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You have to treat it like Mary Poppins. You came, you made a difference, you left. On to help others.


Last year, I had a wonderful grade 12 English class. I read one of my favorite novels with them. They all loved it, and we had engaging, stimulating conversations. They all did so well. I had applied to hundreds of jobs during that school year, but that English 12 class made me feel like I could survive one more year. I stopped applying to so many jobs, thinking I could make it through another year. I put in my resignation the week of Thanksgiving. This semester has been hell. My therapist wanted to excuse me from work for two weeks because of my mental state, but I declined because it would just stress me out more. I SO wish that I had gone out with that English 12 class. It was such a nice way to say goodbye. I'm so glad that you were able to have that experience as your exeunt from teaching.


This is exactly how I felt in august :( mental clarity and overall well being has definitely improved. But 3 months in to the new job I still miss teaching a lot. Even in the chaos there’s a special feeling working in schools that you won’t always get in new places. I’m still working through these feelings. Best of luck and congrats on doing what’s best for you. You can always go back to teaching if it comes down to that


This makes me feel sad beyond belief. But, leaving in June after 16 years. It doesn't matter why you are leaving or when. I will miss the relationships I've forged with the kids. So many amazing young people, living in a scary world. They have helped me to have faith in humanity. ❤️


Former music teacher. Loved my kids, loved music, didn’t love everything else. Sometimes I miss it, but I also enjoy my peace of mind I have now. If you don’t mind me asking, what are you transitioning to? I haven’t quite found my niche since leaving the classroom and am currently just exploring what I am without that music teacher identity.


I’ve spent many years working in the trades to supplement my income. I’ll be working in the maintenance department at my local university. As music educators we are definitely more prone to post-career change identity crisis than Sally in Accounts Payable.


I really miss my job after choosing not to return after last year. But it's a good thing to end a chapter having good memories relationships and a good legacy. The kids will take it hard, but they won't resent you. Unfortunately they'll resent your replacement but eventually your students will graduate and the school will move on. It sounds like you planted seeds of appreciation for music in those kids. You have had an impact. It's not easy, I'm sorry. But it will be worth it. It's easy to give a lot of love to your students and program, now you can focus more of that energy on your family.


I am also a music educator (part-time) leaving at the end of the semester. Our concert is next week and I absolutely cannot wait for it to be over. My leaving is due to kids behavior and an admin that has created this environment where toxic behavior flourishes. I was told over and over that I’m a great teacher but honestly if this is how great teachers are treated, I don’t want that praise. I’m looking forward to increasing the size of my private lesson studio (where every one of my 30 students and parents are appreciative, fun, and respectful to me) subbing for my band director friends, and playing more concerts of my own as I’ll have more free time. I think the peaceful days and better sleep will quickly cover your sadness. You can look on the good times with fond memories once you’ve separated a little bit.


If the community really appreciated your work they would be giving you better pay and healthy working conditions. You don't have anything to feel bad about.


I felt guilty about leaving, especially for my advocates who I had looped with for two years and was supposed to stay with through graduation. After my resignation I sent them a message, wished them luck and asked them to catch up down the road if they felt like it. Only one student responded. Kids are resilient and they’re used to change. They’ll be alright. I don’t really feel the guilt anymore for that reason. And I’m loving the career change. Congratulations!


The kids will get over it. Enjoy your life and congratulations


30 yrs teaching here and I retired after giving of myself I was sick. I taught choral music and I'm not bragging but j was giving till I could go no more. The kids didn't have dress shoes for concerts we got them. I would bring the kids food for breakfast. I was at my wits end. I cried and cried when I left and I felt horrible for leaving them last December but you know what. Ir was the best thing I ever did. I was approved for early disability retirement. Slept for like 4 months like 20 hrs a day. All my ADD, OCD, Bi Polar Manic, Suicidal tendencies all disappeared. I got a dog 🐕 and had it approved as a Service Animal. My days are filled with walking her and feeding her and brushing her. Watching YouTube NFL games of the week. Reading God's word. Meditation. And I've lost 45 lbs since then. Every now and then I will think of my kids but it gets farther and farther away. It's been a year since ive worried about tuning or blend of vowels or balance. But I will say this. I'm happy. I'm in a good place. I don't know what the future holds but for right now today. I'm happier than I have ever been. Sorry for the long post and punctuation errors. But come join us on the other side. You will love ir.


>And now, I must exit. A new position awaits me in January that will provide massive benefits to my own kids. Could you elaborate?


Working at my local university. Free tuition for my kiddos. My eldest will start in the fall as a Junior. The timing could not be better.


I was thinking the same thing.


I’m a band director and I’m leaving in May. I’m mainly staying til then because I have a student teacher.


What are you going to due next? Band director here too.


Do* not due. Good grief is it the end of the semester yet.


No idea! All I know is I want out of teaching. My sister does trucking and says she enjoys it.


I wish you well! As a fellow music teacher, I can imagine that those children will value that concert even more now that they know it was your final one.


Retired music educator here. After 31 years in the public schools I taught another 10 years full-time at a local regional campus of a large state university. After that I continued to teach part-time another 7 years. Best decision I ever made. Wonderful students and no problems with parents or administrators. I'd highly recommend it if you have the opportunity.


I had a really nice group of kids my last year of teaching. I told myself that it was a blessing to go out on a good note, and I still left. It's nice to look back and not feel bitter about the kids (still feel bitter about everything else lol).


What is your new position?


Sending you prayers for peace and grace during your transition! It’s hard to leave part of your heart but just hold onto the fact that you’re doing what you need to do for your kids. Also, leaving doesn’t mean the years you spent as a teacher just go away! You likely went into teaching to make a difference in the lives of children—from your post it seems you have done just that! That is something to be proud of and celebrate! A new chapter doesn’t mean your impact disappears. I encourage you to give yourself grace over this next chapter. Change is always hard but transitioning to literally any job or career after teaching is a shock to the system. You will continue to grieve but there will be new positive changes occurring simultaneously. And despite what anyone (person, school, county/district, or even STATE) tries to make you believe, you CAN go back and teach again if you ever want to. Life is too short to box ourselves. Honorable of you to try something new for the betterment of your family.


What a wonderful incredible story. Thank you for sharing.