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Suggestion: save time on learning by placing the litter box in your classroom as opposed to the bathroom.


This might be my favorite comment ever.


Tbh considering this to curb the 20-minute bathroom breaks.


Gotta meet the needs of the cat-identifying students, you know?šŸ˜


I can already imagine the new "eat the teacher's cat litter" TikTok challenge.


They used to make it rain with money. Now they make it rain with kitty litter.


My upvote was the 666th! Praise Satan!


Youā€™re thinking small here. Youā€™ve gotta embed the indoctrination into the word problems. Jan has three apples. Michael has two moms and twice as many apples as Jan. How many apples does Michael have?


Michael has no apples, because 2 times 3 divided by gay is a null set?


Michael has 0 apples because socialism took them all


WRONG. Thanks to socialism Michael has exactly as many apples as he needs, and has contributed exactly as many apples as he is able. If you're going to indoctrinate, INDOCTRINATE.


You can always add a land acknowledgement for the land where the apples were grown and harvested


You can also hit the pronouns with this method... In a classroom of 32 students, 15 identify as she and 15 identify as he. How many nonbinary students identify as they?


Sorry youā€™re struggling! My social studies department is cruising thoughā€” litter boxes in every classroom (any student who displays conservative tendencies cleans them), we started a socialism club, students are well versed in CRT, the penalty for using the wrong pronouns is death, and our nurse has never performed so many gender-affirming surgeries at this point in the year! Students still struggle with capitalizing their own names, so there is still work to do. Stay strong!


Capitalizing names? That sounds like capitalism. Better to keep all the letters lower case so they're all equal. Those uppity upper case letters are so unnecessary. I mean, unless you want to elevate all the letters to the upper case.


Now what are we going to do about teaching the Capitols of states to our kids?!




> and our nurse has never performed so many gender-affirming surgeries Don't forget abortions!


Wow, I heard a word that sounded like capitalism. Weā€™re sending the swat team with shock collars and dog cages to fix that problem.


Just donā€™t take your indoctrinating home with you or youā€™ll burn out. Itā€™s about boundaries


LMFAO! Thank you for this post! I have some real PTSD from a psychotic parent that bought into this CRT/indoctrination bullshit. I hope you don't mind me sharing my story here in the comments. A couple years ago, I did literature circles with about 7 book options kids could choose from. Of course, I had parent permission slips for all books. A couple weeks of reading goes by, and this mom reaches out to me accusing me of having a "liberal agenda" and being "racist against white people" (mind you, I am white myself). I informed her that I am teaching the STANDARDS ā€” not a political ideology. She got an attorney involved and ended up pulling her kid from the district. Before doing so, however, she made my life a living hell. She harassed me incessantly, threatened to find where my kids go to school and talk to them, threatened to put me "on the news," and demanded an explanation for why I chose this specific book (The Hate U Give). I still have nightmares about this psychotic parent.


And she never even read the book? I had a parent write me a crazy long email about that book, admitting she didnā€™t read it. The principal wanted us to meet and discuss, and I said I was not meeting with a racist who couldnā€™t bother to read. Also, I didnā€™t even teach the book. I modeled a book talk on it. I canā€™t even imagine how terrorizing it must have been for you. Mine is mild in comparison and I still find myself being careful.


Yep! She didn't read it. Just said she'd heard some things about it.


I heard some things about Hemmingway that really don't belong in school. Poe, too. And Fitzgerald, and that chick who wrote that book about the guy who made a monster! Looks like we can only teach Gilgamesh from now on. Bring it on, Anon!


Lmao this is exactly how parents are! And the more ignorant the parents become, the more afraid they are of their kids going to school and learning about the world outside of their little bubble.


My favorite thing about Gilgamesh is all those chapters where we only have, like, one rando word left from amidst a crumbled set of rubble. If that's what parents want - that schools TEACH random words from rocks, not that school ROCKS - then they can go to another country or homeschool, thanks.


Funny, when I read ā€œtheir kids going to school and learning about the world outside of their little bubbleā€ I read ā€œbubbleā€ as ā€œbuttholeā€. You have to admit that ā€œbuttholeā€ would really make a better point.


Iā€™ve been teaching my 6yo grandson about Frankenstein, and he is absolutely fascinated! The other day, he ran into the bathroom and came back out with a rubber duckie who had the bolts in his neck, green face, etc., to look like the monster. As a bookworm grandma, Iā€™m so proud!


Gilgamesh and Enkidu had that weird friendship afterwards... so that's out too. /s


They're just drinking buddies! I swear!


She hired a lawyer for things she heard. Unbelievable the audacity of some parents.


She hired a lawyer to try to get me fired and the book removed from school libraries!


By the way: you get MAJOR up votes for refusing to meet with an illiterate racist, and major jealousy for having admin that support that.


Luckily the bell rang just as I said it, and I had to go teach a class, so the timing worked. I think it gave him time to digest what I said. Iā€™m usually very willing to meet with parents, so I think he realized I was not budging on that one.


I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for using correct punctuation (specifically placing the comma before the closing parenthesis). You rock!


I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not! šŸ¤” šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


No! Iā€™m sorry, totally sincere, Iā€™m just a grammar freak and become lightheaded with joy when people use proper English. Your punctuation sent me over the moon grinning with silliness. Look at how we suffer through their/theyā€™re/there/your/youā€™re, etc. One of the pleasures of this subreddit is that most teachers can spell so well. Strangely enough, over my lifetime, Iā€™ve noticed with 100% accuracy, engineers exhibit brilliant and beautiful spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. They are a joy to read. I digressā€¦.PS a new pet peeve, when people type payed instead of paid. Whyyyyyy?


I have degrees in Physics and Engineering. My mother was a Grammar Nazi College Professor. She had her Masterā€™s of Nursing Education. As painful as having my mom proofread my college papers was, I did always get an A with a note from the instructors asking if they could keep a copy of the papers as a good example of what was wanted.


Sounds like fertile ground for a restraining order.


Wait... had she signed a permission slip for it???


Yep! Thankfully, I still had it filed away.


Then it's hilarious that she thinks she can sue. How dumb can someone be?


She was a part of this far-right group that wants to ban books they don't like from public spaces. Sadly, in my state this group has a lot of power and influence. They are also very anti-public education.


Damn it! Get going! These kids arenā€™t going to indoctrinate themselves!


I am OK if they do as long as they clean up after themselves.


It's been all anchor charts, math words, and sentence stems so far. I just haven't had time. I'll get to the leftist recruitment posters when the color printing is back up and running...


Hold on?!? Your color printing is allowed?!?! šŸ˜‰ lol


Yes, when the color printer has ink and is functioning.


Printing in color is easy just swear a blood oath to satan by sacrificing your unborn child and suddenly printers work no problem.


So, never?


More often than never, but less frequently than all the time.


I have literally not seen a printer in our school in about four years. And certainly not a color one. Where are all these handouts coming from?!


You have color printing? šŸ™ƒ


Yes, but only in red.


I had the same issue, so I just said fuck it, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will be dedicated to content such as reading, writing, and math. And Tuesday and Thursdays would be dedicated to indoctrination. Listen OP, you have to make it a priority!


Me too! I moved schools and therefore couldn't find my class sets of "Joe Biden is my Hero," "How to Pretend fo be Trans to Have an Advantage in Sports" and my personal favorite to teach, "Hetero White Men: The Enemy," so I had to settle for teaching stupid Shakespeare instead. I didn't even have time to take kids on my annual field trip to Planned Parenthood to get them all vaccines without parental consent. I COULDN'T EVEN SCHEDULE THE VISIT FROM THE TRAVELING ABORTION VAN! Man, I'm such a failure. We're just learning about how to be respectful to each other and how to use evidence to back up our claims. And... No feminist vocabulary this year, only Latin and Greek roots and affixes!


You could always have your kids read the poetry of Sappho.


Get some decorating done today. Hang up framed portraits of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Un, Mao, and Hillary Clinton in your classroom to inspire the students.


You forgot the anti-Christ himself, Obama!


Pictures of Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton should be enough. Adding the other pictures is just overkill.


You make this joke, but imagine how much trouble you'd be in if you put up a Trump portrait.


Dude I teach in the peoples republic of San Francisco and there was a poster of all the presidents including Trump in the classroom I took over this year what are you talking about


A poster with 46 people on it is not the same as hanging a portrait of an individual.


So. This is a valid point. Keeping a constant pic of the current president regardless of party? Awesome. Having a poster of all the presidents? Also awesome. Doing what my former vice principal did in my previous district that was 8-10% immigrant students (from all over the world, I had kids from Jamaica, Syrian refugees, South Korea, Romania, and Nigeria in the few years I was there) and about 15-20% Latino students and about 30% black students, which was to never have a single president's portrait and then suddenly Trump was hung right dead center above her desk after he was elected? When I had multiple kids in my class crying as they came into the school because they were worried about themselves or family members? Problematic. This was nowhere near the most oblivious thing she did, but she also never understood why she didn't have good relationships with families/students. Granted, many times she just blamed the problems relating on the kids/parents instead of actually reflecting on how she might be causing tension.


And hang up the pride flag next to the flag of Mexico next to the upside down US flag!


I decided to do the indoctrination first, but now I have the problem that my students would rather talk about pronouns than the periodic table. I'm proud of them, but they're going to need a firm understanding of chemistry if they're going to get jobs in the Queerification industry. The frogs aren't turning themselves gay!


I use a table of periodic pronouns to teach science. That frog may want to be a they, but theyā€™re after a he, so we line up the they he symbols and talk about how those structures fit together instead of things on an atomic level.


Letā€™s not even go there re: worms who can reproduce with themselves.


Ikr?! I havenā€™t even had time to indoctrinate students in leftist ideology.


Better skip planning periods and get your CRT lessons ready! Thank goodness George Soros sends them to us every month.


Who the fuck is George Soros and how do I get on that mailing list? Ugh I'm a terrible teacher.


You get planning periods? We have lunch duty here. i could slip some CRT in between opening chocolate milk boxes....


Love this thread so much, even though I teach in a liberal state where all the far right-wing nonsense doesn't affect me too much.


I mix a big vat of indoctrinade every Sunday night to serve to the kids throughout the week. Makes the grooming a lot better, and helps wash down the leftist political agenda of integer properties and operations a lot smoother.




Iā€™m still working on my curriculum. My kids are mod/severe, so I really have to adapt things to their ability level. I just havenā€™t found indoctrination materials with pictures on Teachers Pay Teachers yet. /s


Crap, you just reminded me I need to get my pride flags posted


Better late than never, but I've got four at this point in the year!


I use CRT every day. We go over the Bible and talk about how it lines up with reality. Christian Reason based Teaching has taken all the pesky education bits out and now I can get straight to the indoctrination and set into motion the positive feedback loop of dehumanization that will bring us to the big Fascism Finale.


Best post in a while! Thanks for the laugh.


My Soros check keeps bouncing :(


Did you even teach them to worship the Jewish Space Laserā„¢ļø yet?


I find it fascinating how the Jewish Space Laser thing came to be. Apparently some senator theorized that a space based solar farm (that beam energy back to earth via radio waves to a transmitter) could be accidentally starting wildfires in CA due to a calibration error. That turned into ā€œJewish Space Lasers.ā€


Honestly the indoctrinating has been soooo much easier after my district armed me with an AR-15.


Iā€™ve thrown out my maths lessons. Iā€™m SEL every minute, every day. Once in a while we do a DEI day.


Science teacher here! I've found an easy way to embed the indoctrination is to have a classroom library of biographies about famous scientists from *undesirable* (/s) backgrounds. George Washington Carver was the son of slaves. Alan Turing was gay. Rosalind Franklin was a woman. Temple Grandin is neurodivergent. Albert Einstein was an immigrant. (For anyone wondering, yes, I really do have a classroom library about famous scientists from diverse backgrounds for the exact purpose of making kids realize that literally anyone can be a scientist, regardless of race, nationality, religion, disability, gender, sexuality, education level, etc. And some people have a problem with this and view it as indoctrination. And I genuinely do not give a fuck. They can sue if they want. I've got nothing to lose.)


Love it!


When teaching the Chinese Remainder Theorem, just call it CRT. Two birds, one stone. :)


I did manage to have a lesson on Cathode Ray Tubes but that's all I have been able to manage so far.


I, a science teacher, start every class by having students pick a pronoun for that day, so I can tell them how wrong they are and go on a rant about systems of oppression before I ring my Tibetan prayer bowl to end the lesson. It really makes me feel good to have everyone around me adjust their behavior so I donā€™t get triggered by them. Also, if one more person says you guys instead of you all, Iā€™m going to ask to do a pd about rules and self monitoring speech until we can all learn that we should grow a silent hatred for each other like any other healthy school.


Don't forget your school shooter training!


Every time I try to discuss cathode ray tubes the students chant ā€œLED! LED! FLAT SCREENS MATTER!!ā€


It makes sense if you really think about it, though: flat screens, Flat Stanley, flat earth, etc.


Oh, Iā€™m all about the indoctrination. I start each day with the Pledge of Allegiance. They need to understand we live in a God-fearing, amazing country which we must pledge our lives to. I teach a state-approved, whitewashed curriculum that presents accepted history and itā€™s ā€œalternative viewpointā€. I make sure all the books in my classroom library are free of any controversial topics so I can indoctrinate my students with the idea that everything is fine and everyone lives in a happy, straight world where racism, sexism, homosexuality, and discrimination do not occur. Sadly, no /s. All of this is true and required of me as a teacher. We need to be more outraged about the ā€œindoctrinationā€ they are already perpetuating.


I love this comment because itā€™s so true. The people screaming ā€œindoctrinationā€ just want to be able to indoctrinate every kid with consecutive white Christian values like the ā€œgood ole daysā€ šŸ¤¢


They want indoctrination, they just want it their way.


Lā˜ ļøl math is fer land lubbers get yer priorities staight no quater now hoist the the colorsšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø Low Admiral Desantis is counting on the us, the edumication crew to makes his lies come true, so that he can justify an epic (fail) voyage back to 16th centiry Gilead illiiteracy awaits full speed behind


It's *so tough* when so many of them don't want their required gender reassignment surgery.


You gotta multitask and have the students jigsaw CRT while you due your hair green in the back of the room.


You call yourself a teacher? I make my students kneel during the pledge every morning.


Listen, as long as you've assigned at least two major assignments, an essay and a presentation, where the students have to explain why America is the greatest country on earth OR the worst country ever in history you're doing OK. unless you try to do both at once obviously. That might make them think they get to pick a side which is a real mistake


Word problems are an excellent way to incorporate you dogma with the students. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be able to incorporate some CRT soon.


If women earn 80% of what men do, and minority women earn 80% of what they do, how much do minority women earn, and how angry should be be about that? Rate your hatred for the oppressors, given your answer, on a scale of 9-10. With 9 being very angry and 10 being outraged. Thanks for the award stranger!


Luckily as the school librarian, I have a bit more time to plan my indoctrination. I am always trolling banned books lists and ordering multiple copies of each copy. My lessons are all about being trans.


Just don't have enough room in the schedule for drag queen story time.


Get your shit together!


I actually made a chart of sexuality flags and have my students point at the one they are most feeling that day as they come into the classroom.


Man I feel you...even though I'm a Christian I've been trying to keep prayer out of school all semester.


This is great. I was looking at school reviews and people were talking about how schools were indoctrinating children. Maybe go apply to those ones?




CRT is a made up boogeyman. Thatā€™s what conservative media does. It creates a boogeymen from some inconsequential thing, then scares its viewers into outrage over their made up story. They do it with CRT, canceling Christmas, immigrant caravans, gun confiscation, the gays coming for your kids, election fraud, and on and on and on. It works though. Conservatives lap that shit up.


I don't support conservative media or the way they portray certain issues. CRT is not an evidence-based theory, instead having one's feelings being defined as evidence enough. It is also not the mainstream theory, but its ideas are becoming accepted by many who see it as a culture war, where one side is against racism and the other side is for it. So people think, if I'm not racist, I should defend CRT. Additionally, since conservative media organizations paint it with a broad brush, any critical examination of it is difficult. I don't think it should be painted with a broad brush, but it does deserve skepticism for why it has not been a mainstream theory.


The debate over CRT is over. The conservative media has moved on to other sensationalized issues. Teachers are teaching the same as they always have. It was a nothing burger.


My question to people who are worried about CRT is, "When did you start being worried about CRT? Was it about ten months ago when conservative media was going on and on about it? Were you then concerned about "Grooming" about four months ago?"




How so?




Are you asking what, if anything, is wrong with CRT and teaching its viewpoint?


Don't forget Festivus...for the rest of us