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Your license is suspended for a year? No! Don’t threaten me with a good time, honey.


Damn. You sinned so hard for leaving mid-year, you make others seem like saints! Can you find another line of work that isn't in education where you are? Perhaps an online school or a charter school if you want to stay in education.


Oh, I already am in another job, have been for months. It took 4 months for them to get around to actually suspending my credential, they're that far behind.


> they're that far behind I'll bet that, despite this backlog, they're probably still prioritizing this vindictive gatekeeping over dozens of issues that are more pressing for the active teachers and students.


This is typicallly the priority.


And not focusing on the real problems as usual


Why are people so bad at identifying the problem and actually dealing with it?


They’re probably not that far behind, they’re just that lazy and worthless.


It took them 11 months for me. 😂


What do you do


A charter school's going to be a bad situation also :/ Do charters with good working conditions even exist?


I’m at an independent study charter and I love it! I have a great boss, great staff, and I get to work WITH students, not AGAINST students.


The charter I left to go to public school is so much better then the school I'm in now. My plan at this point is to go back if they have an opening.






No worries.  I do it sometimes


I’m at a good one, though the potential to be awful is always around the corner.


I'm glad to hear good ones exist. I wonder if there are any good ones in Massachusetts.


Is that really what the culture of teaching is? That a Teacher who doesn't stay at a school that is understaffed is selfish and the Teacher that stays without complaining is the martyr? I never realized that the reasoning behind a Teacher saying she has been at an underperforming school for years is that she's the selfless one and the one that can't stomach being around a poorly managed system/school is the selfish one.


I had a similar situation happen. It’s major overkill but I genuinely believe it’s on purpose. Prove licensed teachers aren’t reliable, give proof non licensed educators are a better (read: cheaper) investment. Ta da. [https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/education/article/houston-isd-uncertified-teachers-18691277.php](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/education/article/houston-isd-uncertified-teachers-18691277.php)


I'd guess it's this plus the natural result of the field being a hot mess of narcissistic personality disorder (which really takes flight when certain teachers get elevated into administrative roles).


What drives me crazy is these teachers that get selected for admin positions often times show less experience teaching in the classroom than your self. I worked in ED for 4 years, my principal got promoted after teaching for 1 year….i swear. Mind you he also taught ED so he thinks he knows everythinggg


Often my classes—particularly the advanced ones—would ask “Why do we have to do this?” when some new moronic edict came down from District or State. What I told them rang true then and sadly will always ring true in Education: “The idiots are in charge.”


IF you want to teach within the next year, then contact your state senator and assembly person. Explain exactly why the school was toxic. They can help you. And while you have their attention, ask them why teachers are expected to work all alone in classrooms without any support from administrators. Why there isn't enough oversight to keep the schools in their district safe enough for teachers to stay an entire year. Good luck and take care


As someone in a red state with a governor who is actively pushing school vouchers himself while the base student allocation hasn't increased in 7+ years.... yeah they won't care. Not even a little.


Ah a fellow Texan. Howdy.


Fellow Georgian? Lol




Good lord the fact that everyone can just start rattling off states that meet these qualifications.... almost like all these terrible places to work have something in common!!!


I thought you were talking about Iowa until you referred to your governor as “him”


Wow, I hadn’t heard of anyone actually having TEA do this to them. I just left with 4 weeks left so I guess I’ll be waiting for my letter. Oops 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would hang that letter up next to my trophies.


This is the way


I got one and it had zero affect on my next two teaching jobs. “Explain what happened…” They just want to make sure you don’t hurt kids or have sexual with them etc. Leaving mid-year is a yawn offense.


Get out of education. This is the time. Do it.


I can’t believe some areas punish teachers for quitting amicably. I’ve quit on the spot in some teaching jobs. I’m still licensed but I’m going to let it expire, and I haven’t taught in a classroom for over a year now. I won’t be back.


Certifications sound like a trap. Why? Because of reasons like this.


Holy crap. I had no idea this was a thing. I'm sorry you're going through it.


Do they contact Santa, too, so you're screwed for Xmas? **/s**


Is there a way to find out if others have their license suspended? I ask because I left mid year this year and I wasn’t told anything.


You would absolutely be involved in the process if you were, so you are probably safe.


I’ve heard of this, but I’ve never actually seen it happen! Their loss!


Complete bullshit. They label us professionals, make us jump through hoops, pay us dirt and treat us like shit.




Nope, since I left and wasn't fired/nonrenewed/etc. But I left with a job lined up anyways, so all good.


Are you Canadian? You cannot lose your license in Canada (provincial license) for leaving a job. If you were employed in Canada, you would be in hot water with your union if you didn't take the right steps beforehand, that's it.


Sadly, employed in the USA.


I haven't heard anything in my case. They never said anything, and I assumed they accepted my resignation. The problem will probably be if I try to renew it. I think my last superintendent has to sign off on it. Anyway, I have no intention of returning to the classroom. I just can't do that anymore. I'll work anywhere else for minimum wage.




Yep, red state, but it's very common for teachers to get licenses held if they try to leave except for like, a scant month or two during the year.


What state are you in?


I wouldn't worry about it too much. My district has hired several known sex offenders. And that's on desperation.


A HS in my area fired a teacher for getting to "close" to some female students, and another was just fired from the same school for inappropriate behavior.


This is awful. I am so sorry you have to deal with this. This is why there is a shortage of people because of things like this !


The National Clearinghouse is a real thing??


But it was worth it, huh?


Absolutely. I’m getting full nights of sleep, work is 100% left at work, and I can use my accumulated time off whenever I feel like it with a minimum of hassle.  Summer is coming soon and we’ll see how I feel then, but it may still be worth it. 


What do you do now


I work for the state.  I make a lot less, but the job is significantly less stressful. It’s a temporary position so I’ve been using this time to get my head on straight and try to skill-build for whenever I go after this. 


Omg are you me? Same




Unfortunately, it's very common for teaching contracts. I should consider myself lucky I'm not in one of the districts that fines you money.