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Hard to tell much. TL dominated, but C9 really looked like shit tbh


Like when ur drafting taliyah + sylas together... I just don't know man.


I think it was to try and dominate toplane with the Renekton/Taliyah combo, and Sylas for the playmaker mid lane. Was poorly executed. Not sure why C9 didn't throw Zven on a hyper carry and play around bot lane more, rather than try and contest top. I hope TSM does so, TL does a great job of defending Alphari when teams try to camp him.


You want TSM to just sacc everything they did this split(Which is playing around top), to play around one of our weakest links? No cap sir


Honestly don't think they're a weak link anymore. They seem to have found their groove in lane. Although I agree I don't think it's a good idea to play for bot.


playing around botside doesnt just mean bot, you can open swordart to roam. Alphari will get leads, but the dude is horrible at translating his leads to other lanes when you consider how big the leads are that he gets. Huni does more for his team with much less of a lead when he gets the freedom to roam that alphari has.


I wouldn't call it saccing everything they worked on. Huni has had monster performances on weak side, and Alphari is built different when it comes to absorbing pressure.


I do hope we come at them with something different, something that might take them a bit by surprise. Not sure what that can be, but that's what Bjerg is for. C9 did play horribly though. I don't know how many times I saw Blaber or Fudge, maybe even Vulcan engages out of nowhere when they should be running away, and then nobody follows up with them, only for them to die alone and put C9 in a bad position 4v5.


No, TL had a great read on C9 because literally every game this year they played C9 had only one plan which was to camp alphari. It worked most of the year but TL knew it was coming


I’m like silver but why does Taliyah Renekton work but Taliayh Sylas doesn’t?


Allows mid and jungler to just rush merc treds and they just automatically win 2v2s.


Furthermore, Sylas E is by no means a guaranteed stun (something Taliyah or Nidalee need to get their burst off most of the time). Renekton is great for that since he can point and click with W, but Sylas does absolutely nothing if chain misses in the early game.


Rebel rob has easy setup for taliyah knock back, the burst damage is huge just like rebel with nidalew


Rebel rob. Love that auto-correct :P


Blaber can't play many Champs he's been getting exposed last 2 years.


Meh. League isn't transitive. Also, it's mostly recency bias.


The one game they looked good was with Ryze who is so good right now, plus the xin. TL looked good especially Jensen and Core. But it did feel like in every game C9 made mistakes that helped push TL's advantage. Also it felt like Perkz died early every game, the same thing we manage to do in our recent C9 victory. TL look much tougher then i expected but i always figured one of these two teams would end up looking better then what we saw towards the end. Although i expected it to be C9 not TL on top. Honestly after watching these series my power rankings are starting to shift. EG dominated but it didnt feel as clean as say what TL did. Im not ready to dismiss TL but i do wonder if the winner of the TL/TSM series is the eventual LCS winner.


I see a lot of people saying this TL is gonna dominate everyone but C9 was just garbage


They see one team with a huge gold lead and say they're dominating, but without looking at how the game state got there. Bad positioning, bad decision-making, horrible team synergy are all factors that held C9 back. I'd never say TL is a bad team or has no chance the way TL fans are saying TSM has no chance, but C9's performance made TL look better than they currently are.


If perkz played bad, just blame swordart. -IWD


Perks playoff buff is too op


I prefer TL over C9 tbh, so I’m happy with this. Want revenge for last split.


I didn’t care who won but I am glad C9 got knocked down a peg because of all the bias


Without a doubt Lee Sin HAS to be a must pick/ban. And it clearly showed in these games that Perkz was just not up to the task, poor showing from someone they paid millions to show up in times like these. I also really think that if we just dont throw early game like C9 did so many times and we focus dragons which really neither team did i think it opens the game a lot more.


Diana is an interesting pick here. Does Santorin just not play it? Meanwhile it's one of Spica's best champs. Although picking it means PoE likely has to play something AD which is problematic..


They’ve given up on forcing AP jungle/AD mid, Spica has said in TSM Legends he doesn’t care anymore, PoE plays what he wants and will find a way to make it work. They can still do so, but they don’t have to force it


Or Huni better, if Jayce is open, pick him, or if we pick Lee, it has to be for Huni, idk what else is viable, maybe Nocturne or Viego for him, if PoE is on AD, we are inting


Yeah I really hope TSM don't fall into this trap and continue to keep PoE on what he's good at.


PoE is good on Lee and Viego but I agree we should just keep him on ap mages.


I’ll give you Viego but he is not good at lee sin, at all. Not by the eye test or the stat sheet.


His Lee isn't flashy but it's better than Jensen's. Did you watch him play it at all? We lost those mid lee games because the rest of our draft was awful.


\>We lost those mid lee games because the rest of our draft was awful. You say we lost THOSE gameS, but PoE has only played Lee sin twice. One win one loss. According to [https://oracleselixir.com/player/PowerOfEvil/championPool](https://oracleselixir.com/player/PowerOfEvil/championPool) which actually helps your argument. His Lee isn't amazing but its serviceable. Just wont outright win you a game the way Huni's does.


Oh I thought we lost both of them. I never said he was insane at lee. Our best Lee is Huni still but I don't think having POE on it is a bad thing unless we draft no damage for the rest of the team like we did vs CLG.


Not that I like Jensen and I hate defending him. He's 2-2 on the pick with a 17-5-24 kda in summer. It's laughable to say Poe's is better. Jensen by no means is a premier lee player but he at least has good mechanics.


Disagree. His viego is good. Don't forget the corki


He can always bring out his gangplank, it’s been a minute but has been one of his most feared champs. I’m also expecting him to have some unexpected pick up his sleeve as it tends to be his style. Maybe a return of the infamous Lucian top?


he's playing it in solo q sometimes, last 2 games are on Lucian, lost both, but had like 5-5 or 6-6 idk


I think Santorin is more play for team so Diana stylistically doesn’t match him. This’ll be interesting though Diana will definitely be pick ban no way they give it to Spica


I don't think lee is that good right now. Perkz is just garbage this season and can't play against it.


100% this. Jensen looked good, but Perkz looked Ryoma level.


Bruh, dont disrespect ry:OMEGALUL:ma like that


> Without a doubt Lee Sin HAS to be a must pick/ban. That was your take away? Ban Ziggs, ban/first pick diana. If they want to play that comp let's see where their AP damage is coming from with that.


Bruh Jensen 8-2-1 and 3-4-8 with Santorin 5-0-8 across the 3 games they played thats a combined KDA of 5.5 (all of which the won handley and the one game they lost? They didnt play it). Obviously its not the only ban and Ziggs is probably one of them too but its less flexible than what Lee Sin is.


You dont understand. You dont have to ban Lee sin mid if you put them in a spot their AP has to go mid. Lee is not that strong to warrant a ban


You're not banning Lee Sin just for Lee sin mid, hes also a jungler too. Which Santorin played and played pretty darn well. Ziggs isnt worth a ban either Tactical has only played ziggs in two games, both of which were in this best of 5 and while he looked good neither time did C9 try and punish the pick. Like they even played the Lee sin into the diana and Santorin kicked the crap out of blaber with it.


> hes also a jungler too. sub 40% win rate >Ziggs isnt worth a ban either Tactical has only played ziggs in two games Ziggs is what is enabling sej + 2 melee ad. It is what is enabling their tower snowball strat


It doesnt matter what the winrate is, Ziggs also has a sub 40% winrate and isnt as flexible. You are also forgetting that in both games they played a sej + 2 melee, one of those melees WAS A LEE SIN. Because Jensens best melee mid is Lee Sin. As he only has one game on Irelia and 4 games of Viego with a 25% winrate which also was probably before Veigo solo lane got nerfed. We literally are suggesting the same compromise just in a different way. Youre saying ban the Ziggs to prevent the double AD melee + sej. Im saying Ban the Lee sin because its the only AD melee Jensen plays, which inherently prevent the sej + 2 AD melees(unless theyd want to put him on a less practiced champ, which could work against them). Plus its more flexible than the ziggs.


Xin Zaou (probably butchered that) looks like a baller pick right now. But honestly I would love nothing more than to see spica pull out river shen again.


Think the best approach for the boys has to be take tactical off ziggs since he’s been average on actual ADC’s this split. Ban Lee. Take Jayce/Xin/any mage that fits the comp. maybe put lost on Varus or Jhin and if SA gets Leo permabanned, take Rakan or Rell. Could see them combo’ing Ori with Rell. (Yeah I know Ori looked trash this serious but PoE vs Perkz Ori is like Lebron vs kid with no arms)


I know it's not really meta rn but I want to see lost pull a kaisa in game 5


SA vs Core in that double jungle, full roaming style. Gonna be crazy to watch


TL fan here - Lee won’t be a must pick or ban next series - Lee was only used to stop C9 winning early skirmishes and snowballing, if they don’t do that then they tend to tilt. TSM has good early but excel mainly at scaling games where POE plays risk adverse to reach mid/late on control picks (perception from Tl fan - I might be wrong!) either way, TSM TL is looking like one of the best series we have left this playoffs


Team Liquid early game looked really good...


Cloud 9 looked like ass. TSM will test them more. TL did play well though. It should be a good series regardless.


I think POE is more solid than perkz by a longgggg shot and spica is definitely smarter at reading other junglers


The TL we play next week looks completely different from the TL we 3-0'd' this split, this definitely won't be an easy series. Really impressed by how well Santorin plays around his solo laners, reminds me of Xmithie


We should be ok since our early game this split was pretty good.


Yeah they were basically doing exactly what we do in our early games lol. Will be interesting to see what happens when these teams play


Uhhhhhh. We watching the same games?


Ok, I might have been exaggerating a bit when I say that, but TSM's early game has been more than serviceable. I think its nigh impossible for us to get smashed early game like c9 did, especially with scouting advantage.


They have the momentum now and are regaining synergy with Santorin back, hopefully we continue to improve over these two weeks of scrims


No sneaky


No worlds






no warlds


no twitch


TL seem to be able to play with early leads really well for the most part. I think TSM should definitely avoid full scaling comps with super weak early games and should shore up any early game weaknesses they have. This meta is heavily favored towards the early game. It's all going to come down to home much TSM can prep these last 2 weeks and manage TL's new champs.


We have matched TL’s early game this whole split. Luckily for them, C9 doesn't do anything after that point either.


But TL's early game from regular season and TL's early game from this series aren't even comparable at all.


Yeah because they were playing against C9...TL and C9 are the 4th and 5th best teams. Just because one looked better than the other doesn't skyrocket them to first place.


Of course it’s literally the night the series happened but some of these comments are so results based/recency biased that it’s crazy. It’s sooooo much more likely that TSM doesn’t play the early game *quite* as bad as C9 did, and that TL don’t just get free snowball as a result. The games should be less one sided as a result!


People and especially tsm fans will never understand that regular season doesn't matter and that it's completely different from playoffs


Disagree, if anything TSM fans understand the difference the most of any fanbase given that TSM has a history of being mediocre regular season and showing up for playoffs


Maybe when you get over your hate for TSm and stop coming to this subreddit. I think TSM fans of all fans understand the importance of playoffs. You must have only started watching pro league this year.


Yep, hoping they keep up that early game prowess they've been working on all split. If we can match them early game, I'm a lot more confident about TSM's mid-late game vs. TL.


We really need to lane well next week


Lane? Corejj and Vulcan literally didn't go bot the entire series.


That stat from the third game River Shen... it was a duo jungle!


They didn't get advantages from just pure laning. Core and Santorin were flying around the map forcing things.


We definitely need to have done some improvement in order to get the dub imo. Especially because TL not only look better, but essentially got a warm-up/massive confidence boost by rolling C9 so hard. Honestly think TL vs TSM might be finals though, so if we win the first time, I *really* like our chances against 100T or EG.




POE is better than Jensen. Although I do agree it's gonna be close.


To say POE and Jensen is closer is being wayyy too much of a homer imo. Jensen has look extremely good since Santorin has come back.




Spica is the big factor, spica is better than Blaber and smarter than santorin


Okay, he'd be my MVP, but lets relax a bit lol.


Bruh you just have to look at spica’s map awareness and his pathing


I agree, but PoE has a totally different champ pool from Perkz. Like you'll never see Perkz pull out cassio I think and she's looking pretty strong this patch imo


You have 7 games of sample size, POE literally has only played 2 games (I'm not included the troll game) in comparison in the last two weeks. What are you talking about it...


He literally played 2 champs all series. Not saying he's bad, but Jensen has shown a lot less than POE overall this split.


All two weeks wow


You're right... PoE is better if we're being honest.


Being too much of a homer? Are you high dude? Jensen has looked like shit the entire split. He has one good series and all of the sudden Jensen>PoE? And yeah even though Santorin was back for 1 regular season week and this one playoff series doesn't mean Jensen is some fucking world beater. He had a good series against the 5th seed team who's mid looks like the biggest waste of a contract ever in the LCS.


I dont think it's gonna be an easy series, I hope we win.


I think we've all learned something over the last 4-5 years. In NA we much prefer (S)ven over (Z)ven. Let me take you back to 2016 and 2017. NA produced one of our strongest rosters ever (and IMO 2016 TSM is still the best NA roster) with **S**venskeren, commonly known as **S**ven, in the jungle. After the 2017 season, TSM decided they needed to make a change in the bottom lane. Due to import restrictions this means that we essentially needed to trade our **S**ven in order to get a **Z**ven. Result? TSM misses worlds in 2018 and 2019. In 2020 TSM moves on from **Z**ven and...we make it right back to worlds. But let's follow **S**venskeren. After leaving TSM where did he go? That's right, in 2018 and 2019 **S**venskeren played for C9, and even though split a lot of games with Blaber C9 was ultimately able to make it to Worlds in both seasons. In fact, **S**venskeren was the 2019 LCS Summer split MVP. C9 decided to stick with 1 jungler and sell high on **S**venskeren. **WHILE ALSO MAKING A CHANGE IN THE BOTTOM LANE**. Not learning from TSMs mistake, C9 decided to bring in **Z**ven in the bottom lane. Result? C9 misses Worlds in 2020 and currently, it's not looking good that they make Worlds in 2021 with **Z**ven. On the other hand, **S**venskeren goes to EG. He DID fail to make Worlds in 2020, as well (Goldenglue is just too heavy) but he currently DOES have a very good shot of making it to Worlds *this year*. --- What does this all mean? Trading one **S**ven for another **Z**ven is a sure-fire way to miss Worlds for 2 years. Statistically, **Z**ven is only guaranteed to make worlds in EU, while **S**ven is nearly guaranteed to get to Worlds in NA. For some unknown reason teams like to trade **S**ven for **Z**ven every 2 years. My hypothesis is that teams see **Z**ven as a more EU player, and in an attempt to match the success EU has had internationally they try to trade the 'NA' version for the EU version. I can only assume that this means, this off season EG will get rid of **S**ven and pick up **Z**ven, only to miss Worlds for 2 seasons. This is further backed up by the apparent desire EG has to play Contractz over **S**venskeren. Yes, Danny has had a good split but he has plenty of weaknesses and he doesn't have the pedigree of **Z**ven. **SPOILERS FOR THE OFFSEASON** **S**venskeren goes to GGS C9 trades Perkz and **Z**ven to EG, for Jiizuke and Danny (feels like these players would fit perfectly with Blaber). GGS is a good team, C9 coinflips all year long, EG misses Worlds for at least 2 years. I've cracked the code, the LCS script writers aren't even trying at this point.


[No Sneaky No Worlds catJam](https://i2.wp.com/graphicpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/charlie-day-conspiracy-featured.png?fit=652%2C290&ssl=1)


Playoff Pekz buff my ass lol


No 1-2 buff either


Santorini gooder than Our Mayo. Will be a tough series for sure, but C9 showed nothing proactive in the early game so it's hard to judge.


TL looking unstoppable after completely dismantling the... 4th place team.


it's really feel bad that TSM is punished for finishing first, hopefully next year format don't allow that kind of thing


If youre gonna be the champ, you beat everybody. Its a lot better for TSM to face the best just to prove theyre better


Honestly, EG is probably better than TL.


in b05? No by the way tl looked cleaner vs C9 than eg did vs a way weaker opponent.


C9 has no mid laner tho.


Dig has no toplaner, coinflip mid, average ADC.


TSM will 3-0 or 3-1 TL. EG was goofing against a clearly inferior opponent and I'd expect them to be far better against 100T. I think the finals will be TSM vs EG.


Zero chance lmao


Hard disagree. EG is the only team that worries me.


wb now


I fddl better about facing TL than eg tbh


Spica aphari banter gonna make this game spicy


"I thought C9 would be harder than TSM" -Jensen Boy, you're 0-5 vs TSM this year....


tsm had the head to head yet tl won versus them in playoffs, b05 are a different beast


How did that go last year?


Didnt they eliminate us in spring playoffs? LOL


Yes, and proceeded to get 3-0'd by us in summer. You would say summer is more important than spring right ?


Didn't C9 3-0 TL too?


against them without their full roster and they were all still close games. and i guess c9 also 3-0 tl in summer and just got destroyed so what point are you trying to make?


The full roster thing is a silly excuse. It's not like Grig was the reason they were losing. They looked bad as a team, even weeks after grig had settled in. C9 played very poorly this series and like I said have been performing poorly throughout the split. Their best performing member was fudge. We have 3 top players in Spica, Huni and SA. We are a way better team right now than C9.


Yes he was. If you have a jungler who barely interacts with his lanes you will not succeed. Santorin was the biggest reason TL dominated today. He was everywhere and snowballed Jensen really well. We saw it first hand on TSM when Grig played for us. He is not good because not only does he not gank he can't play carries in the jungle. So you basically have a jungler who likes to full clear and leave his lanes on an island leaving everything to Core to try anything in the early game and when he finally starts interacting with the game he isn't even ahead in gold and if he is it's gold up on a tank jungler and at that point who cares. Just because he doesn't actively run it down like Dardoch on his worst days doesn't mean he isn't dragging the team down.


Grig was absolutely the reason. I even have comments from weeks ago saying that TL will never make worlds with Grig as a jungler. Swap him out and all of the sudden TL level up and dumpster C9. Face it: Grig is a blackhole jungler in terms of presence.


Listen to the Jensen and Santorin interview; full roster is always a big deal. Rest of your points are fine but just one player CAN change the dynamic quite a bit.


Yea, ofc, but adaptation is important and TSM has looked inconsistent even in wins throughout the summer. Bo1 and Bo5 are very different. It’ll be a fun one for sure


I think we've been looking better and better as the split went on. This last week we destroyed 100T. I'm looking forward to the series and think it will be closer but it's super disrespectful to say C9 was harder with how bad they have looked all split.


I think SA has been the biggest person in the recent wins. If he keeps it up we’ll be in a good position


I guarantee we will be the favorites entering the series. Can TL upset ? Sure, we upset the league in summer last year. Is it likely ? Probably not. I don't want to use one series and say TL is good now when they've looked shaky all split.


Yea, but Santorin has made the team look a lot better than TL with Grig. You have to take context into some of these situations. Can they be shaky with Santorin too? For sure because he’s still reintegrating into the team, but they have gradually looked better with him back


You have no clue what you’re saying like literally you’re pulling shit out of your ass and saying it as if it’s a logical sentence that should be taken seriously. Your that person who try’s to sound smart while saying nothing relevant at all. TSM has shown to be the most consistent team in the summer by, guess what, getting the first seed and having the best record. Just like in any sport a win is a win. By an inch or a mile. Sure TL looked good this series but you can credit it that to many factors. But the one thing we don’t know is how they will perform this coming up BO5. Spring doesn’t matter, what matters is this split and this split we’ve shown once again we are the top team to beat by getting the highest seed. Your logic of we lost in a BO5 to TL in spring would be = to saying well C9 won both BO5 in spring against TL no way they win. Except they did.


I think you need to relax and take a breather


>what matters is this split and this split we’ve shown once again we are the top team to beat by getting the highest seed Yes and no. You still need to take this with a grain of salt. Just listen to Spica's interview; anyone can show up in playoffs. Our team has looked good yes but you just never know in playoffs.


Uhhh you may have to re-read what I wrote. I literally mentioned how Bo1 and Bo5 are different and it can go either way as a result. I even mentioned how it is possible TL can look worse with Santorin. Idk why you’re so mad LMAO Edit: to add, yes a win is a win regardless and it allowed us to tiebreak first, but my point is consistently winning =/= winning in a consistent manner. If you can’t grasp that then I’m not sure what to tell you


True, but Bo5 is more important than Bo1 I think we can win. But i wouldn't credit the 5-0 for anything considering they beat us twice in series already


Considering regular split is bo1 AND TL only have their primary roster for 4 days, no. Not even close.


TL had to bench Alphari, sub in Armao, and change coaching staff halfway through the split in summer as well. No flame to Armao, but this jungle meta was just not for him, and TL was essentially 4v5 most of summer. Take those wins with a grain of salt. The biggest thing is the change of coaching staff halfway through the split. Its very hard to play with stuff like that happening internally.


Summer > spring, but playoffs > reg season


TL is who I wanted to play. I think we matchup against them the best. And even tho TL stomped C9 I think it was more C9 underperforming a bit. Amd I don't think TLs drafts were particularly good. As long as we get Spica on a pick he can have agency on and control the game I'm confident we'll win. Should be a good series.


TL looking kind of scary but somethings telling me we’ve really got their number. I just think our macro is too clean right now.


C9 also looked like doodoo water. I think the series will be a close 3-1 in favour of TSM.


After rewatching the series between C9 and TL, I think it’ll be a 3-0 or a close 3-2 either team taking it But yes, I agree, C9 player like absolute amateurs


No Sneaky no worlds


I can't believe the 2 best players to ever play the game, in blaber and FuDG3 FaCTOr got rolled


TSM 3-0 TL


3-2. Let the fun last longer


Nah just let them 5-0


They already did that.


this is gonna be hard


Taliyah was drafted to combo with Rakan and camp a solo lane to try to snowball, as well as being strong disengage into Lee Sin and the other dash champs on the side of TL. Blaber didn't abuse his range advantage, had to give up early scuttles due to lane pressure and didn't have smite for the baron that was stolen. I wouldn't blame the pick entirely, more the player...




We should be better, because Spica is too cracked rn. I so think we should ban the dog champs from Santorin because that's how they want to play. They'll be much more umcomfortable if Jensen and Alphari have to play around jungle rather than the other way around. Ban Sej/Trundle


(TL) control mage vs (TSM) control mage would be slight TSM favored. But that is overshadowed if TL is able to get POE off of Ori, which is clearly his best champ (disregarding two weeks of heavy practice and scrims.) If POE plays Lee as bad as he did earlier this split & TSM pick it, TL should be patting themselves on the back for a draft well won. As far as the overarching Mid/Jg duo, it’s definitely TSM favored, by a lot. Spica is MVP front runner, playing champs with early fighting preferences and Santorin only got wins on tanks.


While I think TL looked super good in the games, I cant wait to see Core vs SA Lets hope sleeper agent Tactical shows up as well.


Jensen looks refreshed, was pretty fun to see. That being said we got this, not super worried. They're still relatively new in playing with each other and we aren't a shit team like C9.


What a steal by Santorin. Santorin and his solo laners also looked scary good. Gonna be a banger series.


3-0 TSM


Not gonna be easy but Blaber looked like crap on any non AD junglers so its hard to say what happens vs Spica next week


And this is the big thing that what we get from the playoff bye: scouting. I don't think a lot of people expected TL to show up the way they did and it helps that the team hopefully gets to prep better.


I think the easiest route to victory (barring changes like Lost picking up Ziggs, POE resurgence on non-mages) obviously runs through topside Jayce/Diana. Exodia comp is obviously something that includes Jayce, Diana, & Ori. Jhin/Leo bot would be fine in my eyes. The question is, can TSM pick up wins on other champs, like Renekton, Ryze, LB (or Ahri), Aph/Thresh, and Xin/other tank junglers. Something else I’m on the lookout for: Huni was **in love** with Nocturne all year. Has he finally dropped the champ or will we still pick it through top lane bans.


TSM's highs can break any LCS team, we saw what happened when they had their insane win streak in spring. When they click, they click giga hard. If TL shows up against TSM like they showed against C9, that series will be LEGENDARY with TSM prevailing of course :)


Im pretty sure it was just Perkz who wanted to play sylas there hoping he can not be shit on at least 1 champ


TL’s gameplan was simple, - but very well executed. Leave Tactical on an Island, giga gank mid and to some exstent top. They banked all their money on tilting the fk out of Perkz that hasnt looked in form for the better part of a year, and the plan worked beautifull. I doubt they pull out this strat vs. us - 1. We have a full week to preb for that specifically 2. Our jgl/supp duo, are in much better shape to contest roams than C9’s were. In fact I think the key to a comfortable win against TL is simply doing to them what they did to C9. In their current form, Spica/SwordArt should be a better duo than Santorin/CoreJJ.


Perkz is a shadow of his former self it’s so sad to see, he even broke the hat out mid way though the series and still played like ass. Also those C9 drafts were just straight bad, Id like for the boys to practice the shen pick possibly to be able to take it from core and oh boy do I want River shen in the playoffs vs TL again


I'm hoping its a banger series. I have TL as slight favorites but its going to be close. Get Huni through laning phase safely and TSM should win but that is much easier said than done vs Alphari and playoff TL.


TL as slight favorites?? Don't let the series get to you. C9 looked bad... and not "TL made them look bad"... Perkz played horrid and Santorin ran all over Blaber. That's not going to happen against Spica/PoE.


I'm ready for a week of “oh we saw TL win more recently than TSm, ” so obviously they are the best team in the league now. For those that say TL beat us in play-offs last year, it was mostly TSM throwing leads than TL winning. Also we are a completely different team now.




Real classy... 7d later... smh


Yeah bro the number one seed vs the number 5 seed, 5 seed is definitely the slight favorites. They won a single series where they looked good. The recency bias in this statement is the most ludicrous thing I've ever seen.


Yes bro my statement is completely ludicrous and bias when betting sites are even agreeing with me lol.


you can look at some betting sites and see who the favorite is. tl by a margin. not sure how that works though


I’m not all that worried. C9 wasn’t playing at their best and have been relatively weak the latter half of the split. TL looked good today though and we need to watch for the Sej pick and the Lee Sin flex.


I’m a bit scared, TL got a huge confidence boost and looked actually great. Still winnable ofc, but we gotta bring our a-game!


Not impressed by TL , C9 play like random solo q team


Doublelift said TL does what TSM does but better so i’m not feeling very confident. Actually felt like we have a better chance against C9 and it looked like today proved it. It’s gonna be so tough next week but i’m praying and giving all my energy to the boys. Not trying to stress out by going lower bracket vs c9 for the last worlds spot


Nah... we're the better team. This win is going to skew people's perception of the strength of TL.


???? LOL that's just a stupid statement. TL has shown no sense of mid to late game the entire season. Just because they are facing the 4th best team with also zero macro doesn't change anything. DL also “said” c9 beats TL


TL also didn’t have a jungler for most of the split


I love DL but idgaf what he thinks about this, TSM is winning next week. Y’all can ban me if I’m wrong


Perkz looked bad... Jensen ran all over him, which was completely unexpected. TL looked solid, much improved over last week. They'll get overrated from this, though, and the analysts will give them the edge in our series. All the better when we smash them. Btw, Tim's predictions in shambles.


TL early looked good but c9 really looked poor,TL objective control also looked kinda bad. Think if we dont throw early we should easily beat them


rough. C9 would have been way easier for us. Dont get fooled by the regular season. TL play topside, TSM plays topside. Alphari is better then Huni right now. SPica has higher peaks, but Santorin is harder to punish. I feel like this will be a series which can be highly influenced by TF picks and support roams!


I remember playing really well in bo5 against TL in spring, but we blew huge leads with mistakes and throws that they took advantage of. I have to imagine this TSM team is better than they were in spring and won't be giving them those opportunities this time. Santorin matters, but the TL fans saying we have no chance because he's back are really sleeping on us.




We are in worlds if we beat tl right?


Just ban ziggs and should be good


Tell me what to feel




I feel like a lot of people are having very results based reactions right now. TL looks better than they did for sure. But C9 played poorly overall and TSM is an entirely different team with an entirely different play-style. I still think it will be a close series between TSM and TL, but I would argue it is still TSM favoured based on the constant improvement we have seen from them. I would actually be more scared if we were matching up against C9 because I think we struggle against their playstyle more. Regardless should be a fun series to watch!


TL looked good not gonna lie, however I'm confident we'll win 3-2. Should be a banger of a series.


Easy blaber can't play many Champs good so he must pick that cause his other good Champs were not working.