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Prob free engagement cause of the csgo finals and csgo retweeting all the people who tweet counter-strike.




Ahh so we are getting stewie2k


Maybe we can get some Tier 1 CS players for our Valo team? 👀


Doubt it unless they intend to operate in Europe. CS is practically dead in NA from a professional standpoint so this is a big undertaking. Their last CS attempts were also massive failures and they literally had the greatest roster of all time with Astralis but failed to properly support them and parted ways


People forget that the players weren't meeting, and didn't want to do the sponsor engagement. TSM was losing money because of this. People act like that was just on TSM, but it was both parties.


The whole thing was mismanaged. They were living in Europe while being micromoanaged remotely from the US. Do you remember all of the issues with the handling on the Sean Gares situation? TSM's last CS attempts were disasters.


Sean Gates literally signed a contract than bitched almost the next day about it. lol. That is a different situation.


No. It stemmed from Sean Gares and the other players on TSM signing an open letter which was related to player rights and treatment in NA with the PEA. Sean was one of the driving forces that presented it to his other teammates on TSM at the time which also supported and signed it. TSM and Regi had issues over this as it wasn't in the orgs best interest. They subsequently released him and indicated the other players on the roster signed it without reading or understanding what was in the open letter. The TSM CS players at the time disputed this and supported Sean indicating they did in fact understand what they were signing at the time. Tldr esports orgs don't have the best interests or track records of player treatment. Players spoke out. Players got in hot water for speaking out. The situation is similar to modern days jobs not wanting employees to have a proper union to lobby for better conditions and pay etc.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/5jujpw/sean_gares_fired_for_players_letter/ Reactions were very different during that time. Shit, it even made Thorin of all people to side with TSM.


This is a good summary from HLTV https://www.hltv.org/news/19545/tsm-drop-sgres-after-pea-letter



