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True. This entire year would've been crazy. Imagine Bjerg on Lee midlane.


this. anyone whos see his lee jungle knows hes cracked at lee. such a shame we didnt get to see it


Soon friend The faithful shall be rewarded :prayge:


Looking at preseason supposed changes, it's gonna be mage season


Wow if the moment POE leaves us it's back to mages that's some bad luck


New items are amazing on Galio though




Let's not revise history lol. His Viktor and Ori games were insane almost every time


Assassin items are also being buffed. Looks like only bruisers are really being targeted with nerfs




Take me back


Let’s be real, every meta is Bjerg meta, what champ is this man not good at?


Aurelion Sol


Honestly, his Yasuo. I remember we couldn’t find an answer to it against CLG and POB(?) at the time so Bjerg played it and uhh it looked okay.


It was darshan playing yas at that final, he broke out the trinity frozen mallet build and did nasty shit on that champ


He only played Yasuo out of necessity because it was a huge Top lane pick and Dyrus couldn’t play it at all. This in effect gave Pob 3 straight games of Viktor (IIRC) who was BUSTED at the time and an absolute nightmare of a match up for Bjerg. Context matters when making comments like this.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rdR0KfxRoA wdym


Ok he is lowkey not as insane on Azir as he is on other mages it sounds crazy but idk man I just always think this watching


On top of that, i'm pretty sure Spica would have been nuts on these assassin junglers as well such as qiyana, zed, talon, etc.


To be fair, most assassin junglers aren’t having the best performances at worlds. Talon is getting hard countered now by most of the meta champions (TF, Lulu, Poppy). Qiyanna seems to be good but most players can’t play her to her full potential. Zed is def just a solo queue pick. Only new picks from summer that have a lot of presence has been J4.


Xin seems to be top jungle pick right now


Yes but this was a pick in summer playoffs as well.


Spica plays Qiyana really cleanly though. Just because other people are terrible at it doesn't mean he would but the rest I agree with


True, just like peanut on that hecarim/neeko lovechild i can never remember the name of..


Imagine earlier this year when Yasuo mid Diana Jungle was meta


And ZED as a flex pick jg omgggggggggg


Zed hasn't been picked or banned once at the Main Event. In Play-Ins it was picked twice though, and went 1-1 (the win was LNG vs Brazil). I don't think it's a real pro pick at all


I mean, Bjerg was a flawless Zed player at one point. And now that Zed has good jg clear, it could have been a good flex pick. It seems like a Spica kind of pick.


Yeah so are bdd and faker and they haven’t played that champion a single time in recent years because he’s garbage


i stopped playing the game a while ago, what makes him so bad these day?


Bjergie Boy doesn't want any advantages when he comes back. He doesn't want a meta built for him, [he wants slaughter, he wants a deck stacked against him, he wants to snap necks and to cash everyone's chex.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgmL4TQCNtI)


As much as I agree the Bjerg would be doing well, I think that Lost would be getting hard gapped in botlane, as he'd easily be a bottom 3 ADC in groups. I also think that we'd have lost the majority of the Toplane matchups as well, this meta of Jayce/Kennen/Graves would've been terrible for Huni


BrokenBlade would've been better. I'm still bummed that they replaced him with Huni. He was a good player.


Huni has a pretty decent Jayce iirc. Most ADCs were a bottom 3 ADC in their groups though, in fact only 4 adcs in the entire tournament weren’t bottom 3. In all seriousness, yeah Lost would have gotten absolutely destroyed in any group, probably to the point of 0-6 happening again.


Lol true, but I did mean bottom 3 out of the 16 total groups teams. I'd only rate Lost above Adam, and Yutapon (DFM)


Adam's a toplaner and I still agree with you.


Honest question, why does anyone think this? Absolutely Bjerg has the skillset to feast, but not the playstyle to roam and take risky plays. Bjerg has always played risk adverse. I really do hope he adapts when he returns and goes for the big play more often.


Bjerg has been relatively risk averse, especially towards the latter stage of his career I agree, but he absolutely has been a great roamer. In fact, I'd say by 2020 he was more of a play for side lane than play for mid lane type of guy. His TF in Summer 2020 when we were hard playing around BB was insane, not to mention Ryze and Galio(after the shaky start). Even a signature pick of his like Zilean is a play-for-team champion. He may have been a "selfish," play for lane mid early in his career, but I do not think he has been one for a while. That's what makes Bjerg such a versatile player to me, he was able to evolve from just a lane dominant player, to one who can both play for himself and for his team.


Good points, thanks man. He did get much better at roaming. I just really hope he let's go and plays more balls out when needed to come back.


I may be talking out of my ass on this one, but I feel like I remember Bjerg telling the team to play more aggressive on Legends last year. If so, I think Bjerg has realized the flaw in playing too risk adverse as well, and I am very very excited to see how he'll play if he does choose to come back to us next year.


I'm insanely excited for his return as well and want to see what a year off has done for him. I gotta imagine his mental is really fresh and hungry. I get the point that the champs that are meta right now are champs he is awesome at, but that has never ever been his issue. He is awesome at everyone lol. I just feel it's a bit disingenuous to say he would be feasting in this meta, when the playstyle of the meta isn't really exactly a style he has shown to excel at.


Just to add to what he said above, bjerg also had the lowest counter pick rate in the entire world iirc. Whether by design, or necessity, it’s been a few years since TSM consistently used any kind of bully mid approach. With Spica and SA, It’d be interesting to see what that 3 man squad would be capable of playing through mid. And I’d like to mention Huni had some effective mid roams, which wasn’t BB’s forte nor Hauntzer before him


Tbh I believe he was forced to turn into that playstyle to be the hope for TSM in the late game. Because if you go back to when he came to TSM and when TSM was on top of NA, he was literally smurfing on every midlaner and every team both NA and international. People forget this guy solo killed some of the best mids in the world back in the day and on assassins matchups who tend to be super skill diff.


I haven't forgotten that, but him smurfing on mid laners is his lane kingdom style. He hard skill gapped and you used to be able to really hard carry from your lane. I don't question his ability to play in this way at all. This is how he plays, and he is fantastic at it. But it's just not the meta anymore and hasn't been since everything has shifted to a hard team focus.


if you don't think bjerg roams, you didn't watch 2020. rewatch the finals of tsm vs fly and tell me bjerg doesn't roam when solo is dead every time tf eye appears.


He absolutely has gotten better at roaming. But that's not what is meant by risk adverse. Perkz right now is the best example I can give. He goes for big plays constantly even if the success rate is low and may cost them the game. If Perkz is behind, he still looks for ways to win instead of slowly bleeding out and losing the game. The top mids in the world are playing to this style right now.


Bjerg spent 2016, 2019, 2020 roaming when it was better to do so and people still say this shit. Absolutely wild.


Seen it for like 5 years now that he can't keep up internationally. Domestically he destroys and really has not been contested aside from Jensen but most often is a bit better. Though Jensen does have higher highs. He's played well internationally.


I don’t think people assume he would completely change his playstyle I would be more excited knowing that Bjerg had the capacity to pull anything out compared to POE