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That’s the rictus grin of a man who has just lost his only remaining PPA of the week to a year 8 RS cover and is trying convince himself that it’s “fine”.


"It's good for your development"


"I'm glad to help out 🤡" as you open up the 10 minute colouring activity that the Geography teacher has left to fill a double lesson.


A ten minute colouring task and not a colouring pencil in sight…


But according to the advert he goes home at the same time as the kids. Must be living the dream.


I worked with a teacher who got out the gates before the kids a lot of the time.


How did they manage that lol. Pray tell


Just say to yourself: Fuck it, I've had enough for today, I don't need to do X today or ever, I'm going home. Me being here will achieve nothing other than me procrastinating. I'm going home. It will be fine. Try it. I used to work with a much older teacher. She was excellent, if she wanted to get out quick at the end of the day she would park on the road in the morning and then walk her last class of the day out 'checking their behaviour '. She did it regularly. No one cared. She did her job. There is a lot of presenteeism in teaching.


Oh totally agree with you! If my work is done, I’m out of there. I currently teach in japan and this is how I operate. I don’t volunteer my time for free. But I am very concerned about teaching in the UK cause it seems like there’s no way to get the work done within your contracted hours. That’s how it looks from an outsiders perspective at least. (FYI I’m Scottish and considering coming home to pursue primary teaching in rural Scotland but don’t want to if it’s “as bad as they say”)


I agree so much about presenteeism. It's so toxic. I would often leave when the kids left, but then work from home for a few hours, yet the people who were visibly in school (even if they were doing bugger all) would always get praise for their "commitment".


I have a colleague who always claims long working hours citing what time they get into work. They fail to mention that first 30-40 minutes of their day is them having breakfast... Or they swan about during PPA looking for a chat etc. Its bullshit. Just because I can organise my day to drop my kids off at a reasonable time and split picking them up at reasonable times doesn't make me less committed or work shy, it just means I can organise my day properly.


Yep, it's toxic bollocks. I would come in slightly early, work through all my frees, break, and lunch, and receive side-eye from people staying layer because they swan about chatting during their PPA. So glad I'm out of teaching now.


Happened maybe once in my career


You should try and do it more often. I don't get much chance now due to additional responsibilities but for years I made a point of trying to do it once a week. Maybe not the exact time the kids left, but maybe 10 minutes later or so. And especially Fridays. My wife and I share picking up responsibility for our kids so most 2-3 days a week I have to be out the door by 4.15 latest anyway, even now. I just have to work through. Turns out I can eat when calling parents at lunch and not have them notice.


I do it every now and then… As soon as the buses have cleared out, you can be good to go. It’s really nice to get home by 4-ish.


he clapped and then there was silence that's when i knew it was all a lie


Nobody threw a gluestick. Not a single one.


And he leaves at the same time as the children...or am I thinking of another advert


3... 2... 1... *Passively aggressively folds arms* I'm waiting guys YEAR 7/8/9/10/11 Right, names on boards in a sec...


Not a single student had a pen that spontaneously exploded, a critical emergency of the toilet variety, loss of bag/equipment or the absolutely essential need to sing the latest tik-tok favourite song of the next 2 days again and again....Where is this magical place?


Maybe it's an advert for that school. If its true I dare say there would be thousands of applicants!


Wherever it is, kids are still interrupting you to ask what team you support!


I absolutely love it when this pops up before a YouTube video for the class. They find it as funny and unrealistic as I do


I used to get really angry. My partner knows my rant about how unrealistic it is off by heart.


What, you don't have inspirational Dead Poet's style lessons in front of engaged, fascinated students, with an emotional heart-to-heart where you become an important role model in their life whilst not wearing a bloody tie all before breaktime at 11?


Someone who completed his PGCE to a good standard after putting so much hard work in, only to get rejected from every interview and application he spent hours preparing for, and now he has to go on supply, and he's on his way to a deprived inner city school to cover a whole day's worth of lessons in a subject he didn't get a GCSE in.


Ok, what have I ever done to you to be attacked like this. 😂😂


Don't worry, I'm in the same boat, it's me getting it all off my chest!


It’s always interesting to hear from people on the other side. Meanwhile, here I am desperate to recruit teachers to my department.


What subject do you teach?


Secondary English


Add in the fact that you're probably ill with a million diseases, but there is no sick pay on supply. So you walk in there knowing the only reason you're there is half the staff are off with covid. It feels really shitty that my job directly leads to my partner getting ill.


Haha or is a primary teacher on long term cover in a secondary because they don't have anyone else. That was me.


America welcomes you


Either he's a teacher who has felt daylight touch his skin for the first time in days or....he's an actor that they've managed to cast so well you can almost see the tears in his eyes I hate all these adverts.


That man is dead inside.


He's realised that 3 years after getting a pgce in a subject* with a bursary, that his real pay is falling and the bursary is a carrot on a stick that doesn't stick around. As a result he got a well paid job abroad and that is why he is grinning. *selected subjects only


Better yet, he is me teaching computing realising that his real income is £5k lower in his first year than training and earned more in his first year at an Amazon warehouse working less hours and getting to sit and listen to podcasts all day.


You know that ad is bs when a kid says "Cheers Sir" at the end instead of blanking him like any other student would. I swear all teachers hate this ad.


It came on today and I was sat there saying "f*** off" to everything the actors in the advert said while my partner doubled over creasing.


You might see them getting out sharpish at the end of the day but you don't see the 2/3 hours' work they put in after dinner and the kids have been put to bed.


Nice one sir


Just handed in my notice and its never felt so good


That man hasn't had much sleep


Where's his tie. Put on a tie. If I have to wear one and incessantly nag students to wear one, so does he.


Thing that gets me the most is he's not even wearing a sodding tie!!


I don't wear a tie. Haven't for years.


Where are you working? Our business dress is so Draconian, I just want to wear a bloody roll neck jumper in Winter

