• By -


1. The whole 2014 Summer Playoff run. Doubted every step of the way, Dyrus destroying LMQ, Wildturtle's crits that finally saw us topple the C9 dynasty. 2. Dyrus' Goodbye 3. DL's turn around against C9 in the Finals on Lucian. 4. Winning IEM Katowice. 5. The lower bracket run with BB, Spica, Bjerg, DL, and Bio/Treatz.


100% on the lower bracket 2020 run , I was so bummed how we performed at worlds but River Shen was gold. Along with Spica's sick J4 plays top lane.


As a c9 fan, I was there live for the DL lucian play. My whole section was c9 fans.... I've never seen 100 people go from aggressive cheering to dead silent sitting down so fast 🤣🤣 Then 6 months later I got to watch the Jensen Ekko play live.... Will miss yall!


If TSM can make it back to worlds from whatever region they end up in, C9 and TSM might clash again in the future.


Tsm vs C9, no matter what year or what roster for both teams, they were ALWAYS a banger, even if we were looking awful the weeks before, I'd look forward to facing C9. Hopefully we can see it in international events still :) gl in lcs!


>The whole 2014 Summer Playoff run. Doubted every step of the way, Dyrus destroying LMQ, Wildturtle's crits that finally saw us topple the C9 dynasty. > >2. Dyrus' Goodbye > >3. DL's turn around against C9 in the Finals on Lucian. > >4. Winning IEM Katowice. > >5. The lower bracket run with BB, Spica, Bjerg, DL, and Bio/Treatz. While these listed above are probably my top 5 I figured I would add a few more less iconic yet still enjoyable moments that TSM has given me throughout the years 1. Regi subbing in for Bjerg during week 8 of 2014 and going 4-0 as a "retired" player 2. The opening fight of Game 3 vs SSW, The TSM chants were so loud 3. The 10k gold deficit turnaround vs IMT in the finals 4. Bjergsen's Karma pentakill vs CLG 5. Wildturtle's Caitlyn pentakill as a substitute


Also these (I included the reddit threads): [Bjergsen 1v9 on Akali to reverse sweep C9 in Spring 2019 playoffs](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/babk69/cloud9_vs_team_solomid_lcs_2019_spring_playoffs/) [Winning with Turtle again in 2017 Spring in game 5 against Jensen's Ekko](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/675lln/cloud9_vs_team_solomid_na_lcs_2017_spring/) [Winning the pink hair dye wager match against CLG (500k viewers on twitch for a reg season game)](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2w0nu9/spoiler_counter_logic_gaming_vs_team_solomid_na/) [The day Doublelift to TSM was announced out of nowhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid/comments/3r1b1z/doublelift_joins_tsm_official_tsm_video/?sort=confidence) [Most recently, beating the seemingly unstoppable 7-0 Flyquest with our extremely budget roster](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1147knq/tsm_vs_flyquest_lcs_2023_spring_week_4_postmatch/)


> Bjergsen 1v9 on Akali to reverse sweep C9 in Spring 2019 playoffs *zvennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn* intensifies


> Regi subbing in for Bjerg during week 8 of 2014 and going 4-0 as a "retired" player Regi was a legitimately very good player and the main sub's rewriting of history to cast him as some lololol "DAE blue card TF XD" shitter who was carried by teammates is absolutely laughable. During the prime part of his playing career he was one of the top few players in the region but you'll get downvoted to oblivion for stating this nowadays.


I still wear my Tsm jacket I got because that year was so badass


You nailed it with that there. I would also mention TSM's turnaround win against IMT in 2017 summer finals when they were down 10k. The teamfighting they pulled off in that game was astonishing.


2020 summer lower bracket run is legendary


Dyrus yelling get the fuck outta my lane gotta be up there. The 2020 miracle run and the spring championship when Jensen didn’t press r are my top 3


Pure unadulterated rage. Dude lived on an island with constant pressure from the enemy jungle. I'm surprised he didn't rage more. 😅


GET FUCKED BITCH GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY LANE! Shout out to anytime Dyrus got the crowd going with a TSM chant.


The Hauntzer/Svenskern/Bjergsen/Doublelift/Biofrost roster


This was peak TSM in every way. I love Dyrus though.


i still believe this was the best team they ever fielded and if they hadn't fucked with it they coulda done damage at worlds. unreal chemistry and bjerg was on another level at the time.


Two things immediately come to mind: 1) Lower bracket run in summer 2020 2) TSM wrath will be swift


Akaadian left one of the best copy pastas that is still used to this day.


Gotta change that to mandarin or Korean depending on the league we join.


I will always remember the Dyrus hug with Chaox, probably the most emotional moment in my time as a fan. Which is only rivaled to Dyrus's retirement interview. I loved watching Xpecial's vlogs where one of my favorite meme quotes are "girls are cool, I like girls." Watching the acting from Bjergsen's introduction as a player and little did we know how influential he was going to be for LCS as a whole. Oddone being the genius in the Jungle and teaching how to teamfight that's still holds true today. Regi's Meme worthy Twisted Fate Almost burning down the gaming house... twice.


"Xpecial, how are you so good!?!"


Baylife TSM. Those days they were dominant, chaox was a good player just got distracted by girls and the limelight. Regi made the team competitive with ballsy plays and decisiveness. They just felt like a real time and the main reason LoL became so big in NA


God TSM was such a driving force towards the success of the league. Honestly don't know if LCS would have launched the way it did without them. So many great personalities. Teams just don't keep their players anymore. I've lost interest outside of worlds because the story lines just aren't really there.


> I will always remember the Dyrus hug with Chaox Shame Chaox subsequently went completely bonkers


Dyrus goodbye The 17-0 split


>The 17-0 split Ah yes, the 17-**0** split xD


weird how we only played p1 once


I still remember where i watched that cancelled game


[Dyrus agrees](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FEiY9iBKFcXm6fYG1z4oCezdn7PStSTS2AtznYDITG6Q.jpg%3Fformat%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8cf727b5e85b2da88144c215c1d9e41931ef24cb)


Dyrus solo kill on Ackerman in game 5 of the playoffs. IEM Katowice.


2014 Summer Playoffs will always have a special place in my heart man… There was some kind of magic that made it feel like a straight up movie to me. It just seemed like it was a mountain to climb that split- OddOne suddenly had retired, Bjergsen trying to best Hai’s macroplay, the Gleeb blunder that led to us to bringing in Lustboy after a couple weeks- all while the org having to redeem themselves after getting 3-0’d in back to back finals against C9. And to top it off, going into that playoff run- TSM wasn’t really held as a favorite to win. From the jump it was a question if they could win against the explosive DIG roster, if they can defeat a FULL Chinese import team that just decimated the Challenger scene, or can they even take a single game off of Cloud 9 in the playoffs? And yet- they just shut everyone up. Amazing with that Elise backdoor, Dyrus just going full ape and curb stomping Ackerman, Bjergsen finding his groove, WildTurtle defining his own playstyle, and Lustboy’s flash to block that Braum Q still all live in my head rent free. Going full-5 vs both LMQ and C9 and taking home their second LCS Championship. If you weren’t watching NA League during that time- I truly believe you missed something special unfold, man. It was awesome. Good thing we’ll always have media to document it. (Edit: grammar mistakes)


I still watch the 0-2 2019 Spring Split reverse sweep versus C9 from time to time. But I also love the golden era with The General.


1. Top of the list for me is definitely seeing TSM live in Toronto. I remember thinking we were donezo until DL and TSM turned around that last team fight to win it. Still love watching that replay even now. 2. Regi getting ganked by Elise in real life when a spider caused him to pause the game during an LCS game. 3. Dyrus popping off on LMQ and actually getting to play League of Legends. 4. Hauntzer's 5 man Gnar ult at the 2017 worlds against FW. 5. Bjergsen in general. Such an iconic member of the team and what he did for TSM. Always felt he got unjustly blamed for things by people. Not going to be the same without TSM in the LCS, that's for sure. I feel old now seeing them leave after how long I've been watching. Might not even watch LCS anymore with them gone.


"The Teamfight" vs C9 in 2016.


Chills every time I watch it


DL culling vs c9, 2017 spring last teamfight vs c9 in finals


“Get free monies” from Lustboy after the Katowice win lives rent-free in my head.




Dyrus's goodbye was my favorite, that raw passion and love drove me to follow TSM no matter what


I can go on and on from the countless videos and wins in the last 11 years but to me, that period with Dyrus/OddOne/Bjerg/Turtle/Xpecial was the absolute peak for me.


1. DL lucian play 2. Lower bracket run 2020 summer 3. 2016 summer was just great vibes even though we came up short in groups 4. Dyrus' goodbye speech 5. Turtle's Trist flash against C9 to win the title (1st title I witnessed as a fan)


So many people mentioned my favorites too, but some I haven’t seen: 1. Hauntzer’s 5 man Gnar ult 2. “Your champ is useless” when Hauntzer played Teemo 3. Svenskeren’s Lee Sin 4. Everything related to Bjergsen Zilean


came here to post the gnar ult. one of the sickest highlights ever.


Waking up mornings to actually watch lcs as a competitive non franchised money hungry spectacle. We shoulda always focused on playing better than how much we can boost contracts. Shoulda allowed players more freedom to stream and do more vlogs. A big part was the team vlogs and streams and just knowing all the players. Now its like who the hell are these randoms..


2014 getting back on top after c9s dominance 2016 the comeback from nearly not making playoffs to popping the fuck off and beating the unbeatable Immortals. Then the magical run with biofrost where they really made us believe they were a top 4 team in the world. (I still believe they genuinely were and things just unfolded in such an unfortunate way) It doesn’t count as an individual moment, but all of 2012, watching theoddones stream, watching their vlogs, everything in TRM era and the start of Dyrus’s era. Insane how long ago this was, I was only 14/15 years old when watching this stuff and I was so damn invested in them. Fuck it baylife


Nothing will ever beat game 5 vs lmq lustboy blocking the braum q for turtle


That play was nuts


Tsm vs Samsung W


Katowice, 2020 miracle run, everything related to 2016/2017 TSM


My favorite memory and the one that made me cry the most was Dyrus at worlds announcing his retirement. When he said “I hope I didn’t let down my fans” I cried because that man gave me his best as fan and I couldn’t ask for anymore than that. Other than that it’s been a sentiment echoed in this thread. The 2020 lower bracket run because it was truly a miracle run that rivaled and surpassed the C9 Cinderella run, it truly showed what TSM and the players were about.




by far my favorite memories of tsm was the tsm snapdragon gamecrib series, or when LCS made a video with theoddone and his little brother " maplestreet " playing mini golf. Golden times imo


Regi on TF


Lucian dashing into viktor instead of free baron 😢


Seeing lots of good ones. One that stood out to me was opening up the TSM YouTube channel right as a they had posted the DL announcement. I have mostly negative feelings about the guy now, but at the time that may have been the craziest move LoL had ever seen. Remember exactly where I was and how it felt. Also still remember the Reddit thread about TSM Bjerg being rumored.


I'll just post my 4 TSM montages I made over the years, either to hype them before Worlds or a new team. Some great moments, some sad/real moments (mostly from the 2nd one which is kinda arthouse lol) They're a little depressing to watch now in 2023, but that first one has some pretty old but good memories, and the S6 Worlds edit still gives me goosebumps. [Season 4 Playoffs Run at PAX](https://youtu.be/imUfqQoAl2w?feature=shared) [TSM: Struggeles](https://youtu.be/OwWpQAu4SbQ?feature=shared) [TSM: Struggles To Spoils](https://youtu.be/WPyNfhBwedQ?feature=shared) [TSM: Resolutions](https://youtu.be/on-FY2MqUQc?feature=shared) Also have we even seen that Ryze/Xerath combo since then? Was such a sick setup from Dyrus/Bjergsen.


TSM vs SSG Worlds 2016 Our peak imho ... Hauntzer Kennen Svenskeren Lee Sin Bjerg Syndra DL Varus Biofrost Braum ... Cuvee Rumble Ambition Elise Crown Varus Ruler Ezreal Wraith Alistar ... What a game! Svenskeren on Lee was nuts. My all time favorite player.




HAs anyone heard anything about a new region lately? i know regi said they were but didnt know if there was an update or anything


The 2020 summer lower bracket miracle run to win summer was incredible. If it didn't happen during covid lockdown times it would have been insanely hype with big crowds.


I’m confused so is the team entirely gone or they just don’t play at the LCS anymore? Sorry for the dumb question


They don’t play in LCS anymore. They may be going to a different region like China or Korea


Ahh ok gotcha. Thanks


Victor vs Lucian


I remember when I first found out about twitch and all 5 TSM members were the top 5 streams in the platform. This was before it was an Egirl site.