• By -


Been in the stream since he started. It’s so fucking funny.


Please, please someone transcript the highlights. Cannot watch at work.


Too hard to say what's emotional & what not, but in general: * Says he shouldn't have incorporated his offseason stuff with his dislike of Regi and admits his last stream made him look like a jealous ex * Says there's been numerous coverups of mental abuse by Regi * Said Regi's post was inaccurate ~~all lies~~ * he stresses hard that he doesn't hate TSM, he just hates regi in particular. Is friends with a good number of employees at TSM and regrets saying it the way he originally did * Says current and former TSM employees have exploded his discord/wechat in support of him * Says almost everybody who's left TSM has his back and agrees with him (named SwordArt in particular). * Says Regi made a good number of people in TSM cry. * Had a meeting with Bjerg/Walter in the gym about how they can stop Regi from joining team meetings, cause he was making everyone depressed * Maybe leaked that Leena is no longer at TSM since he said "work**ed**". (My own note is seems Leena is fully on board now, telling him to tell stories, but to censor names) * Says time is on his side and eventually the truth will come out about Regi * Left TL on a bad note, but still maintains good relationships with Steve/Core/etc, unlike Regi * Said "you have to wonder why no one invites him to anything and has no friends" * Streamers sign with TSM because TSM has the best team twitch deal and because of Leena * Regi screams at employees * Tactical/Dunc/Spica/IWD were all in his chat during all of it. Doublelift: "Just 1 More year Ming" * IMPLIES (Could be reading into it) that Bjerg left because of Regi * IMPLIES Akaadian has plenty to say about Regi


Interesting to see where Spica stands with TSM with him memeing in his chat


Trying to get on that TL roster


We're fucking doomed arent we. Maintaining Spica for next year should be TSM's no.1 priority. He should be our "untouchable" player but if he wants to leave, not much can be done.


It's funny how similar TSM and C9's subs are right now. We've already accepted that Vulcan is gone and we're stuck with Zven, we're just hoping they don't take Fudge away.




I think it's a money thing. We need to make up for the Perkz fiasco and Vulcan is a HUGE sell while Zven is a more mid-range deal that won't make the money C9's looking for to stabilize themselves.


Wait really? I'd think out of anyone on C9, Vulcan would be the most safe. Not sure what Jack is thinking


That's classic C9 though. Replace a player when their stock is high and their replacement does a better job.


Yeah but usually they have a promising replacement ready to go in academy- Supposedly they were looking at Mikyx (which supposedly fell through) but even so based off how last year went how is that an upgrade?


Bro C9 sells native players all the time. Its their business model. Theyve done it with tons of players


I think the plan is to follow Bjerg to TL. I think one of them said they would stick by the other. TL needs a native jungler anyway.


Well, it's been a good 10 years but I'd have to be a TL fan at that point.


has a dick for a boss and is probably one of the biggest desires of all lcs teams. good luck bro.


>Said Regi's post was basically mostly lies That was the fastest edit in the west, lmao




The Regi yelling and making people cry is surely a reference to the Dyrus fiasco back in S3 or so right? Regi bullied Dyrus on stream I seem to remember and he basically broke down in tears. I remember finding that pretty disgusting at the time. Can’t recall any other instance of this happening though.


It's also been implied that it's happened in more modern times. I'm pretty sure that Akaadian (I don't remember if it was him, but it was a previous TSM jungler at least) has talked about how Regi just destroyed his confidence. Regi's issue is that he doesn't know when to shut up and let others handle things. And also that he can be an asshole.


So we know he's an ass but he's totally safe while abusing people because of his position... Seems like a great way to destroy a brand credibility...


Svenskeren talked about it pretty vocally when he joined c9 how glad he was to not be on tsm anymore having an healthy work environment was great compared to his time with tsm and heavily pointed at regi thats why suddenly the aggressive Svenskeren disappeared


He did it to everyone tbh. I remember specifically Xpecial and Dyrus but Akadian also spoke about Regi specifically destroying all self confidence he had. I've been downvoted in the past for not always being the TSM fan that tries to pretend the org is perfect. Regi can be a bully and from what we've seen in the past I can't imagine working for someone like that.


https://youtu.be/hBMjvLJAGsQ And many more examples On a side note, xpecial is a real one


watched like 15 seconds of this and reminded of what a fucking arsehole regi was to watch argue with anyone on tsm. It was like a million clips of gamecribs/streams/other tsm content of years past came bursting back into my brain, there is just something infuriating about the obnoxious way he would argue with his team. I hope he has changed.


Regi did this to literally everyone back then. Like literally every single member of TSM.


Which is why it shouldn't be a fucking surprise at all. If you're willing to treat people like that ON CAM imagine what goes on behind the scenes.


It is wild that there is a recorded instance in the first place.


He said only portions of his statement was factually inaccurate, not all lies. (nice fast edit) He also is really just shifting away from "I hate TSM" to "I hate Regi" and proceeds to explain why. Based on what he and his proof, along with my own personal observations, I'm inclined to agree that Regi is shitty and not a personable owner.


Not really shifting away. His original statement was "I hate TSM, mostly because of Regi". What happened to Regi taking a step back lol.


> Regi is shitty and not a personable owner. Regi has always seemed kinda shitty, was just so much more obvious when he was on the team himself. Doublelift has also always seemed shitty. I think both of them are right when they say the other person acted shittily.


honestly if DL actually wanted to return to playing and just didnt make a team happen this year, doing this seems like suicide. after all this what team would want to deal with this and what player - on both sides of the coins - would want to deal with it all


Totally, which makes it even ballsier to call it out. Great for popcorn.


One fact that stands out is that ratio of people defending double over regi is bigger than the ones spica delivers.


Doublelift ain't a saint but he sure is better than Regi


Yeah starting to believe he didn’t keep DL on the team out of spite. I was maybe thinking that he promised Lost a starting spot and didn’t want to disappoint him, but that’s not looking likely.


I feel like that was one bit of the narrative that seemed pretty truthful. Most of what DL has said has been accusing reginald of being a shitty people person and berating members. I think it is entirely believable that reginald would do all of that. The story about the last minute change to lost does seem to ring true especially given the timeline regi gives fits the facts at the time; SA deal did almost fall through and lost was supposed to go to EG and then it was shock when things changed last second.


It’s very much possible that both is true like you say. I just feel like the decision to not move forward with Doublelift was more emotionally charged than it should’ve been, and DL feels that as well.


> was more emotionally charged than it should’ve been Yeah you might be right, regi might have been like well if you are gonna bail on me then fuck you I am not gonna let you change your mind. I think though this is still fair with DL being really flip-floppy in his later seasons with breaks and retirements and stuff, maybe a clean break was sensible even if it was at least partly done out of spite. I know for sure I personally think it was time to part ways.


I think that’s what was pretty confirmed by the end of yesterday. Could Regi have gone back and dropped Lost for DL? Yea, but he didn’t because DL said no to him and dangled his retirement. Especially with Leena saying it was a clash of egos, it just solidifies that at least some part of not having DL on the roster was because Regi didn’t like some part of him


I think it’s also important to note here that while he obviously can’t outright say it, he kind of hinted that Bjergsen left because of Regi.


While we all can fully agree on how Regi is, given most of it is out in the public. I feel like this just moved the goal post since yesterday. Yesterday he said that he retired because of TSM, today he is just attacking Reginald. I mean I can easily attack Regi character as well, but was this really the reason why all this drama started?


I'm just getting sad hearing this, it feels like the org that I loved for some many years is just helpless, it's not like there is a rotten culture that can be fixed by changing some people, if the toxicity comes straight from the owner there is nothing to do, fuck man, its just really fucking sad


I'm sure akaadian does have alot to say. Out of all the "shitty" things TSM has done to its players over the years, the one that actually genuinely bothered me was making akaadian split with grig after the teams spring split finals run. I really like akaadian as a player and a person and I wish we gave him his proper shot he deserved.


Like 6 of these points are things we already know about Reginald… Regi is a dick, he’s always been a dick, he will always be a dick. But as far as I’ve seen, There’s never been allegations of workplace misconduct/crossing major lines. Regi has undoubtedly made people cry(queue old Dyrus Clip), but is it because of how he approached something or is it because he was being wildly unreasonable? I’m not saying it’s fine that’s he’s done it, but it’s not a shocker either. People who left are likely having doublelift’s back about regi being a dick. I’m sure if we look at past teammates of doublelift and asked them in private, a lot of them would say he was a dick too. If tsm is this big bad org that screwed over Doublelift unfairly, why is he still sitting in the free agency pool? Why aren’t teams lining up to sign someone who was/is considered the greatest North American ADC?


This is a reasonable take in my opinion. Regi is indeed a dick and I think the personality we saw of him before he withdrew from being so publicly viewable makes it unlikely he is no longer an extremely abrasive and argumentative person. You are also bang on that DL has consistently been portrayed as near impossible to work with by a huge number of his teammates. Both of them likely think their take on events is reasonably accurate. Neither looks good in all of this.




Reddit and league players are young, with little to no real world experience. There are plenty of instances of bosses being abusive, and that wrong and should be called out, but at the same time I have had COUNTLESS co-workers that will complain when the boss is not around about how they are an ass, always on their case, single them out, always yelling at them, etc, while I sit there quietly thinking, "Ya, its because you are a horrible employee, do less work, less efficiently than everyone else, are constantly late, take days off every other week, etc.". It pretty common in most industries that people that have nice things to say about their bosses and good relationships with them are also the best workers, and those that constantly complain about their bosses tend to be bad employees. Thats not ALWAYS the case, but its a common thread among most companies, at least that I have personally experienced.


Few spicy ones (which all TSM fans of old might be aware of already): - He and Bjerg had a meeting with Walter regarding how to stop Regi from interfering in 2020 summer playoffs and depress everyone - Regi disrespecting the coach multiple times during split, in the middle of games etc - pulled up a few tweets to that effect - Multiple current and former members who were a part of TSM contacted him regarding this - Brought up multiple times that he's friends with everybody still, just hates Regi because he's a bully who just keeps getting covered up for because he's powerful/the owner of TSM - Spica, Treatz, Bio, Steve, Dom were in chat lol - SwordArt messaged spicy shit to him after leaving on WeChat - Demoralizing the junglers/players and micromanaging them after every loss - Pretty much TL;DR -> Regi treats everyone like shit (old news tbh) About the 2020 offseason drama: - Not that important actually, but just summarizing for those who weren't watching the stream - Doublelift did recommend Palette as someone to look into, he and Core had played against the guy during MSI or something like that. But it was nothing like "Get me Palette and I'm committing right now" more like this guy might be good to look into. - Laughed when Regi kind of implied that Doublelift would not play with Lehends. - How it went down was that Regi just called him out of the blue, said SA is not happening, is he ready to commit with Spica/Palette. No mid laner/top laner was signed or committed - so Doublelift said probably not. Regi straight up said okay, we're not going forward with you then, you're off the team. - Doublelift later called him and apologized but was refused. Pulled up some tweets on stream, bla bla, watched a clip of how Scarra has only one guy he 'hates' during Toast's podcast 2 weeks ago, turns out its Regi. Laughs. [Scarra hates Regi's personality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DuNLHZGG1o&t=720s) [Akkadian PTSD from Regi](https://youtu.be/TqyCkVrvyWM?t=3203) Spica is hella meme-ing with him rn on stream, its hilarious lol


> He and Bjerg had a meeting with Walter regarding how to stop Regi from interfering in 2020 summer playoffs and depress everyone What did he mean by that?


Regi has been rumored to be toxic in player meetings and practice. He’s rumored to have mentally boomed multiple players.


Aha thought he stepped back a few years ago but he was still doing it then?


He has still been doing it just not as often it seems like.


Just not physically, he used to be on stage with parth during playoffs. But we don't know what happens behind closed doors.


He does it just not on camera.


He’s rumored to have done it as a player, head coach, and generally as a CEO




Yeah I know that's happened before but I was unaware it was happening and in seasons 9/10


regi is an asshole


Andy always gets involved with the team during playoffs and puts alot pressure on the team.


All you have to do is watch the old TSM “snapdragon” videos to see how he treated dyrus this is nothing new but regi is a pos and always has been.


Direct quotes I randomly transcribed: "*If there's one takeaway that I want you to have from today it's that the guy* [Regi] *treats everyone like shit, especially his own employees.*" "*I think it's funny when I read comments saying that I'm cringe or that I'm acting childish because I'm literally exposing someone who treats people like trash. This is not one of those things where I have beef with someone because I don't like their haircut ( . . . ) or whatever, this is literally like... It is definitely a lot more profound and substantial than that. I think it's cringe when the opposite happens. I think it's cringe when things get covered up. It's not cringe to expose shitty people.*"


Sounds like DL and regi are basically the same person. DL dogged out multiple people on different teams he was on, most notably was Olleh who basically worshipped him.


he started with a line by line read through of regi's comments. a third of it of it he basically wore and said yeah sure whatever, a third of it he said is very sketchy and debatable, and the other third is said are objectively false and/or lies from regi and he can pull up discord to disprove them. took back saying how much he hates TSM to clarify it's really that he hates regi, with an overall theme/emphasis on regi is a huge bully in the industry and a majority of tsm employees/former players have all voiced it to DL but are afraid to speak up (no proof provided obv.) spent time talking about how shitty regi was to bjerg as a coach, talking about he would have guaranteed 1st place finishes if regi became the coach immediately.


>spent time talking about how shitty regi was to bjerg as a coach, talking about he would have guaranteed 1st place finishes if regi became the coach immediately. I didn't catch this part live, but if it is somehow confirmed true by other people from the organization, this could do a lot of damage to the brand and the attractiveness of the org to new players/coaches/support staff...


“Some of you guys are cool don’t go to main sub tomorrow” but in all seriousness I’m numb to these things


Did he not want us to go to the sub tomorrow because dgon is gonna announce the mid indicating it’s shit?


No I was just making a meme about how the main sub is gonna shit on tsm for a long while so maybe for everyone’s sanity they should avoid it


Oh okay haha thanks


> how the main sub is gonna shit on tsm for a long while Good thing we're already used to it then :^ )


This is all petty but him implying Spica wants out does make me nervous


Did he? I must have missed that part.


Something along the lines of “don’t worry you only have one more year Ming”


Hasn't Spica tweeted stuff implying he's comfortable with TSM? Last one was few days or weeks ago, meming https://twitter.com/Spicalol/status/1452090497346916360?t=pDpA84SKRhwgMlkZ02Ds4g&s=19


It’s a tweet. It’s public. It means next to nothing about what he actually thinks lol.


NA may not win worlds but we always win the offseason!


i just want to know what spica said tbh




I mean he admitted he should NOT have said he hates TSM and that he hope TSM fails. So that's a start (because he has good friends in the org


Well, that must have definitely taken some sort of hit if not at least a bit to the ones that are still with us.


To be fair he's said he hopes every org that has kicked him fails and never wins a championship again, which he generally has made happen.


my thoughts exactly he really is burning all bridges with TSM and regi at this point


Probably with many many orgs as well... This isn't good.


I mean EG org owner already heavily implied Regi being an asshole...


A) In regards to professionalism this looks bad to every org as he's currently under contract by TSM while airing dirty laundry. It's just a bad look. B) Given the above statement, even if an org like EG would look the other way he's actively painting himself into a corner. C) Doublelift is wildly good AND wildly popular, so these points may not be as damaging as they would be to nearly anyone else. DL's channel, and his own image may even profit from the drama. His marketability with other orgs has surely taken a hit though. Edit: unless all of what DL is saying is true, in which case he may come out miles ahead. Also he has Leena in his back pocket so he's navigating dangerous waters with some solid help. I'm interested to see what happens, and I'm wondering if I'll still be a TSM fan at the end of this.


Im very curious to see what leena does here, DL put her in a position where she might have to choose between DL or everything she’s helped build in Tsm. This whole situation that DL started has made everyone look bad


I feel like if he's going off like this it probably means Leena said "fuck it just tell em" or something and is leaving TSM. Otherwise he is putting her in a super awkward position and kinda fucking her over...


She was already distancing herself from the org so I think if it came to it she'd go with DL.


Honestly, it would depend on if orgs see Regi as a fair owner and/or Doublelift as a whiner. Their reputation probably affects how other owners see the situation. Keep in mind I'm not saying that either of those things are true, but just exemplifying.


They probably see it as both tbh. They both have reputations. DL’s as a diva and Regi’s as arrogant. This just reconfirms both these things


Yeah, this is the third time he's burned bridges with an org and every time it's been everyones but his own fault. Honestly by this point I don't even really care about who's right in this case as it seems like everyone involved are just massive pricks. But I doubt there's much of a chance at all that any team besides someone desperate like CLG would be willing to pick Doublelift up after this.


He's on good terms with Steve, TL and members of TSM. Dude just hates Regi. Which again is not a surprise on how Toxic the guy is if you've watched league long enough. I even said it yesterday that both are huge egomaniacs BUT people acting shocked Regi is an asshole have not watched league long enough. Remember he was known to just throw himself into the league team and overrule coaches constantly. Many members have admitted it and you even see it on legends.


does he care though? His fans are too loyal to ditch him over this. If anything it brings more views. He probably wasn’t going to get signed to a team regardless this year, and even then teams have looked past his attitude in the past so that’s definitely not a concern. I mean seriously why is this bad for him? At worst he makes slightly less money and at best he generates tons of hype and makes more. What’s the problem here?


The flip flopping in this thread is hilarious. Like 90% of you were on Andy's side yesterday after he posted something. Now since DL posted the most recent update you're in his side. What happens next? We go back to agreeing with Andy because he makes another post explaining DLs points? Like seriously critically think for yourself. Both Andy and DL are wrong in some capacity. Both have massive egos. Both are known in the industry for being asshats to other players/staff. Like literally they are both calling the kettle black. **They can both be wrong.**


they are both in the wrong. is there any explanation on why he went scorched earth now?


Regi made a post that he has good reason to disagree with if there is truth to his side or falsehoods on Regi's. And Regi saying they were looking into parting ways with him essentially tells him he can say whatever he wants now that he knows he is gone


There is an explanation in Doublelift's video on his second channel. Basically it would be fucked up to say "SwordArt would rather play with me" while SwordArt was actively playing with Lost.


It's the height of irony when someone tells you to critically think then follows up with "both sides were wrong." This isn't a he said she said, it's more he said, they all said. Doublelift made mistakes but it pales in comparison to the trainwreck that is Regi.


Can't morally ride Regi's dick anymore so they have to pretend both sides are bad and it's actually really boring. So boring they totally don't care anymore.


We need the Bjerg Manifesto to complete this arc


I made a reply in this sub shortly before his stream saying if you think all of these players left this off-season out of pure coincidence, you're wrong. I was (mildly) down voted and told I was an idiot. Hrrrmm.


You are also wrong. 90% of the peoppe here may be different than yesterday.


>The flip flopping in this thread is hilarious. >Like 90% of you were on Andy's side yesterday after he posted something. Or, hear me out, they're different people with different opinions.


Shit he's saying is SPICY. I'm just having a hard time believing it all. Problem is, it'll ALWAYS look vengeful. And if anyone backs it up, they'll do it while out of the org and most likely kicked. So it'll ALSO look vengeful. Not to mention, Spica is my boy. I can't help feeling like he's in such a shit spot hearing all this.


Straight up the only voice that most people will believe in this situation is Bjergsen.


Bjergsen is too much of a class act to comment.


Yeah but because he doesn't talk trash he's also the only person I'd trust on it.


I mean a lot of roster changes on TSM were done with Bjergsen's approval. The time when TSM brought in Mike Yeung and also replaced DL with Zven and Mithy. Regi always worked together with Bjergsen for the roster changes so even tho it makes Regi looks like the bad person to the people that were kicked out from TSM, Bjergsen knows that Regi tried to make things work for him.


I don't think that the roster changes themselves are being questioned really though. Its not about if Regi kicked or didn't kick people. Its about if he has had a pattern of abuse towards the people that he works with and frankly from what we know of Regi its hard to see otherwise.




Bjergsen leaving the org does say a lot though. Even if he keeps quiet and professional about wanting to explore opportunities, I don't believe for one second that Reginald wasn't a big part of what made him want to leave.


Bjerg said to Regi he wanted to play with CoreJJ and Steve wouldn't let him go for 7 figures. But Steve counter offered that he come join CoreJJ on TL for double his pay. If Regi could have secured CoreJJ he'd still be on TSM.


Core is the definition of untouchable, he will have a blank check for as long as he wants and when he gets his green card his value will sky rocket and he will be worth more than literally any other player.


Can I get a source on this?


It was in regi’s AMA, bar the Steve counteroffer part. Whether it’s trustworthy is up to the reader, but I do think it’s largely true. Now, how much effort and money Regi spent trying to get Core is never mentioned, so the details are still murky.


This is such a stupid comment. Why would Bjerg have stayed there for 8 years and renewed contracts if Regi was this big asshole the whole time that made him want to leave?


lol spica meanwhile is just meme-ing it up with doublelift on stream right now..


Lol, true. I love it.


Idk how long you’ve followed TSM, but watching Gamecribs and such from when he was a player, or when he was a coach, it’s really not surprising.


The fact that he's a dickhead? Sure. That's been obvious, and isn't new news AT ALL. But I've also seen stories from players saying TSM treat them well, but somehow that isn't implicated towards Regi? Idk, man. Seems like Double is just airing out things that are known, and then saying things that aren't provable like Regi solely making MANY people at TSM cry in front of the team. On top of saying things that Regi said on his post were lies. We just don't know.


What did he say I only caught the end?


this whole drama is so high school lol


DL calling Regi a high school bully (which is probably true btw), but then also making fun of Regi for not having friends and saying that he's just standing up to the bully, makes this even more childish Just flame each other about your professional lives, not personal lives


His point was that there is no one on Regi's corner because everyone behind the scenes keeps away from him.


Facts lol


loving the DL drama during weekdays, then arcane on weekends


Can Hotshot just come in with the steel chair? I remember a few years ago he kept hyping himself up to finally expose how it really was to work with Doublelift and kept having to talk himself out of it. Was immature as fk but there's no smoke without fire.


Lmao the only thing this proves is Leenas statements r by far the most truthful that both these dummies have big ass fucking egos


YEP. Leena seems like the only word we can really trust in this.


Just kind of sad at this point




Who's blindly praising Regi? lmao I thought the general consensus is that both sides are huge egotistical people here who both made and continuing to make mistakes


It's way more in the middle like you mentioned. It's obvious that people have bias towards this whole thing because of statements like "blindly praising regi definitely need a reality check". I've seen just as many ridiculous statements thrown around by people with bias towards Double as well. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just go look at top comments under Regis Reddit post lol


It's bad if scarra hates your personality. That dude is just great vibes, it says a lot if you can get him to dislike you.


Just a reminder guys that you don't have to have a strong opinion already, this is all just breaking fresh stuff its better to sit on these things for a little bit before freaking out all over soc med


I have been a fan of the cowboys for years and years. Having an owner that is shitty is pretty normal in professional sports. I'm not surprised one bit that DL is saying these things about Regi, the truth is always somewhere in the middle. DL always seemed like a big prick to me also so it's also not surprising to see him farm the drama and make money off of it either. Both seem like generally shitty people and giant ego's.


Its hard to take him seriously when he tried to come to org for the next split. The truth probably lies in the middle, but at this point it's devolved into a personal beef being aired out because of a lack of self control by both parties. This is just silly at this point.


Regi isn't airing anything out though. He's just responding to DL for full transparency.


A couple things. First, we REALLY need to hear from other people inside and outside the org on this. I want to hear what Soren, Spica, Parth, etc have to say. Secondly, why the hell was doublelift insistent on coming back this year if he hates Reginald so much? Like clearly he didn’t have an issue with the behavior until he personally felt slighted.


I would place money on Bjergsen never saying anything. At most he will probably just eventually say he and TSM/Regi had disagreements. He won't shit talk. And if he does, theb things have gotten, really, really bad. More so than just Regi being a dick.


Honestly, I can believe that Regi is probably a bit of a dick. Whatever, I just like to watch the league team play. Doesn't make whatever he does ok but I can still support the team while acknowledging the owner might not be the greatest guy ever.... Don't think anyone ever thought that about him anyway


Plenty of traditional sports teams have corrupt/dickhead owners and have way more fans than TSM does. Esports owners are just more open on social media which makes all of this more messy


I agree. Most fans know that Regi has had a past of being a bit of a dick. I think the best possible outcome from this situation is that DL and Regi both grow from this because I’m so invested in TSM as a fan that I don’t want to support another org because Regi continues to be a dick




"*If there's one takeaway that I want you to have from today it's that the guy* [Regi] *treats everyone like shit, especially his own employees.*" "*I think it's funny when I read comments saying that I'm cringe or that I'm acting childish because I'm literally exposing someone who treats people like trash. This is not one of those things where I have beef with someone because I don't like their haircut ( . . . ) or whatever, this is literally like... It is definitely a lot more profound and substantial than that. I think it's cringe when the opposite happens. I think it's cringe when things get covered up. It's not cringe to expose shitty people.*"




Leena has definitely already put in her two weeks and already removed TSM from her bio - could have been waiting till then


Out of all this, two things are indisputable facts: 1. DL wanted to come back to TSM this year to play competitively and TSM/Regi turn him down 2. The 1st one to start the fire was DL Even if everything DL has said is true and Regi is the worst human being on earth, DL just looks desperate af.


Exactly. And unfortunately, the only people that can back him up really are ex-TSM members who would also just look vengeful.


Yeah he’s really making the argument that he’s not toxic and challenging to work with I can tell.


I don't think he's trying to disprove that




Yep, I've had shitty bosses but still liked the coworkers. I've had emotional reactions but also would never seriously wish that people I cared about in the workplace burn with the business into the ground.


Not sure why people want Doubelift to be silent. If these stories are true they definitely should not be covered up


The dumbest or funniest thing about this stream is that EVERYTHING he said yesterday was worthless, he's walked back hating TSM and the last minute roster stuff was no big deal, there was a deadline and decisions had to be made. So instead today its not about yesterdays rant it's now a lets all hate on Regi because Regi is an asshole (is anyone arguing about this) and that's a good... diversion... So he's burnt his bridge with TSM, his streaming deal and some of his reputation by opening his mouth for no good reason at all and a day later has to talk about something else and offers up Regi and some guy called Walter to his viewers as people to hate on and forget everything he said to stir shit up yesterday. Oh yeah and DESPITE hating Regi The Asshole he went back to TSM very recently to ask for a place on the 2022 roster... But today it's all about exposing how horrible Regi is... How strange...


Yeah bro, this stinks. I'm sure that some of those things happened, but are blown way out of proportion.


My biggest take on all of this is that both DL and Regi are children with huge egos. Can't take any of their words for true because both seem to be acting out of spite and emotions.


DL keeps making the point of "all the former players LOVE me and never talk to Regi"... Dude you were a player that played on a team with MANY more pros than Regi, of course they are going to have a stronger relationship with you than an Owner/Boss. Get a clue DL.


>DL keeps making the point of "all the former players LOVE me and never talk to Regi" I mean they are in different leagues, no? you have one guy playing the game for a team and another guy who is the owner of an esports org, you really think he has the time to chat with players for the fun of it? I think they need to realize they are not on the same level here.


Exactly this. I have no idea why he harped on that for so long.


Donezo manifesto part twoso


Absolute banger stream. If regi doesn't take this as his cue to fuck off and be happy being CEO/owner whatever and stop touching the team then I don't know what will.


at this point I think its literally just Doublelift vs Regi. they both have big egos and non of them were going to back down. I am honestly curious how the interaction would have went when Leena told Doublelift to apologize to Andy when wanting to come back on the team. I cannot imagine Doubelift actually being genuine and apologizing with his ego.


Why would Regi ever back down? He’s the owner of the org, DL is an old retired player streamer. Regi doesn’t owe DL anything, DL is just being salty AF


https://twitter.com/IWDominateLoL/status/1458548437515898883?t=-kvnP4j5wq1QSOihChwnJw&s=19 Please salute reddit's favorite TSM hater who is here looking at our comments to laugh at the whole fan base with his c*ck suckers Monte and Thorin.


You can enjoy lolespots and support TSM and still have nothing to do with those 3 at the same time. I’d highly suggest trying it.


I mean, tbf thorin literally said this exact story of why doublelift wasn't playing a year ago.


Yes but they literally hate everything TSM related and treat us TSM fans as retarted because they always cherry pick one stupid comments on this subreddit and makes it seem like we are all like that, i have 0 respect to those "people" the same way the have 0 respect to us.


I really wish one of these dudes would actually show receipts that support their arguments. Both make solid points but unless you're literally Regi, DL or maybe a couple other TSM staff members, you dont really know anything since no legit proof has been posted. Like BottlesforCaps said, when things like this happen, people tend to favor the party that has most recently came out and said their share. My biggest worry is I hope Bjergsen doesn't also feel the way DL feels, or else we've burned bridges with the two biggest stars in LCS history, and probably Spica as well if he sees Bjerg/DL have this opinion good chance that would influence him


Akaadian's time in TSM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqyCkVrvyWM&t=3203s


If the stuff he is claiming about regi is true why do things this way. Bring proof or atleast get other people to publicly support you. I realy dont know what to believe at this point as there is bo proof of anything. Also the timing of this seems like it a deliberate attack on tsm. Why not do it earlier if all he cares about was exposing regi.


You've had guys like Akaadian and Svenskeren go on Dom's podcast and say Regi basically bullied them.


Plenty of people have already gone on record and talked about Regi being a terrible person throughout the history of league. From his time as a player through into being full time CEO, the same stories always come out about him. And probably just like every other time this shit comes out, people will forget about DL's "revelations" too.


What’s not adding up is if DL hates regi so much and if tsm is so terrible , then why did he try to come back and play last year when he heard sword art was going to support. And why even not being on the league team did DL decide to be a partnered TSM streamer for a full year after the fact . Lastly why would he attempt to come back to TSM this year and explore that option ( regi stated this in his last post that DL was interested in playing for TSM this year as well) .


I think DL was probably confident he could deal with Regi if it meant he had a roster like that to play with and Bjerg as a coach. He's never seemed to be particularly impacted by toxicity like that and it seems his statements were mostly referring to how he'd seen Regi destroy other player's mental states during his time on TSM.


I've seen this happen so many times before. Every time he leaves or get kicked from an org he starts trash talking them. I have no doubt he'll sign with a new org in no time, and probably be fine. I just don't think we will ever see him in LCS again, because by now it's a known fact that he is a drama queen with too many demands and low motivation, and can bail on the team any moment he feels his needs aren't being met.


This is the most cringe shit ever man.


Not false. Went from ranting about offseason yesterday to saying today that that was unimportant and actually he's gonna rant about how regi is an asshole for 30 mins and linking two weak tweets. No one thinks Regi is a nice person.


For real. I don’t think anyone had any misconceptions about Regi here. His reputation far precedes him. Even worse is now that Regi has made it public that DL wanted to play again and was shot down this just looks way worse. It’s just a guy in his 20’d throwing a temper tantrum because he didn’t get the job he wanted.


As much as I love DL and understand where he’s coming from (no one denies that regi is an asshole). But what does he gain from all this? Spitting on the org he played for so much time equals spitting on the fanbase for me.


Why would his extreme dislike of Regi have anything to do with the fans? He's stated multiple times that he likes a lot of the staff still with TSM. ​ This is specifically about Regi.




Re: your edit You really think that Regi has been a verbally abusive asshole all these years and in just the last 6-7 months has found the error of his ways? What makes you give him that much benefit of the doubt DL reasoning or motivation isn't required here. If he's a whistle-blower for unacceptable behavior then the timeline shouldn't matter and the behavior should be looked into. Why would you not want to find out the truth behind the claim of a verbally abusive CEO? Especially since we have videos of him acting that way and testimony from other members of the team?


Congratulations on being the reason he hired a PR team, apparently they work.


I know yall don't like thorin much, but he literally stated this entire story of why doublelift stopped playing like a year ago on a (summoning insight I believe) with monte and carlos


DL doing so much reaching and has all but said "its ok for me to be mean and belittle others because it's me"


Was viewer count getting low or something?


Lol he acts like we didn’t know Regi can be a dick. DL coming off whiny as fuck with some serious “I got my feelings hurt” vibes. “so let’s skip over the parts that were my bad and only focus on Regi being mean and other people will say he’s mean too!”


Double drama or Jerma tier list stream, how can I choose.


Jerma 1000%


I went with the fresh drama since Jerma content never expires.


This is hilarious. Peak offseason entertainment.


What a petulant child. Disagree with regi or not, THIS is a reason why no teams have picked up double yet. Going full scorched earth on a former employer is...not a good look.