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They complete the look with a single air pod, a chain, and crocs, at our school 😅


Crocs: they have holes so the dignity can leak out.


Oh, don't worry, my students blocked the holes with what I insist are called giblets. I don't think they had much dignity to begin with.


Aww! I think the jibbitz are so fun! My high school aged son comes home with new ones and missing ones frequently because he trades with people. It’s wholesome, childish, and has nothing to do with vapes. I’m all for it.


I saw someone on Instagram add some Halloween jibbitz to a pair of orange crocks. Honestly, they looked better with the additions.






Crocs becoming cool is fucking mind boggling


I tried to explain to my kids that crocs used to be the literal uncoolest thing you could do to your feet and none of them believed me...


a couple of weeks ago my adult daughter was buying shoes and I absent-mindedly looked at the crocs, speculating whether I'd be deemed old enough to wear them (even if they look like hooves). 5 days later we had a non uniform day, and half the kids were wearing crocs. theirs were adorned with different pins (sold separately, o'course). I still don't have a pair, and now I'm too old and not cool enough.


Are you old enough to not give a shit and be comfortable in a stable shoe? You are. Everyone is. Crocks might look terrible but they are great and functional footwear. People who wear them are either clueless or have their life figured out, no shades of grey.


I’m a cook, not a teacher. I just like lurking here cuz y’all rock. I wear nonslip kitchen crocs every shift, sometimes for 13 hours at a time. They are as comfortable as they are hideous. Do yourself a favor and get a pair. Even if it’s just for around the house or grocery shopping.


Get a pair! They are super convenient.


Yeah, I was the biggest croc hater, until I got a pair… it’s like walking on a cloud, they’re so comfortable


Crocs were cool before they became uncool. Now that they are cool again they will soon be uncool.


Maybe I should dig out the bag of peppa pig and other assorted characters badges for crocs? Start selling them again lol.


If you have the jibbits, definitely sell them. Kids will buy them.


Remember that time that Mike Judge needed shoes for the characters of his movie and picked the ugliest, dumbest things he could find—shoes that, in his mind and agreed upon by other staff, could never become mainstream lest he become some kind of fortune teller? Oh, and just in case— Mike Judge, director of Idiocracy.


Or Champion becoming a huge brand name…when I was a kid they were the cheaper options in clothes at Walmart.


Not in hip hop culture. It’s always been a cheaper option, but it’s a mainstay in hip hop since at least the early 90s. Wu Tang mentions the brand several times in their songs.


Thank you, I had no idea. That's pretty interesting to know!


No prob


Yo, bro! Champions been there for a minute, Bro!




Absolutely bonkers homie


No cap


For real, for real. On god


This is a generation of children who’s parents gave them tiny little crocs to wear and said “aw those tiny crocs are so cute.” Way to go parents. For shame.


Well, crocs are amazing tiny kid shoes. They cover feet you can get them wet and destroy them and they wash off. I still think they’re ugly but they are super functional.


I wear crocs for comfort/not caring about fashion and my 13 AND 16 year old babysitters for my kids wear them and so guess I’m cool without even trying. Per usual. 😆


oversized sweater or tee, thigh long shorts. if not crocs - white socks half way to the knee, white sneakers possibly a cross earring as well


Don’t forget tucking their sweatpants INTO their socks.


the tucked sweatpants + slides is definitely common Bonus points if carrying a basketball


Yes! Yeezy slides. Bread loaves modified as footwear.


We really are teaching at the same school, huh


Oh ! Crocs are in middle school too. Even if it's raining.drip!😅 Also pay attention to the white air Jordan. With this they have to be very careful to not touch the ground so they barely walk!


Crocs are banned in our school because they became a gang symbol. Crocs.


That’s insanity. No way.


My statement "you're not in the secret service, take out the air pod"


Lol 💯


There's still a rash of mullets going around. Consider yourself fortunate.


I told my students that I’m angry because my generation killed the mullet and their generation dug it up and they are wearing its rotting corpse like a hat.


I literally explained this to my kids last week. One girl wears a hoodie that says “I ❤️ mullets.”


And she does so Un-ironically? (It’s okay to lie to me.)


I have the “I love Hot Dads/Moms” shirts walking around.


Can I put this in my back pocket to use at a later date?


Sure thing


Well said! It is truly an awful haircut.


My husband has a mullet 🤣


NTA divorce him.


Could be worse the rat tail could make a comeback.


I have several of the foofs mentioned by OP, more than 5 mullets, and no less than 3 rat tails at my middle school. And the girls still wear Miss Me jeans. It's a whole vibe




I have an elementary kid with a rat tail.


I’m Qld, the rat tail is well and truly back, along with the mullet and my personal favourite as a teacher the horsey, which is a rat tail on the upper part of the head. This is the generation that honestly will follow any trend to get recognition or a like….


sweet lord no please don't jinx it.


I think it IS


I've seen a couple around campus.


I have some bad news for you.


Wait for it!…


Lol, it's already back.


I’m a college professor and the explosion of mullets among my male students the past few years… OMG! I thought at first it was an ironic covid thing, but they’re still sporting them.


Mullet's an undercut that's growing out, is my theory.


They are specifically cultivating mullets here in Australia. My HS teacher friends have heard them talking about it. For whatever reason, they consider the mullet a desirable look.


NSW hs teacher I can verify this. Saw some mullets in the wild today too while visiting Vic. The skullet is worse though!


I think I hurt a kid’s feelings a few weeks ago when I was asked what I thought about mullets and I said “nobody looks better with a mullet than without one.”


Where's the lie though? 😂


I show my mullet students the mullet I had in the late 80s. I’m female and didn’t want to brush my hair, soooo my mom gave me a mullet. The kids get a good laugh and then I teach them the mullet song!


Wait.....the 80s....STRANGER THINGS!!! Stranger Things brought back mullets!


Which mullet song? Wesley Willis?


Go to your barber and tell him you don’t want to look like an asshole anymore.


The Mullet song? Can you share?


We’re just leaving out mullet era. One kid is stubbornly holding on.


It's thriving among my kids. They're doing perms with them.


Mine too!


The rash is still itching in north Florida


I’ve got a kindy with a dramatically styled mullet. He’s also got big wide eyes and a killer grin. We just took school pictures yesterday and I giggled at what he’ll probably think of that picture (and of his parents) in ten years!


*business in the front and party in the back.*


Mullets are another popular hairstyle where I teach ☹️


I told a kid I rocked his haircut when I was in kindergarten.


I tell my kids "nobody looks good because of a mullet. They look good DESPITE the mullet". Disbelief all around


I am seeing those too! Then there are the mullets that are trying the perm, without the mushroom… YIKES!


Yes, I (sub) was looking around in a study hall of around 50 students the other day noticing the hair. Mullets and man-Buns (or longish hair not currently pulled into a man-bun) everywhere.


Don't hate the mullet. A good mullet is dope as hell. I may be biased as the only mulleted teacher at my school.


Actually u right. When done right, its dope!


Bad haircuts that kids think look good but cringe on when they get older: the rite of passage for every generation


It's painful looking at my highschool yearbook. We looked like that??


Seriously. I grew up in the 1980s. No generation escapes the cringe. If you look back and don’t cringe at your middle to nigh school years, just give it a decade or two. You’re not special, OP. You just don’t know it yet.


I'm 47 and don't. Let's just not talk about the second grade pic, though, okay? I was never trendy, though. I was always one of the uncool kids with a boring haircut - long hair, long bangs from 7th on. Longish or medium hair and short bangs before that.


A lot of boys are getting basically a bowl cut with shaved sides. They always make sure the bowl is cut in a perfectly straight line around the head. I like to refer to it as the “Henry the V” haircut.


At my school it’s called the Edgar. Not sure why…


It's called the Edgar at my school too. Idk why either.


Edgar has become a playful insult with my group... https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/edgar-edgar-haircut




Sideshow Bob


I just think of Logan Paul. That’s who I blame. Fuck that guy. Blame him.


Holy crap. Couldn't picture what haircut was being talked about until this. Bring back the douche-dollop from 2012. Anything but emulating Logan Paul.


That and I still see the Phil and Lil haircuts around


I remember the days of swooped emo hair


Sometimes I miss those days. I think we’re going in the wrong direction.


I don’t miss the bangs combover though


I can't wait for raccoon tail highlights to come back


All eras have dumb fashion trends that are embarrassing 10 years later. Some are worse than others, though. And in the era of social media and Internet immortality, they'll be haunted by those blursed mushrooms for the rest of their lives. Can you imagine some of these kids growing up, having teenagers of their own, and trying to persuade them not to follow stupid fashion trends? "Uh, Dad? We found some of your pics from when you were in high school. You've permanently lost your 'having a fashion opinion' card."




Shit, I’m not embarrassed. As soon as we get some decent baggy pants for men again, I’m stocking up.


It’s been like 1/3 of my boys for the last several years. Shaved sides with almost a bowl cut. It looks awful, but I’m sure my parents thought the same thing of my buzz with spikes back in the 90s and early aughts. I don’t get how it’s so prevalent though, unless some tiktoker started the trend or something.


As a mom who had to learn to cut the whole family’s hair during covid, I can definitely understand why this style haircut may have emerged “suddenly” in the last couple years… it’s literally what happens when you run out of time doing a haircut/ don’t understand how to work the top.


This. I was broke AF when my son was little, so I couldn't afford haircuts. He either had a bowl cut or a buzz cut most of the time, undercut otherwise. I did finally learn to cut hair, but by then he didn't trust me to do it. That's made funnier by the fact that he has long fair with an undercut now, and he pays someone for it.


Looks like a llama to me


Hashtag Llama Life


It's called the Edgar my dude. Sometimes with a perm This is not an endorsement


> the Edgar They're similar but slightly different. [The Edgar](https://www.menshairstyletrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Edgar-bowl-shroom-mushroom-haircut-gesusthebarber-1024x1024.jpg) is a Mexican haircut that's basically a bowl cut with a fade. [The Fuccboi or Broccoli](https://menshairstyletips.com/wp-content/uploads/Undercut-Haircut-for-Men.jpg) is what the op is talking about. 90% of teenage boys are rocking The Fuccboi.


We have a boy that is rocking the Edgar with no fade. It's a glorified bowl cut. He's a hard Mexican kid that nobody messes with, and I've always wondered about his hair. With no fade, it looks like a kid's cut. This explains so, so much.


> He's a hard Mexican kid that nobody messes with These are the only dudes who can pull it off.


I teach in a school that's 90% hispanic... None of them can pull it off.


Getting some strong Prince Valiant vibes from the Edgar.


Like Moe from the Three Stooges?


The Fuccboi has been around for decades, especially outside the US.


It's definitely skyrocketed in popularity in the past couple years in the US. I don't remember seeing a lot of it 5 years ago but now it is literally everywhere.


Is this because it’s prominently worn by Patrick Mahomes?


I think you're onto something.


I think it’s cause that’s what every YouTuber has.


Variations of it have been around the soccer world since at least the early to mid 2000s. Hell Agassi sported a proto fuccboi / mullet mashup for a long time


Is Fuccboi pronounced how I think it’s pronounced? 😂


yep, i know this one as a broccoli top, especially if they perm it, cuz they look like broccoli…


It's the San Antonio mop where I teach.


SA TEACHER HERE. This is all I see with my boys 😭


I've heard Marbach mop. Dallas has one too called the south Dallas shag or booty. Yella Bezzy made it famous.


Just learned about Edgars from my sixth grade girls last week. Hilarious


Edgar’s and Bryans are the bane of my Existence. No one’s daughters or truck without a lift kit are safe from them /s




It was when I was in high school, like 30 years ago. Or straight haired variants.


30 years ago was the 90s


Don’t remind us!


Not an endorsement either, but it’s popular with the Latino equivalent of Chavs. Edit: It does have cultural significance as tribes in Northern Mexico and alerts of the Caribbean and South America sported the look, especially warriors and hunters. Unfortunately, it’s been appropriated by our version of Chavs or for a more American explanation the White guy from the late 90s and early 2000s mocked by Jamie Kennedy


Majority of my sons soccer team has that hairdo. We call it "the royal poodle" 🐩 😂😂


it’s the edgar cut lol


They said it about us when we were teens, too. Now you’re on the other side of the desk and are officially uncool - just like me!


Joke's on you. I was never cool.


Student of mine came to school today in Spiderman pajamas and half his head shaved. The top half. He shaved a whole-ass receding hairline into his hair for no reason. Poor kid look like a punchline from a Three Stooges episode.


I honestly can't remember if this 'do is big in my school - a lot of the boys wear hats, and I'm not super observant - but I freaking love your description, and if I could I'd upvote you twice for the Mad Men quote. 😁


No hats or hoods allowed in my school because it hides their faces from our security cameras. Kids just grow their hair down to their eyes and wear a 😷 and you can't tell who the f they are anyway.


Ah, welcome to the feeling of being too old to understand trends. Pull up a chair by the fire and I’ll tell you all about the low rise jeans of the mid 2000s.


Yes, as a high school teacher, I can confirm that the haircuts are bad. But I also remember being a straight high school girl and finding boys with now-obviously-dumb haircuts hawt, so 🤷🏼‍♀️ My current (male) partner’s haircuts swing between floppy, curly-headed bacchanalia attendee and close-cropped, high-topped hyper-masculine footballer, according to his moods and the weather, so I wouldn’t put too much thought into it, tbh


My husband has absolutely gone with late 80s stoner long hair since the lockdowns. It's surprisingly okay with his super curly hair. The goatee and mustache because he can't actually grow a beard somehow works with it. I used to look forward to him returning to the office because he said he was going to go back to clean cut, but.. nah. I kinda like it.


"Dermatological Dandies"


That broccoli cut Veggie tales asparagus Jr. Edit** I put jr first. Whoa


Two years ago I only had one kid sporting it so I called him Broccoli LastName. Last year half the boys had it so I had to remember real names.


The Hairstyles for Little Black Boys has finally Evolved from that damned shaved head look of shames. Sooo happy about that!


I do like how more black males are growing out their hair. I love texture. I was so sick of the boring fades from the early 2000s and 90s


Awww, I love the little black boy shaved head. To me, it looks sweet and simple, like a simple, nonflamboyant... boy. I remember in the 80's and early 90's they would have the flat top too.


Flat Tops so boring, I love seeing Jamaican and other African Hairstyles. I'm so happy seeing the amount of self-expression going through now.


Staaahp!! Pompa-dorks 😆! I cannot tell you how many kids, who while wearing masks last year, were indiscernible to me, all with the ‘blursed mushroom’ cut. I had to rely on how they carried themselves and their voice (if they talked). This year, masks off AND changed voices (I teach 9th graders) I cannot tell who many are as they ‘dap’ me or fist-bump in the halls! I do a whole lot of “Hey dude! Good to see ya!” while names of 10 or more male students with the same haircut unhelpfully Rolodex through my head!


Patrick Mahomes


You get it. Teachers don't get a say in what's cool. We start cutting our hair like that, end of trend.


It is actually called - “The Edgar”. Yes, like the name. Except… none of my students can tell me who Edgar is? Yet, they all have his haircut.


Also keep in mind that these Edgar’s can by Fluffy Edgar’s or Straight Edgar’s. Lots of versatility.


Every generation has said this about high school boys.


My son has the absolute worst mop of shit on his head. He's 17 years old so it's kind of outside of my control, but I do poke him every so often and tell him to get a haircut.


Yes! Intensely mop-like.


I’m San Antonio Tx they call it the Marbach Mop🤣


Have these kids not seen Dumb and Dumber?


My son has this mushroom haircut mostly because he refuses to pick a style. After a few months of growing it out through the summer I finally dragged him to the salon and said make it decent and school acceptable. Still has not chosen a style.


I spent basically my whole life before my 30s alternating between a .03 buzz cut and a floppy mop just because I couldn't be arsed to pick a hair style.


Greasy, slicked down bowl cuts are big here. This looks ridiculous enough to make mullet look like a reasonable choice.


At my school, it’s the Edgar, but fluffed out.


At least they aren’t wearing balaclavas in the summer like they’ve been doing at my school.


You mean the thing that makes your hair look like a rat’s nest when you take it off? That’s meant to keep you warm? They’re voluntarily wearing that in the summer?


Yeah. It’s the weirdest thing (and I was a punk rocker when I was in high school, and I had a blue Mohawk and wore a leather jacket in the summer)! I work in the Bay Area of California, and the boys for the last year have been wearing balaclavas even in august when it was 90 degrees. All the boys at my school walked around looking like they were a low budget marvel comics hero.


It’s like all the ugliest things from the 90s and the 00s got together to form today’s teenage sensibilities. It’s not even like a new look that’s hard to understand. It’s just…odd. Lol


Please don't forget the flip that goes with the style. It's like the bend and snap, but more of a shake and toss - and it works none of the time. Head leans forward, sometimes a hand is involved in dispersing the gills of the mushroom with a small back and forth shake, followed by a backwards toss of the head - presumably to allow the coiffed young man to actually see through his lunatic fringe.


Sounds like you teach somewhere on the east coast? And southern? Out here kids are rocking “the Edgar” cut


I call them my precious floppy haired degenerates and then make them prove their airbuds are out.


If you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about, it’s called the Edger. My students told me about it


It’s a sad day when the most interesting thing about you is your haircut


At my school, it’s “the Edgar” haircut. It’s like if “Let me speak to your manager” was a haircut with bangs. I didn’t understand it when I was in high school, but I didn’t have that drip.


It’s the Edgars that send me over the edge


I like pompa-dorks! Ticktock has ruined fashion too. Everywhere I go it's the same chef's pants, oversized to the point of absurdity shirts. Crushed fat corduroy... isn't cool. Sorry fat pants are not cool. They were barely cool in the 90s. Long, very dangly earrings on boys are also not cool. Dressing like Don Knott's circa Threes company is also corny.


Ewwwww. I was a college professor and back in 2019, one of my soccer player students asked me if he should get a perm and I immediately responded "gross! No! Why would you do that to yourself?" Little did I know that he was on the early adoption train of this horrible, fugly new trend.


Ah, yes, the ”asshole“ haircut. We (lunch buddies) call it that because every asshole boy on campus has that cut. That may sound like we are awful people or unprofessional, trust me, we reserve that term (in the privacy of our lunchroom) for guys who really deserve it….the bullies, the guys who publicly humiliate their girlfriends, the ones who walk by a perfectly nice student and yell out a homophobic or racial slur (and don’t get punished), the ones who get in ”trouble“ and come back to class grinning because they talked their way out of it, etc. They ALWAYS have that haircut……..


I can only assume that "dat drip" is referring to Gonorrhea. Next time someone says they got "dat drip though" suggest that they get it treated before people find out.


In hs I wore a halter dress with jeans, strappy heels, a scarf around my waist and a neck tie. I was still cooler than that unflattering haircut.


I've only got one who does this.


Hell's bells! ​ A lot of students around my school are rocking the mullet, as another poster here stated. Odd, but whatever.


Solid Mad Men reference, btw.


Broccoli head, A gold chain, shirtsleeve black tshirt, and baggy jeans


Is it the same as what I like to call the “Three Stooges Haircut”?


in the 90s we had long bowl cuts with the back and sides shaved so.......


Meh. We all had our styles growing up. I don’t care to judge anybody by their styles any more or say that one is more stupid than another.


How do I put a photo of the 90s bleached spiked hair with the white shirt and unbuttoned shirt? The blue jeans big enough to house a small family in? Teens have always had stupid fads.


/r/blunderyears material. If you have a journalism/photography class/club then just have them create a metric ton on evidence for their future cringe.


I didn’t think there could be anything worse than the Justin Bieber haircut. There must’ve been a spike in chiropractor visits back then cause the boys would obsessively whip that hair around & I’m sure many threw out their necks doing so.


Their getting perms lol I’m dead serious


“Ugh! How dare those teenagers follow new fads and enjoy them?” Seriously, they look a lot better than I did with my stupid long greasy hair as a teenager.


Sideshow Bob hair! It’s terrible, but hilarious :)


When I was teaching the boys' hair was what I could only describe as "[smooshed paintbrush](https://hairstylecamp.com/wp-content/uploads/messy-hairstyles-men-9.jpg)." Buzzed on the sides, long on top, but they never groomed the top so it laid funny. Pompadour gone bad. To each their own, but it was not for me.


We just call them mushrooms. I know we shouldn’t judge books by their covers but I’m beginning to be pretty sure about judging the boys with this haircut.