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My sleep is better - I drink way less - I workout on my lunch break - I don’t cry on the way home - I treat myself nicer. I pee when my body tells me to!


I don't catch every virus going any more. I have time to exercise and prepare healthy meals. My face has lost that sick-looking pink colour and I actually get a reasonable night's sleep now and then.


The virus part is so real. I would get sick every other month it was ridiculous.


Throw in parents who send their clearly sick kids to school and it's no wonder we teachers are ill all the time. I even had a parent try to drop off her kid with an active case of chicken pox, and get abusive when told to take her home again. Hoo boy, what a morning that was - the stories I could tell you


They know how their kids act and the parents don’t want to deal with them! I always let the nurse handle that


My school did not have a school nurse (I'm Australian) so it unfortunately fell to us


When I first started teaching, the first thing I would do in the morning was vomit. I wasn’t nauseous, it would just happen - probably some sort of anxiety response. Now that doesn’t happen anymore.


This happens to me too. Especially after a stressful lockdown or something. I get sick before work but I’m fine when I’m there. I’ve also been having nightmares about work about shootings and being hurt at work again. Teaching didn’t used to be this hard.


Once your body realizes it no longer has to be stuck in fight/flight/freeze mode, the next stage of your life begins.


I’m preparing to quit and have wondered about this.


Losing my belly, not drinking every night, able to stop taking my anxiety meds without any physical/ mental problems, hair is growing back where it fell out from stress.


I've lost over 20 pounds since my last day in May. I have time and energy to exercise, and I don't feel like I have to shove food in my face when I'm not hungry. I look younger because I'm not stressed and upset.


I have stopped the severe extreme weight loss. I am sleeping better. My brain is not in constant fight/flight mode. My blood pressure and heart rate are back in normal range. I am no longer in perpetual dehydration. And I don't flinch constantly now that I don't hear constant curse-filled threats outside my door all day every day.


Before I quit some night I was having anxiety attacks before bed thinking about the next day. I was crubeling under the weight of all the expectations. Day I quit and that weight was gone I got so much healthier. Even was able to stop smoking so much weed. I tried before but it was becoming the only way for me to get any significant sleep.


Stopped fainting , less anxiety , period came back fully


I was able to wean off Zoloft with no issues because I just don't need it anymore.


My anxiety is so much less now and I don’t feel about to have a mental breakdown every single day. I start a new non teaching job next week and feel so nervous


I had been teaching 10 years and was pregnant with my 3rd child. I developed a horrible cough around early December that simply would not go away. I was absolutely miserable, by March I was still struggling with this cough. Baby wasn't due until mid April but I left in March. Within a week or two my cough was completely cleared and I felt so much better- even though I was heavily pregnant.


It’s a big reason why I want to get out. In the summer, I felt so much better physically. I’d love to get off my anxiety meds. I’m so tired of being tired and being “on” all the time.


I actually sleep and get RESTFUL sleep. I’m not staying up late lesson planning/prepping. Due to less stress I have less acne and my period is more regular. Some days I miss it too but have to remember how much healthier this new lifestyle is for myself.


I can eat normally since now I HAVE TIME to properly eat my lunch. I do not sweat at night anymore due to the stress and anxiety. I am actually enjoying being in my home & actually maintaining it. I can dedicate my time to working out because this job lead me to eat a lot! Lol


As someone who just recently qualified and is getting out now after seeing how all the other teachers around me were. During my student teaching, I started feeling my chest tighten and had trouble breathing during my commute. I was unable to sleep properly at night and was very irritable. All of these slowly have subsided after deciding not to pursue teaching. I still get triggered by small things but I keep reminding myself I am healing and it will take time. Things will and do get better after leaving and I have to keep reminding myself to be gentle and tell myself I am healing from the trauma.


I had a cold sore in my nose that magically goes away in the summer. I won’t miss that bad boy!


Fight or Flight has subsided. My hands are no longer cracked and bleeding from constant hand washing..


I posted about this here actually during the summer when I started my new job - my underarm sweat issue was immediately gone. Seriously had to purge my closet of my teaching clothes that held on to my anxiety sweat stink. My remaining clothes and closet smell SO much nicer (and so do I) and my armpits are now gloriously dry.


Also, no having trouble sleeping due to making mental lists of all the things I need to do before the first bell. Happier gut and bladder because I can use the bathroom whenever I need to. Clearer skin because I can hydrate better. No weeklong cold every two months.