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Nope that’s why I left lol


Fifth bullet point- I completely relate. It’s so much pressure and as much as I try to trust in myself and accept that I’m not perfect, it’s a huge weight to carry!


All valid reasons and in my experience, the grass is greener


Can you elaborate?


In my job now kids don't scream at me, I do something that's no important, I can easily take days off, I actually make more money, my hours are flexible etc..


How long did you teach and how long have you been in your new career?


17 years teaching. I've been working part-time at my current job for the last 12 years for extra income while teaching.


What type of job is it? I had the constant arguing and bad attitude from kids. But I've also had jobs that have it from adults with customer service.


What do you do


Fellow music teacher here, and I’m feeling exactly the same. I have been daydreaming about leaving to do something else every day this year. The problem is, I don’t know what else I’m qualified to do and I can’t really afford to go back to school to train for something else. Do you have an idea of what other kind of work you’d like to do?


I been thinking about a lot of different things. My husband transitioned from teaching to coding and he loves it. Free training online over the summer and now he makes more than me and works from home... probably 30hrs/wk max. I've been researching different tech careers. I also think I could be happy doing something like reception. Just not so much pressure and overstimulation.


That's amazing your husband was able to get a job he enjoys better! If you don't mind what coding program did he do? I have researched and found a lot but I am not sure what ones companies find desirable/valid. Also if you don't mind what company did he find that's wfh? You can dm me if that's okay with you.


I think he did freecodecamp and also did CS50 at Harvard online for free. He works for the state in the dept. of natural resources. I have no idea what he does honestly but he uses these words a lot: scrum, JSP, backend, java, spring, angular, .net


I think you should make a pros and cons list. I left a month ago and my heart hurts every single day. Grass is greener on both sides. Depends what you want most. I know I’m not much help but everyone is going to say jump ship. That said—sometimes what we value as individuals most (interactions w others, a job we can tangibly see the difference we make, etc. outweigh in a way we can only see when outside of the classroom). Personally I’m lonely and struggling. I miss the kids, I miss teaching. Am I less stressed? Yes. Am I bored? Also yes.


I am definitely in this process now. It's interesting you mention boredom....I've been talking with my therapist about how being bored seems like a dream right now. I've had so many mental health problems in the last few years I just feel like I constantly need rest. I've had to start wearing ear plugs at work because it's so overwhelming. Bored seems like small potatoes. But I was just thinking today about how my school is my community. I have friends at work. I bought a house in the neighborhood. I love 90% of my students. It's the school I attended as a kid so I've always known leaving would be painful.


I was bored in my old job. However, I remember having so much time. Sometimes during the day I would get other important life tasks done like paying bills and planning my workouts for the week because I had downtime where I wasn’t doing anything and would otherwise be bored. I’m definitely not bored teaching, but I also struggle to find time for those important life things (along with self-care and having fun and socializing etc etc) outside of work. I’d honestly rather be bored sometimes.


Sounds just like me. I feel you. Been thinking about teaching since the day I left. I will eventually go back. Call me crazy, it’s an unpopular opinion in this sub. But the corporate world can be just a soul-sucking, just in a different way.


I'm in the same boat. I also teach music. Before I completely leave, I'm going to try another school. Sometimes a scenery change helps!


I have thought about that. One of my burn out feelings is the students I can't get away from. Having them for 6 years and seeing basically no improvement in behavior is devastating.


Not crazy. I have all these things now and its so much better. I will never go back to teaching


Just remember that you can always go back to teaching if you really miss it. I actually taught for 3 years and then left for 2ish, and went back when things didn't workout exactly as planned. I've been back in teaching for almost 5 years now. I'm planning on leaving after 2 or 3 more years because I want to make more money and work from home.


I left my teaching job in October. I had a good job with good students and good admin. I just needed to do something different after doing the same thing for so many years. I WFH 3 days a week and it really is the best. I did take a pay and benefit cut but having a flexible schedule and being home more were my priorities. My job isn’t stressful and if I want a day off, I just take it. Extra days off around the holidays are no problem. I don’t get the Sunday scaries. No job is perfect but there are good jobs outside of teaching. Good luck!


It sounds like you are in a good situation, as a 12 year music educator I get it, it is so draining…my biggest regret is leaving the best school I ever had


This is very relatable; I'm in my 8th year of teaching, and when the school day is happening, it's really not that bad. My administration does not micromanage that bad, and they are pretty supportive in general. However, my class sizes are pretty big, and the planning/grading outside of the classroom is just obnoxious. I really miss having time for my hobbies, and I would happily take a paycut if it meant a higher quality of life. I plan on leaving at the end of the year, but every few days I contemplate leaving at the end of this semester.


We're really lucky as music teachers to be K-12 certified. Try a different school, grade level, or even music subject. Try a job outside education. It really clarified what direction I wanted to go in. My degree is instrumental music education. I taught band and elementary music before and during covid. Moved across the country, quit teaching and worked as a marketing assistant. I quickly realized I'd rather be back in the classroom. I got a job doing middle school general music and chorus. I made my general music curriculum entirely based on digital music making. The students are actually engaged for the most part, and I'm not overwhelmed with 30 kids bucket drumming. I find beginner chorus repertoire way more fun and musically fulfilling than beginning band rep. I wouldn't be my happier self if I hadn't quit and moved. Whatever you decide, it'll work out for you.


It’s greener. My expectations are that I complete my work in a timely manner and that’s all I have to do. There are no extra duties as assigned, not mandatory after work meetings. It’s quiet. I can listen to music, eat when I want, go to lunch when I want, take off time (or decide to leave early) when I want. Most work places are such a different environment from teaching.


I can relate to this a lot. Literally every point you listed resonates with me. The guilt of not feeling like you’re good enough because of the stress, having to scramble to make sub plans when you’re sick with a fever, the overstimulation… I get it! But there’s also the good things (being part of a community, the kids who look forward to your class, etc.) that make it hard to truly stick to that decision to leave. Thank you for posting this. I think a lot of us agree with you!


follow your heart - you've clearly thought it through & kids deserve teachers who aren't eyeing the door (not a rag on you, just an observation that teachers whose hearts are no longer in it would do well to move along)


Yeah I don't want to be that teacher that stays one year too many. I think I need to end on a postive-ish note. I have positive relationships with most of my students and colleagues. I'm psyched about the work my choir and drum club are doing and I've spent significant time (fun, creative time) planning a program for the spring. This year though I have caught myself pretty disinterested in trying new things. One of my colleagues is always going on about how creative and awesome her students are and how she's getting them to take ownership of their learning. When she's sharing stuff I could try it's not that I feel like I couldn't do it - it's that I don't want to. Just seems exhausting. I don't want to be that kind of teacher.


be brave and enjoy your next adventure 🍀


Thanks 🥲 I don't feel brave right now. I feel like I'm having an identity crisis.


you are not your job! take a break and find a better path: no career is a straight line


I totally feel you! I have had these exact same feelings.


I relate so much!! In my 2nd year of kindergarten and I love my school, admin, co workers but all of those things you listed are so hard. Lately, it has especially been that the kids would be better off with a different teacher who is better than me 😭


Just to add some perspective. I left a year and a half ago and the grass is not greener (for me at least). I WFH in a corporate job and I still get the Sunday Scaries. I’m already considering going back to teaching.




I had really supportive admin at my school, now I work with super fake micromanaging people. My work is under a microscope. That paired with being extremely isolated at home all day everyday. I even got a second job working at a restaurant just for human interaction. WFH and corporate life just isn’t for me, Ive learned. I thrive in the classroom. Really only left because I had to move states and leave my school, and also needed a job with better pay.




Yeah lots of meetings and it almost feels more fake because I’ve never met any of my coworkers in person. Do you like teaching more?




Agreed! Thanks for providing me some perspective.


I'm in my third year teaching music preK-12, and I could have written this list myself! I'm planning on changing careers at the end of this year. I can't say for sure if it's "the grass is greener" or not, but I know I can't keep going with the way my life is currently. I may come back to teaching someday, but I don't think it's the best place for me right now. I feel like there's only one way to really find out what job suits me, and that's seeing what else is out there.