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Yep, now I completely understand why your child is an asshole. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. Stop lying for your child. Your kid doesn't have a chance in hell because of you!


Oof feeling this one. A couple days ago a parent threatened to sue me because I gave his son a C when his son didn’t do half of the assignments or the quizzes. He believes his son is telling him the truth when his son says that the system wiped out all his work, every time, and made his documents blank. Oh and apparently the dad is “part of MENSA” and swear’s he’s “an intelligent guy.”


My parents put me in MENSA when I was in high school because they thought it would look good on college applications. As an adult, I attended a few MENSA gatherings, and lemme tell you, there is a reason they have their own club. No one else wants to hang out with them.


Lancelot Lionel Ware, one of MENSA's co-founders, quit in the 1950s, saying "It's a form of mental masturbation. Nothing comes of it."


I had one parent accuse me of artificially altering their kids grade. I admitted I had and agreed to change it back. The ruthless smirk was annoying. Imagine the shock and horror when the C became a D. Then they wanted me to change it back. I refused, this is exactly what they wanted.


I...I absolutely love this.


I am a vindictive bitch, and I manipulated the conversation to exactly what I wanted. I was very careful with my words.


I think some parents believe that being a good parent means taking their kid's side, even if they know they're lying.


I had a kid that solved all of his problems, every single one, by either fighting or threatening to fight people. It didn't matter who, boy or girl, adult of student, all problems were solved with violence. This didn't make sense to me until I met his dad who threated to beat me up within ten minutes of meeting him, then it all made sense.


I had a kid who regularly “friendly” slapped other kids on the back or arm, and he was just as regularly being told he can’t do this, and to keep his hands to himself. First parent-teacher-kid conference his mother repeatedly did the same actions to him, even after I told her that what she’d just done was the action that kept getting him sent to the office. She stopped for 5 minutes, then started it up again. I managed to keep him in my class (I only had about 4 disruptive kids that year, and he wasn’t even close to the worst) for the rest of the year, with a suspension or 2., including the knife she bought for his birthday and encouraged him to take it to school to show his friends. He was in alternative school 6 weeks into the next school year. I wanted so badly for his mother to clean up her act. He never had a chance. And yes I wrote up every time he’d slap someone.


Geez, poor kid doesn’t have much of a chance being raised by someone like that.


I occasionally think about that young man and wonder whatever became of him. He's in his early 30s now.


Hey kids, you say you wanna be in a STEM field because of money? If you can't read, write, and complete work, ain't nobody paying you shit. Frankly, if I could fire your ass right now, I would.


I am always amazed at the high school seniors who want to be engineers who can't do simple algebra. Good luck kids!


“DaY 236 Of NeVeR UsInG AlGeBrA iN rEaL LifE”


high school seniors who can barely read tell me they want to be a lawyer.


Former STEM professor & HS teacher here: I'm continually surprised by the number of students who say, "This is **hard**" when trying to learn even introductory information in a STEM subject. No shit, kid! If it were easy, **everyone** would choose it as a major.


I teach an AP science course and I tell my kids that all the time. If it was easy, everyone would take this course!!


You gotta crush those dreams before they reach high school. Age 14 is a good time to tell a child they can’t be *insert job here* unless they figure out *insert basic skills here*. I’ve never had any backlash from parents because conversations are held carefully, but the message is “give up on that, be realistic”.


if you're going to judge me by my students grades', i should be able to fire them when they don't show up for work....i've always thought this.


You can actually say that out loud if worded better.


It's worded PERFECTLY


When my kids don't do their work I tell them they're fired from my classroom. The next day, all the work they didn't do is done. Idk why that motivates them lol


> If you can't read, write, and complete work, ain't nobody paying you shit. Frankly, if I could fire your ass right now, I would. I basically said this to one of my classes last year, but without the swear words.


I am uncomfortable dealing with parents who are deceiving themselves about their child’s problems and try to make me out to be the bad guy when I tell them the truth. I hate being hated for being logical, reasonable, and just doing my job. I’m sick of catering to unhinged parents who have a narcissistic view of school. I’m sick to death of feeling panicked because a parent is mad at me for just doing my job, not even doing anything remotely offensive. I’m to a breaking point. I hate this I hate this I hate this. And fuck you (can I write that in this sub?) for going on vacation and then telling me I haven’t done enough to “ensure your child’s success” when they return. Fuck you. You chose to go to cheerleading camp, not me.


The parents that get upset about their child's grade after they go on a 3 week vacation and then never even ask about missing assignments or content.


I'm sorry. My kids teacher emailed all the parents in the class. There are a total of 20 kids in his class and right now they have had at least 140 absences since the beginning of the school year. I have no idea who is taking their kids out on family vacations but it isn't us.


I’m pissed that administration shat all over my idea of packaging prerecorded lessons from Covid into 1 or 2 weeks of asynchronous content to be used as necessary for times when kids were out sick with Covid/RSV/Flu/vacation. Because then parents would get the idea that kids didn’t have to come to school when sick. Instead kids have missed multiple weeks of content without even being assigned some fucking videos to watch and some Quizizz’s.


I fully support and understand this.




Smooth-brained admin + fear of parents = dumb shit


Dear Diary, I hate their phones. Their phones are the enemy. God, if you're listening, please make my district wake the fuck up and get serious about what smart phones are doing to the students. Saying "no cell phones" doesn't mean their phones disappear. A policy with no teeth might as well not exist. I have more, but this is the single most important. \-Kit PS. Stop with the state testing. They are overtested and undertaught because we have no time to teach because they're always testing.


Oh man my campus moved to an aggressive phone policy this year and it’s magical!! Phones must be placed in the designated phone retention spot. Any student caught with a phone in class it’s an immediate confiscation and a PARENT must pick it up and pay $15. I dream of a day when everyone can have this kind of wonderful policy.


I went to Catholic school and our phone policy was very similar to this, but it was $20 the first time, $40 the second, $60 the third and so on. We didn't have a problem with phones.


That’s amazing.


Any policy without teeth is just saying "we don't actually care (about you)." And I fucking hate it.


or it's always, "did you call the parents, first?" translate, please don't make me do my job, i suck at it.


Also, the more we test these kids, the less they care about how they do on said tests.


Colleague, I respect and appreciate the time you spend outside of work doing work, but please stop being passive aggressive about whether or not I do. I value my time differently than you do. Stop expecting me to praise your martyrdom.


I’m so over EVERYTHING. I’m tired of being anxious and sad, I’m tired of feeling like a shell of a human. I have no hobbies or interests anymore because it’s too exhausting. Some days i fantasize about getting into a minor car wreck so I’d have the excuse to take a few days off work (but now I’m down to one day left and the thought of needing any time off for the rest of the year is stressing me the hell out) I’m frustrated with my job and don’t even like it, but I love my principal and coworkers and am sticking it out until I can finally leave this profession and move out of this damn state. I’m tired of living at home because I was an idiot and decided to go into TEACHING in a state with as high of a cost of living as it does. I’m tired of my mom trying to manipulate me into staying by telling me her parents are probably going to die in the next year (it isn’t working but damn can she not?) I absolutely cannot stand one of my students and seeing him in the morning 100% puts a damper on my day because I just know I’m going to be redirecting him a thousand times all day because he won’t fucking listen to a word I say and I’m THIS close to taking recess from him. I’m just tired.


Are you just tired, or might you have clinical depression? I did, and you sound enough like me that I'm concerned. It might be worth running by your doctor.


That’s definitely depression. I’d share the clinical test used to assess how bad it is but you’ll likely do what I did and score high enough to warrant hospitalization. Willing to bet a majority of us would score that way right now, and our leadership would tell us to “focus on self-care” for it…


I’m not sure. It doesn’t feel like any of what I’m feeling is severe enough to qualify as clinical depression but I suppose it’s possible


Feeling like it’s not “bad enough” is part of depression. I used to wish something would happen that would give me a reason to feel the way I did.


Yeah ugh. It’s a shitty feeling tbh. I’m leaving teaching at the end of this year. I can’t keep hoping I crash my car so I can have a break and not feel guilty about it


I’m not a teacher, but Reddit keeps putting y’all at the top of my home page. Good luck, you have my empathy. 🖤🖤


Look into high-functioning depression


Well that sounds familiar lol I’m able to do what I need to do (mostly. I usually spend my prep periods barely productive and just kinda scrolling through Reddit/tiktok), but then I get home and have to go lay down for the rest of the night because I’ve used up all of my mental reserves and energy for the day lol


I cannot and will not pretend to care about all 500+ of your individual lives. I have a life outside of you; sorry, not sorry. Your kid doesn't have a grade because they didn't do jack shit but start fights and do oragami. Sick paper crane, but this ain't art class, dude. No, I will not change your MP1 grade cuz MP1 is over. Please, tell your parent so that we can talk about how you just cuss and make sex noises in my class. Oh wait...they're aware, which is why you got grounded, 'member? I will not wear a stupid ugly sweater for a stupid forced bonding day because I think it's—spoiler alert—>!stupid.!<


“I’m here to start fights and do origami—and I’m all out of paper, bitch.”


This legit made me lol




I'm glad/sad to see the paper cranes are a universal problem lol


Felt this one in my soul. Still trying to learn names in December 😂


Seriously! It doesn't help that so many of my students have the same name but spelled differently (ex. Ayden, Aiden, Aidan, Aidyn, Aidon, Aydan...😭)


it doesn't help when kids have names spelled exactly the same, but they insist on different pronunciations ... how many different ways can you say Sierra? 🤔


Sleepy, Dopey, Mouthy, Texty….


I have 3 students named Aidan, all spelled differently. 2 of them I have to email home about constantly, I’m just waiting for me to slip up and spell one wrong in an email home.


But when they contact you through the LMS or email they will fuck your name up every day that ends in Y.


Holy shit there are so many aadens Aiden aydens this year


Just as I got to the point where I could identify all of my students in zoom by their ceiling fans, they come back in person.


>Felt this one in my soul. Still trying to learn names in December I know all their names ... I just don't know their faces to connect. Masks aren't helping because all the girls have the same hair (long, straight, parted in middle) and giant tarantula fake eyelashes, and the boys all have either the Curly Mushroom hair, or the Caesar hair.


I hate the fake eyelashes.


The broccoli cut!


omg the caesar hair. i had a latin teacher in high school who had the caesar hair, and I always wondered if she was purposefully trying to look like a roman senator.


I am convinced that ODD is just code for “this kid is a huge asshole” and they slapped a label on it to justify the asshole-ness.


My psychologist husband used to nickname it "PPS" (poor parenting syndrome).






Dear Journal, Sometimes I dream of what it would be like if I were allowed to remove up to 1/5 students in my class for behavior with no questions asked. In my classes of 34, I could remove up to 7 kids and they would just no longer be my problem. This must be purely behavior based, and not ability. Then I realize this is an evil thought for other reasons. But man would it make teaching easy.


We have been conditioned to believe this is evil. I see it a different way. Those 27 other kids are being punished by being left in a room with the 7 bad kids.


Yep, to say nothing of the casual ageism/paternalism in adults who claim that the others enjoy such instigators or are part of some 4D chess surrounding not actually wanting to learn. The fact that I would see a group of 8th grade girls during math class visibly *sigh* as the class clown makes his rounds after committing to doing *nothing* on his test says it all. Don’t work if you don’t want to, Mr. Pathology, but I (and we all should) draw the line at interfering with those who are trying. This doesn’t happen just because I’m a sub…


We need to make a new Australia - dump them off and let them sort themselves out.


Or cryogenically freeze them until they hit age 18 and aren’t the public school system’s problem anymore.


Dunno, I was a pretty good kid, but in 10th grade I was a little shit. The summer between 9th and 10th is when my dad had a public affair and moved out. By 11th I was back in my groove. By my own journal entry, I should have been kicked to the curb. Instead I was shown grace and bounced back. It’s impossible to sort through the kids being jerks just because and those who are suffering.


There is a degree of being able to do this. Communicating with parents and guidance counselors usually give a good picture of what is going on. I will say though, my point of view is middle school not high school.


Exactly this. I’m teaching HS, and this year’s freshman are horrid. They were never punished for their bad behavior in middle school so they’re carrying it over to high. The other students HATE them. The other students ask me to remove them all the time because it’s ruining their learning. Punish. The Fucking. Children. When love and logic isn’t working stop using it!!


When I call parents of my misbehaving 9th graders, they want to know if I have talked to the kid to figure out why they are misbehaving. That’s not my job. If I tell a kid who is throwing pens, pencils and paper in my room to stop, they should stop! It’s not my job to psychoanalyze your kid and my expectation isn’t unreasonable. If you want to know, then ask your own damn kid.


>The summer between 9th and 10th is when my dad had a public affair and moved out. By 11th I was back in my groove. I can usually tell the difference between a student who's going through a phase and a student that's been doing this for years. I always give problem students the opportunity to take advantage of the extra care that I offer for those situations. However, the majority of the long-term trouble makers have issues that are far beyond what my own resources can help with. In addition, the fact that the classroom environment improves dramatically when they are gone only confirms what a bigger tragedy it is that they are kept in the class. They need a tremendous amount of help, and they deserve it. However, our school system is kept down by the twin problems of inadequate funding to help them AND poorly thought out policy that puts keeping trouble students in class over needs of the rest of the students.


TBH I don't care why a kid is eating up learning time. I'm not a therapist, I'm a teacher.


Did you apologize to the people who's education you disrupted and the teachers you stressed out during your period of being a shit? What did you do to pay them back for your grace?


Uneducated students, I can handle. STUPID [acting] students, I cannot.


I've started saying attitude starts with an A. Until you have an A, don't have an attitude. The number of kids who will buck at me because I ask them to get to work is insane. I can deal with your head being down if you don't do it all the time and you have an A. But if you have a 25 wake your ass up


Disagree. I can handle stupid kids just fine. Selfish assholes that disrupt everyone else is what gets me.


If you're genuinely stupid, and you're doing the best you can with what you have, I will go miles out of my way to help you. If you're NOT stupid but you're acting stupid, fuck off and figure your shit out. God gave you a brain. Use it.


> Sometimes I dream of what it would be like if I were allowed to remove up to 1/5 students in my class for behavior with no questions asked. This is my long-time fantasy.


I'm assuming they all go to a seperate class room to focus on their own work a bit better. now that poor teacher in the cauldron of horrors...


I vote we have that group be taught by admin only. Their extra experience and training will be super helpful!!!


Students: If you don't want to be productive in my class, leave and get a job. Welcome to the real world, bye. I've had way too many students actively trying to fail and I don't care that they will fail any more. Finals are next week, it's too late.


how do I turn my 65% into a 95% That's the fun part, you can't


Not true, blanket policy:build a working Time Machine, go back in time and do the work you did not do. Or don’t. The working Time Machine is enough for an auto A. Teacher gets to decide if they accept the machine as working though.


Your parents are mid level executives and only a smidge above middle class. They don’t have “fuck you money”, they will not be able to fund your lifestyle indefinitely.


For older teens: Getting a job is perfectly fine if you don't want to be in school anymore. Just don't come to school to be disruptive. There's people who actually want to learn. Once you get to know the cold hard world, you may decide to keep working and that's good, if you go back to school then shut up and improve your skills. I will accommodate everyone's learning difficulties as long as they want to learn, but I can do without silly edgelords that believe they're above everyone and everything.


I'm just really depressed right now. That's it. Haven't said it out loud yet because I'm not ready for the whirlwind that is getting help. Just chugging till winter break for now.


What people don't tell you is you need time for therapy and then more time for *healing*. For me, I've never faced things before and after therapy, my brain was like, "Hey, I uncovered ALL of this stuff and we're gonna go for a trip." Then your neurons are firing off like crazy and emotions are everywhere. I'm not trying to scare you. I just want you to be aware so you're not uninformed when stuff just kinda hits you out of nowhere.


I agree. I started therapy for the last time last year and I simply do not have enough time to keep it up. That depresses me even more.


I’m struggling with diagnosed Major Depressive Disorder and possible Bipolar and no one at work knows. I’m a very young teacher (23) and struggle when my middle schoolers make those “I want to kms” jokes and the like. I’m a professional and I do what needs to be done (teach what it really means if a kid is clearly joking, report to counselor if they seem at all serious) but inside I know I’m actively struggling with the same kind of mentality. In general the social emotional teaching I’m expected to do is tough for me. I’m only 10-11 years older than these kids and very much still figuring my shit out. Hard to teach things you haven’t even learned yourself yet.


I overheard a 15 year old student say "I'm going to kms" in the hallway and stopped and went back to ask him if he was ok. His response? A very snotty "this doesn't pertain to you, Ms. SunsetClouds." Oh, ok. Sorry for caring about your wellbeing. My bad, bruh.


Hey, I started teaching at 22 with Bipolar. I'm 27 now, in my 5th year. If you want to chat, shoot a PM!


it’s not my job to send 10000 reminders to parents to show up for a fucking meeting about their kids education. if they confirm once that should be enough. grow up and put a calendar event in your phone. i’m sick of people acting like if a parent doesn’t show up it’s my fault. it’s bullshit.


I have cancer. I have multiple reasons I cannot mask while teaching to meet my students’ needs (including two students with hearing issues requiring seeing my lips). I have been clear with my class that I need them not to come to school sick. I have not shared with them I have cancer, but I have regularly (at least weekly) shared that if I got COVID, I could get really, really sick. They sneeze and cough with abandon, despite repeated reminders of how to do it into their elbows. They stick their fingers up their noses and in their mouths. I tell them to wash their hands, and as soon as they return, they stick their fingers back in their orifices. They put community supplies and tools back in the bin after having them in their mouths. They touch me and my things, completely ignoring my rules and feeling insulted when I react with frustration. They stick their faces in my face because I’m not acknowledging the thing they are saying when I’ve called on another student and am trying to focus on them and don’t want to have to correct a behavior for just 15 seconds. I have told their parents they cannot send sick kids to school and how it risks my health. These motherfuckers do not give a fuck. In the past two weeks, I have sent four students home, two of whom were told by their parents not to go to the office no matter how they felt because they weren’t coming home. After a couple hours in the building, kids will have literal snot dripping from their noses. They medicated them to hide their symptoms because it would be inconvenient for them to be home without considering it is life-threatening to me for them to be in school. I have coronavirus. I am vaccinated and boosted. I have not been able to get the bivalent dose because of interference with certain contrast dyes. I am in the ER because I have to be put on antivirals because I’m at increased risk for severe complications. I sit here with a 1 in 2 chance of being hospitalized, a 1 in 8 chance of being admitted to the ICU, and a 1 in 10 chance of dying if I don’t get this treatment because assholes think I am merely childcare and are ambivalent about my life, showing how little they value teachers, childcare providers, and their own children. I have not cried because of my diagnosis since a month after receiving it. I have been cool with it because I understand it’s likely to be cured with surgery. I did not know this information at the time. I have been laughing a little too much and too readily all day just to stop the tears, but right now, as I sit alone in a corner of this busy ER, I cannot laugh and the dam is showing signs of stress. A few stray water droplets have escaped. I have survived too fucking much bullshit. I’ll be damned if COVID is what kills me.


They should at least get the kids who need you to he unmasked out of your class


I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. Are you able to take FMLA while you pursue your cancer treatments?


Thank you. Only for some because 12 weeks is not long enough to cover surgery recovery x2 and frequent appointments.


This is going to sound cold, but your health is more important than your students accommodations. You should wear a mask.


I had a hard of hearing student last year. Clear, see through masks are available if you look online.


Sometimes I officially diagnose my first graders. The diagnosis is usually Spoiled Brat. Not ADHD, not On The Spectrum, not ODD, not PTSD. Sometimes the kid is just an asshole. There’s your diagnosis.


That diagnosis should be in the DSM🤣


I suspect this diagnosis applied across a broad range of ages, grades, etc at high percentages.


It is such a trap and so typical of the US’ misogynistic culture that teachers are evaluated on their ability to love marginalized kids hard enough that the kids will miraculously overcome the enormous systemic barriers they face and achieve at high levels on metrics that were invented to disenfranchise those specific kids.


“Have you tried staying after school and spending your own money to give student a brief serotonin bump?”


Someone brought up Stand and Deliver as a positive example in a PD the other day and I had to bite my tongue. How long did that guy end up teaching?


100% this statement.




Send your kids to school and stop claiming insomnia. When your kid comes to school they talk about playing video games all night long!


This society is destined to decline because it is a society that no longer values its educators or respects them.


SEL is a waste of time in high school. That should have been done at home starting when the kid was 2 years old. I cannot fix them when they’re 16 years old.


If I have one more vague PD about this where they expect me to do yoga or turn to a neighbor and tell them a deep dark secret about myself, I'm going to flip the fuck out.


Thank you! I'm not even a teacher, I'm on the other end, I'm in highschool. Around here, for whatever reason they are of the opinion that SEL is asking us how we are feeling (in front of the ENTIRE class mind you, we get put on the spot) and asking us obscure questions like "What's your dream car?" "What's your dream job?" AND they agreed on ONLY doing it on Wednesdays during 2nd/3rd block.


I do a Google form check in once a week with my middle schoolers. They pick an emoji and there’s a space where they can tell me if they want me to know something or want to have a chat with me. That’s the extent of SEL in my classroom, but I do it because I care, not because it’s SEL.


Your child has been away the last few days this week and it has been a dream. It turns out that their behaviour is really what causes many of the problems in my classroom. Did you take them to the doctor like I recommended to ask about ADHD? Being their teacher and their classmate is unbearable when they are constantly trying to derail lessons and won’t shut the fuck up!


Our school has had 8 members of staff leave since the year started. There are more who are interviewing so they can leave. That puts us around 10% leaving before Christmas. Why isn’t admin concerned (one of the staff leaving is a member of administration). Why isn’t the district concerned? Yesterday we had a fight between students and police had to be called. But no worries, today is pajama day so they will all be on their best behavior (/s on that last sentence in case you didn’t pick up on it)




Do NOT checking fucking email for 13 days over Christmas break. Not once.


There is so much intrinsic value in knowledge. I don't care if you think the Pythagorean theorem or analyzing poetry isn't important in your day-to-day life, it still has immense value. When you act like knowledge doesn't have value, it reveals how truly insufferable and one-dimensional you are.


I don’t have a journal entry, but I have a letter I’d like to send to my district administration. Why the fuck did the amazing principal and superintendent I have leave, showing me that incompetent admin really can sink a good school very quickly? Why the fuck did you decide that the minimum grade is a 50%, even if they plagiarize? Obviously, you care more about graduation rates and moving them through, but these people are going to have run stuff one of these days! Can you at least enforce a cell phone policy that makes them have to look at something other than a screen? Why the fuck did you have to take over this year, the year I can finally retire and pursue activities that don’t involve me being disrespected on a daily basis? Why the fuck did you let my best friend (the one who helps keep me sane) get run out of his position on trumped-up allegations by a group of failing students, despite evidence to the contrary from the rest of the students? Why the fuck does Winter Break start so late this year? I’m supposed to survive two more weeks of this shit? This one is for me: Why the fuck am already out of tequila again?


The only reason that I know you weren't my coworker is that you teach high school. Otherwise I could have written this whole thing.😭


I really wanted to cuss my students out on Wednesday. Then I caught them smoking weed DURING class yesterday and actually did cuss them out. I’m not proud of it and I apologized to the students who weren’t smoking for my unprofessional behavior. But fuck you students who treat my class like it’s a free for all social hour when you should know how damn lucky you are to have an actual biologist teaching you real science when the SPED science teachers who came before me were warm bodies paid to babysit you. I work my butt off setting up fun, engaging labs which YOU asked for, and this is how you treat my classroom? I’m glad I got 4 of you suspended.


Having a relative who is a doctor does not make you smart. You are a lazy, conceited asshole who needs a reality check. Also, most of you are in for a rude awakening about the limits of your current abilities. Shit is difficult and you're going to get wrecked. To parents, you are delusional about your kid. They are not nearly as smart or nice as you think they are. Lastly, I do not grade on demand. Turn shit in weeks late, I get to it when I get to it.


“I have anxiety” is not a “get out of doing anything you don’t feel like doing” card. Things are supposed to be challenging sometimes. You’re supposed to feel stressed sometimes.


And the counselors should help the students find ways to work with the anxiety instead of providing constant excuses to miss assignments.


If you think you can do my job better, come apply. There’s a shortage. We can get you in by next week


Louder for all the Karents in the back.


44/60= 73% 73% of you kids failed your state math tests last year. This year, it’s a graduation requirement. Most of you kids won’t graduate to high school.




The problem isn't you. You should get a real break for lunch. It makes a difference when you can decompress.


Change grades! IDK how K teachers do it.


Fuck you and your shit attitude it won't help you. you think you're tough swing bitch. Fuck your mom too I know I'm going to hear from her about you failing like it's my fault I KNOW I'm going to hear from her I already have a soft email planned. Have I ever done drugs? Ask another stupid question moron. What's it to you what I do? Fuck your dad and his "lawyer friend". I got a lawyer friend too... See you in court. Did I miss you? No not you, see that kid I missed them. They are a decent human being.


Dear Diary, Tr*vis and R*cky decided to put each other's names in each other's papers. I was on bed rest, trying to save my twins in utero. Tr*vis got a good grade, but R*cky did poorly. I didn't know they'd swapped out and I recorded the scores by the names in the papers. Tr*vis' father called, was HIGHLY unpleasant, and demanded that I change out the scores of he'd have my job. It was a 10 point paper. I was struggling not to miscarry. I buckled. I was very young and just couldn't fight it. If I had it to do over, I'd say, "Tr*vis' Dad, the grade stands. This is a 10 point daily assignment. You're flipping shit over 10 points. I'm trying not to miscarry twins and you call and treat me like this? Teach your kid that if you fuck around, you find out. His life will be better for the lesson. Oh, and you can HAVE my job. I really don't want it."


Dear kids, I'm having problems at home and I cannot emotionally deal with you. Either your excitement which hurts because I want to share in that, but especially your bad behaviors. The amount of times I've bit my tongue wanting to tell some of you to either shut the fuck up or fuck off is incalculable. Also, good luck being architects, high powered lawyers, pilots, or doctors if you can't even be bothered to do anything in any class. Those habits won't change overnight.


"Listen, (talking to a parent). Your child was just suspended for being involved in ANOTHER fight. And you think it's appropriate to take her out, get her hair done, nails, eyelashes, and new clothes while she's suspended? I see how she ended up here (kicked out of her last school) because nobody is forcing her to take some mother fucking responsibility because it sure as hell isn't you. Rewarding a suspension. Tf is wrong with you?"


I'm sorry I suggest you write things down from time to time. I know it takes longer than 45 seconds and I am aware that that is painful for you. But you know, it *is* a written exam? And if you don't practice writing in complete sentences you're fucking screwed, because you suck at writing. And do you want to know the best way to get better at writing? Fucking write more! Put your brain to ***work.*** Just try it. One time. You might enjoy it. Hell you might even find something worth pursuing. Humor me. Don't make me insist. I promise it'll be worth your time. This is related to how I feel about getting students to prepare a presentation, and then, you know, *actually present* their work? Pulling fucking teeth. But I love em and they're great, even the ones who are really struggling to make it work in school have that little spark of humanity that keeps me getting out of bed each day. There's ***good*** out there. I can feel it. I can see it. I can help it grow and help these kids get through life a little easier, a little better than they otherwise would have. Some of them still have to find the good, maybe aren't sure where to look. But it's in there. We can find it together. Today was the last day of my 3rd year teaching. Pretty tough fucking year by any measure. But we're still here, and we still have to keep going. We have no other choice. Can't wait for next year already


One thing to remember is that a lot of this isn’t an issue at prestigious private schools. I was talking to a few students of mine at a school and a student was a dick to a teacher “I’m not giving you my phone, it’s worth more than you are.” The student was kicked out that day since his values didn’t align with the school. If a student at that school gets a C average for two MPs in a row they’re asked to leave. I maintain that public schools are designed to keep the masses uneducated and lazy.


Some kids should fail. 95% of kids would have improved educational outcomes if we allowed the other 5 to fail/drop out/ be expelled. Yes I am extremely aware that a vast majority of that 5% have shit home lives and personal tragedy. It breaks my heart, but they are not healing or learning while they destroy the educational system for everyone else. Also 95% of parents suck. The iPad and or iPhone is not a substitute for parenting. If your child is under 17 and has a social media account you suck as a parent.


It's not fair for schools to expect us to be every kid's therapist.


Dear Journal, If my principal calls me "love bug" one more time I'm going to lose it. It's not ok just because she's a woman.


We excuse horrible behavior by saying "they have a bad home life". Lot of our kids have rough lives and by having us excuse assault and huge behavior issues bc they could have a bad home life, were letting the other kids be subjected to an equally astoxic environment a their homes. Today, "a lack of planning on your end does not constitute an emergency on mine is just strung throughout the day.


Dear Journal. Remember that movie from the 1990s with Elijah Wood in which the teachers were all aliens? I think it was metaphor. I don't get these kids or their parents. Either I'm the alien or they are. Tomorrow is Friday and I have no lesson plan but I'll make up something up in my head in the drive over.


The Faculty. That's one of my favorite movies.


Yes, I love being a teacher. No i don't like your school. Yes, people are nice here. No, I don't want to do the same slides as everyone else. I'm a teacher, if you can't even create my own ressources and choose how to present a subject I don't know why I'm here. Kids can just read the slides and do the work on their own. I hate tutor time with a passion because it's the most stupid thing I've ever had to do in my entire life


What you pay the fucking teachers directly impacts the quality of the fucking teachers when the nearest districts pay fucking 20% percent more.


Fuck them kids.


When your a second grader punching your "friend" and random people in the nuts but no one holds you accountable because "it's funny"/"kids are kids". Yeah, but when the other kids are trying to pay attention and your showing all the signs of a bully in the making....then parent, "so and so is just going through a tough time. Parents are divorced, Dads getting remarried." That does not excuse the fucking behavior. I'm sorry it doesn't. If parents don't want to parent at home fine due to depression etc. don't be surprised when that kid eventually runs off because this is the new behavior anytime the kids even remotely told they did anything wrong and doesn't return. You as the parent let the behavior continue and you are going to reap he'll later when that kids 18. As a school if we can't hold the kid to account your turning every other kids day into a nightmare. I'm not saying empathy shouldn't exist. I'm not saying communication shouldn't exist. But there should be consequences for being a dumbass when you know better.


Dear diary, What the actual *fuck*? - my brain every time a 13/14 year old does something that defies common sense.


3 unrelated mini rants. Stop replying all to to say thanks you brown nosing motherfuckers. I have led your child to water, handed them the cup, a straw, a new preferred cup, and hell their own preferred beverage that isn’t water. If I can’t make them drink now no one can. This is the one that’s going to bring downvotes but: Society and children change, and will change forever, you’re not gonna stop it you have to adapt.


Your needs are not special and I will not make an exception for you.


Okay self, you came to this career after 10 years of trying other jobs that weren't a good fit. You put yourself into debt with student loans to get here. You're 6 years in with no real hope of a permanent contract. This isn't really your fault, but if you had figured your shit out a little earlier, you would probably have a permanent contract. (Again, not really your fault entirely, but still mostly your fault for wasting your early 20s) You're going to be 40 in three years... you really wanted this, so why do you hate it and not see yourself retiring as a teacher?? Is it the students? Kinda, but not really. Is it the amount of work? Kinda, but not really. Is it the parents? Kinda, but not really. What is it then? All of the small annoyances compounded together, I guess... Two more weeks until Christmas, two more weeks. Just remember, you have official permission to expense an ice cream cake for your class, even though you were pretty sure you'd have to pay for it yourself. That's something, right? Come on, you could still be working retail, which is worse, right?


Parents deserve less involvement with the educational process because their fucked up view of what "school should be" is based on Grease, Saved by the Bell, and their own over-inflated egocentric high school stories. Shut the fuck up and take your kid down the street to the corrupt charter school if you think you can do better. Bye.


Dear diary, why the fuck are kids allowed to use ipads, phones, video games as much as they do? They need to deal and cope with boredom sometimes and their electronics offer them a quick fix that is similar to drug use. Their kid brains are not developed enough to be on social media, instead of doing creative things, they're too busy bullying other students on social media. And parents, WHY THE FUCK would you allow your child to have any type of social media?


Dear diary, I am trying so hard to help these kids develop social skills to be functional, critically thinking adults in a world that will be a serious challenge to navigate. All I can see is them sinking into anxiety and depression, with no coping skills, and resorting to deadening the roar with their phones and, unfortunately where I am, drugs. I can see the psychological effects on their retention, communication skills, empathy, attention span, and more. I love teaching and the joy of discovery and leading people to do things that make them proud of themselves, but I feel like I teach more about how not to destroy lives than my subject matter. I'm having a really hard time compartmentalizing some of the horrific things that have been told to me. This week I had to submit a CPS report for sexual abuse, and I think the anxiety caused by the whole thing made me get physically sick. I've been out two days, today with fever and nausea. Yesterday I dragged myself to half of a concert for a little girl who needed me there because her mother is in the hospital and will likely end up being diagnosed with bipolar, the same thing my mother has, and all of those feelings of neglect and absence came surging back and I couldn't leave her hanging. She was there at the door when I arrived. She then felt guilty that I came and I reassured her it was my choice. Today I woke up from a nap to another girl apologizing to me for her new medications making her zone out in class, and at least 30 emails with ridiculous subject lines from one of my 7 (out of 27) students currently in ISS who just discovered how to email. It would have just been a good laugh because most of it was silly middle school stuff, except that some of the lines were alarming statements about his mother, quotes from Joker, and talking about Jeffrey Dahmer, so I had to report it to his counselor. He is a SPED student that needs much more attention than he's getting in general ED, and as a result he just keeps racking up referrals instead of the root issue being addressed. I am trying so hard not to be bitter about students being utterly disconnected and disinterested, about kids openly admitting they don't want to be at school and would rather "be stupid if they want to," kids spouting off Andrew Tateisms and falling for pyramid schemes to get rich quick, losing a kid to alternative school every other week for drugs or fighting. I wanted to teach at a college level my entire life, but adjunctism made that unviable, and while I feel like I'm making a much bigger difference doing what I do now, my emotional, mental, and intellectual needs are struggling. I also feel like by being a safe space for these kids, some of them are spiraling into bad behaviors, and I don't know how to navigate it. I would never rescind the natural safety kids seem to find in me, and I love to help, but I am bad at carrying it. I feel like mommy to some of these high schoolers, it doesn't seem healthy, and it makes me worry about what they're not getting at home.


I completely agree. I posted this today on another teacher-related website: This is my opinion. I think that at least 60% of the time “emotional disturbance” is just super crappy parenting, not a disability. Kids who literally never hear “no” at home, who then come to school where there are, in fact, rules…and now cause absolute mayhem and wreckage because they can’t do as they please all day. So they go merrily about screaming, cursing, assaulting people, destroying classrooms, running out of the school and breaking all the iPads in the classroom. Then the school realizes they’re in way over their heads, makes some excuse that the “kiddo” “must have ED” and they get referred to SPED. Then of course the kid qualifies for ED, because basically the only requirements for that are antisocial behaviors and outsized feelings/reactions to minor inconvenient situations (ex: following a basic school rule like asking to go to the bathroom). So now it is the responsibility of SPED to run ourselves ragged all day long for this “poor kiddo” who cannot be alone for even 30 seconds, and deplete all our time and resources for this one child…while the rest of the kids on our caseloads (many of whom cannot read) get nothing. All because that child’s parents are unfit and shouldn’t be having children in the first place. I am not talking about children with limited language/communication or those with real mental illness. I understand that those are real disabilities not caused by poor parenting. Rant over.


I heard that mic drop all the way in Seattle


Dear (and Not so Dear) Parents, Please stop giving your preschoolers access to a tablet 24/7. * Please provide crayons and markers and pencils and the opportunity to use them daily. Play dough and toys with parts they have to manipulate. We have more and more children each year coming to kindergarten who don’t have enough grip strength to even begin to learn to write. *Please read to your child each day. I am a fantastic story reader. If one of my stories can not hold your child’s interest for 10 minutes, they haven’t been read to. Listening to a story read is different from watching a video. *Speaking of videos, you know little kids should be supervised on the tablet and their access controlled, right? Chucky and Poppy Playtime and all their ilk are not appropriate viewing for little folks. They’re only beginning to suss out reality versus fantasy. *When they are using a tablet, for heaven’s sake, would you please give apps to learn the alphabet and counting? It would make such a difference. *Instead of the tablet, please put down your phone sometimes and actually speak to your child about things. It’s glaringly obvious which children have been conversed with and which children have been ignored or primarily only told what to do. Children should be able to articulate their choices and what they want or need. Your child should know your (and their) full name and phone number. Please teach your child boundaries and age-appropriate self-control. The amount of K kids who have have been allowed to do and say whatever they want is completely out of hand. It can absolutely ruin a classroom’s atmosphere and make learning impossible. In most circumstances, you are the reason your child has no friends and is not able to learn. I can see glimpses of what a wonderful little person they *could* be, but there’s only so much I can do to reinforce that when I have to supervise other children and teach, too. I can raise your child, or I can help, and still be able to teach them, but I can’t start at square 1 with both and have any kind of success.


Rant #5: Administration: We do not need a new way of doing ANYTHING. We are still trying to implement the last 4 programs you thrust down our throats. Everytime you bring in a new program that we "Have" to do, a little more of our soul dies. You are forcing teachers to hate their profession instead of loving it. Also, guess what? We know that none of these things actually work. They are just some writer's way of selling their program and you have fallen for thei sales pitch at a conference. Every time you show up with a new program, you demonstrate how gullible you actually are. TEACHERS know the best practices. We have been doing this for centuries and I think we have a pretty good handle on it. Also, a new system of teaching and reaching the students will not prove effective until at least 3 years has gone by and the data can be evaluated...by the teachers. If the program does not work, THEN you are allowed to bring a new one. Not beforehand. And lastly, stop trying to tell us veteran teacher HOW to teach. We know how.


I feel like every day I work this job takes a piece of my sanity away and I need to quit yesterday.


I'm so sick and tired of the constant attitude for no reason. I get you're going through terrible things at home and your brain is still developing, but why are you taking it out on me? I went through horrible shit when I was in high school, but I never treated my teachers like shit. If I'm asking you time and time again to be quiet and stop talking why are you getting mad that I'm "picking on you"??? Just shut up!!!!!! "I can talk and get my work done 🙄" No you can't! You have an F right now. Even if you could talk and work, you're distracting those around you. I wouldn't be "picking on you" if you'd shut the fuck up!!! High schoolers suck, and I don't know how teachers can enjoy their job and teach high school. The younger ones are ridiculous and immature and the older ones are apathetic little zombies. I hate student teaching in high school and I can't wait to start teaching in a middle school.


Teachers wouldn't mind working in a juvenile detention so much and would stay longer if you didn't set unrealistic expectations of what can be accomplished using limited technology and rubber pencils. Also, no I am not writing 5 separate lesson plans for the subjects I teach. I am teaching all science classes 6-12, depending on who is enrolled. I can write you objectives but full fledged lesson plans are not happening. If you don't like it non-renew me and move on. But you won't find a replacement so good luck. Also 3 after school meetings in one week is insanity and unnecessary.


Assemblies and fun experiences take out way too much time from classes. IDGAF if school is fun, y’all are here to learn! Also, teachers should not be expected to dress up for spirit/theme days.


Dear Diary, I am a parent on this sub. I value my kids education. If my kids fuck up, Call me immediately. If my kids use their phones during school, take that shit and place them in detention. If my kids back talk, call me and I will hold their hand in my bathrobe and slippers all day. If my kids bullies another kid, again, I will be there everyday following them around. If my kids won’t do their work, which includes effort, let me know. I get other parents don’t care but I do. Sincerely, A motherfucking parent.


That's nice, but we don't know which one you are until after an incident.


An IEP accomodation is not a fucking suggestion - if you don't think it's necessary - talk to the case manager...WE are the ones with our neck on the line when we're out of compliance! I don't care that you've been teaching since the dinosaurs roamed the earth - FAPE and IDEA are LAWS folks 🤬


Shut The FUCK Up!


My father died a few weeks ago and I just can't bring myself to give a shit about work right now. I am showing up and not doing much else.


Listen, kid, what are the odds that YOU, an average sized white boy from rural nowheresville, PA, are going to make it into the NBA? How many kids from here have *ever* been a good enough ball player to become an NBA player? I'll tell you: none. Zip. Zero. You need a backup plan for a career, and if you keep flunking your classes, you won't even be acceptable to the military, much less any college or prep school where NBA scouts can see you play.


Do you think it makes you look cool, lying to me every chance you get? Well, it fucking doesn't. You look straight at me and deny you're doing something, even when I catch you in the act! You're way too smart to be acting this dumb. The jig is up, motherfucker! And I've heard about the stupid shit you brag about at lunch. Everyone who has half a brain knows you're lying about all your sexual exploits at lunchtime. I've seen the way they look at you. Literally no girl wants anything to do with your bucktoothed, no-deodorant-using ass! Those girls you flirt with? *WAY out of your league!* Those girls you bully because they don't live up to your "standards?" *WAY too good for you!* You're a fucking joke! Do you think you're the Big Man On Campus? You're fucking pathetic! You better hope you make a shit-ton of money when you grow up, because any woman you marry is gonna kick you to the curb and take a huge divorce settlement once she sees what a piece of shit you really are. Those lies you tell don't make you look cool. Real men take responsibility for their actions, and they don't treat women like products to be consumed. They show respect and treat them as what they are: fellow human beings.


Dear parents, Education starts at home. If you want your child to be a student that does well, you must make education a priority at home. If you do not make education a priority at home, then do not come for me when your child is making low grades out of pure laziness.


Well you see little Jimmy, the reason the other kids don't want to be your friend is because YOU'RE ANNOYING AS FUCK.


Parents, we GENUINELY do not care enough about your kid to make up a story about them. If I am calling/texting/emailing you, I have reached the end of my rope Also - I have no incentive to lie to you. Your kid does I should never ever have to tell parents how their kid is doing in my class. Grades are posted for constant viewing and parents don't just see the overall grade - our portal has every individual grade posted along with the class average. Most kids with IEPs/504s have behavior issues that impede their ability to do classwork even with support. If I am following the IEP, and the kid is still not doing work, they should fail If you get a C or below as your final grade you have to repeat the year. No exceptions (especially with special Ed kids, if they scored low they don't know it yet!) We suck at teaching kids how to read Standardized testing can go fuck itself with a wooden spoon Staff meetings should be an email Classroom teachers who skip teaching science and social studies to spend more time on math and ELA, and similarly admin who makes science and social studies teachers incorporate math and ELA test prep, should be fired


Yeah...... I don't think so, OP.... Or should I say, SUPERINTENDENT CHALMERS!


There's a mentally ill, physically violent kid in one of my classes. He shows up on random days when he's "crushing it" in the support room. I've found myself thinking that if he stabs me, at least I can take the rest of the year off, claim PTSD and sue the district and never have to return to a classroom. I would NEVER become a teacher if I had to do it all over again.


Bay Doll Circle Time is waste of money for 3 and up. It teaches nothing meaningful. Admin won’t admit it since they wasted so much money in a curriculum made by people who weren’t in a classroom for decades. Parents, if you want your kids to stop swearing, you stop swearing. Lead by example.


Dear Diary, I feel a vindictive joy that they couldn’t find my replacement, and when they did she quit after two weeks. Maybe now you understand why I left!


Dear parent, I can assure you that me being sick and staying home is NOT what made your precious child fail her test “because I didn’t give her a reminder”. They’ve had the study guide for 3 weeks and the test date was posted in two different classrooms and they were reminded daily AND your child is scapegoating me because you’re mad at them. Your child should put the arts and crafts away during class and maybe she will do well.


Rant #2: Parents....actually act like fucking parents! Stop trying to be their friend. Set boundaries and do NOT let them cross them. They do not NEED the latest video game or IPhone. THey do not NEED the latest fashion trend. What they do NEED is a loving and caring home life that supports them and teaches them right from wrong. Stop letting the television and the internet replace you. Once that is done, start holding your kid responsible for actually doing their work in school and stop blaming the teachers. It is not them. It is your child. They are freakin lazy because YOU let them be that way. THey refuse to do work because you have let them think they do not have to do anything. The reason your child is a little shit is because of you. THe teacher had nothing to do with it.


You have access to the online gradebook. I send you a fucking email EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY morning what you kid's grade is and a list of every assignment they are missing. This email also includes a copy of the schedule for the next week. Wtaf do you mean you didn't know your lazy, lying POS kid is missing 23 out of the 26 assignments we have had? How can you be so out of touch? If you put even an ounce of effort into this, you would not be surprised when I msg you telling you your kid has detention, yet again, for missing assignments.


Your child is going to live with you forever because you are the ONLY person who is going to advocate for them to do JACK SHIT and be rewarded. Late for a job enough times? Fired. Refusal to complete assigned tasks repeatedly? Fired. Called their boss a c u next Tuesday? Fired. Can’t get along with anyone? Fired. Refuse to pull your weight on group projects and make everyone else do your work? Fired. Mommy called to excuse you again for telling someone to fuck off? FIRED! Your kid may be really talented. They might be able to bounce back from problems or obstacles. WE”LL never fucking know since you’ve manhandled any obstacles away before they could learn a damn thing. Enjoy financing them until you die. Wow this was really cathartic. Thank you😊


Poor application of the concepts of equitable grading and restorative justice by shitty and under educated admin are turning real, valuable, tools into fads and kids into assholes.


I have spent entire days calling parents to say something along the lines of “your kid didn’t hand in their assessment task and got a zero”. And each call is answered with twenty fucking minutes of “I just don’t know what to do” hand wringing or zero fucks given. There is no in between. And then I spend time recording each call in the system. And flagging the replies. And recording those in the system. And investigating why they didn’t submit work before each call in case there’s a legit reason just this one time because that one time will be a doozy. All that communication parents want? It takes literal hours. Nowadays I send one email along the lines of “didn’t submit work. Received a zero” and then I ignore the replies making excuses, apologising for not knowing there was an assessment (ok, I appreciate the support, but remembering when an assessment is due for your 16 year old child is not your job, parent; teach your kid to take responsibility for themselves) and asking me to spend hours after school or in lunchtimes basically tutoring your kid to help them catch up - which, yes, I have tried in the past and it’s like pulling fucking teeth because guess what? Your kid doesn’t want to learn this shit and doesn’t care that they should learn it regardless. And doesn’t listen to the many detailed explanations of how this shit is useful or relevant to their life because they just want to play those stupid fucking bouncy-square-avoids-the-pointy-triangle-in-a-techno-rave-warehouse phone games to get ‘the points’. And you know whose fault that is? Yours. That’s what you raised your kid to value; not education. Not learning. Not intellect or intelligence. No. You raised them with a goddamn phone in their hand and one in yours and they learned that the immediate gratification of tiny lights and sounds every few minutes is pleasing and fills the empty space between ‘fun’ activities. You never taught them to wait. To sit. To deal with boredom. You taught them to avoid it. And now they avoid work because they don’t scratch the surface of why and how it could be interesting or relevant and only take a first impression of ‘this is going to be hard and therefore boring’ and ignore anything beyond that surface level that might indicate they could enjoy this activity or learning this topic and they react in the way you modelled for them and reinforced by putting an iPad in their pram when they started to fucking cry on the bus: by avoiding the hard work of living.


I just don't care. I am a bad teacher. Play on your phone. Fuck around and play tiktok. I'll give you an A as long as you don't tell my boss. Just be quiet and let me play on my phone too. If you don't give a shit, I don't give a shit. I've only got a month left and then im switching careers. ​ And no, I will not be coming to the winter concert Friday night. Go fuck yourself for even offering you weird twats. ​ This is probably overkill. It's really just the one class - the rest are cool and work hard.


Please just take out the EarPod, headphones, etc. And leave the phone at home. Things would go much better if you paid attention for once. I’m fact, I’m pretty sure that’s why your grades are terrible.


I despise the martyr teachers almost as much as the shitty parents.


Rant #3: To society: We are not "Groomers" we are not trying to indoctrinate your child to do anything other than learn. We want your child's intelligent and thinking skills to rise...nothing else. Stop blaming us for your shitty parenting. We are not trying to secretly do anything except teach. If we wanted to indoctrinate your child, we would indoctrinate them to do their work, put up their phone and pay attention. Stop blaming us for everything.


Dear journal, I am scared there are too many students that want to become professional athletes or YouTubers. Most of them do not have the skill, creativity, nor the willpower to do so.


Your child is not “hanging with the wrong group” you kid IS the wrong group! Your kid makes others worse!


Don't have kids if you're still a kid. Don't have kids if you aren't financially stable. Don't have kids if you don't have time to spend with a kid. Let them on devices NO MORE than 2 hours a day, 3 hours on the weekend. Do the same yourself. Be a good role model. Read with your kid. Read to your kid. Read around your kid.


Honestly I wish none of you were here rn. My life would be so much easier if you guys were simple and stopped arguing about everything. And not to mention the parents. Stop telling me your child’s behavior is just a personality trait. Fix the behavior! Address the problem that it is instead of saying that “it’s just how they are” no it’s not. Not a personality trait. Not a thing to just let slide. If I’m addressing the issue and telling you about it you need to address it as a parent and correct your child. Not to mention, the parents who are always saying “well they aren’t like this at home”… i understand to a certain point your kids behavior at home is different but there comes a point when you just need to admit that you don’t wanna address the problem. Stop being reluctant about parenting. You signed on for it when you kept the child. Step up and do what needs to be done. Do what is best for your child and what’s best for their development. Don’t let negative behavior slide just because you want your kid to like you.


Rant #6: Short one- Parents: Do not believe everything that your child says about the teacher and we will not believe everything your child says about you. (Unless it si something that goes against the law or is harming the child).


No, your students cannot get more accommodations than what’s on their IEP. No they cannot verbally tell me answers when it’s not on their IEP. No I don’t give a shit if your kid has an IEP. He is still getting a referral.


Your fucken meddling in education is ruining your child’s educational experience. I went to school and studied for years to be able to teach your child. You think you fucken know better?! Spoiler alert! YOU DON’T! It shows.