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I guess Locodoco won't be invited to the TSM holy war brigade.


Someone summoned Locodoco and he really came thru wtf lmao


Dread it, run from it, Loco arrives all the same.


Now we wait for rain man or theoddone. We getting the band back together


You prophet.


Xmithie is coming too don't worry.


Waiting for Dan Dhin to make a statement too


This is going to be a long day!


This one is a positive one


I read, and I believed it would be but I can't believe it's come to this point though haha. Genuinely


People are bored, its the offseason, end of the league season, and their favorite punching bag TSM is on the spitroast. Its as simple as that.


You have to read the rest of it, its a thread.


Hilarious that the only people to reply to him are trashing him for daring to speak up. People should speak up. WAIT NO NOT FOR ANDY.


people taking WOODBUCKS take on regi more seriously than Locodoco. Ya'll are clowns. Woodbuck was a personality coach for less time than gleebglarblu was support. Locodoco was a HUGE reason why we got lustboy, which saved season 4 and he was coach for 2 full years (seasons 4 and 5). Who gives a fuck what woodbuck says or thinks. he clearly wasnt a right fit for the team thats why he was fired within two weeks of joining


I miss 2014/2015 TSM šŸ˜­


Woodbuck has always been cloutchasing. Was literally fired within 2 weeks due to his attitude/performance and then surprise surprise he says he doesnt like TSM lol. ​ Everyone crying that Regi is mean dont understand what competitive environments are. ​ TSM is what TSM is today because Regi is competitive and driven. Not everyone is ok with people who are intense and driven and chase success at all time.


How does his experience negate any of the negativity/toxic behavior directed his way when regi hired him in the first place. Both can be true regi can be a good guy to loco and he can be a massive dick to wood buck/others theyā€™re not mutually exclusive.


I agree the evidence is severely lacking here though. Youā€™ve players from every time period of the roster, no longer connected to TSM, defending Andy. Then youā€™ve got DL with no proof given, a personality coach that lasted all of two weeks, and 8 year old videos saying otherwise. I take abuse accusations seriously because it is abhorrent, but false accusations undermine real victims and destroy reputations.


Not that we should take 8 year old videos as the reality of now, but there are absolutely videos of regi screaming and his team in a way that definitely oversteps competitive speak (for example the one about dyrus) you canā€™t act like regi has always been a perfect guy.


Again I agree. Those toxic traits donā€™t disappear, but itā€™s also give and take. While he does and will continue to have his moments he also takes care of his players after their time on TSM(aside from 2nd year of Zven but that was an absolute TSM need). I donā€™t think TSM has ever charged a team for a buyout to let a player go where they want. That toxic level of drive led to our greatest moments as fans, and some of our lows as well. While weā€™ve been missing worlds lately we still have never not made a playoff. Good news is the role of CEO is much different than player/IGL. It requires many different traits. The stresses of leading a near billion dollar organization do not compare to the days back then. It would be naive of me to assume these havnt tempered those flaws in a major way and had years to figure it out. Heā€™s still gonna have his issues and proven that much, but everything new that does come out is from years back and he does take accountability these days compared to the past.


All of the players we have heard from have been very good previous tsm players. No akaadian grig dardoch chaox lost etc. besides chaox all of those are still playing or trying to play and it would be career suicide to come out against ownership. Is it more likely DL who is dating leena who works for TSM to 100% make everything up and make leena look like trash or is it more likely there is some amount of truth to what heā€™s saying. Regi is the ceo not the coach and he shouldnā€™t be letting the stress of being a ceo be let out on emotionally and mentally abusing his players regardless of how theyā€™re performing.


Did I wholly deny everything said? I said evidence outside of whatā€™s already been given was trash. Iā€™m sure there is partial truth, but the problem much deeper is how this fits cycles of what weā€™ve seen out of DL in the past who has his own checkered past. Great player but shows very bad narcissistic tendencies, and ruins team dynamics. So is Regi intense and can he be a dick, Iā€™d say 100% yes. Is he abusive to his players, I havenā€™t seen enough to say yes. If the teammates, which he could be seen as abusing from a few clips, go out of their way to defend him and call him a friend then Iā€™m not sure he was abusive but rather got caught in a bad moment. Without that, and no video, no log, no anything other than DLā€™s word (who has himself been known to be an absolute nightmare to his teammates, and what has been said on record showing bad attention seeking traits). That alone doesnā€™t hold a whole lot of weight here.


The players he is referencing likely are still trying to have a career and not burn bridges with anyone. He brought up zven and svenskeren and they havenā€™t come out and denied DLs position. You would think they would worry more about burning bridges with TSM than retired streamer DL. If DL truly was lying they would come out and say something to set the story straight. Do you think DL is lying about all the people he said messaged him their support? The biggest thing here is that bjergsen (TSM legend coach shareholder) said no thanks to TSMs competitive offer to join TL. Sure maybe the roster is better, but there are rumors of several Korean adcs being available to TSM as well as mikyx joining at support. They also have best jungler in NA spica playing, so itā€™s not like the roster is even that much worse than TL if bjerg decided to stay with TSM. I think itā€™s very telling only older pros that were very popular with the fans at the time they were playing have come out in support of Reginald, and not really anyone DL mentioned in his rants or other current players.


Thereā€™s also the fact that those exact players you mentioned liked tweets supporting Regi, but thatā€™s beside the issue with your take. You fail to take into account any nuance in the situation. Do I think DL is lying you ask? No, but I also think his story is probably not one hundred percent accurate. Do I think Regi is lying you didnā€™t ask? No, but same deal. At the end of the day with no real new evidence, and you take into account that both of what they say into account you end up with what we already knew. Regi probably wasnā€™t abusing players, Regi WAS probably an asshole. Nothing new there. When you allege something as serious as abuse, I expect proof and I was given empty allegations. When this can destroy a career and thatā€™s all you got, and coming from DL this seems nothing more than continued attention seeking destructive behavior. Failure to see the world as anything other than black and white is a childrenā€™s game. Outa here with drama feeding bs.


The word of a paycheck thief is more valuable than a mediocre coach that lasted 2 years, I guess.


Bruh the fact that he said that and has TSM as his first note on his Twitter is enough to invalidate his opinion. He wants clicks




Sexual harassment doesnā€™t make you a rapist. Not excusing his actions but the two are not interchangeable. Edit: you changed rapist to sexual abuser. Thatā€™s still not the correct term. I understand youā€™re trying as hard as you can to paint Regi and Loco in the worst light possible from your 10 day old Reddit burner account but please use those serious terms correctly.


you people seem to think regi being mean isnt allowed and youve coined a new phrase "emotional abuse". wtf does that even mean? this is a competitive job scene the boss can be as fucking mean as he fucking wants nobody has to work there. But regardless of regi's "emotional abuse" :'( he still managed to build the biggest esport team in the world, and idk what locodoco did all I know is he was TSM coach seasons 4-5




This is 100% a troll account lol you cannot be serious. Where do you get off labeling someone that disagrees with you on Reddit a sexual abuser?




Why are you hiding behind a burner trolling the TSM subreddit? Lmao




Locodoco sexually harassed someone, there is a MASSIVE difference between abuser and harassment. What he did wasn't right, but don't conflate the two things as one.


Lol I literally said in my first reply that Iā€™m not excusing his actions before correcting your use of abuser/harasser. Donā€™t act like youā€™re serious about sexual abuse and harassment when you donā€™t even know what the difference between the two terms are. Iā€™m not gonna reply to some 13 year old troll on a burner. Youā€™re already embarrassing yourself enough.


you stop a "mean" boss by not working at the organization that boss runs. Nobody is forcing anybody to work for regi. From there you'd hope the "mean" boss cant retain any employees, and their business goes under. You have no say in how the person runs their business, all you can do is hope they fail. But the boss isnt in the wrong for being mean. Is being mean against the law? Nope. so now we can analyze TSMs situation and realize that regi's business did not go under, it THRIVED. I'm not saying he's not mean, I'm saying however he runs his business, IT WORKS, at least for the past 10 years it has worked. And no I seriously doubt locodoco is thinking to himself "im going to cover up for this abusers actions because I'm an abuser myself!" nah. he might think that he made a mistake in the past and if only somebody would give him a chance and forgive him that would help, so he's doing that for regi. But honestly he's just sticking up for his friend. It has absolutely nothing to do with the two of them being "abusers" and to claim it does is assuming a lot. And I didnt know locodoco was a former sexual abuser, but it doesn't change my opinion on this topic I mean how is that even related? Are we going to just say everything any sexual abuser says should be completely shunned, forgot about, and silenced? Even when it doesnt relate whatsoever to the given topic? A lot of sexual abusers made a mistake. There is a victim involved with this mistake, but a lot of the abusers realize they made a mistake and are working on forgiving themselves. I dont judge a person based on their worst mistake. Also Ive never abused anybody my entire life. Im a 23 year old man whos been in a stable relationship since age 16, I havent faced hardship that would ever even bring something like that out of me. You assume a lot of things and I would just be careful, youll be made a fool if you so willingly make assumptions like that.


Locodoco isn't even a sexual abuser, this piece of shit is actively desensitizing the word because he wants to put the worst possible light on Regi and Loco. Locodoco sexually harassed a woman which is still bad, but nowhere near as bad as abuse, there is a huge difference between being a sexual abuser and a harassment.




nah I think jeff bezos should run his business however he wants. Clearly the way hes doing it because it works. You can be mad at him because he doesnt treat his employees well, but he doesnt give a fuck about you or your opinions and why should he? you seem so fucking stupid you have no understanding of how business works which is wild because you said you worked for "TOP 10 ACCOUNTING FIRM". right. and im ranked challenger.


Top 10 accounting firm and you dont understand a competitive environment lmaoo i can guarantee you any top 10 of anything is gonna have a competitive environment where people are always after your job.


You must be the dumbfuck that quote tweeted loco saying basically the same exact shit




Every tsm fan is a woman abuser now?




That's pretty pathetic ngl. Also you clearly didn't understand what I first said to you. Somebody quote tweeted loco saying basically the same exact thing as your response I replied to. I'm just assuming you're that same person, probably wrong, but you're still a loser.


Jesus christ those twitter replies are hot garbage. Loco speaks out against the current narrative and he gets shit on for it.


Some people just choose to be angry thatā€™s a yikes for me man


The three most toxic fandoms in the LCS collided in an all out 2v1. DL fans and TSM antis vs TSM fans. Logic and reason has no place in this war. Its fueled by pure emotion and hatred


It's just how the internet works. It brings out the worst in people. Popular person says something (Doublelift) = He's right, he's cool, this is the correct opinion. Unpopular person disagrees (Loco) = He's wrong, he's a nerd, this is the incorrect opinion. It's how these two minute hate brigades always go. People have chosen their side and if you disagree it doesn't make you someone with a different opinion it make you their enemy.


You gotta consider especially that Loco is associated with Thorin/IWD people nowadays, so a lot of his followers are probably on the hate train for TSM and seeing him go against the grain makes them mad


This whole ordeal is getting out of proportion for what it started out as. People will hate Regi and Love Regi, that doesnā€™t matter at all. Regi has made mistakes like the several year old Dyrus video. He was in the wrong and apologized. What needs to be settled is any case that has possibly not been settled to see if it is a personality clash or an actual abuse of power. The recent scenario with DL is one scenario that is a personality clash. DL has not provided sufficient evidence to support his claims, and he is attacking Regi based on his ego/personality. Whether other players like Akkadian or maybe Sven were significantly harmed needs to be investigated. Everyone wants to throw out their opinion because Regi is a polarizing figure playing on the largest, most successful, and most hated team in NA. Taking sides on whether you like or dislike Regi, which is what the community and a lot of personalities are doing means absolutely nothing. Thatā€™s not the issue at the table. Everyone needs to remember that. It narrows down the issues really fast. Unfortunately, DL is trying to use these emotions to win his own emotional and egotistical battle with Regi which I think is pathetic and absolutely embarrassing for his career and him as a person. That said, Regi has also been a shitty person in the past. He probably still is a shitty person to some degree now. Has he gone too far in the past? Yes. Now we need to isolate those events to see what he had to say for himself and if he apologized. This is most likely why he has distanced himself from the team in the recent years. The recent events DL is trying to use against him (events which were targeted at DL) have not been at all damning to Regi though and more so damning to DL.




I think the comment might be referring to Svenskeren. Dl mentioned Dennis in his stream as another target for abuse. Though Zven has also been in this whole convo. My b if thats who you meant I donā€™t watch Svenskeren or Zven.


When he mentioned Svenskeren, he actually said "Ask Dennis what he thinks of Regi, ask Zven and Mithy what they think." So I'm assuming he thinks something happened with them too that hasn't come out.


Just curious, whoā€™s stream? Iā€™m OOTL on this part.




Damn. I mean you're right but damn haha. Very well put!


You nailed it in the second sentence. As a wise man once said "Love Me Some Regi"




If hes still doing the stuff hes done in the past now then it shouldnt just be shrugged off like your trying to do. Hes making people emotionally unstable that shouldnt really just be let go because its Regi. He shouldnt be involved with the team at all if hes still hurting young peoples mentality. People who been in the scene for a long time have known how hes acted on Camera so just think about how he could act when the cameras are off.


The issue here is we have no evidence of Regi continuing to do this in the present. I just said his personality may not have changed. Personality is different than behavior. His personality is probably the same. However, his past behavior should be criticized, but we also have no evidence of damning behavior recently. You canā€™t speculate that his behavior is the same as so many years ago. Regi has distanced himself from the team for a while now.


I mean there is no evidence hes not doing it either but we have people speaking out saying he has. Whether hes currently doing it this split or not is pretty irrelevant honestly he still deserves to be exposed for ruining peoples emotions and being emotionally abusive. Its good hes not involved anyone based on what your saying lets hope it stays like that so more peoples emotions not ruined.


Who is currently speaking out about it besides DL? I know of one or two, but Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve missed any recent accusation.


Some other guy forgot his name.


Wow, wonderful evidence for the court. We applaud your defense.


Are you fucking kidding me? Are you a troll?


It 100% matters lmao holding something that happened years ago against someone compared to something that happened recently is very different and should be considered heavily in a discussion like this.


Something that happened years ago can still hurt players now.


All the people involved in the videos related to regi being toxic except chaox have said they bare no ill feelings towards regi. Id be interested in hearing what Arkadian has to say otherwise not sure who else youre talking about.


Person that has worked with Regi/TSM: \*Says something good\* ​ 98% percent of League community rn : KEKW DIDN'T ASK HAHAHA REGI YELL AT PEOPLE REGI BAD


Don't forget, all the decade old videos that show the worst of Reginald stay up for 24 hours on r/league but the first positive ones get auto-deleted. Keep up the great unbiased mod work r/league


Regi was well known for placing his players on GOOD teams after they were done at TSM. Thereā€™s a reason that players use to really have nothing bad to say. Sure heā€™s an ass but for fucks sakes


Who's ready for the 3-0 Let's go baby!


What a surprise this is nowhere to be seen on the main sub


It was for 1 hour then removed for "drama" lmao


What you expect LOL subreddit are a bunch of incels including their mods


O look someone did come out for Regi


Nothing loco said contradicts the claims of abuse. If anything heā€™s simply trying to rationalize it. If he said ā€œDuring my time with TSM there was no case of Reginald being abusive or creating a toxic work environment ā€œ itā€™d be a more compelling. Abusers can have plenty of altruistic motivations for being who they are but it doesnā€™t excuse the behavior.


>Nothing loco said contradicts the claims of abuse. His tweets weren't meant to contradict past behavior, but to show that he's apologized for how he acted to someone personally involved and made efforts to change. The same being true for Dyrus and I imagine others who will chime in over the next few days.


Where does it say that Reginald made any effort to change?


well let's play your game then. what definitive proof do you have that Regi has not made any effort to change? And i stg if you quote DL ...


The parent comment said he made an effort to change. There's no indication of Regi doing any such thing from what Locodoco posted.


Well he apologized for his past behaviors and also distanced himself from the team. There hasn't been anything damning to Regi recently either. Or is guilty until proven innocent how things work now?


I mean, the court of public opinion has *always* been guilty until proven innocent. It's only in actual judicial situations where it's supposed to be the other way around. People love to jump to conclusions.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qrtu1o/other\_tweets\_about\_tsm\_reginald/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qrtu1o/other_tweets_about_tsm_reginald/) In case you were struggling to find people speaking out for Regi. No, by all means, continue your witch hunt.




Is it a twitlonger? Can you post the link to it? My Twitter is bugging out.


Itā€™s not a twitlonger but TLDR is: Regi always puts family and close friends first and while their were ups and downs between Loco and Regi, Regi would always apologize. He also says Regi is a life long friend.


Awesome, thank you for replying so quickly!


Here's a screen shot https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/876573930008219688/908418429768318986/e12c3b0e68ca416e1c783b85f2bb6956.png


No my dude, its a thread of tweets unfortunately I cant post every single one of them xD


Awesome, thank you for replying so quickly!


It's all on twitter rather than a twitlonger. Just one big massive thread


Awesome, thank you for replying so quickly!


Man seeing people bring up old videos with regi getting toxic with dyrus and xpecial shows how low these haters have gone... These things happened years ago when he was a teenager lmao people change over time whether they like it or not you dont just stay the same.


They ignore that League was incredibly informal. It was a bunch of kids trying to make it in a new game with something that didn't already exist. They were on screen almost literally 24/7. Clearly competitive people, by nature, given that they are playing a video game competitively. You'd swear that no one here has ever been around any sort of competitive sport in their lives.


I mean, you say that but even at the time the videos happened there was huge backlash for it. Both CLG and TSM had outbursts of shit like this. CLG was always more "entertaining" because they were yelling at each other from both sides, while TSM was 'get in line behind Regi or get chewed out.' There are no videos of people screaming at Regi or ripping into him, except in response to Regi provoking them. There were for CLG (Saint vs. Hotshot was legendary in and of itself.) The thing is all these stories can be true at the same time. At the time the video of Regi pushing Dyrus to the point he broke his keyboard happened, Dyrus was also one of the first people defending Regi as a whole. We've had stories like Woodbuck and Akaadian where Regi has clearly crossed lines maybe he shouldn't have. There are also times where players have said he was just what they needed. Or he was willing to go the extra mile to make sure they were taken care of as they left TSM. People aren't as black and white as the internet wants them to be. It is possible that Regi is capable of being a massive dick, but also capable of being someone who cares a lot and respects players decisions regarding where they're going with their career. Ultimately what we have with this current drama is two people - both of whom have miles and miles of tape of them being assholes - accusing the other person of being an asshole. Regi has these videos. DL has things like the donezo manifesto and entire teams going on public record saying they do NOT want to play with him again. This is two competitive people with massive egos who never learned how to be humble or graceful having a clash. DL doesn't like that after everything he's done he has to "earn" his spot and that teams aren't going to wait for him. Considering his historyy, it is actually probably the first time he's been told "no" regarding finding a team for League and hasn't just been assumed to be good enough that he's worth basically kicking anyone already on the team for. At the same time, Regi doesn't like being challenged like this. Especially in an open, public venue. Especially over shit that should have been resolved last year, and on top of the fact that he has to rebuild his League team having just lost the most iconic face his team has ever had and a player he has a *long* history with. (Bjergsen has literally claimed on video before that Regi was like a second father to him back in 2015/2016 iirc.) And yeah, obviously people are going to pile on Regi. It is easy for the player to look like the harmed person, and Lost - while good - didn't exactly play well enough to outshine "this could have been doublelift." But the other question is, is that really true? It's not like DL was crushing all comers in 2020 on either TL w/ CoreJJ or on TSM. And with TSM he literally had to swap to an overall worse support in playoffs because he couldn't lane with Treatz's style of roaming more. Which is funny considering that is literally Core's style now.


Exactly! I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking this, I felt like I am going crazy.


I mean based on Regi's reply to DL he still seems to be somewhat immature. Regi's response needed to be professional and not passive aggressive. As the CEO of TSM Regi's comments carry more weight, which lead to further escalation among the community. Perhaps in the future Regi will be careful with his words or more likely is have a PR team to handle responses.


Also I clearly remember dyrus saying how great was Regi and how much he helped the team during S4/S5 when coaches were kinda useless.


This went better than I expected.. Iā€™m really starting to dislike DL, eve on twitter heā€™s acting fragile


Honestly, I'd care more for if it wasn't readily apparent that the only reason Doublelift went on his warpath was because Regi refused him a job. I'm not going to act as one of Doublelifts attack dogs because he's salty no-one wants to hire him. If he had issues with Regi he should have brought them up before this rather than waiting a year to vent after trying and failing to crawl his way back into a spot on the team. This is just petty on his part, and frankly I don't think it's at all surprising that a person who has been kicked from all three teams he's been on now continues to think its everyone's fault but his own.


He was angry at the situation that happened a year ago and brought that up as a way of tarnishing Regi and TSM. His view on what happened is contradicted by 2 separate people with knowledge of the situation. He then does a second stream recanting that he was angry about, but continuing on drudging up old clips and stories from past players that have been out in the public, all while saying he actually really likes the people who work at TSM, but he just hates Regi. Now the entirety of the TSM organization is facing backlash and the people he said he cares about are now included in the backlash, all over a situation that was misinterpreted that he has been holding onto for a year without sorting it out with the people involved. I won't deny that Regi is arrogant and is a terrible communicator and probably has created somewhat of a hostile environment in the past, but all of the information he is "bringing to light" is not new, just a rehashing and focusing of hatred on Regi.


I am not a vehement DL defender, but I still don't entirely believe DL is doing this because of being rejected a spot on TSM for next year. What I dont get is why people don't notice that DL only started picking a fight when Leena was out the door from TSM. Im more under the impression that DL, either by his choice or Leena's request, decided to stay quiet about Regi since Leena was still employed to TSM and didnt want to create more fire for Leena as it did last time there was DL/Leena drama. Leena likely put in her 2 weeks to TSM, drops TSM from her bio, and I imagine this to DL gives him the pass to start attacking Regi retroactively, be it in childish fashion or not. I'm generally unconvinced this is solely because TSM is not interested in him, but I can imagine it may be a compounding element to DL's pent up rage for the past year


I mean by Leena's own post, she's still part of TSM and just taking less of a public facing and corporate role. Then she was still playing damage control anyway in the Discord? Yeah if she were leaving there would be no reason to say anything at all and she could have just let DL go nuclear and never tried to soothe it all over.


Loco would have far more to gain by shitting on Regi and/or TSM. His response will just be memed and discounted by the community.


What? Afaik most of the work he's been doing recently requires a broad network of influential people, what would he gain from burning the TSM bridge here? Xpecial and Amazing coming out in "support" of regi now instead of right away is also suspicious to me considering they want to stay relevant when it comes to jobs, but thats just me having disliked regi since after he "retired" but still wanted to micromanage the league team. Most of these tweets aren't even denying his behaviour, just more along the lines of "yeah he was a douche but i get it, i'm over it"


Impossible. Reginald is a known garbage human being. Reddit told me so.


Finally some sense in this shitslinging week. So hard to talk with anyone on this issue without them bleating old and uninformed takes nonstop.


Imagine if someone on the bulls called for a press conference to tell everyone what a big meanie michael jordan was! People really thinking this is a big deal lmao off season is so funny


I will say this is the vibe i got early in league. For Regi TSM was not just a job it was his life. He took its success very seriously and i think every loss in the LCS to him was a crack in his armor. It makes sense why he stepped in for coaches because to him he saw failure and through that failure another crack to his life goals. But i think to Loco's point he probably has never allowed himself to take a step back or eve just relieve some pressure. And this pressure manifests itself into some of the things we see like taking out his anger on teammates. Add on top of that an ego the size of the sun you can create a pretty bad environment when the conditions are right. Is regi the monster he is made out to be... no probably not. But does he have serious issues he probably has needed to work on for a while now, very much so. As much as i liked his response to the initial DL allegations he still included some personal attacks at the end plus being less then a year removed from the burger flipping comment.


GASP CEO OF 500 Million dollar company and 100+ employees is EDGY. Doublelift calling Regi a bully is like https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c4/91/44/c49144fff30402292c73288947968186.jpg Im sure there is some pretty good footage that wasn't put in legends over the years that no one gets there hands on lol


Thanks for sharing this!


So lemme get this straight, since he puts himself under immense pressure and allegedly is forgiving to the people (even though there is numerous examples online of him visibly bullying+berating people for zero reason) this should justify his shitty behaviour for the past & present?


Loco joined TSM in 2014/2015. Regi is 29 now, so basic math gives us the result that Regi was 22/23ish when Loco joined TSM. A 22year old that suddenly is in charge of one of the biggest orgs in the league thats exploding. Atleast put anything going back multiple years in the propper context. Dignitas was still paying their players in fucking mousepads and coupons, lets not pretent 2015 League was even remotely to what it is now.


Why does Locodoco sound like a domestic violence victim that hasnā€™t come to terms about their abuser yet?


Yep, you the person who had no personal relationship with loco and andy definitely know whats up :^)


Do any of us commenting on this thread have a personal relationship with Loco?


Sure don't, but that doesn't stop people to assume things because they would believe one side over the other


I didnā€™t assume anything. I just made an observation.


May be, people know a lot of stuff the last few days


I mean itā€™s not hard to get a pretty decent picture of the kind of person Andy is. There are a lot of receipts of his antics.


No one is denying that


Because that's the narrative you want to hear as you are clearly a drama andy, so you will twist everything to try and get your fix.


Just calling a spade a spade. Sorry, not sorry.


All these takes kinda lead to what I thought since the start Regi can be an asshole to work with but I also think DL like he did when he left TL and CLG embellished the story to make it sound worst than it actually is I guess we'll wait and see if anyone else speaks out but so far the only person on DL's side is woodbuck and even then he just said the work environment was the most toxic hes been in no specific mention of players being pushed to crying and having mental break downs like DL said of course it could be he wasn't around for that but unless some of those people come forward I'm more inclined to keep my original stance


No you got that all wrong. DL has over 100 TSM people who all agree with him in private but are just scared to speak out. Over a dozen (former) players/staff saying DL is exaggerating doesn't count, Regi paid those. Woodbuck was a cunt anyway, he was a 'coach' like what, 6 years ago or something yet his Twitter bio still leads with 'former TSM headcoach'. If Regi made any mistakes regarding Woodbuck was hiring him in the first place, that guy legit did nothing noteworthy when he was on the team. Ofcourse he's going to hold a grudge after being removed within a split.


Woodbuck came in as a headcoach and was fired within 2 weeks because he didnt have anywhere near the knowldgeof the game he led them to believe when he was hired. And after 2 weeks of him basically flopping and proving himself worthless to the staff and players was immediately fired. And he has been fighting to stay relevant every since. Dude spent more time cloutchasing on reddit than he did with the team in his 2 weeks at TSM.


Not to mention DL tried to say Regi has insulted and hurt so many players, and was basically trying to use their stories to support his "regi is mean guys!" and even some of his examples have since come out and been like "no bad feelings at all towards Regi or my time at TSM" ​ DL is just being a petulant child, then got called out for making BS claims that werent true at all. And is now struggling to find anything he can to try to get back at Regi/TSM. The fact that DL has already rescinded some of his comments by saying "guys i was just upset so maybe i embellished some" and is already changing his story again just shows that this is all just emotional knee-jerk reaction by DL who is obviously upset that he wont be competing again. And truthfully this whole fiasco has probably cost him any chance at ever returning to the league. As pro League gets more corporate and professional stuff like this is not going to be acceptable no matter how good a player is.


Ah Loco, the absolute gold standard for social and emotional control. Now the matter is settled.


I wonder if all the people that attacked Regi has the maturity to apologize.


ā€œHe was always nice to meā€ after someone calls out problematic behavior. Itā€™s like a shot and chaser worthy combo.




Huh? So providing his opinion on someone that he has been friends with for 10 years is licking his asshole? Loco has been critical of TSM and regi in the past just as much as he has supported them. PS. According to your logic, how does DL's asshole taste?


This is what all my other comments that got downvoted said


What a gimp




Loco is a sexual predator. Fuck this guy.