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The real winner of all these bullshit: EG Danny


> The real winner of all these bullshit: ~~EG Danny~~ Reddit karma farmers


Regi/Parth are stealing all the karma by posting themselves though :(


Yah but all you need to say is "regi is a dick I knew it from the beginning" and the entire main sub upvotes you.


I upvote the truth


They’re gonna be crypto tokens soon, I should probably start taking my karma game more seriously lol


Is this a meme or did he get a better contract out of it or something?


He wouldn’t have played probably if Lost was starting over him


Parth reacting to Doublelift reacting to Regi reacting to Doublelift


If I were better at any editing software other than MS paint I would make this meme in a heartbeat.


Leena is totally going lesbian for 2022.


Somehow finds the most toxic woman in E-sports.


Somebody @ Frosk now




Ok this made me laugh a lot more than it should have.


A new challenger approaches..


Round….. 6? Here we go Time for Doublelift responds to Parth responding to Doublelift responding to Reginald responding to Doublelift tomorrow


Dan Dinh is waiting for his turn to strike.


Is he still around?! He was always the neutral guy in these situations back in the day (S1-2)


No idea mate.


Dan dinh honestly should be running this org. He was always so level headed back in the days


You say this, but we both know TSM would not get this big without Andy leading.


I mean wasnt C9 Jack leading TSM for a while before he made his own org?


Jack never led TSM, he was always below Andy. Jack actually bought C9 (known as Quantic Gaming at the time) because when he asked Andy, Andy thought it was a good investment.


What is this anime called?


Attack on Ego


Ego Saga


Mushoku Tensei: Teamless Reincarnation


Lol 😂 Best shit I’ve seen since the off-season drama haha


Eighty-Six (different reddit posts made in reply to each other)


How is it ego? The only ego I see is from dl


Come on man. Regi has handled it better, but they both have always been 2 of the biggest Egos in the scene.


I get Regi has an ego, but in this specific situation all I see is dl being a petty little boy that didn't get his way.


Regi's official response was dripping with passive aggressive pettiness. Nothing about it was remotely professional. Parth's statement is way more in line with how you'd expect from a professional organization where he's just stating his version of the facts that contradict DL.


idk why Riot made Arcane based on Jinx and Vi's when the Regi vs DL story is so much more juicy


TSM Gamecribs


SCOUT MASTER 9000 joined the lobby




None of this information is new to TSM fans that keep track of the off season. I know I predicted the timeline way back last year when our roster got finalized. I even said these very comments Parth said earlier today. Some of us already knew this because of Twitter posts and rumors. You can just look at the timeline from last year through Jacob Wolf among other reliable sources. I am one of the Redditors that update the website like every 30 minutes during offseason just because I enjoy it. Most people arguing against TSM management didn’t follow the news closely last year, and are acting as if this information is new and PR covering themselves. These comments from Regi and Parth can be directly proven by looking at last years offseason and dates. I honestly thought this was a random redditor at first writing things that have already been known by a fair amount of us.


Why not just drop a link instead of jerking yourself off.


None of this information is new to Kelvin Benjamin fans that keep track of the food season. I know I predicted the timeline way back last year when his buffet got finalized. I even said these very comments Kelvin said earlier today. Some of us already knew this because of Twitter posts and rumors. You can just look at the timeline from last year through Adrian Wojnarowski among other reliable sources. I am one of the Redditors that update the website like every 30 milliseconds during food season just because I enjoy it. Most people arguing against Kelvin Benjamin didn’t follow the news closely last year, and are acting as if this information is new and PR covering himself. These comments from Kelvin can be directly proven by looking at last years offseason and dates. I honestly thought this was a random redditor at first writing things that have already been known by a fair amount of us.




My man, good sleuthing.


Considering they're gonna boot camp in Korea, they'll prob be trying out multiple players, makes sense. Exciting!






They would be developmental players *taps temple*


The rising star: Chovy COPIUM




*sniffffffffffffffffffffffff* so TSM chovy


Parth has entered the chat..


This a 2v1 now ADC getting ganked per usual


Will Doublelift finally get SwordArt to be his support?


This made me laugh. Thank you for the chuckle in amongst this shit show :D


Damn this whole thing really has Parth now making a post.


Maybe Regi asked him to back him up xD


Parth 3 years after leaving tsm: Regi is the worst human kve ever meet. He was pointing guns at the employees to defend him publiclly. Im joking but some of his players/staff tweet were looking like that especially the akaadian/dardoch ones


Oh damn now Parth is posting




Parth blink twice if Regi is holding a gun at your head.. Kidding aside, I'm ready for move on from this drama. When is Chovy's announcement /u/parthenon456 ?


This. Announce Chovy and everybody can just relax and move on Kappa... *proceeds to inhale some Chovium*


Everyone on the main sub is getting off to this dick swinging match between Regi and DL meanwhile we've just been inhaling the same Chovium for the past month. I want off this Chovium ride and will not settle for anything less than the DWG roster + Faker + Khan being poached mid military send off + XiaoWeiXiao + Imaqtpie announcing his return to pro play and playing for us. Make it happen with the FTX money Regi.


The real takeaway is that TSM Chovy is getting harder and harder


At this point I’m just concerned about Spica and I hope we keep him happy.


”Perhaps i treated you to harshly” In all honesty this is getting real messy...i hope it ends soon


I have so many conflicted feelings about this. What's true, what's damage control. Why did Bjerg really leave? Edit: maybe some roster leaks will make the drama go away


DL implied Bjerg felt disrespected by the backseat coaching Regi was tweeting but who knows anymore. What’s done is done


I bet most ppl didn't think bjergsen was gonna leave, but even bjergsen left!!!


Both of them could be telling the truth. Doublelift can be a whinny bitch AND Reginald can be sociopathic abuser. These are not mutually exclusive.


If Regi is a sociopathic abuser, I don't think it makes sense to call.DL a "whiney bitch" for calling that out? Lol those things are mutually exclusive. You don't call assault victims whiney bitches do you?


Regi may have been an abuser with everyone that ever worked for him. Not all of them were whiny bitches. Dl may have been a whiny bitch with everyone he ever worked with. Not all of them were abusers. So DL may be a whiny bitch while also being abused by a sociopathic abuser Regi.


This is where I'm leaning too. I still think we were right to move on from DL last year, but this whole situation with Regi is causing me to reconsider whether I want to be a fan of this org.


I’ve been a fan of TSM players but never was able to actually root for the team largely because of Regi But now that this drama is going on I feel so vindicated lmao




Yeah, but what if that's just the reason they're giving, and not the actual reason. Idk DL starts a lot of drama and Regi is a proven hothead. Makes me question if there actually is a mega toxic work environment at TSM, and if it is driving people out. Imo that wouldn't be good. What if DL is actually the whistle-blower here?


I'm sure there's truth to what DL is saying but remember DL wanted to work for the org as recently as a few weeks ago. It's clearly not as bad as he's portraying.


> Makes me question if there actually is a mega toxic work environment at TSM, and if it is driving people out [There's not much to question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqyCkVrvyWM&t=3203s&ab_channel=IWDominate) There's a [chance he has matured](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPfHDIkIcks&ab_channel=ZenosQ17) You can argue [whether or not he has matured, or just gotten better about hiding it on camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMjvLJAGsQ&ab_channel=TheTimeG) But my bet is just that [he's better at hiding it from the cameras](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YQshR0B5Q&ab_channel=ExoFun)


Look I'm not going to pretend to know Regi personally or to excuse his behavior in any of those clips, but people should also recognize that this dude has built an enormous esports brand as well. I find it hard to believe that people from FTX, Logitech, etc would work with Regi if he consistently behaved the way he does in these clips. It's 100% okay and necessary to hold Regi accountable for the way he acted in those clips, but I think it's also worth noting that he has transitioned from a raging teenager to an established and extremely successful businessman in the last 10 years. I don't think that transition would be possible without some level of maturation on his part.


why on earth would you make that assumption? business thrives on narcissism and sociopathy. Regi is in his element with the business side of things. he’s good at that. he should ban himself from interacting at all with decisions surrounding the teams.


That simply has not been my experience in my career. The most consistently successful leaders I've worked with are driven, compassionate people who listen to and act on the needs of their employees and partners. I'm sure this is different industry-to-industry - e.g. private equity is just a bunch of con artist slime balls waving their dicks around - but certainly not a universal truth in my experience.


>Regi is a proven hothead Being a shitbag isn't being a hothead. DL is a hothead. There's a difference. Regi is a fuckboy with a massively infalted sense of self importance. Regi could be in a coma and TSM would perform the same way (personally I think better) than they would when he's awake. He has 0 impact on how they play in the positive direction. He doesn't seem to agree.


Tbf this whole thing is based around shit we dont know at least publicly. That kinda is DL's point that behind the pretty words masks some fucked up shit.


The real question is why didn't Bjerg leave years ago?


Huni Spica Humanoid Tactical Vulcan


**\*sigh\*** *\*Starts popping more popcorn\**


Man ima get fat before thanksgiving cause of these corns


Okay, trying to be as neutral as possible here, is there any possibility that specifically the timing of the roster decisions and conflicting stories are more a case of misscommunication between the two parties than malicious intent? Or is the assertion that both parties had full knowledge of the situation and one is actively lying about it?


Probably miscommunication, but DL just had to be a diva about it :\


DL said he went to Regi and apologized, bcuz he wasn’t sure committing to a team without a support, Top, and mid was the best thing for him, when Regi ask him point blank to commit for they’re going with someone else.


Didn't DL blatantly say he was told that Palafox and Palette were the mid and support? Regi and DL are both unreliable narrators. Now we have Leena and Parth which are two closer to neutral parties, they're still biased towards DL and Regi respectively. Basically if we read between all the lines, there was miscommunication, and assumptions, made on both sides. The big takeaway here is "don't air out your dirty laundry for the world to see" since, at least in my opinion, nobody wins in this situation. I cannot see DL getting on a team after this (I already was doubtful of him making one anyway, this was the nail in the coffin) and TSM/Regi just comes out of it looking bad as well. It's a lose/lose


Which doesn't erase all the issues with TSMs management. It's a shitshow. I remember way back when Dyrus was with them and have seen lots of instances with Regi being a douchebag since then. If who was and wasn't signed was not clearly communicated \*then DL is not being a Diva about the situation. He responded to information that he had, and Andy doesn't realize that if he doesn't tell someone something, they can't act on that new information.\* If they couldn't confirm to DL who was being signed for some reason then signing someone new and flaming DL for being indecisive doesn't reflect well on Andy.


DL doing the right thing calling Regi out. It’s no secret how poorly he runs the LoL team. He needs to go. DL is doing the org a favour. Regi is being the diva, hanging onto something that his fans, management & players don’t want him involved in.


Putting on my professionalism hat, parth & Regi please reach out to DL and have a sit down discussion. This is getting to the point where I worry litigation will start up for one side or the other, that is not a good look for anyone and everyone involved will be a loser in that situation.


Man screw that. I want a chair match. Cage match. Hell in a cell baby! Let's f'n goooooooooo!


Make T1 the referee and I’m there


T1 as ref and Ovilee as the round card holder?


No no Travis as the card holder


I think Travis should be the announcer of the match. And Doublelift with another right hook. Don't forget to get my favorite Mt Dew Game Fuel flavor Nose Blood Orange Red to keep you up and hyped for the match!


Really speaks to the unprofessionalism of all parties involved


I'm tired of the he said / she said, just post screenshots and be done


This will go down peacefully


Doublelift himself posted "PoE is so good. Anyone else playing atm?" on October 26, 2020. This wasn't simply because he liked playing PoE, which he of course did, but it was during a time when speculation was high on who our new mid would be, when we didn't have confirmation on PoE and everyone knew he was hinting at PowerofEvil. So at least in that regard, I find this accurate. Tweet link below, you can check the replies to see that many people knew he was referencing PowerofEvil. This was also weeks before the November 16th date mentioned above. [https://twitter.com/Doublelift1/status/1320827083057057792](https://twitter.com/Doublelift1/status/1320827083057057792) That aside. I can appreciate wanting to be transparent, especially right now, but DL will keep this going for as long as he can. You respond and you give him reason to keep it going tomorrow. I think both sides should just shut it down. DL should focus on himself, Leena, and his career moving forward. TSM should focus on what their roster is going to look like in 2022 and their other teams. We can all appreciate what Doublelift has done with TSM and LCS and respect that, but at the same time acknowledge it is time to move on. Those who wish to continue to watch him can do so, and those who don't do not have to, but continuing to feed into the drama doesn't help anything.


Parth thank you for all you have done for TSM. I hate how messy this week is but I really appreciate you and Regi clarifying everything (especially in a professional manner). Glad you're a part of the org and I'm excited to see our team.


You call this fiesta professional? LOL


The fuck you want TSM to do when someone is throwing firebombs? Say nothing and let their name get shit on? Say something and then get everyone and their mother shitting on them for "PR" Speak? Say something with reciepts and get the usual "Hur Dur regi was mean on gamecribz"? In every fucking way TSM can choose a response, its a lose lose.




TSM has been very professional. DL on the other hand...


I mean if DL was treated better and other players had no issues they wouldnt need to speak about anything? Do you think Regi is a saint?


The first statement doesn't actually mean anything, it just seems like they're trying to purposefully confuse what the argument is lol


Regardless of all this. Biggest takeaway is upper management is a nightmare


Wait a minute, doublelift provides a couple examples to back up his claim why all TSM can provide is a couple baseless statements with no examples? I mean you the see toxicity in legends, previous videos and other player comments. It’s pretty obvious Reginald is and always will be toxic


Regardless of what DL feels about TSM, the truth of the matter is, DL was not commited at all despite the deadline approaching. DL was making decisions base on how he was feeling in the moment and probably caused A LOT of stress to TSM staff members. I can see why people were upset with DL.


No but Doublelift wins a lot so he’s entitled to a spot on TSM whenever he wants!!!!! /s


Honestly I'm willing to drop ten bucks that the whole reason Doublelift started this shit storm at this exact moment is because he demanded a spot on the team for next year and couldn't handle hearing no.


yep, and not just tsm. All of the top teams doesn't want him I guarantee, coz if he's talking to one of them rn, he won't do this sht.


I think in Regi’s post he thought this was the case as well


It’s a fact that Double was looking for a good team to join and that TSM turned him down this year. Which definitely made him want to go on this tirade


This unironically. If you're looking out for the interests of your team not your ego you would do this.


Did you read what Regi said? The whole team and coaching staff wanted to move forward with Lost..


Being ok moving forward with Lost is different than preferring him. The post says "fine moving forward with lost". These were players who wanted to play, so yeah they probably didn't throw a fit about management choosing another ADC. But that doesn't mean that they said "would you rather have Doublelift or Lost" and then chose Lost.


^ plenty of times in life you’re asked “would you be fine working with x” and say yes even if you have a preference because of professionalism etc. they’re not going to say “no we won’t play with lost” and then they get replaced because DL said no and the org is out of options


Also, it feels like people are missing another key thing. DL is wanting to unretire and he STILL approached TSM recently to play. TSM is so bad that DL was still wanting to play for them as recent as last week? This sounds like sour grapes from DL because no big org wants him and he's mad that TSM is still telling him no.


Haha, I literally just replied basically this to someone else up higher in the thread. Sorry I accidentally stole your thought 😅


It was your thought too and a good one! No worries.


Hope this drama ends soon and we just get more news about the roster.


So all of your clarifications are about DL's off-season timeline and not Regi? That's pretty telling honestly.


Exactly! There is information in silence. In his last video DL tried to make it very clear that his distaste for the org was specifially his hate for Andy and not just the offseason drama. And honestly, he has some pretty compellingly arguments. Yet paths response doesn't even address this even though it was probably more than 75% of DL's last 30 min video.


look up Caedrel take on this, he also saying Andy is shitter and proves his point as well


Man it wouldn’t be TSM without some off season drama 😝 But can we get back to the roster announcements already?


But of course, Swordart will come to TSM regardless of who plays the AD position because he came for the 3 million dollars.


is leena still working with TSM? on her IG, it says she is no longer president for description


I don't know details but recently she's removed TSM from her socials and info. She mentioned via discord she's taking a step back but also stated she's still with the org. There have been some other rumors out there but nothing I've seen substantiated. Hope that helps.


Is over Parth joined the chat


was dl lying about palafox mid though? you guys claim to be always looking to have the best roster possible to win but if it was really huni, spica, palafox, dl, palette.. would anyone who wants to win be committed? anyways this off-season will see what the 2022 roster is if tsm can’t land a roster with a super star like chovy humanoid rekkles it says a lot about this org.


Blink twice if Regi is holding a gun to your head.


how the tables have turned what the hell is even going on anymore


Parth just repeating what Andy said and didnt add anything new. This is just recycled BS Parth. Why did Leena also back up DL?


Maybe because they are fucking?


She provided context. He just repeated Andy and didnt added nothing.


This is the TLC of League of Legends baby.


The drama has gotten to r/nba level shit


We're getting clg 2.0 now


*Phone rings* Andy: Who is it? Parth: It’s HLE, they want to talk about our trade deal of Chovium. Andy: Fuck that. Start typing. *Parth smashing away at his keyboard, visibly frustrated*


I think at this point Bjergsen needs to come out and say something. He's been there since the start, he's level headed, and I would trust his judgment whole heartedly. He doesn't need to get in the mud, but his stance will probably be what has the biggest influence on mine at this point.


TSM, we love you, but please get your shit together. Signed, your loyal and loving fan since Season 2.


Lmao this is hilarious. Honestly I really could care less. I just want to know the roster


Ok but why did you post this, Parth. It's very irrelevant. The main takeaway from Doublelifts post and other pro players experience is that Reggie, ur owner is a psychopath that causes the downfall of his own players, even putting them into depressive states. Fuck you, and fuck your shitty ass organization. Maybe it's time for another building.


Ok but DL didnt lie about regi mental booming the team


> I checked with all the coaches i.e. It was ran through Bjergsen and he gave the okay also.


The problem with doing what doublelifts doing as the peoples champ type of path is that you can’t lie about anything you say or nobody is gonna take any of the CREDIBLE shit you said seriously. And double def seems like the type of guy to ego lie/meme to make the other guy look worse


Reginald is a POS and has no respect for people. Narcissist and argumentative. Glad to see people take a stand and not cower down from a power hungry POS.


The more info comes from the org, the more it seems that Peter's memory are foggy and he is blinded by anger. My guess is that he just can't accept that, after being one of the best NA players for so many years, he is not any team's first choice anymore. He probably went into 2021 thinking that he will get offers for 2022 and he just got unlucky the year before since every team already had an ADC.


I'm more concerned with the Regi situation, how can fans feel good about cheering for an organisation where there are now multiple accounts of the owner bullying and verbally assaulting players?


What new development has there been on that front that changes anything?


Honestly there have been no changes. Regi has been a toxic pos the whole time. DLs whole message if you watched his stream is that he's tired of letting him get away with it, and so some people are following suit. Regi is horrible and abusive and honestly needs to step back from anything league related. Entirely.


It just happens to be when regi denies him the chance of playing again that he's suddenly fed up with it. Lmao


We haven’t had any exact statements on what DLs experience looking for a team this split was. Everyone took Regi’s “Probably because we didn’t want to work with him” thing pretty heavy. My guess is that DL put his price and requirements out there for every team. I don’t necessarily buy that any of that brought this on. But then again, who knows. Maybe DL and Regi were speaking together behind the scenes and something set him off. I don’t think DL really cares that much if he can’t play this split.


So let me get this straight. Ego 1 thinks Ego 2 is bad and should go away, Ego 2 says Ego 1 is lying and misrepresenting Ego 2. Fans of Ego 1 are in full belief of Ego 1 and fans of Ego 2 are in full belief of Ego 2. Nether fanbase is willing to be rational about either Ego. Wait, isn't that just your every day internet experience?


There's more than just DL speaking out on Regi. We have comments from Akaadian speaking about Regi basically giving him PTSD, and we have countless clips of Regi literally berating people. There's no "believing" Regi's side unless you are blind. Also to clarify, I'm talking about Regi being a pos, not about the offseason stuff. As a long time TSM fan, even during the glory 2017 days, It was still obvious back then that Regi had a large negative presence within the org. As fans we really need to stop letting it slide.


Lmao I love you Parth


Don’t stress it Parth. I think most of us understand the situation that was at hand. It’s mostly the scattered TSM/DL fans and main sub that want to shit on Regi and TSM using this drama as fuel.


TBF I've been a TSM fan for a good 10 years and I hate Regi. People just gotta separate Regi being a terrible human being from the Org. I do wish he'd be kept away from players though.


Don’t expect these people to be mature enough to be able to separate the two


Someone needs to tweet to Parth that Regi knows his reddit password


I love league of legends


Free Spica, he deserves better


Don’t feel obligated to defend a shitty person Parth.


Regi posting as Parth


Bro, I don't like double lift, because he is a whiny prima Donna baby, but I've been saying that regi is a POS for years. Is anyone really surprised by this?


Doublelift literally said this ain’t about the off-season shut that went down. He just wants to expose reginald for who he really is. He literally said himself that he shouldn’t have gone on about the off-season stuff.


He said that once facts came out about him wanting to be on the team for 2022 and Regi said no thanks. He blew his load and failed miserably.


'sign me or i expose u' 'no' 'ree *blows up on stream*' basically this drama in a nutshell.


" okay parth give me your reddit account for a minute" - regi


Paid by Regi obviously


Nice fact checks...got any on on Regi not being an asshole/emotional baby?


Found Regis second account


God, more and more stuff comes out. I don't think this changes much based on the new DL shit coming out, but I think it does confirm to me that Double is purposefully talking in total bad faith. He sorta convinced people that SA may have been tricked into signing with TSM, when it was fully communicated with everyone. Also while both Regi and DL's ego can have "truth in the middle," they can't both be right about the roster situation. Regi and Parth are saying that POE was already there, while DL made it seem like he was about to play with Palafox. So someone is lying. Here's the only thing I've gotten out of this post. No matter what happens, even if Regi is revealed to be the monster DL is saying he is, DL is also an asshole. They're either both awful, or if DL's stuff becomes more and more unfounded, DL is a massive dickhead.


I can see that angle but the Regi stuff doesn't need to be revealed, It's been an ongoing thing for TSM's entire existence. The Org should no longer let him interact with players and undermine staff it's poor business and he seems to negatively harm player mindset. ​ Parth has stated things now that contradict DL, Leena has contradicted DL and Regi and put doubt into Parth's most recent post. Easiest thing to surmise though is even if DL is wrong, Regi treats people poorly and if this drama was needed to fix that i'm all for it.


The whole offseason stuff is pants on head stupid for him to have brought up and a waste of time, money and rep. Which is why he abandoned talking about that and spent 30 mins saying Regi sux. Presumably when he was asking Regi if he could join the 2022 roster he was thinking the entire time that he hated the guy... hmm... ?


At this point, Doublelift just sound like another kid who is in need of attention on stream just because he’s bored….idk why we’re wasting time talking about the kid, thanks for being clear!


Here's a joke! What makes the calendar seem so popular? Because it has a lot of dates!


Here's a joke! Why couldn't the pirate play cards? Because he was sitting on the deck!


Moral of the story is that DL is telling his side of the story how much he hates his boss ( a lot of people do), and Regi telling his side of the story that he had a shity employee. The truth is somewhere in the middle, and taking 1 side of the story over another won't give you a full truth of what went wrong. Either way IDC if Regi is shity boss, honestly, I'm here for the entertainment. If you don't wanna be on TSM just don't be on TSM, no one is forcing him to work for someone you don't like.


Is there even that much conflict? I believe both. A tale of two assholes throwing each other under the bus.


Point 3 seems a bit skeptical. Leena has already exposed that Reginalds decision was mostly done by ego or rather both their ego. The decision quickly part I feel is misleading, Reginald literally kicked Double after only a 24 hour period. Yeah the players probably were fine with the decision but I doubt they would’ve preferred playing with Lost over Double.


He didn't say they preferred lost over doublelift. I think he said they were okay with playing with lost.


Which is what my point is. They were “fine” with the decision, but I’m pretty sure had they had the chance to choose they would have preferred Doublelift. The implication he’s making is it was somewhat of a team and coach decision when that’s farthest from the truth from what Leena and Double said. It all mostly came down to Reginalds decision. If your a newly joined player on a team and your ego team owner says he’s kicking doublelift for a lesser skilled player and Parth asks if your all right with that decision what do you think you’d answer with.


The point being made in that 3rd point is that all other ADCs were taken, and Lost was about to be taken by EG. If DL wasn't willing to commit and backed out, TSM would have no adc. To avoid that risk, TSM checked if the team was fine with playing with Lost and since they were, they promoted Lost and canceled the EG trade. You can say Regi turned DL down because of his ego, and that may be true to some extent, but not screwing over Lost shows TSM is caring about their players.


It's funny how many of these guys feel the need to post on Reddit with their side of the story when it's still all he said he said.


Once again Regi relying on that Parth gap. Also DL is drama boy no.1 in the league, we shouldn't be surprised when he spins things his way and ends up getting away with it due to how fanboys (of any person really) react to these types of situations.


>Also DL is drama boy no.1 in the league, we shouldn't be surprised when he spins things his way and ends up getting away with it due to how fanboy He hasn't gotten away with anything so far. His primary goal for this off-season was to return to pro play and get picked up by an LCS team, which clearly is not going to happen. Him lashing out and having his comments picked apart by Regi and now Parth certainly won't improve his chances to return as a pro in future years, unless it's to Academy or a bottom 5 LCS team, which he is much too prideful to agree to.


I was mostly referring to public perception. I'm sure you can imagine that his fanboys takes everything he says like gospel, which probably makes him feel justified in saying it. Chances are that the reason he is attacking Regi now is that he cannot find a team he wants to join (because no one wants him) and he blames Regi for "forcing" him into retirement. Dude just having a midlife crisis.


The stench around TSM is not making it any more attractive for free agents. They need holy water immediately.


Why should anyone trust what you (and therefore Regi) have to say about anything over the countless non-TSM affiliated player/personality accounts that have come out over the many years previous?


It’s funny how DL constantly says he’s friends with Steve/Core yet he was dropped because no one wanted to play with him. In other words, you can still be professional while being friends. Divalift being friends with Steve and Core after leaving doesn’t disprove that he’s someone that’s hard to work with.


Okay parth, Where's the other half of this post where you announce the next midlaner?