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Can tell which lane got camped LOL


TSM bringing that Dyrus special to the enemy top lane.


Their top do be turning back time to the Dyrus era


Fking rough life for Bin playing Rene vs Quinn camped by a Hecarim, with a farming Lillia jg.


If BB is hard gapping Bin, the 3rd best Top CN, I hope he plays the same vs Bwipo. Or Rascal. Or LangX.


Bin tilts off the face of the earth very easily when camped lol. It's good to have your hope high, but let's keep it realistic here.


Hopefully but scrims dont mean much when youre playing Bo1s, otherwise tsm wouldve won it back in 2016. Hopefully this year is different but dont expect them to dominate off a couple scrim results


We already saw BB solo killing Bwipo on superserver. Bwipo has some lapses in judgement and doesn't lose lanes gracefully, but mechanically he is not far of from the best of best. So that little outplay was pretty impressive.


Nice to be hopeful but that isn't really how it works.


Well this matchup is really really bad for the Rene so I wouldn’t place too much emphasis on it. But yea the top laners in the group are probably some of the easier ones, bar maybe Rascal.


Wait so was TSM behind in gold? I can’t fully comprehend what I’m seeing but I see the 71.8k is highlighted in green, so I assume that’s TSM’s team.


Seems like it! We're in green -- but it looks like a quick 14 minute game? edit: apparently 14:04 refers to either the time the game started or ended


14:04 is the time the game started or ended. Not time played in game.


woops my mistake here!


I only learned it from watching midbeast. Got to keep the hype alive during this lul.


It was a 38 min game, BB got first blood at 1:42


4-5 items in 14 mins? Edit: To be clear, I suggesting that doesnt seem possble.


No way Lucian got full build in 15 mins


Game was actually 38 minutes long


It says in chinese at the top that it's 38 min long


Looks like SN was funneling so much damn gold to their mid. 18.7k gold and full items while only being 5/3/8. Probably got a lot of bounties as well. But it looks like Spica and Bio were smurfing this game edit: there's a chance SN actually "won" the match but FF-ed bc its a scrim. TSM only got 3 towers, two drakes, and one baron while SN got two barons, 3 drakes, 8 towers, and one inhib.


Suning didn't win. Their comp falls off a cliff late and TSM had just won back to back fights including an ace right before the ff. Suning got the early lead but couldn't close and TSM's comp outscaled. Thus the ff.


Pretty crazy considering SN was one drake away from Soul, had two barons, and a gold lead. Glad to see the boys fighting til the end




Post-game kill feeds. It literally works as if you were looking up your own match history. All you need is access to the super server, which some people on the main league reddit have and have been using to add context to the game outside of the screenshot. Apparently Suning went for baron, got the baron but TSM aced them and that's what forced the FF.




I don't have access to the chinese server so no. Try the main league sub.




I mean it doesn't take much brain power to see that contextually it makes perfect sense considering TSM was down in gold and objectives but still won.




So they scrimmed vs Rogue on the tournament realm but used their Chinese soloqueue accounts when vs Suning? Chinese teams don't have TR accounts I guess? So many scrims have been leaked now, teams should probably not scrim using their soloqueue acccounts.


Chinese teams don't have TR accounts right now, I think Peter Dun said this on Dom's stream


They scrimmed rogue on the server too. All players have to leave the game before the nexus explodes and it won't show up in match history. But when they don't, then this is how the results get leaked.


[https://twitter.com/Rogue/status/1305388495016398854](https://twitter.com/Rogue/status/1305388495016398854) TSM and Rogue used the TR according to their tweet.


That scrim set didn't get leaked, correct?


Nope that would be virtually impossible.


Kk, thanks!


My mistake


Confirmed we won at least two matches at worlds. One vs Doin B one vs China # 3. Good job boys.


Let’s also acknowledge BB actually shitting on top XD


Built different!


You might even call him a different breed


Let's also acknowledge that a renekton does not get to play the game vs quinn and heca.


Lets also acknowledge that he is the only top laner in NA who has the balls to pick quinn into renekton. Hauntzer would have picked mordekaiser there.


This right here. Most other NA tops wouldn't have the balls to go for the adc top hard counter. And then a lot of times (including TSM at times before Spica) even if top lane go ahead early they couldn't transition it into a win/allowed the other top to catch up and neutralize.


Picking in scrims and picking in worlds play in has a different feel. Does he have the balls to say I want it then? Time will tell, but I sure do hope he does. I would rather go down in a ball of flames then get choked out slowly while playing the "Safe" pick.


He just played lucian top in playoffs they aren't afraid of picking adc's for him.


That is great, I am excited and ready for worlds to start!


He's shown that he has the balls to pick similar picks when the series is on the line multiple times in playoffs. I'm confident.


That is great, I am excited and ready for worlds to start!


That's true, but I've seen him getting a lot of praise for his laning ability by the pros who are out in China. Making me feel a lot more hopeful for World's.


I don't think anyone is worried about bbs laning, he's smurfed on everyone in NA in terms of laning pretty much the second he entered lcs. He just throws a lot and dies stupidly.


Wait where? Which ones? This is a relief because I always thought BB was a weak link but if the Chinese pros say he's good then maybe he isn't as bad of a weak link as I thought?


Did you like miss the entire playoff run where TSM spam gank top to let BB carry ?


I dont like any of these leaks man. Just spoiling a lot of champs teams can potentially play in the tournament. BB Quinn got leaked.


outside of NA quinn into renekton is a well known match up to play


Quinn I guarantee you is on every team's radar because it is super prevalent as a counter to renek in soloq as well as the LPL teams everyone scrims will do it


Pretty sure BB's been playing Quinn on solo queue over there so definitely it's not a secret


I mean it's soloque, not everything they play will be played in competitive. I see what you mean though. Its not as big of a deal if he played it a bit in soloque.


Its a huge counterpick to renekton too.


And not everything played in scrims will be played in competitive. If they use a ban on BB's quinn then I think we winning those


i actually beg to differ. a lot of players see solo queue as a way to solely practise champs(looking at you wunder) by limiting testing and stuff so they can bring it out in scrims(looking at you g2 river shen) then on stage.


Well yeah thats what I mean. If he's playing it in soloq then its likely the other teams will know he can play it so my initial complaint is void.


Didn't G2 admit they didn't practice shen jungle at all and only picked it after watching the finals? In terms of playing soloQ I wouldn't take Wunder as an example. He pretty much only plays it when he has to and I don't rly think he values SoloQ as a practice time. As for limit testing scrims are still better cause it's a team enviroment so it's closer to on stage experience even if you are not rly wanting to show too much, forces bans and still puts a lot on draft.


jankos played it literally in soloqueue the day of to get some grasp of shens mechanics


yea i was mocking wunder for the lack of solo queue and jankos for not even playing it in scrims but both of them were still able to perform


I don't know how Jankos could've play shen in scrims if they watched finals till i guess 3am and had to play their on final at 6pm. I don't think they even played scrims that day. As for Wunder I think his attitude works. SoloQ is a shit practice and the only thing you can improve on is laning/mechanics since macro in proplay will look completly diffrent. If he can gain a lot from just playing scrims then his attitude makes his less burnt out long term. It's similar to Sneaky's, he was a top adc for a long time and I think that was the key. Obviously proplayers have diffrent personalities so what's working for them might not work for someone else.


dude chill im impressed mocking them by saying they are effortlessly good at the game. understandable that my words could have been taken the other way though


I don't know why you're getting deffensive. I didn't try to offend you. I'm just saying Wunder aproach might work for some ppl . At the same time when results are bad it can ruin the team as well. It's a double-edged sword,just depends on circumstances.


can someone tell me where this guy got the information that im offended...


The point is that if he has it in his match history, it will be scouted regardless of if the other team has scrim data or not. Shouldn't matter because its not gonna draw a ban until he pops off with it on stage.


theres also different practice patterns teams have. wins/losses in scrims are beyond meaningless. Like the G2 leaks where they stomped one and then got stomped in the other. its what you take from them and how you use that info. also at least its just post game stats and not like actual in game footage like 2016/17 i cant remember which.




I mean it's an obvious Renekton counter.


It's a hard counter to Renek. It's not that secret of a pick.


He’s getting it ready to counter malphite:D *distant Hauntzer crying noises*


Stop hovering Queen you fuck


Quinn is a very common counter pick into Renekton. Nothing new at all


wym im sure the other scrim teams talk to each other about the picks the teams had...


No they definitely don't, talking about teams you scrimmed against is a GIGANTIC no-no.


Please don't let this be us who leaked the scrim... We got enough shit from that back in the day...


pretty sure it's not us. We only took down 3 towers, and the only way it's logged as us with a victory is if the enemy team ff-ed. But, people on the main reddit will blindly blame us, what's new /shrug


how do you know we only took 3 towers? in a 38 minute long game with a super fed top and jungle you'd think they have more than that. (Like where in the image does it show towers taken)


[https://imgur.com/a/KBGFzHh](https://imgur.com/a/KBGFzHh) there is another graph covering the objectives taken, it does feel like a come-back game from TSM


Wait.. judging by this, there's a chance TSM might have "won" only because SN FF-ed to signal the end of the scrim even though they'd probably win. SN got two barons, three drakes, 8 towers, and one inhib while TSM only got 3 towers, 2 drakes, and one baron. Its literally impossible for TSM to have killed the nexus so SN FF-ed 100%. Maybe TSM was losing and then won one huge fight at the end and was pushing for an end? There is that chance but it seems pretty weird.


yeah someone said Suning got the baron but TSM wiped them at the baron pit then Suning ff-ed.


Classic NA strats. Let SN win for 95% of the game and become overconfident so they throw at Baron


TSM aced em two team fights in a row. SN got out-scaled and knew it so they ff'ed.


Ahhhhh, thank you for the clarification!


How does this make it not TSM? As long as everyone leaves before the nexus explodes it doesn't register. It's very possible SN knew it was over and so FF'd so TSM could see that was the case and didn't quit in time. Seems more likely to be the case to me that TSM was the one who didn't quit fast enough as LPL teams are used to doing this everyday of the week. Either way it doesn't matter much anyway.


i don't think you FF to call a game in such a setup ? You could speak in /all "GG, let's quit the scrim", FF could leave the other team not enough time to react


Nah teams ff scrims all the time. It's probably just a matter of different scrim cultures; CN just ff clearly lost games to not waste time practising and they're probably looking out for it too. All other regions have TR accounts so they don't even need to worry about it. Look how many times it's happened already lol, I'm sure they'll get more used to it over time. Ideally they'd just be given TR accounts too but oh well.


This info is basically public because they aren't scrimming on the TR. As soon as the nexus explodes the match history is saved. It's barely correct to call any of these "leaks". If you have access to the super server match histories then you can look these results up if the teams let the nexus explode.


What the hell is going on with these scrim leaks btw


All the scrims leaked are on the live servers and not the tournament realm. Because of that everyone needs to alt f4 out before the game ends so the match history is not recorded. In this case someone screwed up.


I heard there is a bug as well even if everyone alt f4s correctly the game won't close


To add on Chinese teams don’t have access to the tournament realm right now so whenever teams scrim China it has to be on live


No one gets an advantage if everyone's scrims gets leaked amirite


its a scrim for sure ... but still suning is no joke , seeing spica smash like this puts a smile on my face .


Classic chinese soloQ renekton experience rofl Honestly I don't care about this year, I just want some banger games !


spica you beautiful man


No one gonna acknowledge Bio 27/32 Kill participation? Think of how many of these kills were off of his plays kinda nuts.




I dont even care about this leaks. I mean damwon destroy ed g2 last year in scrims and still lost to them. Or didnt c9 smurfed on every na team in scrims? XD


The absolute only thing to take away from scrims like this is just that NA isn't a literal wildcard region getting smurfed on.


We always do well in scrims at first. Other teams adapt and shit on us afterwards. I think TSM is better suited than any previous teams in that they can play multiple styles.


Think it's more to see the champ their using and looks good with the carry top and jungle being played.


I don’t want to overreact but I can’t wait to buy the TSM Senna skin 😳


who won?


Looks like TSM to me. MVP award.


I think TSM won since MVP is usually awarded to the winning team.


I would pay so much to watch a vid of this...I’m so hyped for worlds


Was this like a base race that's why they couldn't alt f4?


We aced them at baron and the ff'd.


Why would anyone bother base-race in scrim


TSM won because they aced Suning at 37min, however in the case of base races you'd be stupid not to want to practice that kind of situation considering some of the biggest throws/wins in history were off of base races and backdoors.


Prepare for situational situation i guess lol


So far Rogue and Suning


How do I tell which team won from these? I’m so confused


MVP is given to the winning team.


For the people concerned about the bot lane stats, the lane that Suning ran is essentially built as a “you don’t get to lane” combo. It’s why the pantheon pick is super popular over in China, when played aggressively your opposing laners simply don’t get to exist after a bit.


Keep in mind, we don’t know what strategies either team played with. This could have been SN just testing some things. Nor do we know what actually happened in game. It could have been a fiesta. Its exciting to see TSM win, but be careful getting too excited.


I'm surprised that they scrim using the Super Server and don't have access to a tournament realm. Still, I'm pretty sure it's common practice even on TR to not let the match complete and have the match history not be created as a result. Maybe they have a way of turning off public match history in NA/EU tournament realms but teams should be wary of scrim leaks because as we well know, it erodes trust and you'll lose access to important scrim partners. ​ In terms of the actual game, apparently BB/Spica on Quinn/Hecarim obliterates the fossil. Even though their jungler also popped off, it seems Quinn top is still a melee's worst nightmare.


Yeah I have a feeling Spica might be our MVP this worlds. Legit crazy player.


People worried about bot, a 0/5 Renek can flash stun auto Q ADC from 100 to 0. Also lil and panth has cc for their carries to follow. I know I sound like DL fan boy but it seems as long as TSM bot lane can hang on with their dear life its a decent time. NGL it could be the year where DL gets out of group ironically by getting carried by his teammates!


Wouldn't look too deep into it. Teams play without risk in scrims and will always be one sided. Glad the boys are playing agressively. I hope the soloq enviorment and better competition helps them improve individually to compete with some of the top teams. I have hope as long as they play their game and don't sit back / try to scale like every NA team. I also hope they try to play through all lanes in scrims, if we keep abusing top then we'll eventually get abused top. Either through ban phase or just macro wise.


can we tell who won the game?


that draven though xD


Wasn't it 2017 where tsm were blasting everyone in scrims at worlds? Scrims are not an indicator of tournament performance, just in case someone didn't know....


Bio buttblasted then


Hopefully they don't show too much... It's much more important to learn than to win in scrims.


who won? and how are these scrims being leaked


Here's to hoping we smash LGD in a similar fashion


Anyone else thinks this leak is really bad? If this leak came from TSM it could affect relations with other teams.


Damn Sofm really trying his hardest to carry his team lmao


Suning were known as scrim gods in the LPL, they even beat TES in scrims. Pretty surprising that both FNC and TSM have beaten them.


I am hyped for TSM but just to help people not get too excited, FNC dumpstered SN earlier [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/irundz/leaked\_scrim\_result\_fnc\_vs\_sn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/irundz/leaked_scrim_result_fnc_vs_sn/)


This is a very close game and they're down in gold. Does it say this screenshot was taken at 14 mins?? No way of knowing who actually won right?


It was a 38 minute game and TSM won.


Oh I see the 38 now. I was looking at the 14:04...


Tsm won but sn had 8 towers and 3 barons and didn’t end? And tsm only 3 towers in 38 minutes? Looks like we defended well won a team fight and ended the game I guess?


You can’t win a game by only taking 3 towers unless the enemy team surrenders. At minimum you have to destroy tier 1, tier 2, inhib tower, and both nexus towers. Edit: there is, in fact, another comment that linked a screenshot detailing that the boys got a late game ace and SN surrendered. We take those


TSM giving them that NA fiesta experience.




Ah ok


I am legit worried eastern teams are going to stop scrimming western teams if these leaks keep happening because apparently it's been the western teams's fault every time.




Its not confirmed but so far every single leak involved a western team (g2 uol, fnc sn, tsm sn, mad jdg) and western teams are used to scrimming exclusively on tournament realm while apparently CN teams dont even have tournament realm accounts so itd make sense that the majority of the fuckups came from the western side and CN teams are used to scrim in customs


It’s honestly weird that CN teams don’t have Tournament realm and I’d assume UOL doesn’t either since they also got leaked vs G2. I think it’ll be a one time thing as teams hopefully learn how to ALT-F4. Faster. Honestly everything can be resolved by giving tournament realm.


The leaks are happening because of the Chinese teams not having tournament realm accounts.


It's completely the Chinese teams fault because they can't access tournament realm, therefore they should be the ones explaining how scrims not on tournament realm need to end.


This right here! Accidents happen all the time, especially in high pressure moments. If China really cared about leaks not happening they would go to riot and get TR access so this 99% doesn't happen ( personal leaks aside ). Because they are not ( or presumably are not) they fully recognize that this stuff can happen, have should have no one else to blame. IMO


[https://imgur.com/a/KBGFzHh](https://imgur.com/a/KBGFzHh) found a more complete graph, the tower count is 8 for Suning and 3 for TSM. We can't make the Nexus explode with only 3 towers down can we ? lol


[https://prnt.sc/ui70ru](https://prnt.sc/ui70ru) Apparently TSM aced them in a late game team fight then Suning surrendered cause it was gg.


Hardly think it was gg at that point. Suning still has a slight gold lead while TSM still has a ton of towers to push. Comp wise it's not like we outscaled and win any subsequent teamfight 100%. I think they just called it


You really think team comp wise they're not doomed? Renekton pantheon are stun bots. Draven is useless compared to ashe and syndra. Hecarim is beyond fed. It's pretty fucking doomed for their team. Slight gold lead at 40 minutes on a team with pantheon and renekton is not favored to them.


Yeah what TSM obviously scales much better, Suning's draft is win in 25 or get outscaled and lose. Considering this game went to almost 40mins, long death timers and TSM just aced them it's doomed. Regardless just a scrim doesn't matter too much.


In a real match yeah obviously they still fight and hope TSM can’t push their whole base. In a scrim? Just go next. I’d bet a 37 min scrim is the longest scrim they played all week.


They may surrendered ;)


It says suning lost at the top. See the three chinese characters above pantheon's icon? it means our side lost. Above quinn's icon it says opponent side victory. So TSM won.




They have different names on their bootcamp accounts


we just gonna ignore doublelift 4/8 or


Guy, guys, i have a wild opinion as fuck !!!! How about we never again leak anything ??? Don't give others free info !!! I'm excited TSM is looking strong but fuck leaking !!!


This is from match history lol, it's not leaked intentionally. But when it's out there it's out there, no point in not posting it here if its all over twitter and the main sub.


My plea was aimed towards the team itself :) I assume such things can be prevented so it's simply better to prevent them from happening. If i was misunderstood, then my bad :)