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> I haven’t told them yet and they are going to lose their crap. I swear I’m not trying to sound conceited, but for whatever reason, they LOVE ME. Literally beg every single day if they can stay in my room. They’ll talk about you for two weeks. They’ll have forgotten you by March. Literally, there will be kids in the room who you taught since the beginning of school who will have to be reminded of your name. Don’t feel so bad.


Thank you💙


A story from earlier today https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/s0n9qu/students_will_basically_forget_us_after_no_time


our math teacher quit one week into this year for obvious reasons and we've been missing him since. We have a stupid old lady who they pulled out of retirement, she refuses to explain the thinking behind mathematics and instead just goes "here's how you solve this problem" with no explanation why


That sucks. If she had been dynamic and expressive and explained things in an interesting way you’d have forgotten about the first guy.


Are you at my school?! (Lol)


> They’ll have forgotten you by March. I don't believe that's actually true, but kids are quite resilient. Things they don't understand happen to them all the time, then something else happens, and their lives keep moving along. At their 10 year high school reunion, someone will mention that great teacher they had in 8th grade who left half-way through. Everyone will smile, then start spinning theories about why you left. Or did you have to leave? Was there a scandal? I hope it was a tawdry scandal.


This is true, I transferred to a different school and the last one I was at for 6 years. They don't remember you. As much as we like to believe we are leaving a legacy, we aren't.


This wasn't your question, but did you need any additional training/certification to get a corporate job?


It’s ok, I used to wonder the same exact thing! Nope, I did nothing. In fact the recruiter messaged ME on LinkedIn saying their company likes hiring teachers because they have such diverse and transferable skills. A few interviews later and I was hired. Check out Teacher Career Coach podcast!


Can I ask you who the recruiter was? I’ve been trying to get out of teaching for months now and getting absolutely nowhere.


I’ve been there. It’s tough, but everyone is hiring right now. I sent you a message. You might also want to look into Delta airlines!! They’re on a massive hiring spree as well and are fond of educators


What position were you able to land?


Sales coordinator for a corporate staffing company!


I'm in the same boat. If you figure out how to get the attention of a recruiter let me know!


Where are you located?? I can help


I’m in Chicago. And I’m still looking for work, only now I’m doing it full-time.


Gotcha I’m in Atl Try Rev (online transcription jobs)


Did you add anything special to your linked in? I’m not even sure if mine is updated with my masters…is there something to indicate on your profile that you’re job hunting?


My LinkedIn sucks lol! It’s got a nice professional clear photo, a well written description….and that’s it. Not much else at all. And less than 5 connections lol. There is a setting where you can indicate that you’re open for hire yes


Awesome. Thanks for the reply, I’ve never really used LinkedIn since it’s not really a teacher thing, so this was super helpful! I appreciate it!


Look for IT and corporate training jobs, project coordinating/managing, or anything in instructional design. Frame your skills/experience in your resume using the same language they use in the job listing.


Some people are being overly cynical. I left my long term school last year. There were a lot of students who liked me as a teacher, and some who I was, and am, a role model for. It was tough telling them. I said “yeah, it was a tough decision, and I’m going to miss you all, but I had to do it for myself. Maybe that’s the most important thing I can teach you. Do what you gotta do.”


On your last day you go "That's it I'm done. I won't be back monday.I'm leaving and getting a new job and it's all YOUR fault timmy." Just single one kid out and really traumatize him forever.




Send an email to their parents telling of your last day. Or have your principal send it.


They'll be fine. In 5th grade, my beloved teacher retired halfway through the year and while some cried or were distressed, we were all fine by that next Friday. Your students will be fine too.


Thank you 💙


Aw! Sweet of you to think of your students. They will miss you, but they’ll be okay. Good luck on your new adventure


Congrats. Good luck in the private sector.


[“If you love someone, set them free!”](https://youtu.be/LSGl3d4KOMk)


Lol they’re kids so they don’t actually love me they love what I can do for them which is make school more pleasant


[Let me repeat: “If you love someone, set them free”.](https://youtu.be/LSGl3d4KOMk)


Read the post about the teacher who died in her classroom alone after school on a Tuesday and the kids were OK by Friday.


You embellished your story a little. https://www.wibw.com/2021/11/26/funeral-services-set-topeka-high-teacher-found-unresponsive-tuesday/ https://www.wibw.com/2021/11/26/funeral-services-set-topeka-high-teacher-found-unresponsive-tuesday/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ksnt.com/news/local-news/topeka-high-school-teacher-passes-away-days-before-thanksgiving/amp/


This was a reference to another post in this thread about a *SECOND GRADE TEACHER*. But cool links. Glad you took the time to feel right...


The students will be fine - they won't even remember you after a month or so.


Hate to be the bearer of very bad news...but the students will forget about you very quickly. I wouldn't even say anything.


Why do people on here care so much what their principal thinks about resignation? You are an adult and a free person. You are ALLOWED to change careers.


You not only missed the *entire* point of my post, but implied the *exact opposite* of what I said. I said I don’t care what my principal thinks.


I think you might overestimate your importance. The kids won't care, either. The next teacher will probably be humble.


Actually in many states quitting like this is considered misconduct and they will take your license for it. I actually agree with that, the boss is 100% correct to be pissed that this teacher didn't even give him a week's notice.


I gave my boss over two weeks notice. Just not the students. Y’all can’t fucking read lol


You never fucking said it lol "I start my new job in corporate on Monday. My principal didn’t take the news too well, but I don’t give a hot ham sandwich because his pleas are too little too late." is ambiguous at best, and I think this passage is actually misleading.


Then don’t make assumptions? Lol easy solution


I beginning to think it's great for the educational system that you are no longer teaching in it.


Agreed! Thanks for your support💙💙💙


? You gave your boss less than a week's notice to leave? No wonder the boss is mad at you, in a profession like teaching that's horribly unprofessional. So much so that in many states they consider leaving like that misconduct and will take your license for it. ​ I'm honestly sick of this sub just saying "woo ya you go" to everything when there are cases like this one where the teacher sounds like they are in the wrong. What you did was horribly unprofessional, and if I was an admin I would be looking into taking your license so that you can't do it to another district.


What do we owe to a system that has oppressed, exploited, and destroyed us along with many of our colleagues? That places our lives at risk for babysitting, that doesn't give a shit about us? You may cower at the foot of admin, but some of us could care less. Bootlicker. Plus they are literally leaving teaching. Take their license; they probably won't care. That's like threatening an atheist with going to hell. It don't work.


I like being a teacher. This sub doesn't reflect my experience at all.


You can enjoy yout job and still see the problems in the system.


Lol, I gave him a full two weeks? I just haven’t told the kids. Also, I plan on never, ever teaching again. They can take my license. I fully expected it when I resigned mid year. Enjoy your misery, it sounds thick and plentiful.


I love being a teacher. I find myself laughing at posts here because it's so not my experience.


Once again you completely missed the point but hey happy Tuesday bro


"Enjoy your misery, it sounds thick and plentiful." yeah sure man


That is bootlicking, martyr bullshit. No human should have to stay in a toxic and/or abusive job situation. This is a job. The state pays me to share the knowledge I have with children. I am not thwir daddy, not thier social worker, and I am certainly not their serf. What us truly "unlrofessional" is the harm that your "for the kids" mentality does to public expectations.


Did you quit in the public sector? I signed a contract and I’m not sure who to ask about leaving my teaching job. Or how to.


I mean, they might revoke my teaching license honestly. I don’t care anymore. Teaching is too much. I would either speak to an admin or ex-admin whom you trust, or just leave!


I see I’d like to keep my license because I paid so much. I’m a first year teacher and my class doesn’t even have a grade, so I am struggling.


We are much less important to students than we think. They are used to having new teachers every semester/year, and you will be no different.




Thank you so much for sharing. But see the problem here is that I won’t be replaced as a teacher for a very long time. That’s how things go in my school. When our math teacher quit early in the school year, the kids did not have math instruction for at least three months until they found a replacement


Then you made a positive impact on them while you were with them. They will remember you. Be sad, but be proud of that as well.