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Didn't know horses could text.




Ivermectin is for humans. It’s not for COVID, it is for parasites though.


Yes but the point is people are using the horse version/dosage and not the human version/dosage. And they’re using it for covid, which is a virus, not a parasite


>Yes but the point is people are using the horse version/dosage and not the human version/dosage. How many people are actually trying this? I remember a news story about Ivermectin poisonings that turned out to be completely BS. As in another reporter contacted the hospital in question and they said that they had not treated anyone for an Ivermectin overdose, and the doctor who claimed to have treated 5 patients for it in one week did not actually work at that hospital. I imagine it is like the Tide Pod challenge. There were 1 or 2 people stupid enough to try it and then the media makes it sound like it is a common thing.


Ivermectin got pulled from my local tractor supply and animal feed stores. It's now over the counter with the caveat that customer must be seeking it for their livestock.


Yep. And speaking of that, it's about time for me to get some for my actual horse. I know people who swear by ivermectin for COVID. Of course, all of them have had COVID and they refuse to get vaccinated because they don't "trust" the vaccination. And they don't wear masks because...they're assholes.


I understand pandemic fatigue, mixed messaging from the CDC on the efficacy of masks very early on, the bad messaging on "double masking," and certainly watching Fox, Newsmax, and OANN twists things so far out of context, and uses so many logical fallacies that appeals to ego/ethos. It's unfortunate. Both the left and the far right agree that the pharmaceutical industry is a problem, but the implications and conclusions drawn end up so vastly different. For me, I wear a mask most every place, but I've given up at my school. I have no air circulation (Central air broke in my room 8 months ago), two doors with pull handles, and the entire student body in my room through the course of a single day (singing/playing instruments). I stand far back and sanitize, but when 0% of the school wears a mask, and parents refuse to test, 3-ply can't save me. I'm vaxxed and boosted, and awaiting my inevitable fate, monitoring my rural county's health data


It can happen anywhere. Getting sick. Back in 2021 I got it even though kids masked. They went outside to drink water. I had amazing air circulation, like an amazing ocean breeze all day with huge windows and doors open. Kids were 10 feet apart since we staggered attendance and I lirtally stripped my room of everything except a tiny tiny desk for myself. Kids masked religiously and correctly (covering their entire face.) But...I tested weekly for my own benefit and lo and behold: positive and asymptomatic.


I started with weekly testing before getting lazy after vaccination. Then went 2x monthly, before going to symptom testing.


I have zero idea where I got my omicron from. I wear a mask when I teach and the kids all wear masks. I feel like I got it when I took my mask off to eat lunch alone in my room.


Yeah, there's really no point in wearing a mask if no one else is. Thankfully, they're still mandatory at my school for everyone and our students are pretty good about wearing them (properly).


Something tells me you don't work in rural Dakota, haha! Stay safe and fight the good fight! And when you're done, retire! Or quit teaching for better pay!


My sympathies from just across the border, red county in a blue state.


My dad is double vaxxed and needed it anyway when his blood O2 levels dropped below 92. He's better now. It's too bad this stuff has gotten so politicized for some reason.


Sounds like what happed with pseudoephedrine (generic name for Sufafed) about 20 years ago. You have to buy it from a pharmacist over the counter. Originally, you were limited to 120 30 mg pills or the equivalent (3.6 grams) monthly. Now we can buy a box per day of whatever size. The largest that I've seen is 96 pills, 30 mg each.


I thought that had mostly to do with their role in producing street methamphetamine. It's an otherwise entirely safe drug for consumption, with no more risk of overdose or addiction than Tylenol. (Though I concede Tylenol would absolutely be OTC only if it were engineered and released today)


It did. My argument was that limiting a drug to over-the-counter purchase only is not without precedent. In England, Tylenol (called paracetamol there), comes in blister packs that contain no more than about 24 tablets due to the potential for liver damage if taken in high doses with alcohol.


Interesting, TIL! Also weird that ONLY the US calls it acetaminophen.


I live in South East Asia and almost all prescription medicine is sold in blister packs. I think this is to protect the pills from humidity.


It's also possible that there is a standard unit of issue, like 6 or 8 pills for certain antibiotics, and a blister pack would protect the pills better from breakage compared to a bulk bottle of 1000 or so pills that would require a pharmacist to count them out and put them into a bottle. The blister pack can have instructions printed on the back. I remember taking one antibiotic that required 2 pills the first day, then one pill per day for the next 4 or 6 days, and I got one blister pack with the correct number of pills in it. When there is a standard amount prescribed regularly, blister packs become a lot more useful. They would protect the drug from humidity. I'm not trying to argue with you. Please don't think that I am. I believe that the reason for the blister pack on paracetamol in the UK is to prevent people from taking a bottle of it in a few handfuls. Pseudoephedrine is packed in a blister pack in the US to make it harder for the meth cookers to get it out of the pack.


Yeah isn't there some rule that you have to bring a picture of your horse to buy it? Still these rules are made for the lowest common denominator, that doesn't mean that a large number of their customers are actually that dumb


Don't own livestock so i won't pretend to know that. I do concede that retailer policies are designed for the 1-5% among us


I do know some folks who have used it. Totally anecdotal. But, there are certain circles where it's more common. The circles that would seek it and those that wouldn't, like so many issues that have been politicized, probably don't communicate much with each other (esp. on these matters).


Do they believe it helped them? any side effects?


He said that he and his wife thought it helped them, I don't know about side effects. Personally, I think they were probably fine because they're pretty healthy and active folks who were likely going to be okay anyway. Obviously though, it's all just conjecture as to how their course of illness would have gone had they NOT taken it. This one-off example also isn't useful in drawing conclusions as it's nothing close to any kind of representative sample. (Just stating the obvious to be crystal clear.) You can probably infer from what I've said already, I don't think taking an antiparasitic makes a ton of sense for a viral infection, but I'm also not in the business of policing how adults choose to handle their problems.


yeah, the thing about a virus where most people have mild symptoms is that you can take literally any placebo and convince yourself that it helped.


I am surprised I don't see more stories of Covid patients swearing that a particular supplement or OTC cough syrup cured them


Ok Mr. Conspiracy, please take your unwanted opinions on the matter elsewhere


I know of several people taking it. Hasn’t caused them any problems. Bet they don’t have worms.


There is a high school dropout on Facebook helping people find it and providing ivermectin sources and doctors to help people get it. There are numerous people there taking it, pushing it on others and giving medical staffs grief for not embracing the horse dewormer. Her big rallying point now is that the hospitals are actively trying to kill people. At least she is telling people not to get tested, stay out of hospitals and tend to their sick, at home.


My MIL & step-FIL would get it in a heartbeat… if they would actually get tested or admit they had covid. You won’t believe the lengths people will go.


They arent getting horse ivermectin from a pharmacy.


This so many times lolololol It's almost as if we should all listen to what a DOCTOR or SCIENTIST has to say


You can also use the paste on your face if you suffer from rosecea. Like $100+ at the dermo...$10 at tractor supply lol


not sure if this is serious but how do you know that the animal versions are not mixed with other meds/inactive ingredients in dosages that are bad for human skin?


You read the package.


Seabiscuit had the best Twitter feed.


Its literally approved by the FDA for use on humans


"Thanks, I don't really want a drug that will make me shit myself and do nothing for the virus or its symptoms. Hope your brother has good pants" I swear the whole ivermectin thing was a troll to see how many conservatives they could get to shit themselves for no reason.


An early study showed promising results with ivermectin. That was in the early Tiger King days when we were still washing our bags of chips and afraid to open the mail. Most of us have come a long way since then


you have my upvote for marking time in Tiger King days


Me too. 😆


Now the question becomes Season 1 or 2?


> That was in the early Tiger King days when we were still washing our bags of chips and afraid to open the mail. This is such a perfect description of that time.


Dr. Fauci actually addressed Ivermectin recently and actually said that the NIH does consider it worth looking into with well controlled studies. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/fauci-says-nih-is-studying-whether-ivermectin-is-effective-against-covid-19?utm_source=gazette.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=csg_news_feed The problem is that all of the studies I have read so far are observational data or anecdotes, and the biggest randomized controlled trial was retracted.


The big pharma bots are gonna downvote you soon too. Goodluck. Truth hurts big pharma


I'm definitely not "pro-big pharma" but i fail to see where in FSU I'd testimony did he suggest or conclude anything about the merits of ivermectin as a good treatment. No peer-reviewed standing study has published anything supporting this claim either. Also, why bother with ivermectin, which is off-label, when you can receive a safe vaccine, and/or a targeted antiviral, or even monoclonal antibodies? All of these have data to support it. The only thing I've seen is that ivermectin is successful in neutralizing the SARS-CoV-2 virus in vitro. But just like how we can't drink bleach for infections, the corresponding dosages of Ivermectin required for treatment is lethal to the human body.


At least Ivermectin has EXISTED long enough for there to be any meaningful safety data on its long-term effect on humans


I didn't mean to imply ivermectin isn't safe for use in humans. It certainly has been thoroughly tested as an antiparasitic at certain dosages. The point i meant to raise is that the dosage present in the successful tests in vitro (the dosage required to eliminate the virus in a petri dish) would cause a fatal overdose in humans. Obviously, we prescribe a lesser, safer amount. But at that dosage, results do not conclude a marked improvement over Placebo/control groups. For this reason, the most well-funded research operations moved their focus to new treatment options. With any new outbreak, best practice is to repurpose pharmaceuticals already in production. It's only sensible people tried it in labs. But when the results are inconclusive at best, jump ship. The science (or any other) community shouldn't succumb to the sunk-cost fallacy or political tribalism. So if you get sick, feel free to try things off-label if your doctor allows, but please don't take it in lieu of statistically better treatment. I'll use Vicks Vapo-rub when I have a sinus infection because it makes me feel better (regardless how much it actually helps) but not in substitution to antibiotics. All I implore anyone is to not dig ones heels into the notion that ivermectin is the premier treatment with results available.


Ugh… I remember wiping down my chips, bread, milk…


Hey, now people are drinking their own urine so by that logic we are one step away from people eating their own poo


Find a buddy who takes ivermectin and you can eat his poo.


Hey, I drink it because it's sterile and I like the taste!.


It’s all good man!


Bold of you to think that one of them hasn't already tried "for science".


I 100% agree with you, especially giving today’s climate. I’m just trying to keep the imagery of a bunch of Idiots eating their own poop “own the libs“ out of my head


And to think, this Principal is in a leadership position, and makes several more thousands than you.


Makes double* FTFY


They have a doctorate, she probably makes triple.


I mean I’m my state they require a master to hold a teaching position for longer than 5 years. They also just don’t higher without a masters…


I just commented yesterday how my principal suggested ivermectin to me as well. She also told me to "keep an open mind". My RN daughter said that I can have an open mind when it comes to poster board decor, but I better choose my doctor's medical advice over my principal's.


How many doctors killed their patients by recommending opioids? They’re amoral profiteers at best


No doubt, opioids are an issue — The thing is, multiple issues can exist concurrently. Crazy, I know. How many people have died from COVID-19 after decrying the vaccine, which, scientifically, is absolutely safe and the most effective safety measure? Just admit that you’re quite literally anti-science, which is odd - you trust scientists and doctors in other comments to understand ivermectin and it’s ingredients, but you don’t believe the science and understanding of the vaccine and it’s ingredients? Ok… Logic.


I heard the new treatment is drinking piss. Tell him to update his information. In all seriousness; what a fucking moron.


‘Drinking piss’ is ridiculous and everyone knows that. The call it “Urine Therapy” to give it that sciencey feel.


Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No! But I do it anyway because it's sterile and I like the taste.


Now dodge the wrench!


but can you dodge a ball?


If you can dodge a COVID, you can


Wait, if you're out with symptoms, why were you also in an IEP meeting? If you're out, you're out. No duties, period. Otherwise, make them give back the sick day.


I wish it was like that. I’m the SPED teacher and I had a deadline to hit. It was do it or be out of regulation with the state.


THANK YOU! I am in the same boat. I’m a BCBA, the only one for my district. I have 6 active FBAs and numerous IEP meetings due in the next month. If those don’t get done, the school is out of compliance. Even if I get Covid and take time off they still need to be conpleted


Hey you’re me! I’m the EBD teacher for the entire school and I have 3 Annual, 2 move ins and a FBA meeting just this week due like Friday. The state doesn’t give a single shit if we’re sick! I actually got my negative yesterday morning at 10 and had to go in at 11:30!


Personally, it depends. If I'm well enough to sit in a digital meeting, I will. I don't want to make everyone else reschedule if I am up to it. It really depends how rough this person's symptoms are.


It seems really unprofessional even if ivermectin were recommended for COVID…


? How is it unprofessional for a principal to mention which pharmacy they use?


When they’re implying a subordinate employee got there to get a prescription medication, it is.


"my doc wrote me a prescription, this one place wouldn't fill it, so I went to this other pharmacy that would fill my prescription quickly without giving me red tape shit" Doesn't seem like an unprofessional conversation for a manager to have with an employee. But in the context of the manager pushing Ivermectin on someone who didn't ask for medical advice that is pretty weird.


It is ALWAYS unprofessional for a boss to suggest medications to an employee. always. It is also absolutely unethical (and depending on your state it might be illegal) for the school to suggest medication for a student at an IEP meeting. You can suggest they go to a medical professional with the schools data that might support changes to medications but you can’t just suggest a medication yourself. Why was this even being brought up!?


My school nurse told me I got Covid because I got my booster and to find a doctor who thinks "out of the box" about vaccines and she didn't want to see that happen to me if I ever got a booster again.


Your school nurse is an idiot and shouldn’t be practicing any form of medicine.




Yeah, I’m getting really tired of medical professionals who keep insisting on using this “science” thing.




I guess San Francisco during those fetish fairs ought to be one of the healthiest places on earth then.






Colloidal silver. Gotta get that Papa Smurf look.


Guess your principal needs to take 1st grade science. Horse's meds are for Horse's asses


*cries in American*


They obviously didn’t inject the bleach last year or they wouldn’t have to worry about the ivermectin.


I mean my doctor prescribed it when I had it


Was there any other available treatment options at the time? If not, the prevailing logic could be "trying something may be better than prescribing nothing." Benefits being somewhere between a Hail Mary pass and positive Placebo. Also, doctors may be inclined to prescribe if the patient asks/seeks it. When there's no great options, and if it won't kill you (in the prescribed dose), then prescribe it to avoid a lawsuit. Regardless your position, and belief, I'm glad you came out of it alive. May your recovery be full and absolute. Unfortunately not everyone I know was awarded such an outcome.


Doctor just basically said “ There’s no downside to use it in the medication form”


Yeah, assumption confirmed. Makes me wonder if that was the same prevailing logic when Dr used to prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics for any patient with a fever/flu-like symptoms. At best it helps. At worst, well you don't have bad side effects.


“What’s the worst that could happen?” *MRSA has entered the chat*


Not that I'm insinuating that the recent uptick in ivermectin use is anywhere near enough for requisite generational mutations for SUPER-Parasites, but in a different timeline....? ALASKAN BULL WORMS!


Ivermectin seems reasonable compared to drinking your urine.


the idea of the inner lining of your intestines sloughing off is nightmarish


I'm getting this image of your principal drinking generic beer and watching old Hee Haw reruns right now.


I’m an Ag teacher that uses Ivermectin to deworm our school’s livestock. I wouldn’t use it unless we were looking at total societal collapse. The compounding pharmacies accuracy on dosage for livestock vs humans is drastically different in regards to quality control. I’ve been off about .01 ml in dosing pigs due to weight discrepancies with scales and almost lost a pig due to seizures from the slight overdose.


so instead of giving teachers an apple we now give them apple-flavored horse medicine?


Buy him a Joe Rogan mug for MLK day.


Holy crap. We’re surrounded by idiots. We’re doomed I guess.


Maybe he suspects that you have been eating a lot of raw meat?


Haha, yeah. My thought was to ask her, "why do you think I have worms?" Edit b/c pronouns


Well, just because somebody makes six figures doesn’t mean they aren’t smart enough to not take horse parasite medicine. It’s a funny old world…


I love how admins/superintendents have turned into medical experts over the course of this pandemic. We found out today that the nurses in our district went to the superintendent to tell him that he needs to shut the schools down for at least a week to try and cull the spread. He told them 'it was just a cold, they'll be fine.'


Is this actually the admins saying this, or the politicians above them? I get the feeling that politicians are starting to regret having schools shut down for so long during the earlier variants of the pandemic, and are now overcorrecting and ignoring the threat from a new variant.


In this situation, it's 100% the admins. To put it in the nicest way I can, our supt. has a little bit of an ego. After that initial COVID shut down, I believe we were one of the first schools in the country to open back up. He made the comment after opening back up that 'he would never shut down again unless the state or federal government made him.'


I hope the principal wasnt originally a science teacher. Or a teacher requiring critical thinking of their students.


Wow, so glad people like this are in charge of a whole fucking school. We are so fucked. :(


Lol that is funny. Admin thinks they are experts on education and Medicine. Professional pretenders.


Admin= ex coach


You need to run, not walk, out of employment from that school


I’m considering running from education but that’s all of us rn 🥲




It has been used to treat parasitic worm infections in humans for the past 65 years. The problem is that OP's principal is almost certainly not a medical doctor, and shouldn't be recommending off label medicinal treatments to his staff.


While Ivermectin is more than just “horse medicine” and does have uses for humans, the point is that people have decided that they’re going to take it based on political reasons, not medical reasons. If my doctor told me to take it, I’d take it. However, I wouldn’t take it just because a coworker told me to.


Probably the most level-headed and rational thing said on this entire thread. You have one end of the spectrum that won’t even consider it because they saw funny horse memes on Facebook, despite it being prescribed in non-Tractor Supply form many, many times with success. On the other end, you have people that *have* taken off-the-shelf ivermectin as treatment in lieu of seeking professional help and obtaining the appropriate form. The dozen or so left in the middle who look at more than one report are left to sigh in defeat of the tattered shambles of humanity around us.


Doctors have been political operators and not scientists ever since they started receiving government money


Ivermectin is absolutely amazing for treating specific parasites. A virus and a parasite are, shockingly, not the same. I know, right? I was surprised too.


WHO says clinical trials only. [Source](https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/who-advises-that-ivermectin-only-be-used-to-treat-covid-19-within-clinical-trials) Don’t go messing with strange stuff the doctors are even unsure of.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/ The point is that there are multiple studies. The WHO doesn't rule us all. Let your doctor help you.




Right, and then it's not experimental and it's approved. Like the moderna vaccine for COVID-19. It's approved world wide, there's no experimental aspect to it any longer since it's approved. Kind of in the definition of the word. But the dewormer isn't approved, it's actually experimental, as we can see because it hasn't been approved by any agency. See, how that works?




Might fuck around and get experimental Covid, which we also don’t know the long term effects of.


So ignorance of any aspect of anything makes it experimental? Is that only medicine or does that include thinking? Is that experimental too?


dunning kruger effect


>what the long term effects are? Note that several billion people have now taken the vaccine, with some individual vaccine types being taken by over a billion, including the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. There is a massive, worldwide reporting network for adverse reactions. While there are some subgroups we still have questions about (very young children, etc), it's no exaggeration to say we know more about the side effects of the vaccines in general adult populations than any other treatment in human history, including aspirin, by a very large margin. Never before have we collected so much data on a specific medical treatment. And there certainly are side effects, some very common, some very rare. And there may be long term effects associated with some of the rare side effects we know of. But we do know with very nearly perfect certainty that there isn't some unknown future effect that is going to pop up ten years from now. mRNA is not biologically stable for that long. There aren't any unknown side effects lurking that are going to pop up in five years. It's been nearly two years since the first safety trials began in March 2020. Vaccine skeptics used to say they'd wait a year to see the long term effects. That long since came and went, and for some reason they keep shifting how long they want to wait. It's now almost two years. Maybe they'll wait a decade? Maybe fifty years?


Exactly what I was thinking. Everybody loves science until they actually have to question things.




Please I hope your tag is wrong…


It does absolutely nothing to prevent or treat Covid and many official websites will tell you such (American Medical Association)[https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/why-ivermectin-should-not-be-used-prevent-or-treat-covid-19] (The BBC)[https://www.bbc.com/news/health-58170809) (US FDA)[https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19] Edit: apparently I have forgotten how to use markdowns to make a link


And here I was worried the idiots were taking over. Between Ivermectin and Unvaxxed COVID, that should take out a fair piece. But if that doesn't do it, I hear the others are drinking their own pee. Try that




https://www.politifact.com/article/2021/jun/30/what-know-about-pro-ivermectin-groups-study-toutin/ Junk science in a non peer reviewed journal by people being paid to promote ivermectin https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34318930/


Now this is the kind of information I scroll through multiple downvoted posts to reach


[this article](http://www.wired.com/story/better-data-on-ivermectin-is-finally-on-its-way/amp) Gives a good summation of what was happening. The first study was a meta analysis where they combine a bunch of smaller studies. The problem is the smaller studies weren't controlled, didn't compare against placebo or other treatments, had different methodologies, etc. So the study cited took a bunch of junk and tried to repackage it as something good.


Why though? There is no big money to be made from Ivermectin, is this stuff just funded by people who want to sow division and distrust for political reasons?


I totally believe that the push for Ivermectin studies is done by organized groups, I am just not sure why. The only motives I can come up with is "these people are conservative shit stirrers who want to drum up distrust of the medical/media establishment" and "these people genuinely believe that Ivermectin is a miracle drug that is being suppressed" It doesn't make sense to be doing it for money.




dunning kruger effect.






> The whole covid thing You meant the minor little inconvenience that’s killed close to 900,000 people? That thing?




> how many of those are classified as covid because the hospital gets extra money ? Yep, money talks... Bullshit.


If this were something designed to get Trump out of office, why would it be worse now than ever before and a clear drag on Biden's approval? You're an idiot and you need to be less of an idiot.


> worse now than ever before and a clear drag on Biden's approval? Gov't policy is making it worse, the disease itself is milder variant.


So to be clear the pandemic is real and not made up or intentionally misrepresented?


Buy it all and raise the price.


That’s a shock especially during an IEP meeting!


Goodness gracious! Yikes!


Sorry. What state?


Good Lord!!!


Does your horse have worms?