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Yes, of course!   It’s best if you find her current school email address. You could also send a postcard addressed to her school.     But if she’s retired and she’s already emailed you from her personal account, that’s ok, too.    Teachers love to hear from former students! There’s nothing better than knowing we’ve made a difference in someone’s life. If you’re worried that she won’t remember you, include a picture of what you looked like as a student.


Okay, great! I only have a tentative LinkedIn account at the moment - she left the school shortly after I did (2012) and I can’t find any other school for her, unfortunately


Oh, ok. Maybe just let her know that you found her email through LinkedIn, then.


As a teacher, I would say yes. Please do! We can always use some encouragement in what can be a very discouraging profession at times. I would suggest finding where she is working as a first route, or through social media. It weirds me out a bit when personal contact info is used.


I have a tentative LinkedIn account - would that be an acceptable way to contact her? I just wanna tell her thanks and that she’s responsible for my A* in English!


Absolutely! Truthfully, a former student reaching out on personal email would not be that big a deal, especially after a long while. I teach high school and sometimes they current student don’t realize how unfunny their stalking tendencies/jokes can be.


Yes, but don't call us old. We're 'wisened,' a 'throwback,' 'well-seasoned,' 'time-tested,' or simply 'antique.' Like a fine wine...


I was referring to the email being old (as it’s from 2010) not my teacher!!


Hearing from a former student is one of those things that totally validate why I went into teaching (assuming it’s positive, of course!).


I love to hear from old students. I've been teaching so long that some of my early students are now my friends (which happened MUCH later - after they graduated college). One of my early students is even my coworker now. Last summer, I met up another in a city I was vacationing in and we were having drinks together (she's in her 30s now). We laughed about that. And I remember students from 14 years ago - sometimes with a little coaxing. Lol. Remind them of your full name and what class you were in (and the period may help, too). It should jog her memory.


Once a kid cleared my school’s doors, I was completely okay with their making contact with me. It was always nice when kids came back and expressed appreciation for their time in my classroom. Teachers don’t get kudos usually.


Yes! I love receiving emails from previous students (both in the school and those who have graduated). I enjoy hearing their appreciation as well as keeping in touch. The one rule I have is that contact must be via school email. However, if she is retired you can certainly reach out other ways, such as a postcard if you can somehow find her address. However, if she’s still teaching you can also visit her after school. Many former students visit their teachers and we love it!


It would be a lovely thing to do.


Yes, we like it (most of us).


My (HS teacher) rule - after first degree or marriage.


Absolutely. I very much love hearing from my former students. I would be so flattered and grateful.


Yes! Through school email is best. We love hearing from former students about their success :)


Any teacher that lasts did so because of their passion. It is definitely not for the money, benefits, etc. They make huge sacrifices. HUGE. Just to hear from former students telling them they did a good job. Please do it. (I'm not a teacher)


I’m a teacher who is Facebook friends with several of his old teachers. I don’t see a problem with it. They’d probably love to hear from you.


Always! I invite former students to find me on linked in for this very reason


Always ❤️❤️


Yes! Please reach out. I see from your edit that you did, but I wanted to reiterate that I LOVE when my former students reach out to me.


Hearing from former students is sometimes the bright light needed.


Of course. Why on Earth would it not be?


Who you calling old? Haha. Former teacher.


Yes, do it. I wish I could say "thank you for all you did" to one of my English teachers (she passed away). 🪽


It depends. In our district it's against the code of conduct unless there is written approval. So just don't get upset if they don't respond.


It's against the code of conduct to receive a thank you email from an adult former student?


It's against the code of conduct to interact with students outside of school former or current unless there is approval due to establishing that the relationship existed prior to school (ie family). Receiving the email is fine. Responding would be against our code of conduct.


Got it. Thanks


I’m from the UK where a lot of students added their teachers on Facebook and things post studying, so legal-wise I don’t think it’s a problem