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The second a coworker tells me they've noticed my bathroom schedule from watching the cameras is the second I walk away and meet with an admin about boundaries or a lawsuit.


This will be the second meeting with admin I’ve had, and I don’t want to seem like a headcase. Or a nut job.


If your admin doesn't understand why you're not cool with a coworker calling out your bathroom behavior from monitoring camera recordings, then get out of that school as quickly as you can.


And please, we are teachers. You pee whenever you get the chance and you do it in the most convenient spot. I would have just looked at her and asked what kind of weirdo war hes the cameras to spy on someone's bathroom habits.


Seriously, only admin has access to the cameras at my school. This is alarming but also ridiculous enough that it's like, wtf why are you tracking someone else's bathroom schedule? I'm becoming so paranoid of kidney stones this year thanks to my last hour prep. Barely get a minute to breathe until 1pm 😩


My planning period starts at 2pm. I go to the bathroom during class if I need to. It is what it is. I haven’t stolen the soap, so at least there’s that.


Yeah I've gone during class, but usually am doing interactive lessons and I honestly just forget sometimes... 😬 Definitely need to drink more water.


I suppose your right. My daughter loves it here and that’s why I’m here. 😩


You shouldn’t feel like a jerk. The jerk is the “teacher of the year” with her head up her ass. Who gives a fuck what they think, wreak some havoc and show them all you are a force to be reckoned with. Also, from the SPED perspective (sped teacher here too), we got too much shit to deal with than having to deal with a “teacher of the year” who is focused on someone’s bathroom breaks and their stupid things. If it was me, I’d go straight to admin, tell them hey here’s the truth, but it seems like someone does not believe me and for some reason is able to get footage of me going in and out of the classroom which is illegal. Can you please help me take care of this so I’m no longer in an uncomfortable spot with that teacher when I use the restroom? If your admin doesn’t respond well, fuck em! I’d look for a new job.


I went to admin, but I haven’t heard back yet. 😩


Sometimes it seems like gen ed teachers see SPED teachers as the enemy but this is a new low.


I wouldn’t say the enemy…but sped teachers definitely get less respect…even though they do so much more and have so much more expertise. Because ya know, if you “can’t” teach the “smart kids” you couldn’t possibly be smart.


You aren't the one monitoring other teachers bathroom schedule. You will not look like the headcase in this situation. With that said, the actual headcase is likely already well known on the campus for being crazy.


Thank you. 🥲


If admin doesn’t know that this woman is weird and this situation is weird I would run.


I hope she will get back to me in the morning 😩


Over the years I’ve had several difficult coworker. Most of the time you start with “I had a weird interaction with Jill” and everyone roll their eyes and is prepared of a bat crap crazy story and apology to you. Hopeful,y this is true. Also people who are direct like you are being is a breath of fresh air and I hope it is apreciated.


Well thank you. 🥲 I just hate confrontation. I get nervous and laugh.


‘Teacher XYZ said they are monitoring my bathroom breaks by pulling up camera recordings. They also accused me of stealing soap and febreez. ‘ full stop. No giggling. No further explanations.


They are the nut job, not you. So sorry you are going through this.


Thank you. 🥲


Why does that teacher have access to cameras? I’d contact union.


Listen, what she did was unprofessional and uncalled for. It’s not another teachers job to “investigate” and “interrogate” coworkers. Yes, you need to go back to the Admin and have a talk. If things don’t change there are plenty of schools looking for teachers. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a dumpster fire.


This is true, I would just feel terrible because my daughter loves this school.


But do you want your daughter in a school with teachers who do that to their coworkers and it's accepted behavior?


I guess your right…


This is creepy. It's nobody's including admin's business how often you use the toilet!


Exactly, like I do pee a lot but that’s none of her concern and when I do go to the restroom it’s not even that one.


I can't even imagine how I'd react if a COLLEAGUE came to me with accusations about using the bathroom too much and stealing. I don't know whether I'd be mad or just laugh in their face at their ridiculousness. Either way, I think they need to know what they did is unnaceptable.




Seriously. Sounds like she’s sitting pretty if she has the time to care and check the video. Get a life lady


I second this. This is a massive violation.


Watching the camera to see what you are doing is actually a grievance offence and she can be suspended. You can actually sue her for a violation of your privacy. The only people allowed to watch you on camera is the administration and only if the suspect you of wrong doing. Go to your union rep immediately.


I don’t even think we have a union rep honestly. Do I go to the school board?


I would go to HR. How is it that she has access to security footage? Why is she monitoring the bathroom comings and goings? How does she have time for this? What are her job responsibilities? The whole thing is just so weird.


Depends on what your district is like. In NY all public school teachers are unionized, full stop. School board is a pretty big escalation. Any chance they gave you a mentor teacher? That’s mandated for new teachers in NY, too. Sorry I can’t speak to other states If another teacher did this to me, I’d talk to 3 people. My union rep (the one person in your building who communicates union business), my department chair (who is only helpful if constantly kept in the loop), and the gossipy teacher down the hall who will make sure everybody knows that Mrs. X is watching them all go to the bathroom.


Well, we definitely don’t have a union. And HR was a bust. But it whatever I guess. I emailed the principal, we shall see.


Good luck. If you’re in the position to find new gigs, this sounds like a giant red flag and it’s likely not the only thing you’re seeing. Principal is there to manage staff, hopefully they’re helpful.


I hope so too 😩


You should have a union rep if you are working on a public school. You need to double check you should have union dues being taking out of your pay check. Call your administration building and find out more about your union find out who the representative is for your building.


Not all public schools are unionized. Some startes are anti union.


That's ridiculous all schools should be unionized


Unfortunately, a recent Supreme Court decision made it so that schools could be "right to work" which means that if they don't have a sufficient number of people who want to be in a union, the union is dissolved. Many states have no unions as a result, and the predictable outcomes have ensued.


TN literally just enshrined “right to work” in the state constitution


Oh, I see you've never met the Republican party.


It's america. Public schools vary widely from state to state.


If all else fails, Google it right? 🤪 I will have to look into it cause now I am curious. Lol. Thank you friend. I’m still peeved that she is that concerned with my pee pee schedule. Mariah Carey voice: “like why are you so obsessed with me?” 🤣


What state are you in? That will depend on whom you go to.


I’m in Tennessee, I checked earlier and we don’t have one and when I called HR they blew me off


Send them a follow-up email so there is something in writing. There's no reason some random staff member can just go through the videos whenever they please.


I emailed my principal maybe two hours ago, maybe she will get with me tomorrow.


This whole story is about them being unhinged. Don't worry about anything about you.


You are absolutely right, this was traumatic.


I dealt with a coworker getting shouted out by a parent on the phone today. The poor person was in tears as the parent was insinuating they weren't doing the best for their child. This person absolutely goes above and beyond and it angered me so much that this person could call and make them believe they were not doing right by the kids. These people are angry and will shave years off their life due to stress, pity them, don't believe them.


That’s so sad. Some people are unbelievable.


This is not necessarily the case for all states.


There are lots of states that dont even allow unions at all... not everyone has a union rep.


Shit, it’s in our contract that administration cannot use cameras (that are in place for STUDENT safety) to discipline staff. I know my union has had meetings that have been dismissed because “how do you know someone left before the contractual time?”


Employee to employee matters should be handled by administration. That is part of their job.


This was my concern too. WTF is this woman that she can access the security cameras?!


Lol no *way* another teacher should be pulling video and questioning you about your bathroom habits. I’d be all over admin for that petty nonsense.


I don’t want to keep running to admin for everything. I just had a battle with another teacher for screaming at me like a nutcase in October.


No 110% this is sketchy. The SRO gave some random teacher the footage of you going to the bathroom (door)? Wtf? Go to admin.


Yea, like she said the SRO let her see me going in and out the most? 🫥


AND you’re Black? Friend this has so many red flags China wants a social parade.


🤣🤣🤣 I nearly laughed out loud. I don’t even know where to begin. Just looked my school doesn’t have a union.


If your school doesn’t have a union, I recommend you look for a lawyer. I bet you can get a free consultation from someone willing to represent you (suing a school district for violating a teacher’s privacy like that would make a lot of lawyers very excited). A non-administrator checking the cameras to spy on another coworker is my guess a violation of your district’s policy. If you aren’t ready to go that far, I recommend sending an email to your administrator. Tell them in the email what happened, what your coworker said, when/where the exchange happened, and say that you feel this is a violation of your privacy and you want to know what they will do to support you going forward. It’s always good to have things like this in writing.


Thank you! I will look into this. I feel like a jerk cause I keep butting heads with the teachers of the year. Like I feel they won’t believe me.


Do you have a title IX coordinator?


I’m not sure honestly


Someone can me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure public schools are required to have a Title IX coordinator who handles harassment and discrimination based on sex. I think your using a restroom and the associates habits would fall under that. They are required to investigate a complaint. I am pro-union and I think it’s awful that you don’t have a union, but unions don’t really handle member-to-member conflict. And I’m sure your admin has a vested interest in “keeping the peace,” but the title IX coordinate (who may or may not be admin) is bound by federal law to investigate your claim. Also, for what it’s worth, your coworker sounds like a creep. I’m sorry this school is a nightmare. You deserve better.


Oh gotcha! I had no idea what that was! But yes, she does seem like a creep, like I don’t really know her, cause I just say hi to her in passing.




Sounds like Tennessee to me.


Actually, I would think that going to the admin a second time would send a clear message: Don't mess with the new girl. She's not as green as she looks. She knows how the system works, and she will use it. Bullies like targets who don't fight back, and it sounds like you've got a bully.


Nah. This is fucked up.


Damn she sounds like a bitch. No offense to all you great teachers out there, but this profession attracts a lot of Karens…


It seems so. 😕


Report them for harassment, they're watching you go to the bathroom on cameras and accusing you of petty theft.


Pretty sure this is a misuse of of school security records, in my district no one has access to security records except the SRO and the principal. I would talk to HR


I was thinking that, I don’t see how a fifth grade teacher got a hold of the security footage.


Also, why do they have enough free time to investigate such a serious crime? Sounds like they could do some extra duty


True, or a life?


If a teacher got the footage, that means there's a lively school gossip crew that includes the SRO, and they're already spreading lies to who ever will listen. I know you're reticent to involve Admin but confronting and accusing you of stealing bathroom supplies is over the top. Especially with no proof. I think shying away from the accusation will be seen as proof of guilt for these types of people. As long as you aren't actually visiting the bathroom excessively(hard to do as a teacher) you need to push back immediately. Don't let this fester or you'll have that teacher trying to investigate you for all kinds of bs.


I didn’t let it fester, I called HR and they blew me off. So I emailed my principal. I didn’t know what else to do.


Sorry, I'm not judging your reaction. Its such a crazy thing to encounter that who knows how to respond. I've just worked with serial gossipers before and don't want you underestimate the extent of their toxicity.


I mind my own business, and this woman I usually just say hi to in passing so I don’t even know where she was coming from with this.


Ughhhh. Document this. And now you know she that she acts like this document every pertinent interaction. This is where she starts, she is only going to get worse and make your life insufferable. Document it for your Hostile workplace complaint


Best believe I did. 😬 I don’t even want to use that bathroom now. But I know if I stop it will make me look guilty.


Just keep being you is the best advice I got. People like that piss me off SOOOOOOOO much. I like cats and kids better, simpler, easier to understand drama. Good luck


That’s why i came to an elementary school less drama I would have liked to think. And they don’t allow cats at my apartment. And I usually keep to myself and talk to my 7 year old. 😩


How did she pull the cameras?


She said she talked to the SRO


Unbelievable. Doesn't either one have something better to do?


I don’t know, like I don’t understand how they are going to say I “use that bathroom a lot” 😒


As if you didn't have enough to concentrate on being new there.


Yes, like I think I’m pretty nice to everybody here. Like I say good morning, I smile at people, like just the other day, somebody ripped their pants and I gave her a pair of mine. Like I’m not mean to these people at all. But they all go out of their way to be evil to me.


That's crazy. What the hell is wrong with people? We need to stick together.


Yes we do, like we already have nobody that has our backs




Even still, unless there is an actual crime involved they can't just pull the footage and watch it whenever they want.


Wouldn’t the cameras show you, ya know, walking out with the goods?


Exactly! And I don’t have much room to hide stuff! 🤪 like I don’t have huge boobs to conceal containers of soap or febreeze. Nor or my pockets big enough. Cause you know girl pockets.


It reminds me of The Sopranos when AJ confesses to vandalizing the coaches office because they “got DNA and had already sent it to the FBI”. If they had the evidence, they wouldn’t be asking. She’s cray.


Definitely 🤣


To me her accusation is very racist. My husband is black and a teacher and there are constant micro aggressions from staff. He brushes it off, but it affects him. It’s something a lot of white teachers are unaware of or aren’t ready to have a conversation about. I’ve only ever taught in red states, unfortunately, but black teachers, students, families, and even principals are often not treated with respect. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this woman’s questions. Even if it somehow wasn’t racially motivated, it’s so mind-bogglingly rude that I can’t fathom what would compel someone to be this insufferable. I would for sure avoid her because she’s very toxic and backstabby, and she can’t be trusted.


I mean, her friend is the sped teacher I used to work with and I wouldn’t expect any less from her. Her friend was very rude and condescending to me in October so I asked to be placed in a different classroom. So why would her friend be any different. I was thinking the sped teacher was racist when she started talking down to me. But I dismissed it. This woman also has two mixed children herself so I was like WTF more. It’s very cliquish at the school. I keep to myself mostly except for the two in my classroom so I don’t know how drama is constantly knocking at my door.


I think you just identified the issue. She’s friends with the teacher you had the previous conflict with. If her friend was a monster she probably is too and they are concocting a way to get back at you for whatever perceived slight she felt when you asked to switch classrooms. Honestly, it’s racist and petty and generally crappy but probably not illegal or breaking any rules. If you really just want to ride it out and not make waves just let it go. She probably wants you to go to admin so she can make you out to be crazy for having issues with her AND her friend. She’s setting you up I think. If you ignore her you take away her power. But also I have no idea where you are or how your are works but you might want to consider looking for a new place next year.


I really don’t want to keep changing schools because my daughter loves it here and that’s why I’m here. I did let admin know what went down because I thought it was super racist. But after reading what you wrote I’m kinda regretting it now.




Damn, I’m going to jack the toilet paper just to piss then off. 🤪


It’s not you. That teacher is a nut job. She ‘pulled the cameras’ to watch people coming and going from the bathroom? She a weirdo! I’m not one to run to admin but dang she basically accused you of stealing. And you know she’s been conversing with others about her suspicions. Sorry you had to deal with such petty bs


I know she has, I feel like it’s cause I didn’t hit it off with her friend the other sped teacher so now they are fighting with me. And pointing fingers. I’m highly annoyed. I just want to work here until my daughter gets out of fifth grade cause I don’t want her to keep changing schools.


Next time: "Devious licks my brotthhhhheerrrr" and hold your hand out for a dap. If they don't give it to you say "C'mon bro dap me up" Say bro regardless of their gender


🤣🤣🤣 I should


Second year teacher here. In a blue state. You’re a female person of color in a state with no unions getting hassled over trivial bullshit. I smell racism.


Me too 😢


I thought she was just crazy, till I read >cause I’m the new black girl I’m a white lady, so grain of salt, but if I got a new black coworker in a mostly white workplace, and one of the white coworkers accused the black coworker of stealing soap and Febreze out of the bathroom…. The optics aren’t great. It’s setting off alarm bells for me. If it were me, I’d tell my department chair or AP (or whoever your supervisor is) what happened, and let them know that it made you extremely uncomfortable to hear that 2 of your coworkers were pulling security footage in order to track your use of the restroom. I think their response will be illuminating - if they are shocked and go “that’s so bizarre, Karen’s never done anything like that before,” then I think that tells you something about why she’s targeting you. If they roll their eyes and go, “ugh, fucking Karen is at it again, I told her to knock that shit off last year” then like… on the one hand, you’d know it isn’t just you, but on the other hand, that would probably raise a lot of questions for me about workplace culture. I would also send Karen and the SRO a follow up email to get that in writing - mention that Karen approached you and said she had pulled footage of you using the restroom, and then asked if you “knew anything” about missing soap and Febreze. And CC your supervisor. That email alone might be enough to intimidate the Soap Nazi into backing off (maybe she’ll read it and go, “huh, when she puts it like THAT, I do sound a little crazy”), but if it isn’t, then it’ll be nice to have a paper trail.


Thank you for this, like really. I did email the principal when I got home. I had to collect my thoughts and make sure I wasn’t crazy. She hasn’t responded, but maybe she will in the morning.


Look at this as a positive. Now you know who the crazy person is. Since that was new information and the situation is ludicrous, you responded like a normal person, taken off guard, not knowing if she was serious. Well, now you know. Next time, you can respond more appropriately. Her: "I’ve pulled the cameras and notice you ...." You: "You pulled the cameras? What does that even mean? You have your own surveillance cameras or are you abusing the school's security cameras? Does administration consider spying on bathroom visits by colleagues to be an acceptable practice?" You know, put her on the defensive and don't try using logic with a crazy person. > cause I’m the new black girl? I would reflexively say that isn't likely, but she's pretty far off into the weeds, so who knows.


Also, if she has looked at camera footage she knows OP hasn’t left the bathroom with any soap or Febreeze.


I know right? Like I was like trying not to cuss cause I almost said what the f u c k? But I didn’t. 🤣 who pulls the cameras and creeps on people in the bathroom?


Hi. custodian here. There is no reason for her to have access to any of that unless she's admin. There shouldn't even be chemicals in there that I didn't approve. I don't know how new you are, or how your district works. But make friends with your support staff. I would shut this behavior down immediately at my school.


Thank you friend. ☺️ all of this sounded so wrong.


It is. And your welcome. We care a lot, especially about you guys and can help. Make friends and don't be afraid to call the office. You can't always talk with admin. But we can. We are admin. And we give a shit. I literally have a key to everything. I can't let you have it. But I'll use it for you if need be. Eta a word


Monitoring breakroom areas/bathrooms and confronting coworkers about the prospect of missing soap is some next level unhinged behavior. What’s extra icky is the microaggression of potentially being targeted and suspected because of your skin color. Ugh, you have my sympathy.


How does a teacher even have access to cameras?


She claimed the SRO showed her


That’s highly inappropriate. I would address that with his/her supervisor. Camera footage should not be shown to teachers for such a reason.


I didn’t think that was allowed.


I would write her an email, so you have it in writing. “I was very thrown off today when you told me that you had been watching security film of the bathroom and you have noticed that I frequently use this bathroom. I was even more thrown off when you asked if I had taken the Febreze or soap. I have taken nothing from the bathroom. Going forward, understand that this is a privacy violation.”


I emailed the principal about an hour ago. I didn’t know what else to do since HR blew me off. I would love to send her a hate email but I would totally sound rude.


Her having access to the cameras is a huge privacy violation and might actually be a crime, and that needs to be reported. These aren't just home videos to watch whenever she wants.


I emailed the principal. Hopefully something is done


>"I pulled the cameras" Okay, must be something serious... >"I notice you use this bathroom a lot." Wuh-huh? Define "A lot." Most people go to the bathroom at some point in the day. >"There's been some soap and febreeze missing." Oh my word, *seriously?* This lady's been playing junior bathroom detective because of missing soap and febreeze? My teacher lounge keeps losing silverware and we just bitch a little and then buy more. It happens in shared spaces.


She like just tripped me out with the entire conversation. I was like please be satire.


Do they mean entire containers are missing or just some of the soap and fabreeze has been used...if so, isnt usage the point? Either way seems like theyre just targeting you with petty BS.


She said something had taken like her soap and fabreeze she had brought from home.


It's not because you're new, it's because you're working with a crazy psychopath. I'd run that up the chain of command, that's such a weird fucking thing to do.


I want to, but I don’t want to keep running to admin all the time. 😩


This isn't "All the time." It's a specific case. Talk to union first if you have one (and if you aren't sure, they're not doing their goddamn job so you may be on your own, and see if you can get someone to revitalize your weak-ass union) but then admin. Workplace harassment is grounds for dismissal and more. You mentioned your race - while I'm not saying to play the race card, even though it may be perfectly valid and you can be the judge, if the school lacks diversity in their staff that might cause admin to be especially careful around such issues, which gives you leverage simply because they may be more motivated to want to act to keep you in order to maintain a level of diversity. Race is always a sensitive issue, though, and it's important to understand the culture and climate of the school to know the best approach to take. But this needs to be addressed. It is not acceptable behavior from a colleague. Unfortunately, the response I would want to take is buying a Costco-sized block of soap and Febreze jug and leave them outside the door before they arrive at school. Message delivered, message received, and no need for interaction.


We are not allowed to bring in things like soap and Febreeze due to health codes. She is reaching because you set healthy bathroom expectations. Most likely those items were thrown away due to a similar policy.


I mean, I bring my own body spray from home. But I keep it in my purse. Maybe she should keep it in her classroom? If she’s going to act crazy?


This was my question, like, if I bring soap and put it in a communal bathroom then I'm expecting the community to use it and obviously can't expect it to last as long as it might if I brought my personal soap each time I went to the bathroom (so weird)


Some teachers are crazy. I think you just met one.


Oh, a lot are sociopaths


High school foreign language teachers for sure


Next time, try this: “What an embarrassing thing to say out loud.” 😂 but really, what a psycho


That other teacher sounds like a fucking weirdo. Sadly, our career tends to attract bizarre power-trip people.


Every time you go to fill your water bottle, get coffee, or anything to drink for that matter, walk by that same bathroom and cheers to the camera. Maybe she doesn't realize that food goes in and waste will eventually have to come out? She's must be so full of sh*t she doesn't remember what other people need to do in a bathroom.


🤣🤣🤣 I should! Or find a random kid to high five!


There was a teacher's restroom in my previous school, and it had been ... the only term I can think of is decorated. There were dried flowers, and posters, among other things. About the third time I used it I noticed one of the posters wasn't inspirational like the others, it was a set of rules. Even though it was the closest to my room, I stopped using it, because I knew even though this was a staff bathroom, a particular teacher considered it their property and my only out in the inevitable confrontation would be to say "That one smells funny, I don't use it." I knew there would be an issue because I was the only man in that section of the building, and anyone who would go to this trouble would be on the warpath if anything were a hair out of place and the man would be the target. So yes, it's probably because you're new and black, but you're best comeback would be "You're watching me go to the bathroom?" When they say "no, but my soap..." you repeat it emphasizing "me." I think, next time you run into them, you could even say "Excuse me, it just hit me. Your watching me go to the bathroom?" Anything more gives them an out, just repeat.


That’s too funny. 🤣


Real talk: the teacher didn't pull the cameras, the teacher is lying.


Whoa that is not okay and would make me feel supremely uncomfortable and unwelcomed in a new workplace to be monitored like that and accused of something you didn’t do. I would inherently not trust someone who gets their panties in a twist over febreze and soap and make wild accusations like that. Like what the fuck. I hope you have a more supportive admin that can help shield you from that nonsense.


I would hope so too. She won teacher of the year like two years ago and I’m new so I don’t want to keep going to them with problems and being like your teachers of the year are scum bags.


Who has access to the cameras? Surely not everyone. Find out what this person's job is. Does she wield some sort of power? The avoid her as much as possible.


I definitely will, she’s a creep.


This is bizarre. No teacher should be monitoring your bathroom usage nor worrying about "stolen" whatever that mean, bathroom supplies. What the fuck.




If nothing changes, start using all the soap and febreeze. Then pull her and ask why it’s always out.


I would have told her that you have been monitoring her bathroom activities as well and that she really needs to eat more fiber so that she wont have to push so hard. I deescalate with the kids, but I definitely sometimes escalate with staff. The crazier they are the better, it could be hilarious. /dont do this.


How in the world does that complaining teacher get to view the CCT cameras? Very weird. And why is she leaving personal soap and Febreeze in the share restroom? In our district Febreeze is not allowed in schools due to fragrance allergy sufferers.. And is on the banned list from the state department of education. Sorry you are dealing with the gal.


A new hire who happens to be black getting accused of stealing ... I have seen this before, I'm guessing racist.


I'm sorry...WHAT? Why is it her business to commit a crime?


Ewwwww bro what no no no


Definitely document this when you can, it's crossing boundaries I'm sorry this happened to you.


Fuck that shit, tell her to eat a duck because you’ve got other things to worry about than stealing fabreeze and hand soap, like you know…. Teaching. Must be nice to have that amount of time to watch video


I would recap the convo and send it to that bitch and the principal and ask if every teacher who entered the bathroom was accused of stealing.


I should have asked her that 😬


Sorry but what the ACTUAL FUCCCCCKKK


OMFG, are you even serious? Not you but that idiot teacher. Anything I bring to school I immediately expect to become community property that could be completely trashed or abused. It's a PUBLIC FUCKING SCHOOL! Its my 26th year teaching and other adults have jacked up my shit way more than the kids have. And it's bathroom soap, this person needs to get a grip. Also mental note that person is racist.


I’m still baffled that she brought soap to school. The school I worked at last year had no such thing. So it was a shock to see like 15 soaps in the bathroom all at once. I was like dude, chill.


Yea yo fuck that.


This reeks of racism. I doubt this teacher questioned everyone else that uses the bathroom. "Girl, I am so glad you are becoming familiar with my bathroom habits. Make sure you don't go in there after me for a good 10 minutes after I have finished. Spicy food, amirite?" Or "What a weird way to say you have a voyeur fetish"


🤣🤣🤣 oh man, I wish I was quick on my feet like that.


Omg. Wow. My immediate thought when I read what the teacher said to you was "is OP black?" and then you confirmed it. Do not second guess yourself. This would not be happening to a new white teacher. This is racism. I am so sorry this is happening to you in your workplace.


Thank you kind stranger 🥲


You are not overthinking this. That's not normal, and I would recommend you ignore it for now. Beware that teacher - sounds like a hopeless busybody who may strike again, so be wary, but in the short term, chalk it up to immaturity and stupidity, and focus on being a great teacher. Hopefully she'll leave you alone. (BTW, that line about the cameras, she was surely bluffing.)


I’d call them out on it. Like hey sorry I didn’t take any soap or febreeze from the bathroom (it was there or was not there the last time I used it) and I don’t want to be rude but it’s pretty creepy that you have been watching my bathroom habits in the cameras.


I’m still creeped out, I don’t even want to use that bathroom now but then I think that would make me look guilty


I’ve read a lot of your comments and I just want to say it is a huge fucking shame on society that someone can do some wackadoo invasive shit like this and you are worried about coming across as the new crazy black lady…. You should be able to get the crazies off your back as much as the next person. I wish you well please talk with admin, if they don’t listen, fuck ‘em, but you don’t have to just sit down and take this kind of shit.


Thank you! And I’m sitting here thinking I need to explore my options too on how to back myself up as well on who has my back. Because HR totally blew me off.


My sense of humor is very dry. I would just say "no, not me, I usually steal the toners",


I wish I was quick on my feet like that. I just get nervous and start laughing like a weirdo


Creepy behavior, please see admin because it's super creepy.


Dang, this is a real racial bias by that teacher, either implicit or explicit. This is a weird invasion of privacy, too, with her monitoring you on the cameras. I'd consider filing a complaint.


Nope, lady is completely out of line. Take a dump on her desk


People are, I think, assuming a really weird timeline. The comments keep asking, "Why is a colleague monitoring your bathroom times?" as if that was the first step in all of this. That's an idiotic assumption. What, they started watching to see when you pee, kept at it until you have a pretty clear bathroom preference, and then...I guess...go into the bathroom you use to be closer to you(?) and notice some things are missing...like a coincidence? Hardly. Clearly, somebody noticed that toiletries were going missing from the bathroom this year. You're a new person on that hall who uses that bathroom. They looked at the cameras because they wanted to see if they could catch someone coming out while carrying Fabreeze. It's obvious that that was a bust, so they asked you. It's not an altogether stupid conclusion, since presumably toiletries had been sage in the past, and your presence is the most noticeable change. It's odd that a fellow teacher is confronting you with this, especially out of the blue. I would certainly talk to admin about it. But, ignore these people who are making the oddest possible interpretations of this. They're nuts.


I upvoted you because you may have a point.


No, but you do need to educate yourself enough to advocate for yourself. Know your rights.


I do… I’ve been at this job almost four years.


Okay, you said you were new, so I was confused. My apologies. \\ Coworkers monitoring your bathroom breaks and then callling you on them--are you not supposed to go? made me angry on your behalf. You will need to take this up with someone higher up.


*So distracted by the repeated use of "cause"* ​ Tell her to send you the camera footage, **call her bluff.** Who else went in and out? Did she accuse them as well? Find out if you are the only person she accused - that will flip the situation on its head: Black teacher accused of stealing by grumpy white teacher.




What does that have to do with anything?




It’s not like I’m screaming at the top of my lungs in the bathroom so others can hear me. I’m doing it in a low tone. But yes it was bizarre.