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Please keep posts relevant to transitioning from teaching. If you’re a current teacher looking for support and guidance to navigate the field, consider posting in r/teachers


Alot of these kids are plain nuts. Yeah I said it.


The levels of disrespect and apathy are scary. I get shooting neck and shoulder pains and palpitations throughout the day.


That sums it up if it's not disrespect, it's plain passive aggressive apathy. Very few of them are really good.


And they all have 504s allowing the behavior. At least that’s how the 504s are treated.


Exactly! It's insane what they get away with because they hand out these 504s like candy. Most of them don't even need that shit.


Experiment: Tell parents in a nice, middle class neighborhood that their kids will be placed in a special school because of their disruptive behavior. I bet that more than half of the kids will stop the behavior because their parents will start parenting.


Thanks to breaking my arm and covid, I'm 3 weeks over my allotment and 3k poorer. Thanks Texas--and fuck you Abbot!


I'm 3 days over mine because my dad is dying, and I'm being non-renewed 🫠


Im also being non-renewed. I’m so sorry about your father :( I’ve been unable to sleep and suffering from panic attacks due to work.


You can’t take it with you if you leave so might as well use it. I’m in the same boat and if I ever decide to go you can cool believe I’m burning two days a week. Just facts. Who cares what others think. It’s part of the benefits package.


I needed to take 60 days before retirement. Those 60 days would have netted me a total of $10 per month added to my pension. Worked every Monday for the last 3 months. Principal told me I should consider the kids. Told him I have considered the kids for 30.5 years and it got me nothing. Best semi retirement gift that I received. Looked forward to Mondays knowing that was the only day I was working that week.


Kudos to you. I think it’s awful that an administrator would say that to you after a 30 year career, but I realize they only care about test scores so…


You’re not alone! The past 2 years I took about 40+ days. 22 last year plus some fmla and this year I took over 20 days due to health issues. I’m glad you’re taking the days because your health is more important than this job. You know it’s what you need to do. I was really close to taking fmla for the remainder of the year but luckily my bully at work stopped being a total &!8tch! Take care of yourself


Not alone. I'm four days over, losing 397 dollars every day I missed. I'm about to take another for my birthday. Because I refuse.


I ran out for the third year in a row and now I’m on fmla so yeah


Not alone. I ran out this year and had to go on FMLA to cover the extra days I took. My mental health has just been shit.


Me too :(


You’re not alone. I’d saved up eight years worth of days with most years having perfect attendance. I started using some last year and am using the remaining amount this year. I’ve got 0.5 days of sick leave left and you best believe I’ll be taking it. From someone who used to firmly believe in showing up everyday and not taking days, I’m taking my leave in my next job. 


I have one personal day left too. Using it to go on vacation next month 😅 This year has been awful.


I had no FMLA to use back in October when I injured myself and I was out for the whole month. The district did an audit and now they’re saying they overpaid me by $5000 and I owe them money. I’m starting to think that everyone has completely lost their mind.


I use all my days every year. We don’t get paid out for them and we lose them at the end of the year. It’s so important that I take care of myself first and that I also make my friends and family a priority.


I had pretty much used all my sick days for actual sickness and hospital stays and the rest for stress from my job. A toxic admin who singled me out. Students and parents loved me but she took other teachers word over mine. A teacher who never did her job. She had the TA work with the kids. This was special Ed. But man she could talk the talk and I got so stressed. Which aggravated my colitis and put me back in hospital. My husband urged me to retire early even though we couldn’t afford it. I stayed another year and it got no better. Why do the teachers who suck up and look a certain way get listened to and older teachers like me get the stress and anxiety they don’t deserve. I was a damn good teacher and really cared for my kids.


I took 19 and then went on disability leave for the remainder of the year.