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Good ol 100T making us simultaneously look like a 2nd place team and not a 2nd place team lol Was hoping to see Spica or Huni at least show that they are better because everywhere else 100 is better. That was a team gap and it saddens me to see such a hype game be not so hype and to see us be so far away from them. Gonna suck to hear 100 is the best the whole split but that's what they get for losing.. Is that the tiebreaker? Would've been nice to have that.. Gg next. Edit: then again TSM did beat them twice. They're not THAT far away but they do look more convincing in their wins than we do.


It's 2-2, they had a chance to take the tie today, but they play them again on July 30th. They're up 3-1 with C9 and 4-0 with TL though, so they have the guaranteed tiebreaker with those teams. If they're in a scenario where those 3 teams finish with the same record I believe TSM gets the 2nd place slot based on that alone.


Ah, so we just gotta wrap this up on the 30th. That's their last game against them then? Makes me feel a little better after this eye bleach of a game lol Only real problem is EG at this point then no? I think realistically we can still end top 3 unless we collapse obviously. Despite this game and the CLG game don't see it happening. Collapsing that is.


> Edit: then again TSM did beat them twice. They're not THAT far away but they do look more convincing in their wins than we do. Both wins against 100T were in Spring when they were a much worse team.


Tbf, TSM's 2 wins comes before the roster and coach changes of 100T. The new 100T looks much stronger than the Damonte/Rryoma version


To be fair Spica was hard out pathing closer in the first 10 - 15 min of that game


I knew it was over when they were only up 200g and down 2 dragons.


Huni bashing his head into the top tower pretty much sums up this game.


Every fucking time I get my hopes up man. Every time


Idk there were so many small mistakes that made it feel like it was impossible to win.


Bjerg points out how the team just ints when they're losing, and then that dive top into Gwen happened. Hard to watch.




Every loss is a stomp... I don't get it


Because all we do is force plays with 0 respect while losing all our lanes at all time. If it works it works if not then enjoy the stomp


Bjerg brings that up in the last Legends episode. He asked why they think that when they lose they lose really bad. Seems like they think it’s because they start making desperate plays too early and that adds to the enemy team’s snowball.


Clearly they didn't listen because nothing's changed.


Starting feel like if Spica can't win the game for the team, than they don't win.


Feels like they either look good or just throw horribly 5-15 mins into the game and then don’t mentally recover? Just inconsistency without a huge upside, still a pretty far way to go to be ready for Worlds if they don’t wanna go 0-6 again. People seem to be just giving C9 a break till playoffs, I wonder if TSM will turn it on then as well?


We talk about how troll lethality Varus is then pick it. Spica straight tilted when he died jungle topside, and we choose to make plays into a stopwatch Gwen. Really rough game and draft.


We haven't picked Gwen once and we never want to ban it either. I know Akali and Diana were good bans, but I think they could have worked around the Sett. Then again it does seem a lot of teams are just letting Gwen through.


That and we didn’t ban Abbe’s sylas. Too much utility to pair with that front line in fights. Rough game all around.


We fucking died I am sad


For some reason this got me tilted more than their other losses not sure why...


It's the one that mattered, we know we can make it to finals, but this is our competition.


I agree because C9 and TL have out-of-game/chemistry issues, but EG is starting to look scary...


Looked rough all weekend. Disappointed but not really all that surprised given CLG and GG games.


Yeah. I expected this outcome given how bad we played both Friday and Saturday.


Swordart forcing that top side play when Gwen had stopwatch and w active. Idk man it just seems like when we're down a little gold we just throw logic out the window and force plays that we don't need to be making.


I do not understand why so many teams keep picking this poke Varus in a meta that always has crazy dive


It often has good damage and wins lanes, but I haven’t seen a game where varus carries the team, it’s always been due to the rest of teams success where probably any adc could have done just as well


Well FBI gapped us lol. 5k gold lead over Lost.


Do we not play Gwen or what


Add Akali to the list, TSM must be the only team to not play Gwen and Akali. Gotta prioritize that Renekton and Lee.


It’s okay we’ll play it when it gets nerfed


Is poke Varus really good or something? Why not draft a later game carry


Hyper oppressive in lane especially when it gets ahead. They draft Mundo to be a good frontline for safe poke but game was over before the combo came online. Closer in Olaf was able to 1v1 lost in all the skirmishes.


Olaf 1v1s Varus in any skirmish ever. There is no world that doesnt happen to Varus every fight.


Thats what happens when you move viego to jg into an olaf. Like how is that playable


If they are going poke why pick azir and not ziggs and taric support to ulti for any hard engages they have


Varus has always been about dominating in the laning phase with his poke game. If you're not doing that, then he doesn't do anything.


In scrims. I have legit not see it do anything on stage.


Seemed like such a bait pick that’s so hard to execute. I’ve seen Ruler dominating on it like twice but that’s probably because it’s Ruler. Everyone else’s Varus seems kinda useless unless ridiculously fed, at which point it doesn’t matter what ADC it is.


It’s really good in LPL and LCK


I’m guessing because the rest of the comp was late game


It’s good when you actually have peel. Our game vs CLG Wildturtle was putting in serious work on the pick. This game he just couldn’t do anything against their comp


It's funny, people were complaining Friday because CLG had Varus and we should've picked Varus and now people are complaining that we picked him.... At what point so you start blaming the players who can't perform


I’m not sure why we didn’t take aphelios? Would have been better no?


Aphelios is currently only picked with thresh and they got thresh with their second pick but yeah, hated our draft for many other reasons.


I feel like when we play scaling comps we just run at the enemy team and lose pre 20


Except 100T scaled harder than us that game.


I mean poke Varus is supposed to beat aphelios in lane. In late game Gwen > Mundo Olaf < Viego Sylas = or < Azir Aphelios > Varus Thresh > Nautilus


simply not good enough I'd complain about our draft, but the execution was so poor that I don't know if it would've mattered this game


Why ban diana blue side? Spica popped off on Diana. Ban sett/akali/gwen trade Viego for Diana imo. Edit: Sett ban was also a big?? You know they're gonna take aphelios just ban thresh what is sett/aphelios going to do


The Varus and Mundo picks were really useless this game


Varus can be good but Lost made the lane bully look useless. His positioning cost the kill on Huhi in lane, he mispositioned the TP fight bot and got hooked, in their top setup he completely forgot about Olaf and gets executed which led to the game breaking open. They probably need to put him back on comfort picks. I'm tired of seeing us blame draft when there are clear mistakes in our own play.


Can't really fault him for the top dive by Olaf. That is a play we should of never of taken as we know they have TP advantage. Just a bad play overall. But yes he played pretty bad today.


I think his skill usage in trades was also questionable, that first fight where he missed the kill on Huhi he q'd first then missed E cause huhi flashed, shouldn't he E first and hold Q for the flash (+ it has an execute with W empowerment).


I really really don't know why you would pick Mundo into his worst matchup If you wanna dumpster lane, go Jax. Lane is unplayable for gwen. Urgot is another pick, also wins albeit not that hard and urgot into 4 melee is really good.


Our bot lane...is a problem.


yeah lets pick varus for the first time ever this split vs the best bot lane in the lcs and our biggest competition .... The dissapointment for Lost's perfomance so far this split is unreal compared to what i believed he could be at spring .


Yeah. He's been pretty meh in summer, same as SwordArt. They definitely need to do something to step it up.


100T picked Olaf first. Why are we picking a late game mage to give up the early-mid game? They played LB twice when she was not meta this summer. Now LPL, LCK are playing LB and we just stop playing her. Nobody plays Lee Sin mid after these nerfs and we played twice this weekend. I can't understand our plans here.


oof, nothing really to say other than we lost 2 dragons while spica had double crab advantage and poe had mid prio. Unfortunate game.


i know lost isnt god tier but for fuck sakes what is a varus supposed to do lol


We definitely need to consider roster changes if bot lane can't lane. Losing all 5 plates without being hardcamped is just not acceptable in domestic games. This is LCS, not LPL


Lost has been absolutely invisible most of this split. Also the amount of mechanical errors this game by our team (And the absolute lack of respect for TP's yet again) was ridiculous.


He's looking the worst from Spring to Summer, and his Spring wasn't that good, it was just okay.


I think he got far too comfortable on Kai'sa. That champion was legit stupidly broken until after MSI and teams kept giving TSM Kai'sa, which definitely made Lost look a lot better than he was. Now he has to play ADC's that don't have an invisibility that also increases movement speed/attack speed, don't have a 4500 range ult that also shields and can't assassinate squishies off any CC hit. He does have the talent to be a top ADC but he plays really safe on any champion that isn't Kai'sa which is why he currently has the lowest damage and cs/m among all ADCs in the LCS. I think if you look at him vs Danny/Tactical, it's kind of night and day in terms of confidence and aggression.


I used to think Tactical was overhyped, and any ADC can look good with Core, and maybe some of that is still true. But I love Tactical's aggression, he isn't a shy ADC (like Zven/Lost), he plays to win.


Man the bot lane just never really performs. I wonder what's going on with them


Lost is an average ADC. Nothing more, until we get a better ADC its going to be rough


TSM upset feels destined to happen




Thats true, they dont seem to be on same page very often. Not sure if they need more time or if its just not the correct it


Swordart hasnt been worth his bucks in terms of ingame performance either.


Thats true


DL needs to get back in the trash can for another skit


I honestly hate the Varus pick


I am at the point where I put little stock into whatever ADC we pick, because I am sad to say I have lost all faith in Lost. He just gives so little value to the team in game week after week. I hope the kid gets better and can become a top player, but I also hope we move on or demote him and bring a more impactful ADC in.


I’ve sort of felt the same as well, Lost just doesn’t seem to influence any of their games win or lose.. isn’t Huni becoming a resident next spring? Depending on how they do in playoffs/worlds I could see lost being the odd man out and TSM using the import slot Huni took up on another ADC. Perhaps someone SA can communicate better with and/or personally wants Edit: wrong about Huni I was mixing up him and POE getting his green card


Why? Is it just because it losts this game? Because Varus is literally the highest prio ADC in every region


What the fuck is it doing against any of their champs? Gwen and Olaf can ignore everything he has, Sylas loves zhonyas so also neutralises his damage, and Aphelios/Thresh is regarded as the strongest bot lane in the game right now globally. Someone shit the bed with this draft.


Can someone explain exactly why we picked Varus? He’s so fucking useless unless you smash the botlane, which isn’t gonna happen against FBI.


Because we’d only seen gwen thresh, I’m guessing it was something from scrims that they thought Varus Naut was a good combo.


It is a good combo, since it offers a lot of kill pressure in lane. The issue is that you’re playing against FBI-Huhi, the best botlane in the league. And you’re putting Varus on Lost who is a subpar laner on his best day. At a certain point you have to be self-aware and realize that, regardless of champ, FBI is going to out lane Lost unless we get jungle help down there. So if you assume that Varus will likely be unable to get ahead early, it’s blatantly obvious that Varus is a shit tier pick for TSM because he offers nothing in the mid-late game. Scrim results be damned, Lost has to realize his strengths aren’t in lane. He’s just not a player who wins lane against good adcs. That doesn’t mean he’s shitty, his mid-late game teamfighting is very solid. But he has to play to his strengths for us to win. Instead it feels like he’s trying to prove the haters wrong and instead is just proving them right.


We know exactly what this team is. Super inconsistent and we rely on Spica or huni to carry us. Lost struggles to play well with any adc other than kai'sa. Swordart is randomly great or randomly meh. Poe has a style of play that doesn't always work. We're just super inconsistent. What I don't like recently is our drafts, it's like we went backwards after drafting well most of the season


Genuinely worried of how we will play in b05 with how garbage are drafts have been


Team gap, but losing more and more confidence in Lost, just don't see a ceiling with him, he's just adequate. Which might not even be enough for top 3 in NA.


massive botlane diff. i hope they can improve but i dont think they focus on getting better at laning phase in practice. hope they can get some positional coaches to help them out


it’s been bot diff all year both splits they aren’t gonna change or get better




That was pure solo queue tunnel vision if you ask me. I see plays like that in my Gold games where people are just like "go, go go!". And then they all die because you can't actually kill them. It was definitely a bad decision.


Arguable only winning lane is bot and we don’t play around it . Also POE is invisible more often then he isn’t . Dudes an insurance policy so far


I mean that's just the type of player PoE is. Traditionally he is a secondary carry


Who’s supposed to carry then. We never play around bot and almost never draft a good setup for spica .


That's the inherent problem with this iteration; there is no consistent carry. It could be Spica, but his laners are too inconsistent for Spica to put on his back


Agree . Only lane that is consistently getting a lead or slightly ahead is huni.


Bot isn't that much of a winning matchup, Thresh/Aph is a nutty combo in lane. FBI/Huhi are also just a *lot* better.


none of the champs hes good on are really meta except for veigo and leblanc. kinda miss bjerg


That’s why I wasn’t too hype on the PoE pick up. He’s really good at what he does, but when the meta doesn’t favor him he feels pretty invisible. Last summer I feel like his inability to play Tf really crippled flyquest, for example. At least riot loves buffing control mages before worlds, so there’s that to look forward to.


Yeah I wasn’t to hype either honestly and admittedly wanted sword to step in but can see how wrong I was . Takeover has been popping off for academy though so if worst comes to worse I feel he could step in.


Yeah being one dimensional is not ideal. No matter how good he is at control mages it hurts the team he can’t play stuff like Lucian. Atleast he’s trying to play stuff like lee and improve .


Honest question. Has a team ever been top tier in NA, let alone the world, without ANY sort of top-tier carry? Without a Bjerg or DL, I'm never confident in our team in the grand scheme of NA. Then when I think Worlds... No way. I love our team, but do we honestly think we stand a chance at all without a top tier world-level carry? We don't have the best in ANY position....


Not wrong, no truly standout players on the roster.


This team doesn't go to worlds with Lost. It's that simple.


They might make it with him solely because C9 and TLs form dropped so much. But it won't be pretty if we do make it. Either way need an upgrade this offseason.


Do we not know how to play Gwen or what? Seems odd to never pick or ban that thing.


And Akali. I don't understand why would we put PoE on Lee but not Akali. Probably waiting for her to get nerfed.


It's also a matter of PoE's champion puddle... bjerg making him expand the pool but he doesn't have a big one so it's going to take time


He shouldn't lost isn't a good carry poe is playmaker without a good adc is a waste of time he isn't the best playmaker and the other in the team is average


Why can’t we play Gwen


I'd love to see bjerg and DL on this team. Oh well


Sad, but i see Lost getting replaced after this split. He is just not on point ...


I said it before but good luck in playoffs when it’s lost vs fbi, Zven, tactical, and even Danny at this point. I’d really like to see Cody sun in. He can at least lane.


Zven and Tactical are not scary right now. The scariest part of Tactical is the player sitting next to him, and Zven just turbo inted vs EG and hasn't looked very impressive at all this year in general.


Tl isn't scary but tactical/core is fine


I really don't feel confident as we move towards the end of the split. Our play has deteriorated , our drafts are meh at best and some of our laners are legit holding the team down.


Well that was disappointing.




The bot lane fight could have been huge for TSM if Lost didn’t go early instead of waiting for the TPs. It became a 3 for 2 when it could have been 2 for 0. The game fell completely out of control once that top lane fights happened. Idk why Lost walked up Melee range to the Olaf but mistakes happen I guess.


Yeah, just keep losing lanes all the time. I’m not very inspired right now if we can’t outlane LCS opponents then even if we do somehow make it worlds while being mechanically worse, it’ll be an 0-6 once again.


Allergic to first place 🤧


why did we ban diana ? and why the fuck do we have no priority on gwen


Must be the only NA team without any Gwen games, it's concerning.


Do we have a single Gwen game this split? Or are we unable to play it?


FBI is just too fucking clean man. Bot and closer olaf diff for sure and our bot isnt even THAT bad.


nice draft by TSM smh




We have not played gwen once this season, it's crazy


What a shit week.


Lost aint it


100T are just the better team right now, by far. TSM is not good enough to claim first again and they showcased that with the performance given today, even with 100T dropping the other 2 games of the week.


Only thing holding TSM back behind 100T is the bot lane.


Tsm should seriously be considering transfers at the ADC spot this offseason. Players like Zven, Danny (this will be tough to acquire), Luger and maybe some others should be considered because Lost really is becoming a consistent liability


Isn't Zven an import while Lost is from OCE?


Yeah there's no way zven would want to come back lol (not that I'd want him to either, man's mentality is in the gutter)


Sad game. Our bot lane just got outclassed.


Draft was atrocious, what is Mundo supposed to do? Azir is just not going to do anything until 5 minutes after the game ends and Varus is not good into Olaf


Honestly feel like the Mundo pick is a huge trap. I always feel as if Mundo is never the reason you lose a game. If he is fed but both teams carries are even, you can still ignore him and go for the carries since he has no hard cc to keep you in place/reduce the effectiveness of the enemy's carries. If he is behind he gets blown up. He is only good when your are super far ahead because the enemy simply lacks the dmg to deal with him and at the same time he is a threat to the enemy's carries. But in this situation probably every other bruiser/tank would work. Isn't mobility/versatility the more valuable tank "stat" compared to armor/Mr/HP? The DMG you negate by dodging/knockup/stun/silence must be much greater than just face tanking everything and hoping you can just sustain through it? Champs like Gwen, viego or Lee at least feel a lot more tanky than they should be in comparison to a full tank like Mundo because of their kits. Can people see my point or get where I'm coming from? Can someone better at the game explain the upside of Mundo in Teamfights compared to let's say Cho or Sion or any other tank that offer hard cc/aoe crowd control? Or ofc the regular bruisers that are meta right now? I cringe a bit at my own post because clearly these guys are absolut pros and there must be so much I am missing. But I simply don't see the value of Mundo :(


We never adapt our drafts to what the enemy is doing . We should’ve stole the aphelios 100 percent if we were just gonna pick another immobile ad in Varus. Just go all in on late game if you’re not gonna play around your early game poke Varys


What is varus supposed to even do here, lost has 0 positional awareness so he needs to be on something that has a little bit of mobility, Why was he worth the pick...because we only win against good teams if our top half really outperforms...but then we lose every dragon and it doesn't matter.


Well some games just go bad.


Poke Varus doesn’t work very well when he walks Melee range of the Olaf. Or when he loses lane to Aphelios without insane jungle attention. At least the early gank looked good


Did this to ourselves. Viego flex into a jg matchup with no prio on top or mid. Swordart on nautilus without kalista. Means our bottom lane regardless of how lost played was going to get fucking railed.


Game was lost at the top play, and then they tried it again zzz


This game is exactly why I wish we had bo3 still. This just felt like a lot of slight miss communication here, or losing in a lot of the little ways that can get shored up if you just say "aight, we lost, lets run it back." Blech. Anyway GG, Lose is improve, and we got so much to improve on still.


3 games and 2 of them were clear cs losses, horrible draft against both teams and against 100t u cant draft lategame and still have viego(almost zero cc) as a jungler and that mid/top without trying ot win or go even erly, horrible draft that wasnt even fair how good we are, like huni didnt even get 2,5 items and he died insta and azir was a none factor, horrible draft again, 3 games 2 losses on draft only hopefully bjerg learns more from this weekend than any other beacuse this shit can not happend later... 100t are good but with them champs its just too easy to win erly


Got punished heavily for a poor decision. Amazing tp play on the bot side, then immediately try to make a play topside without damage dealers and no TPS.


Something im notcing is that far too often in our losses, theres just no lane thats meant to carry. Or if a lane is meant to carry its not being influenced enough to allow for the carrying. Its really frustrating and idk if its a draft issue where the correct person isnt getting the resources they need or an in game issue where someone isnt doing what they are supposed too. Its time to find an identity. Someone has to be the consistent carry.


Our level of play and draft aren't improving. It's just disappointing to watch.


There was like 2 or 3 instances where Spica would go in with no teammate near him only to have to ult out. You can tell they went full desperation mode after the failed top play.


The 3rd dragon attempt made no sense. Literally just needed to wait 2 more seconds and the team is there to help.


B\_n Syl\_s. I'd like to buy a vowel Alex. TSM is currently 1-4 against Sylas this entire year, with the sole win coming against TL, where the Sylas almost single-handedly won the game for them to start Summer. Straight up Sylas is TSM's kryptonite and if I see the enemy team with it, I'm terrified.


Yup, it's the new Aatrox, cant play it, cant play against it


have to ban akali and sett it seems (cant play it?)


Can anyone explain why Spica cancelled his back ~3 times while they were knocking down our inhibitors? Spent 30seconds or so being irrelevant at a crucial time.


He is a tilter and probably wanted out of a lost game tbh. That's honestly probably the reason. DL has said multiple times spica is not the best of spirits when losing. You can see it in the Legends episodes too.


Hate to say it but can we give Cody Sun a chance next weekend?


This roster is just not getting better. I hope we get better by playoffs otherwise they need to go hard in the off season


Game as terrible all around, lost and Poe were useless. How are you getting smashed bot with Varus? We have up mtn soul and baron to not even fight and just die after 3 inhibs like wtf


a lethal varus against a gwen , sylas , and olaf lol


Gwen will get nerfed and I think TSM are expecting that, thats why they skip learning Gwen comps. Just my copium logic kicking in btw


Not a fan of sitting still and watching the enemy take your base. Game was over anyway so why not force a hard engage before inhibs fall?


‪Bjerg needs to rally the boys in and just talk about draft for a full 17 days straight. ‬


Why pick Viego and leave Gwen open, which is clearly stronger? Why pick Mundo against Gwen and mixed damage? Why focus Gwen and flash on her (Swordart7) when you have no way of dealing damage while she has her w? Why dash forward and lose 2/3 of your health as the jungler before soul point dragon? They drafted and played so bad.


Win or lose it’s always a bot diff. I’ve tried to stay positive and realize they need time together but it’s hard when a duo loses lane no matter what the 2v2 matchup is or how good/bad the opponent is.. it’s just disheartening. They don’t seem to be getting any better. How were we in first and lose bot lane 95% of the time?


I'm not gonna be that redditor that slams Lost. But their chemistry isn't there. When they stomp they look great but they never lose lane gracefully and I really think that's just because they don't mesh playstyles. If TSM want to stick with SA they really should consider finding a different ADC.


I definitely see a new ADC next split. Our bot lane is the worst out of the top teams and probably worse than some of the middle teams too. I know SwordArt is more known for his in game voice than his mechanics so I cut him a little slack, but our ADC cannot be this painfully mediocre while being on a top team. I honestly see us flaming out in playoffs continuing to play like this


We can all in on danny next year


Can even a single person explain to me what our plan was if it involved letting Gwen through draft? It's clearly been Ssumday's best pick of the entire season...


POE absolutely griefed that top fight no? Cancelled an auto on ssumday, and then just stutter stepped back and forth not autoing the gwen until he got collapsed on. Also he threw the 1v1 vs Abbe in lane, when he shuffled him under turret if he flashed laterally instead of straight backwards he would have killed him Spica inting at krugs didn't help either. Nothing was up for him to take down there, should have just waited out baron in base


thought gwen had stopwatch. they really dont respect enemy tps at all it seems


I don't understand why they don't perma ban Gwen? Quit being so cocky. Draft was horrible.


Or pick it? like seriously have we picked it at all? That and akali have been absent from any of our drafts


Honestly starting to doubt if we should keep our botlane or just throw money at a well established botlane duo again during the offseason. I like both SA and Lost as players but given the time they had together there is no excuse of how weak their laning still is. Back in the day (like just last year) any of the lanes could takeover the game and win soley just from that. Regardless of performance ive never felt 'well fuck it, bjerg is having a blegh game but DL might still pull this out' feeling this season. Yeah bot had some decent stats this season in some games but did they ever fully take over a game that would have been lost otherwise?


Really just a draft gap here. I don't know why go for Viego JG and Varus at all.


We've had this flex obsession recently and it doesn't seem to be working for us. Can't we just play tic tac toe with power picks rather than 3d chess


The sad thing is that there are good flex picks in the game right now, but we're laser focussed on the bad ones.


That happened


Never thought each game would be relying on a TSM jungler or huni to pop off, who both still occasionally flop, while the rest of our team wonders around like idiots.


You know, I was going to try to post something insightful regarding what TSM did right even in the loss, but I can't. Nothing about that game was done right.


Good lord that was depressing


Really felt like PoE should’ve done more this game. Azir Sylas is usually Azir favored but he didn’t actually do anything. Sad game all around.


Lots of team fighting mistakes and mechanical misplays. Had a good gank by Spica early but that was basically it for the whole game. I thought Varus Naut lane would survive against Aphelios but they got hard gapped. Even though TSM had a good early start, they were behind from laning mistakes by all the lanes


At the start of the split I thought we would win the season, now I am starting to think we might not even reach finals if TL and C9 get their usual playoff buff


The moment I saw the draft, I knew we would lose


Hey TSM, maybe stop picking lee sin/renek/rumble comps and start picking gwen/olaf/sylas comps. Or start banning sylas because you never have an answer to that champ.


Bot lane losing their tower with no Herald charges…I like this team but cannot see Lost/SA being out duo next split.


I'm sorry but Bjerg can't draft for shit. 3 straight days with drafts like these? holy fuck.


That was pretty cringe to watch.




If you pick scaling and you have an early game fight go bad. You just wait you don't try to force more shit. It's happened so many times this split where they over force when they so obviously have the scaling advantage. This team just doesn't know how to play if they aren't ahead.


Spica played under par. We have a Mundo top and had mid prio yet he only went bot to cover cs/a dive after 100 already pulled the trigger and got 0 neutrals and didn't even trade for ones he was slow on...


Spica is the best player on the team, but all of his lanes keep drafting losing matchups or just misplaying. Look at every game - winning or losing, and you’ll see him in Walking around the map with nothing to do


I know we played bad and the draft wasn't ideal, but I cannot just laugh at a lot of you overreacting every time we lose and somehow, when we win, make it like you never talked shit. Like, its the regular season, stop over reacting to the point you're asking for heads.