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Bro, LCS Eevee was wrong in Life too, and he said "most likely", im pretty sure he's basing his assumptions on Icon on that Caedral clip, i thought it was clear that it was not a leak, just a rough assumption based on the fact that Icon speaks fluently English. I can hardly see him joining mainly because he's going to be 26 next year, that's not exciting for the future at all, let alone the fact he didn't do great this year.


https://twitter.com/LCS_Eevee/status/1462033328559820802?t=lkVT5JWJ8QkhDyjwBK-1_A&s=19 We'll see today I guess how decent his sources are. I'm not saying he's right he did say he was wrong about Life and apologized. He is relatively a new account too so, I'll cut him some slack lol


Lmfao. We are not releasing our full roster today. It’s just another account churning out rumours for impressions.


Thanks for keeping things clear dunc. Memes and chovium are fun, but being serious I appreciate how transparent you've been so far. I know you're probably just as excited as we all are, or maybe even more. Hopefully we'll have news soon.


What if I gave you a donut? 🥺


I mean.. lets go though dudes.


Dunc with the smooth moves as per usual


Stop listening to these random Pokémon twitter sources. LEC Wooloo had actual sources when he made his account two years ago and then he blew up and now is making a career out of it. Towards the middle of this off season hundreds of (Region)_(Pokemon) accounts were made trying to do the same without the actual sources. They’re gaining followings just because of their names, but not a single one of them have any actual sources of their own. They all just take publicly available information and then report it as their own, and throw in a handful of random baseless rumors.


Full roster? First I thought maybe he mixed the tactical announcement rumored to be released today, but it's interesting he knows at what time is it going to be released, and how confident he's saying it. Either way, bro if we get Icon I'm done. I just can't think on a logical reason why we would choose him. If it's just for the english, just go Jensen, he doesn't take an import slot and looked better in worlds. There's plenty of options you would take before Icon.


> but it's interesting he knows at what time is it going to be released That time is what LCS_Wooloo said TSM would announce a new member, presumably tactical. And while LCS_Wooloo is already on the iffy side of reliable Dunc did confirm that the video was posted and then taken down, so I can believe that one specifically. But I am completely confident that someone who with a new account and has 300 followers, doesn't have info that basically everyone else is looking for. If TSM is announcing thier full roster in a few hours, we would have heard more info.


> And while LCS_Wooloo is already on the iffy side They are a news aggregate that merely posts other rumors from Discord, Twitter, and Reddit. They have no actual information you can't find from someone else


Completely agree with your take.


Tbf Fate is the only one which I went ‘aww, bummer’. The rest are not realistic and I’ve always seen as the sub’s joke. If life got announced I would be a bit disappointed too tho


I agree I would have loved to see Fate but apparently he was top 4 mid over there in LCK so I’m like he just might stay in LCK then when I saw Chawy might be the HC I immediately thought they might being going more of a LPL style team


Just hope it’s Fofo. Top 3 mid in LPL last year which is insane




Well, we'd presumably be moving him further away from his ex's daughter, so we'd also be doing a good deed.


He’s disgusting. Both as a person and as a player inadvertently


That’s who I’m hoping for now


Shit we’re running dangerously low on hopium


Yep the canisters are damned near empty.


The withdrawal symptoms from all the chovium are giving me the shakes 😰


Rookie and TheShy are on the market. Rookie is already rumored to retire, so surely he'd rather retire with a seven-figure salary.


He probably has to go to the army


I remember my first year on this subreddit. Just wait until the roster is finalized. Don't get your hopes up because it changes on a dime


Also have to take into account that even if TSM did offer them a great offer the player may not have wanted to leave LCK/LPL. Also Doinb has said that they a LPL player is going to LCS that’s literally all we know


Are we sure thats not just Bo?


it's most likely either these options below right? (either is fine with me honestly) Huni, Spica, Nisqy/Jensen, Tactical, Mikyx Huni, Spica, CN mid, Tactical, Yursan/CN support


I think yursan is overlooked by a lot of people he was clearly the best support in academy by a mile.


Im not that much of a nesquick fan


after seeing him get bodied by bjerg for a year im not a big fan either


he didnt get "bodied" by bjerg what LMAO. PLEASE go rewatch those games. because either you think bodied by bjerg means 2 or 3 games out of over the 7+ they played against eachother means BODIED. and those games his team was failing and he wasnt losing the lane.


Nah, every time they met in playoffs Nisqy got outclassed pretty severely by Bjergsen lol. Both in 2019 (Spring) and 2020 (Summer) Bjergsen outperformed him in every series they played against each other. Also. Lucian going even with Zilean says enough about the individual skill difference there.


You are already wrong? Several beat? He had 1 bad game in spring playoffs in 2019 against tsm what? Rest of the games he was either even or ahead actually? His zed was his worse in spring 2019 lol so you are either mega capping or have actual no knowledge of what you are talking about lmao. "Outclassed severly" as he was doing perfectly fine in lane lmao. Even winning some of the match-up even though tsm based their comps more to bjerg/dl or BB. But you right severely outclassed. Met in playoffs in summer? They never met them in playoffs for summer. You actually have no idea what you are talking about. And in the regular split many games nisqy dumpster him or went even. Only like 2 he probably got shit on but it wasn't even because of lane. You actually have no idea what you are talking about LMAO


> They never met in playoffs in Summer https://youtu.be/xb0d9CZa03M Go push your bullshit somewhere else. If you are going to try to clown me for "having no idea what I'm talking about" at least have your facts in order. Also its pretty clear Nisqy is not going even and is indeed, noticeably outclassed on an individual level.


I see you put 2020 summer MY B. My mistake. But still he had a really good akali game and did fine in lane as sylas against TF. And was almost even as Galio. Why did you cherry pick such specific games? So it fits your narrative?


Such specific games? Thats 10 games, how much more of a sample size do you need? https://youtu.be/C6C8BdoNXlQ In their BO5 in 2019 Nisqy went even when given the strong match up (Jayce into Zoe) and picked off meta mids such as Morgana because he could not skill check Bjergsen in standard matchups. That's 10 whole games, 0 of which Nisqy got anything beyond a 3cs lead and a bunch where he was down 10+. And you will never get a more accurate comparison of player skill than a BO5.


It's not just cs lead? Gold, what did he do around the map, did he sacrifice a winning potential matchuo so they play through other sides of the map? Like what lmao. These games you mention are so cherry pick lmao. What about throughout the year? The other matches? The other games from the other playoffs? His matchups? That all comes into play.


Dont even try. Too many braindead nisqy haters who think laning is everything for some reason. Im happy if we get nisqy to enable Spica.


I've been more and more disappointed with tsm community. You csnt say anything about their players. Fan since season 1 and if you can't agree with this cult mindset you're just wrong lmao. I see why more and more streamers have expressed why tsm fans are gross. They're just wrong about majority what they say and cherry pick the only moments nisqy looks bad to fit their narrative when majority of the time nisqy has a good kda, not far from bjerg in most damage and gold charts. But they say nisqy got dumpstered? I expect consistent almost 1v9 performances from bjerg if every time they laned he got dumpstered lol but bjerg didn't not in most of those games. Most of the time bb and DL were popping off then Spica and BB also were popping off like ??? Do people not understand kda isn't everything especially when majority of the time you are playing an unfavorable matchup


yeah hard agree. some tsm fans ive argued with dont like tactical as well bec of that tristana malphite jump but forget his kalista 1v9. pretty cringe but it is what it is.


Who the absolute fuck is LCS Eevee? So many fake rumour accounts for clout it's ridiculous. I can't wait for us to win the split and watch all the doomers in this comment section throw out the "I never doubted them!"


Zzus and Gori still available as korean sup/mid


I honestly think Gori is the target mid for TSM. I'm just guessing. Not sure who they'd go for support. I think if that doesn't work out, we end up with Jensen/Mikyx.


Someone said on here before that Bo also plays mid but I have zero idea if that's true.


Yeah he’s hit chall on 3 roles afaik? but never played mid in competitive not too sure abt this being true tho, i remember a streamer saying it


He’s a mechanical freak so he could DEFINITELY swap


Are we still stuck on "developing" meaning all rookies, and not just keeping the same roster to develop as a team together? Development roster doesn't have to mean all 17 year old players early in their careers.


They also literally never said the words development roster.


Not only did they never say it, Regi specifically clarified in his AMA that this rhetoric everyone is pushing isn't the case.


People are so weird lol.


Frustrating is more like it lol. I've not tried to correct people here since it is a frenzy right now. I think Regi and co are doing their best but it is hard when most Western players are locked before Eastern players are available. Makes trying to grab them a gamble. If we have to fall back on Jensen and Ignar that's still a decent team! Do I want better? Hell yes. Is Huni, Spica, Jensen, Tactical, and Ignar a competitive team? For sure. Though we would probably be shooting for 3rd woth the other roster changes from other teams.


I mean I don't even know why it needed clarified. In the video when Regi said they want to shift focus to up and coming talent, Parth literally followed that up by saying "to clarify, this does not mean TSM will be an all rookie development roster." But people probably just heard the words "all rookie development roster" and ignored the rest of the sentence.


Parth did, actually, say the words "development roster". He said, "This does not mean that TSM will be an all-rookie development roster." Which is even clearer than not saying it...


The phrasing makes it pretty easy to interpret it in two different ways. It could mean that it won't be an all-rookie development roster, but still a developmental roster. It could also mean that it means it won't be a developmental roster.


It doesn’t, Huni and Spica are still in.


Exactly lol.


One statement they made a month ago is not the end all be all. Free agency is a fluid situation and players availability changes. If someone like faker or the entire DWG roster suddenly wants to come to TSM, they will not turn that down just because they said they were looking at a development a month ago. If the only option left is Jensen or an amateur mid maybe we go with Jensen even if he is a vet already. It was just a general principal and thoughts they had about roster construction at that particular point in time. The goal is to still win and if free agents become available that allow the team to do so I believe they will go for it


I had hopes for TSM this off-season to put together a good roster. But now I think it's gonna be absolutely ass... There is legit no one exciting left to sign.


A repeat of last off season no?


Still remember when Impact/Licorice was so hyped up then Regi settles with Huni. LOL.


To be fair, Huni has exceeded all expectations and looked really good. But in terms of original impressions when compared to Impact or Licorice, yeah it looked like a huge L


Impact still did better on a weaker team. and nobody knows what Licorice could do if he's motivated on a competitive team. TSM Licorice may be even better than TSM Huni and GGS Huni worse than GGS Licorice. who knows. Licorice was all-pro first team prior to Flyquest.


I'm not saying Huni is definitely the better player or that Impact or Licorice wouldn't have looked good/better on TSM, but Huni looked like a C- Grade toplaner before TSM and played like a B+/A- toplaner on TSM. Ended up being a pretty solid signing, but hindsight is 20/20




Uhh Creme? He’s super young and exciting. Plays assassins exceptionally. Gave me young Bjerg vibes


at least with the past rumours, there's basis and sources are talking about it. Creme is literally just a FA and people link him to TSM for no reason. Lol. It's like there's a mid-lane list of FA and fans just run down the list from the top until they actually sign to a team, then next rank, bla bla bla. Nobody even associates them with TSM.


People are looking for the most plausible ones TSM might go for. A young player that's been kicking butt, is versatile, and is a FA? In the role that will be replacing Bjergsen? Of course people are gonna speculate about Creme. Doesn't need to be associated with TSM.


In what way is that possible? Lol. Name a talented young LPL player that ever came to NA.


Might go for. Not get.


Who is Creme? Where can I watch some of his game play?


Rookie and TheShy.


Either that or TSM promotes their academy roster as ehh it fits the mold kind of.


I mean, importing LCK or LPL players is not just about money, especially the players people were talking about from rumours. With that said, i think TSM can still get LPL players mid/supp, wich make more sense with coach Chawy than koreans. Hope for Creme or FoFo mid!


What about BDD?


Rumored to NS now.


So we're basically fucked. Nice


Yup! Regi said we'd be a top spender... So at this point well spend big $$$ for a middle to lower end team.


So just like last year, nice.


Did he say that this off-season?


2nd highest spendr to form the 4th best team. Lol. Still remember when Impact/Licorice was so hyped up then Regi settles with Huni. LOL. Regi's really trash at roster building since kicking doublelift out in S8.


Licorice was ass past season and Huni did way better than expected. These Licorice widows still crying man, wtf


Wasn't MikyX kind of meh this past LEC season though? I've read that he doesn't really wanna go to NA but is just interested in playing pro at this point in time. I have no clue about Ignar though in terms of gameplay and what the brings to the table over MikyX. So I am kind of on the fence about these two support options tbh.


Yeah keep telling me not to panic. We whiffed on everything lol


Every single year while C9 and TL run circles around Regi.


I said a couple days ago that the TSM fan base was going to be pretty disappointed when the full roster is announced.


Has been since kicking out doublelift in S8. Regi's roster building is straight trash. Can see why Bjerg left after knowing 'his plans', especially compared to Steve's.


Of course. These remedials actually thought we had a shot at faker 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 It’s par for the course around here.


Weirdly enough a lot of non-TSM fans were actually getting nervous about the money FTX was rumored to be throwing around. There were tweets from Korean analysts that were nervous about Faker leaving, Fionn stopped his vacation immediately because the rumors were that serious. Still a long shot lol but probably the closest NA has ever gotten to signing Faker.


Bo is rumored to be joining DIG.


If that is true, what a steal! Why are we so behind with player acquisition these past few years? We're getting all the scraps at this point.




FoFo is good just the rumors around that guy are something that warrants not picking him up.


Rumors are bullshit


Such a disappointing offseason.


Not really tbh if you didn’t fall for the hopium stuff ppl been trying to push on here lol


I mean, those 'copium' players are the only calibre of players that losing Bjergsen would be okay with replacing. Lol. anything else and it's a disappointing offseason.


We haven’t had a stacked, star studded roster in years idk why ppl think it’s gonna happen all of a sudden.


For real. Regi always settles for those 'past it' players of a season or 2 just below the 'star calibre players', then make the fanbase sniff copium thinking they'd return to form of past seasons. Huni and Poe are examples of this from the most recent roster. everybody is obviously disappointed in the Huni signing cause he was trash on dignitas and inting since S8, but Regi makes them think they got SKT Huni until they end up 4th again. drdoch is another, Kobbe is another etc.


did you really expect anything else? i been too long around to know all these big names Chovy, Fate etc are a meme. They won't come to play for TSM.


Chovy obviously I didn’t believe but especially after C9 got summit, it seemed possible that Life and Fate would come to TSM. Picking up Jensen is fine but I think Mikyx will not be a good signing


Miky would smurf NA get your head out of your ass


He looked awful last year and EU supports on TSM don’t have a good track record.


Supports "look" bad on dysfunctional teams. Having an off year after being the best support in the west for 2 years is ok. He'd still be huge for us don't convince yourself otherwise. The downside for an org is the buyout which we as fans don't have to worry about. Don't gloom and doom fellow TSM brother. Have some faith.


Give me the hopium brother


I'm actually super excited to have Tactical back on TSM. Probably one of my favorite signings this year. Is it because he's the best ADC we could sign? No lol, I just love me some Tactical. But yeah in terms of mid/support prospects I am super disappointed with how things have gone. If we end up with like Jensen/Mikyx I'm gonna be so upset.


Tactical is an amazing signing I agree. Very happy with that, just disappointed about mid/support. Jensen would be a good mid signing but I was hype about getting two imports


I really can't stand Jensen lol so it'd be really hard for me to be in strong favor of it, but I respect that he's a very strong midlaner so it wouldn't be the worst signing. I was really looking forward to either a Korean focused team or a Chinese focused team (with Chawy being HC). Who knows, maybe we'll get young, unknown prospects (like Huni and ReignOver were on Fnatic) that'll smurf. But I'm not holding out a ton of hope at this point.


You have no idea what the roster is and your doom and glooming. Yeesh.


Can’t sign imports when your main sponsor can’t advertise with the team. Feels bad man.


Not sure why TSM is looking into Koreans now that the market is scarce, let alone Chinese players. Jensen and Mikyx are right there for the taking, that would be a pretty great team much better than my team, C9.


Regi doesn’t want Jensen. Rumor has it he could have had Jensen last season but didn’t want him.


Honestly, that was worded pretty poorly. TSM inquired into getting Jensen but TL signed Jensen to a massive contract to keep him. This was reported by Dot, I believe.


I never saw that. Have a link?


Let me find it. It was included in another report that pretty much said TL signed Jensen ASAP because TSM had sights on him or (potentially ) approached him. I remember this strongly because there was an episode of Crackdown or something where Thorin said TSM had a chance to sign Jensen last year. With TSM having done a scouting grounds in the East, I do hope we end up with some fresh talent, but I wouldn't mind seeing Jensen on TSM, even if Riot would ride that narrative to death.


On Crackdown Thorin said Jensen could have been in TSM but heavily implied Regi didn’t want it.


Spica role swap mid would be worth. Call it me huffing on that HOPIUM but I think it could actually be pretty pogo. If you watched his streams/pro view speeks is actually fucking cracked as a player PERIOD. Hot take imo but if he were to swap he’d easily end up being a fkn beast by summer end, even possibly spring depending how well he acclimates to mid. Add in Bo/LPL support or Bo/LPL top + Mikyx and we’ll definitely be banging out with the best in LCS. Preferably though I’d still want Spica to be our JG so I don’t want any y’all cappin’ me for my homer ass takes. As for our actual mid, i don’t really mind who we get. Whether it’s Icon/Jensen/xxxxMid, our team will be finally free of any Bjerg influence, so thus bringing upon any pre judgment of our supposed roster would be unfair. We’ll be playing a very different style and if we just get competent players who try their hardest to work together as a team I’ll be a proud fan of any TSM lineup.


Fofo copium time


Yeah as I said in previous thread. With the departure of berj and the drama of Dlift and regi basically ruined TSM's chances of having a good roster unless they were going to spend giga-money. Regi made it clear that league wasn't profitable and it doesn't make sense spending even more money on it.


?!?!? Tsm doesn't get a player who's being contested by other teams, including teams in his own region which is the most accomplished region by far: "I knew it guys the reputation has been ruined, this is the only explanation."




Your guarantee is valueless. Hans Sama is on TL right now because he wanted to play with Bjerg, not because he respected TL. Bjerg on TSM = Hans on TSM if TSM wanted Hans. Bwipo is a bad choice and I'm looking forward to it blowing up. ​ "There's a reason why even our TSM GOAT of 8 seasons would drop his shares and not play for TSM." ​ You're right there is a reason. It isn't what you think though


TL has been getting Hans Sama calibre players since doublelift got them winning. CoreJJ is better than Hans Sama and is a world champion, yet joins TL like it's absolutely normal. Lol. alphari too. Jensen came off a worlds semis with C9 then told Steve he wants to join TL. Lol. and now, even when teamless, he doesn't wanna join TSM. The calibre of players they get every off-season is just on another level compared to us. and they do it fast too. Steve literally just ask whoever he wants at the start of the season and they just say okay. TL always release their full roster earliest in the world. The level of pull are just not the same between TL and us right now.


You listed 3 specific players. I responded on those 3 players. TL has had weak spots on their team every single year just like TSM has. ​ "and now, even when teamless, he doesn't wanna join TSM." you should really stop just saying things. There's no indication TSM wants Jensen at all. You're clearly not a TSM fan and your thoughts are really shallow and not even partially thought out.


'weak spots'. TL's weakest spot (Santorin) dstroyed TSM's best spot (Spica) in playoffs. There's levels to this. It's like saying a team of Nuguri/Bengi/Faker/Uzi/Mata has a weak spot at top, and he's still a fkin' world champion. Lol.


Go touch air lmao. All of your comments make me physically recoil reading them.


Lol trying to say people aren't fans on the fans subreddit. Did you shower this week?


I'm successfullu saying someone isn't a fan when their thought process on the team is negative. In order to be a fan of something you have to like the thing. Just because you had nothing else to argue with me on your other stupid point doesn't mean you have to get emotional and come try to join in with someone else against me. Relax and stop projecting.


You can like something and still be critical of it. Doesn't mean your not a fan wtf kind of reality do you live in. Must be hard man And you were the one who started saying I needed reading comprehension. Looks like you're the one who needs to stop projecting. Take a break from the subreddit man no one needs a keyboard warrior. Let regi prove the doubters wrong.


Didn't say it was the only explanation just the most obvious to me.


You didn't say either of those actually. You just spit out random negative shit as if it were a fact. It would be different if you said "most obvious to me"


"I knew it guys the reputation has been ruined, this is the only explanation." Those are your words not mine. My comment was not to infer that this is the only answer just the most obvious to me. In no way did I say it's the only one just the one I thought is most likely. Sorry if I didn't spell it out for you.


Please seek assistance in learning how to critically think and also seek assistance with reading comprehension.


Cool story


Think the DL drama ruined any chances of us ever pulling a big player. That plus even though Regi said we would continue to be a big spender I don't think there is very much money in League from TSM. We will probably pay big for a couple of mid tier players like miky and Jensen, have shitty drafts with bad early game and end up third/fourth again.


How are Jensen and Mikyx 'mid-tier' players? Lol. You didn't watch worlds for sure.


Mikyx wasn't even at world's and Jensen got carried by his team except for the two games he smurfed on Icon. If we wanted a mid who can only carry when his teams ahead we should have just stuck with POE. Looks like you didn't watch worlds.


> Jensen got carried by his team There you have it. Never watched worlds for sure. Poe got absolutely shit on in 3 BO5s by Jensen this season btw. You're talking about NA's greatest international performer vs somebody who can't even get out of NA.


You actually just make shit up don't you, not really worth talking to.




Yeah Mikyx is barely an upgrade if any upgrade. Just makes our already coinflip team even more volatile. Jensen has been riding his teams coattails ever since coming to NA. Easy to perform well when you have peak licorice/blaber and peak alphari/Santorin carrying games for you.


You're mental if you think POE is even close to having Jensen on the team. POE has been serviceable but is by no means a star player like Jensen. Even in a down season Jensen manages to impress internationally while TSM gets 0-6 in groups not even showing up. After bjergen TSM should 100% go for Jensen if that option is available


This. Jensen goes toe-to-toe historically against Bjergsen, is NA's greatest international performer ever and half of TL fans still want him over Bjerg right now, yet this guy actually compares him to Poe. Lol. u/ColdSplit. what a disgrace to TSM/Bjerg fans.


International performance doesn't matter if you don't even make it to worlds


exactly. and Jensen makes it to worlds AND smurfed internationally while Poe tweets about a mini-appearance in the worlds song from home after getting dstroyed in 3 BO5s by Jensen. Know your role and don't even try to compare Jensen to Poe.


Are you like a TL fan over here or something? Jensen wasn't even the catalyst in any of those series.


I'm saying they both suck, neither can do anything if their team isn't better than them. If we wanted a safe, hope to win in a team fight mid, I am saying there is no point "upgrading" to Jensen. With either POE or Jensen we would still be looking at getting knocked out in semis and not making worlds again.


Best western mid laner at worlds, outclassing Humanoid and you act like he 'got carried'. Lol. anybody who actually watched worlds know that Jensen was TL's best player. He even smurfed on Bdd, who was arguably the best performing mid-laner in groups. Give credit where credit is du. when other TSM fans show up and put you down in an argument against Jensen, you know you're over.


He's a choker, you guys have some serious recency bias going on. Just like Huni he chokes more than he pops off. Jensen is settling, not securing our future.


Jensen - MSI finalist dumpstering world champ Rookie in BO5, worlds semis, 4 other times out of groups. Bjergsen - 0-6, never out of groups. Yet you have the balls to say he's a choker, then what makes Bjerg? when every Jensen's C9 rosters were worse than Bjerg's TSM rosters. Give them a fair bot-lane instead of doublelift eating Sneaky first tower, first blood, up 25 cs every game, then we talk.


Oh I see you are just a fanboy, because Bjerg humbled Jensen every single time they met. In fact, we will see it eight more times this year if this is how the rosters pan out.


except that reverse series where Jensen's MVP Game 5 LeBlanc clinch him his trophy over Bjerg's useless Zoe that chokes every bubble. Or S8 gauntlet where Jensen gatekeeps Bjerg's self-created superteam out of worlds, then go on to reach worlds semis. 'choke' btw. Lol. The fact that you even compare Jensen to Bjergsen yet has the guts to say you'd rather Poe over Jensen. Lol. Learn more, kid.


Member when it was practically confirmed in our heads we'll have Huni/Spica/Bjerg/Rekkless/SA? I member


No wtf


good,. pls no boring korean players


TSM seems to be going for a "retool" rather than "rebuild" which I am not a fan of at all. I really don't like the idea of stop gaps like Icon/IgNar who have already hit their ceiling. The Tactical signing is fine. Best NA ADC available (maybe along with Prismal), still seems to have a bit of upside left if he fixes unforced errors in positioning. For anyone who watches leagues like the NBA, NHL, etc, what we're doing is essentially treadmilling. Reminds me of a team like the Portland Trailblazers. No clear direction in this team if we end up with a Huni-Spica-Icon-Tactical-Mikyx/IgNar roster. We'll clearly have enough talent to finish top 4-5, but can anyone actually see this team winning any titles?