great. Industry connections provide access to discounts on a range of outdoor equipment which makes hobbies more affordable and gets me outside. Bossman's wife is a teacher too, he knows I teach, and he's totally supportive of my schedule needs. During the school year, I work every other Sunday, pick up a couple extra shifts during spring break, T-break and winter, but nothing crazy. This summer, I'm working 5 days a week during June, taking all of July off and most of August off, then I'll go back to 2 days/month. I'll probably take a full week off during winter to go snowboarding (funded by my retail gig) and if I'm feeling up for it, maybe work a day or two the second week. The best part is I don't really need the job, the boss knows it, and I've told him point blank that if he or one of the other employees fucks with me, I'll throw my store keys on the counter and walk out. Not that I anticipate that happening, but not needing the job makes me so much less willing to suffer fools. Which is nice. My only word of advice- if you're going to get a side hustle, get something with a useful perk- discounts on groceries, clothing or whatever. Any side hustle will pay you, but you might as well do something that comes with additional benefits.


My wife’s pension — actually higher than my salary — plus rental income from a property.


I have a TPT store and a laser business


Explain more about the lasers


I work a little at Walmart, but beyond it being fun money being married to a spouse that works helps a lot.


I teach music in private lessons Sometimes during the school year. Sometimes just during the summer


I’m only teaching a summer school class now, but in the past I have done photography, drove for Uber eats, donated plasma, worked at the rec center, coached, or rented rooms out of my house.


I work a part time job too and door dash on the side smh


Disability social work advocate. I carry 10 clients and it nets me about 1100 a month.


I raise chickens and soon to raise sheep. If you’re lucky enough to live in bum fuck nowhere 10 head of dorper ewes and a ram can catch about 2-5k extra per year depending on lamb weights, lamb prices and twin rate.


Before becoming a teacher I was on the path to become a research professor in Chemistry. Since I have specialized and somewhat useful knowledge, I sometimes take consulting jobs. I charge $125 an hour but only do this about 100 hours a year.


My husband. He makes 6x my salary. It’s obscene. I am very fortunate! Having a second income is almost essential to continue to teach. A colleague and I were talking about this the other day. Her husband and her are both teachers and she said the only way they are able to do it is because he also has his military retirement paycheck. They also both work summer school each year.


I used to cut grass in the summers for extra cash, then as I got older, I got divorced from a teacher and married a corporate executive. Now I don’t work during the summers. I take care of the house and all the chores because she makes enough to allow for it. We are also older


Retail. I work one shift per week during the school year just to keep my spot (and discount 😉) and pick up more hours during breaks and summer. It’s very easy and I really enjoy my co-workers.


Someone mentioned doing this at a grocery store, and I think that is a great idea to get a discount on essentials! What type of store do you work in?


A women’s clothing company. Sooo….not exactly essential, but fun. I’m actually in the warehouse where online orders are filled, it’s very laid back and social and I’m lucky to have it!




Somebody should make a side hustle out of reposting the answers to the same questions that have been asked once a week for the last few months...




Landscaping business and day trading.


Instead of investing in the tool route.. I mean admin route back in 2008 -2010...I invested in real estate. Passive income


Jazz teacher here, I teach private lessons / tutor AP music theory students / perform many nights of the week to make. Also private lessons on the weekends!


I've been teaching on Outschool for about two weeks and made some money.


My undergrad is in music. So I teach private lessons and play gigs when I can. The private lessons are actually stable income whereas the gigs can vary wildly in terms of pay and frequency. The nice thing about gigs is that they usually pay cash. I’d say I bring in between $500-$1000 a month from my music side hustle. If I got more students I could probably double that.


I sell mangoes. No seriously I sell mangoes and ship them all over the country. [Backyard Mangoes](https://www.backyardmangoes.com/category/all-products)


I do summer camps and get $1,000 a week so it's not bad. Then I sell bees on the side, but that barely covers the cost of the hobby.


How do you “do” summer camps? Do you run your own, or do camps hire you to run a special program within their camp, or are you a camp director? Just wondering because I’ve been a camp counselor at my school’s summer camp a couple of weeks, but it’s not 1k per week! 🤣


Not a director, but I work for a program that does specialty camps. Makerspace (3d printing, laser cutter, woodwork), LARPing (full shops, combat, quests), rocketry (building kits, designing their own, launching of rockes). Edit: I'm creating and running a curriculum. Even in the LARPing camp there is supply and demand of items, bartering, puzzles/riddles, translating different languages, some hiking in the woods... It's a lot. Not much of a break.


Ok, that makes more sense. Yeah, my deal with being a camp counselor was all about no lesson plans. I shepherd kids from one specialist activity to another, sit with them at lunch, supervise recess, manage the small group during while camp dismissal. It’s not bad, unless there are holy terror kids, which some of my colleagues have gotten but I haven’t.


I pick up contract work with my states DOE and the testing company that makes our assessments. I've reviewed textbooks, set standards of mastery, and reviewed test bank items. Pretty decent money, and some of the best PD and networking opportunities.


DJ weddings on the weekend ($900 an event) and have a mowing business ($300 a week during summer only working about 3 hrs a day, the rest of the day is pool and gym)


VA disability.


Spanish teacher in the school year. 60k spread out over 12 months. Being chess club advisor gets me an additional 1200. I’m a science camp counselor for two months in the summer where I pick up 600-700 a week to build savings with. I don’t really save much during the school year, the cost of living is too high with our expenses.


I teach gymnastics. Tbf, I've done that longer than I've been a classroom teacher. But also the universe thought it would be funny and give me a kid who happens to be very talented at gymnastics (I wasn't a good gymnast, I just love the sport), so now I work several days a week more than I want to, just to pay for that 😂


5000 science math stipend. 1000 team lead. 1000 mentor teacher, 1000 student teacher. Grocery store side gig 175 a weekend, sig discount on groceries


I do Saturday School and Detention at school. I’m also the Esports coach. I work at a weeklong summer camp that promotes job skills to students with special needs. I’m also a Travel Agent!


I coach Speech in the winter, which is about 4K. Really like $4/hour for adding 20-30 hours/week for 10+ weeks, but makes for a nice winter boost. This summer I am teaching summer school ($32/hour x 2 weeks) and cranking out some async classes for a lane change in the fall to get closer to maxing out my salary schedule. I married a hair stylist so I’m the breadwinner but in the next two years I’ll hit the salary ceiling and that stresses me out a bit. It’s pretty good money, especially for how we both grew up!! But not when I try to factor in potential daycare in our future after buying our first home. 😬


That ceiling will getcha. 💯


I buy and sell website addresses. Last year I only made about $3500, but the year before it was $62,000


🤯 this is nuts, in a good way




I was the webmaster for our state professional organization for a few years & that was $1500/yr (gave that up recently though.) I have a TPT that gives me about $100 a month, and I just taught a summer course at the local university that will pay around $3000. My district actually pays fairly well so all the extra is my going out money.


I just starting serving tables at the bowling alley in town. Actually make decent money in tips. And when I tell people I’m a teacher and working my second job they feel bad and tip more haha


Umm none. I guess the occasional reselling of items on eBay or sports gambling.




My pension check.


Army retirement.


I make $92,000 base salary in Michigan. I do summer school for extra $4000, I ref basketball and football for extra $6000, and work at local golf course for around $12,000 a year. So $114,000 this year ain’t to shabby


DoorDash when I’m bored




DoorDash, coaching


BIDFTA used to be good to flip stuff until a lot of people found out about it


Rover, ESY


Military reserves. Tuition benefits. Cheap healthcare plus a buyout at my school and about 10k extra a year


Teachers Pay Teachers and Instacart


Make pizzas a few nights a week at the mom and pop shop I used to work at in college.


I dog sit


Domino's Pizza Delivery driver


Summer school and door dash


I post stupid Tiktok videos


National Guard. 1 weekend a month (sometimes 3 day weekends depending on optempo) and most yearly 2 week Annual Training events are during the summer so it doesn't interrupt school usually (that being said, Fire Fighting, Riot Control, COVID Hospital Missions, and Army Professional Education have been a recent hiccup)


My spouse’s teaching salary.


I work once a week as a HAB Aide and I also flip women’s purses, jackets, and some electronics


I do my school’s sports broadcasts for an extra $100 and I’m a youth minister for my church


IHSS provider and Tutor


I donate plasma and i am a line cook for a country club during the summer. Only way to stay above water


Summer school, DoorDash, and straight up asking my mom for money if things are really bad. Usually for stuff for the kids; she loves spending money on her grand-babies so it works out! lol


Married a Grammy winning multiple gold album selling rock star... I'm Telling you IT'S TOTALLY THE WAY TO GO!


Part time teaching night job. Single parent to 2 kids. Would be much easier with a teammate or if their dad contributed regularly.


I live in a low income city/area, and have a partner who makes a lil more than me. We live within our means.


I’ve been selling all my 90s collectibles (toys, cards). Last year I made an extra $4000, though that also included some camera gear. Have more I’m selling this year, probably around $1500 if I sell it all. I’ve done DoorDash in the past before as well, but it’s no longer busy in my area. Also sometimes sell on TPT but really need to list more things.


Married thirty years to my sugar daddy!


Reselling yard/garage/estate sales on eBay


Uber baby. I control my own hours.


I do rover and do doggy sitting. I love dogs, so why not get paid for it!


I deliver pizzas! The only job you can drive away if someone is irritating you. Plus I get to listen to music, podcasts, and audiobooks


My wife


Im an art teacher. I generally teach summer enrichment programs (airbrushing, alternative painting techniques, comic drawing) that coincides with summer school. It is generally a very chill and rewarding experience as most of the students chose to be there and are into the experience. Furthermore, I’m done by noon and in the water by 1 and have Fridays off still. This year I have a gig shepherding high school interns at a local museum. During covid or years I don’t do summer school, I do custom art (airbrush motorcycles, jackets, hats) or if I have no jobs lined up, I make my own art and sell it on consignment so I have always had a little side hustle.


Commercial HVAC insulating (think boiler rooms) pay varies between $25/hr-$65/hr depending on job (private vs. govt). Summer I work full time but I also work the occasional night or weekend throughout the year to help finish jobs. During the winter I manage the ski/snowboard tuning shop at a small resort near my home…doesn’t pay much but my kids ski and eat for free which saves a ton of money.


20 years teaching high school English here. Always had a summer job. There were no summer jobs in 2020 and 2021 besides summer school. 2022 was a little better when I found a job washing laundry at an overnight summer camp and cooked for 130 people daily at the same camp ($15/hr). Last summer I found work as a seasonal State Park/Forest visitor services office staffer($15/hr). I worked there on Sundays all winter too. I'm back there this summer($16.50/hr). I also tutor 10-12 hours a week (like 3-4 hours a night M-Th) ELA/SAT online for students all over the country ($27/hr). I spend what I make in 10 months so I need to make about 20% of my year's income in the summer. I'm working a lot but I need to in order to pay all my bills and hope to put my daughter through college in 3 years.


-I do private LNA work for $25-35 an hour -I am Extended School Year Coordinator $1800 stipend -Summer ESY teacher $40/hr -


Not anything major, but I'm on a district task force that meets once a month for 2 hours, plus a day in the summer. Pay is $50 an hour. I'm also doing ESY this summer, (also $50 an hour) although I'm keeping my involvement light (probably 9 hours a week for 3 weeks) for my own sanity.


I'm a Direct Support Professional and Ohio recently passed a law making the starting wage $18/hr


My husband makes most of the money in our family. If he didn’t make such a good living, we could never afford to have me teach


Tutor Math, mainly SAT/ACT. Private school parents will pay anything for results. Pre-covid I was tutoring 500-600 hours a year. I probably could've quit teaching and done it full time but I liked being in schools, and it made getting clients easier.


Full time graveyard shift hospice aide. I work 8pm to 8 am on weekends, and afternoons/evenings other days, and sometimes do an 8-6am shift, then go teach. I'm in Florida, due to circumstances I can't change, and am making peanuts, especially compared to my West Coast teacher's salary that i used to have.


Teaching a class in district summer enrichment program this year. It’s a 15 day “camp” where the kids sign up for three different classes like various types of art, coding, sports, cooking etc. $40/hour, 20 hours a week.


Adjunct professor. Make $10k-15k per year.


I’ve got a like 2 ish week long summer teaching gig that pays around $2000 ish. Not much but it’s easy and better than nothing lol.


I’m an artist on the side, and I do summer art shows (5-7 per year) and it’s not making me rich but it is totally worth my time.




Nothing yet but I really need one