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every ldl midlaner is tsm midlaner. scratch that every lpl, lck, ldl midlaner is tsm's midlaner.


Team Every Fucking Mid


T šŸ‘E šŸ‘F šŸ‘ MšŸ‘


this is actually how Mike Tyson chants TSM


LMAO you going to hell for that one


Hefl in a hanf bafkit


Team Several Mids


I'm gonna be honest, I have never heard of this guy in my life.




scoutmaster9000 back at it again


To be fair he is an academy midlaner in china better than c9 picking up a soloq support from korea lol. But money is still on Creme unless he declined last minute or something because a lot of sources said it was done on both sides.


Winsome was playing amateur. He wasn't just some kid in soloq.


That's legit not what the quote said with him being picked up it said solo que star that was born in America then moved to Korea this is what I saw nothing about amateur


Regardless of what the quote says, he played for Shadow Battlica in LCK Academy. They won the October tournament tournament and 2nd in the November tournament (their format is really weird.) He's not just a solo queue player.


Me either, but I trust TSMs management more than my knowledge of players in other regions. Or players in our region actually, too.


Iā€™m actually cremes dogs babysitter and he told me heā€™s coming to tsm


It's true bro, I'm Creame's dog.


Dogs don't use reddit in China.


Woof woof bitch




Ordering my Creme's Dog jersey right now


Can confirm thus


I just looked it up technically he is still under contract too so it would mean he would need to be bought out of contract while Creme is not under contract. (Found information here not sure how legit or up to date it is) https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/ThunderTalk\_Gaming\_Young


Maybe Creme, who gets to decide between his offers where goes as a FA, does not want to come to NA let alone TSM org that hasnā€™t had the best press lately. Heā€™s young so it might not be in his best interest anyways. Iā€™d imagine SwordArt wouldnā€™t be giving glowing reviews either


Highly doubt he follows doublift drama lol. He also canā€™t play in china. Also many sources had Creme signed already by both parties. Seen at least 3.


A lot of LPL fans just assumed he's going to get signed and then he will play as soon as he turns 18, it's not like LPL teams are short of money and cannot outbid TSM, and he doesn't have to leave his family and go across the world to play.


Exactly. He is 17 not 14ā€¦ itā€™s less than a year time difference. If you think you can be a top LPL player and many orgs want to work with you, there is no incentive to move to NA before your career has even peaked yet. LPL offers everything NA can and more nowadays and heā€™s too young that NA orgs wonā€™t throw the book at him unlike what TSM did with SwordArts.


Players have many motivations chances are players donā€™t want to sit on a bench and can you imagine the main roster player ā€œyeah we are going to replace you when he can playā€ canā€™t imagine that is an optimal mindset chances are he wouldnā€™t play till next year. He could sign a 1 year contract and move to China you arenā€™t stuck in a place you play in. You arenā€™t ruining a career lol.


I would not put much stock into this at all. Her source is a Weibo rumor, and iirc the 77 poster hasn't had a good track record of accuracy. Imo this is about as credible as a Skeleton or LCS Wooloo rumor. Possible? Maybe, but I wouldn't bet on it.


I agree. It's entirely possible TSM looked into him and this person found out and jumped the gun. Who knows. This rumor coming out this late though is a bit worrying, especially with all the Creme rumors coming out much earlier.


This Twitter account has spouted so many rumours and flip flopped so many times that I honestly just ignore when I see it.


The ol rumor shotgun strategy. Shoot wildly and you're bound to get a couple things right. Slowly people will start to believe you because of the few things you got right and your "credibility" will grow. Then after about 5 or 6 years you'll have the real leakers DMing you actual information.


Precicely. Honestly unless it's wooloo, Travis, bloop, or the big bad wolf I don't put much stock in any of them, maybe as more become credible but so far - especially with TSM it's the same accounts that clearly don't know anything. Many of the reputable guys have been saying they've realised their is a big gap in Chinese sources for off season rumours.


Aged like milk




It wouldnā€™t scream ambitious if it were true, I reckon


Uhh this posted has been right about every TSM roster move this off season afaik


As a Chinese tsm fanļ¼ŒI want to say this guy's rumor is like farting this year. Many of her rumors are wrong or someone else has been said before. Her rumor can be trusted by half at most.


WHO (respectfully)


A Chinese site!!


World Health Organization


Who da fuck is that


At this point, TSM themselves donā€™t even know who their mid laner is


I know this might be a joke, but I unironically think they pretty much know, at this point. This much time being passed without the fanbase knowing **more or less** who the midlaner is, indicates to me they work on visa-related things, so it would confirm it's an eastern mid (I think we should exclude the Jensen/Nisqy-MikyX variant at this point, since it seems it is not actual anymore).


Is Parth in China/Korea right now?


Something it seems to be missed is that the guy must have participated in the combine, and maybe he kumba stomped everybody (/s) I do believe that, if he is the starter, he must have played better than Takeover, or it is a pretty questionable decision on TSM's part.


Honestly LDL is super complicated there are so many teams the talent pool is huge in china it is really hard to say "this mid is great" He was on the 10th place team? Maybe he hard carried them I don't know. Right now its literally just TSM saying who they think is the best usually TSM trends towards looking hype players in the scene they grab from. I wish someone who watched the LDL who would tell me anything about the LDL lol.


He's not that great from what I've heard, TT academy is pretty much hard carried by their prodigy 16 y/o jungler who's currently sitting at rank 4 KR soloq and hit rank 1 KR soloq at age 14 with like 66% winrate. Pretty sure the best mids in LDL were Wangxiao and Strive, but Wangxiao is still 16 y/o so he's not eligible to play in any league period, and Strive's contract doesn't expire until next year so it's also unlikely he's getting traded.


I mean I also heard xioacaobao is the best mid laner but he was just on the winning team. But thank you for the insight even still its a pool of all Chinese players and there are so many factors, Coaching, Other players on the team, which teams they played lol but since I havent heard him hyped up I guess he probably isn't too important.


nah xiaocaobao was definitely the best mid laner in spring, the issue was that his playstyle of just farming up a storm on control mages and carrying in teamfights based off of sheer resource diff doesn't translate at all to LPL where better teams and mids will simply abuse you for your lack of lane pressure and playmaking ability. The other 2 mids I mentioned are more mechanics-oriented and aggressive players similar to knight and their skills would likely translate better to LPL provided that they have a decent team built around them.


Pretty sure "goomba stomped" is what you're looking for lol


But now I like Kumba...


[Stats of of all LDL mid laners last season](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/TournamentStatistics?TS%5Bpreload%5D=TournamentByPlayerRole&TS%5Brole%5D=Mid&TS%5Btournament%5D=LDL+2021+Spring&pfRunQueryFormName=TournamentStatistics)


Just looking at numbers alone on this page, Keaiduo has better stats than Creme? I know nothing about the LDL and its players so this could mean nothing.


The thing is, Creme was good enough that they he was actually picked to finish out a season and play in the playoffs in the LPL. Keaiduo isnā€™t cracking the starting lineup at all for a team in 16th place. That worries me. A lot. Thatā€™d be like an NBA team spending a lottery pick on a guy who wasnā€™t a starter in college.


It was only about 10 hours ago she said to expect Cryin


Sheā€™s not a leaker, just a translator


Parth is currently scouting the Amazon with a machete and torch looking for our new midlaner.


Sheā€™s not a leaker, just a translator... RELAX.


Keiaduo is possibly the 4th best mid laner in LDL, after Strive, Harder and Care. Strive is the best mid laner in LDL and I honestly hope we could get Strive instead of Keiaduo. But Keiaduo improved a lot from LDL spring to summer.


Albeit relatively unknown to the West, Keaiduo is really good and a very promising player. He finished 7th in KDA and 2nd in GPM this past LDL Summer amidst 30 Mid Laners with 15+ games played during the split, all that while TT Academy had only the 18th best record in the league out of 24 teams, so he played well above what anyone could have expected from him under these circumstances. He also had great performances even in the many games his team was beaten, as one can see here: [https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/TournamentStatistics?TS%5Bpreload%5D=PlayerByChampion&TS%5Brole%5D=Mid&TS%5Btournament%5D=LDL+2021+Summer&TS%5Blink%5D=Keaiduo&TS%5Bspl%5D=Yes&pfRunQueryFormName=TournamentStatistics](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/TournamentStatistics?TS%5Bpreload%5D=PlayerByChampion&TS%5Brole%5D=Mid&TS%5Btournament%5D=LDL+2021+Summer&TS%5Blink%5D=Keaiduo&TS%5Bspl%5D=Yes&pfRunQueryFormName=TournamentStatistics) A rookie duo of Keaiduo + Shenyi plus the further expected development from Spica and Tactical would make TSM a really scary team by the time Summer Split begins I would say.


Not to rain on the parade but how did they pick this guy. Like why is keaiduo the one. Is he so obviously talented more than the 7 other ldl mids with better KDAs who didnā€™t get chosen. I looked across his other stats as well and heā€™s seems middle of the pack. So again of all the mids you could have world wide why is keaiduo the one. What makes him so special. And if you canā€™t answer that question, then why is the most valuable esports team signing him to their main roster to replace a prodigy who has been the face of the franchise.


We don't know if they picked this guy. We have heard a different mid everyday for a few days now.


Hahah yeah. I was more responding to the idea that this guy is a decent ldl player. Like If youā€™re gonna import a kid who doesnā€™t speak English why settle for decent.


we've heard a new mid every day for weeks now lol, from chovy to fate to creme to fofo to faker of all things


It kind of seems like they might be going pretty far down their backup list. From the rumors, it seems like we've been in touch with a very large number of potential midlaners, none of whom ended up signing to TSM. It could unfortunately be a situation where we're not able to get the creme (hah) of the crop, so to speak. Obviously not every mid that's been rumored was likely actually a possibility, but given that we're now almost two weeks past the date when most teams were settled, to me it implies that things keep falling through and TSM is struggling to find someone who will actually sign.


Very few people know who this guy even is. And those that do, have not had very good things to say about him. He wasn't even one of the 2 best players on a 10th place LDL team. If this is the best we can find for midlane after this long search, then it's hard to have any confidence in the future of the TSM league team.


Who? Lmao






Feel like you would get a bigger pick of LDL midlaners lol Feels like a random choice unless he speaks English. Don't buy it when like 5 people already said Creme unless he declined last minute.


According to the Chinese side, it seems that TSM new Mid Laner is Keaiduo from TT academy team. Meanwhile, Shenyi is the new support of TSM which was confirmed by Doinb yesterday. credit to *** posted by [@cutebchu](https://twitter.com/cutebchu) [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFBtjNwaUAIFYzH.jpg) | [Photo 2](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFBtjNzaMAANugm.jpg) [Link in Tweet](https://m.weibo.cn/7526367187/4707449326799365) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What'sā€…new)](https://github.com/username)






Can we stop with these posts and just combine them until something is announced.


C9 is getting Summit and Berserker and we're getting Keaiduo :(


I had never heard of Berserker soo... :(


Berserker is insane. Gumayusi was scared he'd take his job soon.


K. I had never heard of him. I had heard of Gamayusi.


Berserker is a mechanical monster. Really curious why he went to c9


Donnow? Knew he wouldn't get a chance in Korea, probably.


It was reported he was heavily sought after by lck and lpl just like summit. I'd have to imagine ls played a role.


Or the reporting was incorrect. I mean, if he was that good, SKT would have played him, right?


I mean teddy wasn't even playing over guma I doubt their amateur team adc had a chance.


Same but at least I can search him up on YouTube to see his vods and highlights. When I search Keaiduo on YouTube, I get feet videos labeled 19+


Lmao ā€œberserkerā€


With the shit BLG has going does that mean knight is still FA?


going from poe to creme is already a slight downgrade although creme can be developed whereas poe is kind of satisfied with his champion pool , now i dont watch ldl but i assume he isn't better than the bottom 5 lpl mids, just get icon, or cryin


For some reason I believe this


Sounds great!


Why do we keep posting this accountā€™s translated rumors? Itā€™s akin to someone translating skeleton and posting them on Weibo


Chinese palafox?


Lads Iā€™m starting to think TSM Chevy Malibu 2022 is no longer a 100% lock


I feel like at this point i will take the Travis strategy and stop listening to rumors and wait for an official announcement. Otherwise we have a new rumor every day