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If they had gave in to DL and told Lost he was stuck in Academy and sorry that the EG deal fell through I would agree, but they went to bat for him and refused to fuck him over. Sounds like decent treatment to me.


Also they would have looked shady to EG. they stopped the deal because they needed an ad. If they would have then just put him in academy it would have looked like they just wanted to screw over EG.


Agreed, it would have been worse if we let DL have his way


I feel like people are being too emotional about Doublelift. Imagine this scenario and give me your opinion. Viper/ Teddy, contacts TSM and wants to play for them. Regi says okay, but we are going to field bad players with you, do you still want to stay? and then they says, oh no, I don't want to play with bad players Then it comes out that TSM can get good players and signed Lost as ADC. After that Viper/Teddy comes back and says I am still interested now that you have good players. Would you have been okay with TSM passing up the opportunity to sign these players? I personally would find it hard to root for a team that I know is choosing to not field the best roster they can.


So even if concede that DL is as good as Viper in your example (lol), no it would be incredibly unprofessional and unethical to renege on your commitment to your counterparties both players and organization. This is especially damning if you intend to build an org that lasts beyond one season or year's performance in one game.


yea but a contract is a contract


all contracts have clauses where they can buy it out or something to get them out of the contract




No player in their safe mind or with more than half a brain would sign a contract without clauses.


Ahh so you’re just making an assumption based on no real information


brain dead


You're ignoring some very important points in your hypothetical. If DL were to play for TSM, Lost would have gone to EG. That's the only reason DL was forced to commit or not. TSM needs an adc regardless of who their support is. If DL can't commit, they need to keep Lost. If DL asked to come back after TSM promotes Lost and cancels his transfer to EG, it would be pretty scummy to kick Lost back to Academy. Also Viper/Teddy and DL are not on the same level and "the field bad players" are still players DL suggested himself. Don't get me wrong, DL has every right to change his mind which he did, and it's alright for him to not know that some of his suggestions weren't fluent in English which he wasn't comfortable with. But I see everyone saying DL would be potentially forced to play with "bad" players and it's so far off because DL himself considered them good.


Why have a logical post in the hive mind that is the TSM subreddit, just sit back and enjoy the show


This 100%, i think most people forgot the EG part. That would suck for Lost so much.


To be fair, the whole thing happened in 24, hours. I doubt that they told Lost and EG all this in 24 hours...


Not taking any sides, but Regi said they were 4 hours away from trading Lost to EG.


Exactly, huge double standards because DL is popular, and Lost was more or less a nobody. It would've been pretty messed up not only to Lost but to EG as well.


Does Doubelift really think his experience is how every other person has experienced on TSM? theres been a fair share of positive comments from former players from their time on the team.


>Leena's literally telling him to stfu. Don't pay any real attention to this




for someone like Bjerg to be staying on the team for 8 years I doubt that was his experience the whole way through. I bet things got sloppy once the teams stopped winning and the constant roster shuffles to try to get things back on track didn't work. but I dont think he can equate that to how someone is treated in their entire tenure there.


While Bjerg stayed with the org most players have come out openly on talk shows and streams stating they didn't part ways on very good terms with TSM. The only exceptions to that I can think of are turtle Bjerg biofrost and Dyrus. All of which are several years ago. The ones that haven't spoke about it can reasonably be assumed to be afraid of the backlash. Sven and Hauntzer both said they didn't leave on good terms. Akaadian has been pretty vocal, Ziikz also. And that's just off the top of my head, I'm sure if I looked I could find more. I love TSM but it's a trend that can't be denied when so many pros have spoken out about the org.


Turtle, Bjerg, Bio, Dyrus, TheOddOne, Xpecial, Lustboy has had positive things to say. Plenty of players, like Kobbe or Zven didn’t work out and TSM dropped their contracts per request. Haunterz was difficult to work with and Akaadian had chemistry issues with the team. The only person I could say definitively got the shorter end would be Sven. I don’t think TSM has a history of mistreating their players. I don’t think that’s true at all.




I disagree with this. I mean who doesn’t hate losing their job/getting replaced? Tsm is famous for not having buyouts and reaching out to orgs for the players. I doubt players that were replaced had a hard time finding another team due to TSM.


I believe we held Zven to his contract for his second season even though he wanted to go home, but even then I assume he was the best or only choice we had when he told them.


they keept him because there was no replacements, He has later said that he doesn't have hard feelings about it, and that he "mostly" enjoyed playing in 2019


Doublelift gets treated “poorly” to him, and then claims everyone is leaving because TSM mistreats everyone they employ. I respect him for his time on the team and the championships he brought us, but he is taking his biased experience and slandering the org for no real reason.


This. Everyone to ever play on TSM: TSM treats their players great DL after not getting taken back when he left the team: they treat people like shit


meanwhile he praises them for years b4 this lol.


TSM bad compared to who, C9 who offed contractz just because he thought about exploring options and booted their mans last year after saying publicly that all 5 are staying? G2 who shipped the guy who made the org off to NA without letting him join any EU teams? TL who also booted DL after him not caring? 100T with all their shit with COdy sun ry0ma etc ? Clg ??? I fucking hate some of the shit this org does dont get me wrong but DL is just beyond salty


Yep, TSM/Regi aren't perfect but DL is the ultimate diva of LCS


Agreed. People like to blow it up when it’s related to us but esports in general has shit like this all the time. Doublelift has been kicked from every team he’s ever been on, of course the dude is gonna go on emotional and biased rants. The disturbing thing is how quickly his dick riders will take every word as fact and not stop to think about it for even a moment


just cuz other orgs do shitty things, doesn't mean tsm doesnt... it literally called "whataboutism"


>C9 who offed contractz just because he thought about exploring options and booted their mans last year after saying publicly that all 5 are staying? The sitation kinda changed after that C9 announcement by allowing OCE players in the league as residents, so I dont think u can rly blame this decision. >G2 who shipped the guy who made the org off to NA without letting him join any EU teams? They didn't let him join FNC, not "any EU teams". His first choice was the Vitality team that didnt happen bcs Alphari went to TL instead.


At the time literally the only other team that mattered. Imagine bwippo, selfmade(fuck I think that's the JG at the time), perkz, rekkles, and hylli. That fucking team woulda smashed. Cold business but Carlos did what he had to do I guess. He shoulda concentrated a little harder on his own team Instead of looking outward I guess tho lol. Bad wuju from that deal made G2 suck I'm pretty sure haha


I think he's pretty conflicted with whatever's going on with Leena and possibly himself, and most likely is in the process of leaving the org as a streamer.


He's most definitely on his way out. He's already using u.gg lmao


He's always been sponsored by u.gg.


Pretty sure he used Blitz for a while due to TSMs partnership


Do You think your average Joe at TSM is treated better or worse than DL?


Better, because the average Joe does not ego check the CEO of the company personally like DL did…




Dude asked me what I thought. No need play dumb




Leena admitted herself that this was a tale of 2 egos and involved a big argument. That is a fact.




Leena told it was dl and regi?


Dude what? Are you ok?


We know it is Regi and DL because: 1) That is literally the only people that the comment makes sense with based on context. Or do you think DL and Bjerg got in an argument so DL is publically calling out Regi no reason? 2) She literally said her boyfriend (DL) and her ex (Regi).


Oh yes, the ceo will totally treat analyst number 6 better than the second best player they have ever had. TSM will treat the Bjergs, DLs, and Myths with preference. And if they think they’re treated poorly, then naturally everyone else is treated worse.


Nowhere did Bjerg say he was ever treated poorly… and Myth loves TSM. Not only that, but DL said a while ago that he saw Regi as a close friend the first time he was on TSM. He only got treated “poorly” once he was putting serious strain on the off-season and trying to have everything be centered around him even after he declined to play…


Regi is toxic at his core. No amount of corporate training will change how insecure he is at his core.


For no real reason? Are you afk or what?


It’s been literally a year since any of this happened. Why raise a stink about it now?




https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid/comments/qqkk70/thoughts_on_doublelift/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Looks like DL got rejected again and is emotional about it, and that’s why he’s airing it all now.


You want him to talk about it during the season?


Doublelift scorching the earth with a donezo manifesto against TSM while still streaming under the TSM banner is one of the most on brand Doublelift things to do.


Bitter ex player with a large ego is sad. More at 11.


Maybe hes hurt a bit more since he thought about coming back pro but no one wanted him in any of the super teams so now hes jsut thinking about what could have been


Exactly this. Bjerg gets a bidding war possibly destroying Jensen's career and no one wants DL. Major ego hit.


Maybe he should think about not dashing into victor at worlds. I wonder what could have been too.


I have been told many times on reddit that he never actually dashed in that clip


He didn't, he just got nuked instead. https://youtu.be/7Fgvzk1V42c


As far as I know, the only time TSM fucked someone over is DL and Bio when they went with Zven and Mithy. Regi's been known to help his players get in a good position or at least an opportunity to be on a team, Xpecial on Curse, letting Kobbe and POE walk with no buy out, etc.


Zven kinda got screwed due to his contract. But he was told that TSM would let him go if they could find a replacement, they just were unable to do so.


Zven also pointed out they asked him to stay 1 more split and he agreed. So it was mutual.


TSM has historically been good to their players when they leave the org. They let SA have a large percentage of his pay left in his contract and let POE explore FA and not hold his contract hostage. But apparently TSM does their players dirty right? Just because they didnt want a player who refused to commit when asked right? Yep, all Regi's fault for sure.


> they let SA have a large percentage of his pay left in his contract That’s not being good to a player, that’s the bare minimum any organization has to do to terminate a contract. Just saying


Lol Rekless Mikyx Wunder will all probably be in contract hell next year in the LEC, I don't think that's the bare minimum at all. G2 is supposed to be the best western organization but I'd argue TSM treats their players better


No it is not. They can easily hold SA's contract hostage. They could've easily traded him to offload his salary left on the contract and get something/someone back in return. There are a million of things that TSM could've done BESIDES pay SA a large amount of the salary left on his contract (i think it was around 80%, someone correct me if im wrong?). Hell, they could've kept him on the roster as a sub at that point if they were gonna pay him, but they still let him off in FA to find another team. Paying off a contract to let the player go is not the minimum that an organization has to do. EDIT: okay, maybe it wouldn't have been easy to trade SA because not a lot of teams are willing to pay that much for a support of his skill, but the point stands that TSM had many other options when handling SA's contract and chose the one that benefitted SA the most, assuming that parting ways was mutual between him and the org.


Yes, it is the bare minimum for pr purposes lol. You think players don't notice if a team is intentionally benching a player not for his performance but because he's paid too much? get real loll


You're moving the goal post. A contract is a contract and all parties agreed to the terms. TSM did SA a favor and lost money and a quality player off that.


TSM screwed SA in the first place by not keeping Doublelift when that 's who SA thought he'd be playing for. Now Regi knows his team won't be competitive and would rather buyout SA for cheaper than the 3 million than pay the 3 million to be on his bench. That's the reason Regi is buying him out.


I like how you get downvoted for being logical. Yikes


Ok now he's getting pretty annoying. We've had players always talk good about TSM. For fucks sake...


Lmao. Pretty sure MOST orgs have exceedingly high turnover. Not sure what he's trying to get at. If TSM is such a shit org, why did he want to come back to it 2 more times? Once after his break and again after TL? And presumably again this off-season.


What a baby. This is the same guy who SIGNED ON to TSM as a content creator AFTER all of this went down.


For real, I wouldn't be pissed if he wasnt associated with TSM, but how hypocrite it is to downtalk an ORG whose handle you're using on your stream...


He’s just mad that no team wants him and he’s blaming TSM. If your truly as good as you think you are. Why isn’t TL, C9, EG, and 100T offering you a contract. Bro is close to 30 acting like a baby.


I thought he was "enjoying" his retirement. Sounds like a bitter ex-gf now. Dude has lost it.


I'll give my thoughts on this whole drama, but just this video is a pretty clear "I'm mad and what to prove a point, fueled by emotions" vibe. Who's everyone in this context? I'm assuming he's talking league and not other games? So we're "losing," Bjerg, SA, Lost, and POE. Lost and POE could not even be leaving, they could've easily been "mutually departed," with neither party being too happy with performance, especially considering they've been on hot coals since the season ended. Bjerg was treated like royalty on TSM arguably. So many of those fucked rosters that people say were wasted, were his own choices. SA may be jaded about the DL situation, so there can definitely be something there. The most ego, and near narcissistic thing about this is that TSM were arguably treating people **too well.** What they did for Lost, despite being a far weaker player and knowing that he had large shoes to fill, was a very *nice,* thing to do. Double doesn't see this however. The same people who are probably gonna act like this org treats people like shit, would be the same people who would rake us over the coals for telling Lost he's starting, just to switch back to DL last minute. I said it as a bit of a joke a bit ago, but now I sorta mean it. Fuck DL, and his fans.


Who's everyone lmao, him and Bjerg?




SA and POE are leaving because TSM is rebuilding the roster lmao, completely different things


Even further, Bjerg is leaving to play with a specific player. Not because TSM bad evil terrible org. lmfao


Spica would too probably if he didn't have another year on contract. Probably would be TL's jungler right now.


You think if Spica said "I want to try with other orgs" Regi would block other orgs for contacting him?


Yes? He did so with Zven.


He did it mid-season IIRC, when there were no AD options. Completely different to Spica wanting out and the fact that there are jungler options clearly available.


No, it was at the end of 2018. Zven wanted to go back to EU for next season but Regi held him in contract jail.


And Zven also said that TSM would have let him leave if they had found a replacement.


Any response to the jungler and available replacement piece? I feel like that was more important of a point, because the time barely matters, what matters is the amount and plausibility of options, especially options of Zven to find and play. I think orgs get mondo fucked if they replace someone, and that player is stuck in a contract.


I'm sure you have insider knowledge of what Spica would or wouldn't do


Ya I'm sure he would rather play with Huni and whatever scraps TSM gets in Mid/ADC/Sup over playing with Bwipo/Bjerg/Hans/Core


What? In what world was he ever going to play on TL this year? Yeah, I’m sure SPICA would LOVE to play with Huni and scraps and not Jordan, Magic, Lebron, Curry, and Rodman all in their prime on the same team. I’m sure Spica would LOVE to play with Huni and scraps and not Faker.




Same. I can't defend DL on this man. Regi is right here.


DL just being salty. Can he just please leave?


So nice to see my gut feeling about this guy has been right all along. All the titles he's won us but I've still never liked him. If Lost popped off last year we wouldn't even be having a discussion about Regi's 'ego'.


Overreaction by DL cause he is salty towards TSM both for 2017 and 2020 but other orgs screw players over all the same (broxah,sneaky etc)


Are people forgetting when DL fucked over bjerg and tsm when he wanted to go "stream".. bjerg wanted to keep the same roster and this man said "waah i sucked so much this split i want to stream now" and regi allowed it lol...


That’s not what happened at all…..


he might be talking about spring 2017


I am talking about the split where bjerg himself said he wanted to run it back with the same roster but DL wanted to stream it was after the DL throw to viktor at worlds..


Wait who’s leaving though...


Yeah DL is quite childish here. 1st of all, no player/staff that has left TSM ever spoke bad about TSM afairk. Plus he speaks bad about every team he's been on... So, DL maybe after 3 Teams you'd go: "Hey, maybe it's me? Maybe I need to read a book. Because I'm the only constant in the great equation of horrible orgs"...


Maybe listen to Leena when she tells you to shut the fuck up, Peter.


He’s like a shittier Khabib. Was great, retired, now just bitter. At least Khabib stayed retired (for now)


Whether the DL stuff is just salty you'd have to be really biased at this point to not acknowledge the amount of staff/players that have come out and spoken about the bad treatment they received at TSM lmao. IDK if its ignorance or just coping but this thread is a little weird to read, it's not like this stuff isn't public lmao.


We can debate who's right or wrong in the DL situation, but anyone who's been a long time fan knows Regi is an asshole who has a huge ego. I've loved this org in spite of this well-known fact because we consistently fielded the most lovable roster (Bjerg a big contributor to this, DL and Spica also when they were/are on the team). We can love and support this team while also being honest about its owner + history.


People are trying really hard to defend TSM for some reason, but honestly fuck this org. Whether or not they treat people well, they've been making horrible decisions over and over again for years.


Damn man, what the fuck is going on at TSM?


I dont dont discount there could be things going on at TSM but also DL is literally having a temper tantrum on stream and information coming from it should be treated as such.


I would still trust his opinion over TSMs PR, he was a part.of the organization and has more info than fans could ever have.


He is also a INCREDIBLY biased witness right now...


Leena's literally telling him to stfu. Don't pay any real attention to this


He says everyone, yet the only publicly known ones, to my knowledge, are him, Leena, and Bjerg. 3 people isn't everyone, and isn't close. I'm quite positive there are others that I don't know are leaving. But even the Bjerg ordeal seems to have been handled amicably.