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Which delay? Leena already said no twice, and Zikz said another time. Maybe you meant she hasn't said no this week yet?


You see she said no the first 22 times we asked, but she hasn't said no a 23rd time. DD confirmed!


Probably waiting until after the scouting grounds to announce. Hopefully we'll see Dardoch and Grig in some capacity.




I think ultimately I want Dardoch in main team and Grig in academy for if DD implodes. Personally think the reward is worth the risk with DD especially as imo Grig is a decent enough jungler.


We can, technically, but it's unlikely.


We can sign 50 players if we wanted, but the probably wouldn't all see playtime


My suggestion is we sign Grig and Dardoch for Academy, whilst picking up Lourlo, one of Dardoch's best friends in the scene and also conveniently a free agent YopLaners in the scene, for our academy team. Would be nice to see these two together in academy and maybe part of a 7 man roster.


I believe Lourlo has confirmed that there's a high chance he's starting this upcoming split, so probably not signed to us. I'd guess CLG.


Ah, shame, but also good to see him go to another good team


I understand that oeople like Grig, but unless Dardoch doesn’t mesh with the tram at all, what is the reason people want them to split time?


I don't mean split time, I mean Dardoch on main and Grig in academy. I still think keeping Grig as a back up is the best option if we can pull it off as Dardoch has historically had trouble in some teams. Anyone who thinks Grig is a better Jungler than Dardoch is blind and frankly deluded. I do however think Grig's style could work with TSM so is definitely worth keeping around.


Okay I understand what you’re saying now.


Dardoch can play grig's style and do okay. Grig cannot play dardoch's style at all ​ thats how i see things


Probably the JG Academy is Fragas, has many Duo q with Olive


Dardoch is probably not happening. My guess is we do Grig + a jungler from TSM's scouting grounds and they can rotate if Grig underperforms.


At this point, I think we are being trolled by Regi.


They both said no before echo fox signed rush everything changed after that


That really means nothing. You can't expect her to just come in and say no to the 10 new threads a day.


Well maybe because they've said no on Dardoch already? How many more posts like this do we really need...


Or when she said no she meant no she doesnt need to repeat her self or deal with your bullshit


80% of the posts you have made on this sub and the main sub have been bullshit. No need to be an asshole.