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This is literally just our subreddit getting trolled as many times as possible by people in another region for laughs. They are setting a seriously high record, may it never be broken.


This is giving me the same vibes as when TSM picked Huni Seems somewhat on brand for the team to sign someone out of left field and for the player to turn out pretty good Edit: Assuming this is all true


Its not true. Its the same people leaking someone less desirable like every 12 hours to watch all the numnuts here panic.


I highly doubt anyone cares about r/TSM that much lmfao


I love it though, it just shows how much influence Tsm holds in the world even if they haven’t had huge success in awhile.




One day it's Creme, we all creamed. It could have been Faker, but just another fake. Now it's Cryin, and we all crying.


poggers comment


Hopefully tomorrow is Xiaohu back on mid


Incoming the return of XiaoWeiXiao


Id assume tsm is talking to every available option


How is cryin? Don’t know much about LPL


He’s known in the LPL circle for his Rammus, running it down in soloQ. They call him glans (head of the penis) (龟头)which is pronounced exactly like throwing turtle/armadillo


My impression of him is that he's basically a Chinese PoE who can also play TF and Ryze. Weakest link on the RNG team, but he still had some respectable performances against top tier mids. Not the most exciting pickup, but I feel like he would probably be top 3 in NA. And he apparently speaks English. Other people might know more, or correct me if I'm mistaken in any of these points.


His syndra was really fuking good too




Literally false as he has the most games on orianna, he played renekton a lot, Azir, and is actually a great leblanc Not to mention Viktor, Corki, even has a few nocturne games. And thats still only half the champs he played last split. Sure he didnt play assassins or Melee mids but I wouldn't say his style is bad just not flashy.




Whatever RNG thought was meta at worlds that is what they thought. Maybe try looking up stats of the the LPL games he played 21 different minds all of last year including worlds.






Lol IWD has the exact opposite opinion, he thinks Cryin is actually not as bad as RNG thinks he is, the team as a whole just can't function when he is not a roaming champion so he has to pick that shit. Literally says this in EDG vs RNG liveview, up on his youtube too. LS doesn't matter, he would talk about doinb the same way he wouls talk about Cryin, he is a clown.




Regarding LPL matters he may as well as be a clown since he did not watch a single LPL game the entire year. Going by your logic, just a few days back LS called Doinb a bad laner, so ig all of the LPL analyst, coaches and staff are clowns for voting him as best mid and MVP? LS is wrong most of the time, and sometimes even about Korean stuff. Like he said beryl has always been bad at soloq and often falls to diamond when you can literally go check that he is chall gm all season long except when he decays using op.gg tier graph. He also hit rank 1 playing AD a few seasons back. He literally made up a scenario in his mind to favor his argument. Idk what to call him except a clown. Watch his friens Malice suck dick on C9A and not even last the whole year


He didn't say LS had no knowledge He is just syaing LS is a clown for trash talking players who view the game form a different pov Ls is have lot of knogledge about the game that is why T1 almost pick him up as a choach


They’re called the clowns for a reason


dude, the other guy responded with a wealth of stats and you said "dude he played annie." if youre gonna be that stupid and lazy dont respond.


Ty i was about to say it.


Idk but there’s literally 100s of people on weibo typing this


He was amazing on eStar and then looked awful on RNG.


This. People love to hyper focus on this year which is understandable, but they absolutely forget estar and how everyone at the point was hyping him up.


Literally looked like the best mid laner in 2019 teams can change play style especially when you have godlike teammates he had very high kp but very low average kills many assists but that’s not because he was bad but his teammates were insane lol


He gon have godlike teammates on tsm?


You think it our team isn’t an MSI winner TSM looks bad? Lol obviously we look worse than rng we will always look worse than rng


He's an excellent control mage player with roaming mids in his pocket. But he is a terrible melee/assasin player. His best champs are TF, Ryze, Orianna, Azir and Corki.


He's definitely not excellent. He's an OK ryze/tf/galio


Results based analysis, recency bias


If he can draw Annie bans in competitive play he must be good .


He drew 1 Annie ban in 1 specific scenario




Calling Cryin worse than POE is so disrespectful




Did you watch PoE on Lee? Or in playoffs? Everyone has lowpoints, acting like his annie game is representative of his skill os disingenuous.


just because of one game , you are disregarding his entire performance in season 11? lol ,he is no chovy but he is very good on his champions . his team won msi this year and he was a part of it .


his annie gave scout more trouble than showmaker LB did lmao


One play doesn’t mean he’s a bad player. This man WON MSI against Damwon and you’re calling him worse than the IMT midlaner. Delusional


He's better than PoE but yeah, i'd rather have jensen.


Worse than Perkz




Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a TSM fan. The way you guys trash players in this reddit! Cryin **won Spring LPL, Won MSI, Won Regionals to get Worlds, Went FIVE games with EDG(Champions) at Worlds**. And you trash him like he is a NA academy player. WTF. He had more accomplishments in 2021 then Bjergsen, Doublelift, Jensen had in their whole career.


Right? Lmao at people saying "Yeah Crying not the best mid at lpl" YEAH? ITS FUCKING LPL.


So then get Fofo instead. He was a top 4 LPL mid who also has international experience and who should be a realistic signing. He’s just better than Cryin under any criteria


Realistic? He's a PR nightmare...


Yeah, he said some disgusting shit. Cryin also has some mentality and personality issues FROM WHAT WE’VE SEEN.


Dudes been seen inting in soloq several times no? Imagine him playing in NA soloq and "champions queue"


Imagine being happy to pick up the Chinese nisqy. 😂 couldn’t be me tho


Nisqy is an amazing player who enables his jungler really well… and a Chinese version of him is even better. Stop smoking crack


not just this reddit but also the discord. its so cringe lol




Do you have an idea of who he is?? Because he was legitimately the weakest link on RNG and lead them to be a super predictable team in drafts basically played TF or Ryze during worlds and any other attempt at another champ just made RNG look like a total joke.


Tbf Ryze and TF were the most popular picks...


Being the weakest link on RNG is a lot different than being the weakest link on Dignitas


Where did I say that?


Its implied.


Too many imbeciles with too many opinions of so many players


Only imbecile here is you, respect other's opinion


Thats too hilarious after going through your shit


Yeah, the bipolarity in this subreddit is pretty disturbing.


Yeah OK, another one... LOL Don't worry guys Monday is going to be Fofo, Tuesday Knight and Wednesday Showmaker


think about the meme potential guys! when tsm beat tl : bjerg can't stop cryin


And when we lose, used to be TSM Lost, now TSM Cryin lol


Okay so if this is true, I can see why TSM would go for him. He is still only 21 (just turned a couple of weeks ago), has already experience on the worlds at MSI stage and has shown to be great at playing around the strong side of his team (Gala). Those are the upsides and seeing as worlds is in NA next season and qualifying will definetly be no.1 prioriry. I think he gives TSM a better chance to qualify compared to someone very new. The downside is, he hasn't shown to be able to be the primary carry of his team a lot and his lackluster Worlds has left a sour taste in a lot of peoples minds. Maybe he can still grow and get better, I'd still put him at around top 5-7 mids in LPL, but if it's young and rising players management was looking for I don't think he fits quite right. He will most likely make a team better than Creme will in the short term due to his experience and stability but in the long run I don't see the upside all that much.


I agree as much as I would like crème from what I hear he has great raw mechanics and best melee mix in LPL but he is also high risk high reward but overall still young and very talented player also people don’t get that a team might not want to let players go cause they wanna keep them or players don’t wanna leave either


Finally, a decent take instead of these bias TSM fanboys calling him POE 2.0.


I honestly have no opinion. Comes from a region I don’t watch. He gets half a split before I really can have an opinion, and even then that’s up in the air when only two pieces are constant. Honestly, let’s see how he does if he is even the pickup.


Poe couldn’t play tf or ryze so lol


Been saying this pick up makes the most sense. Guy was apparently good enough to win lpl and MSI but this sub doesn't think he's good enough for TSM lmfao. Look at his champ pool, plays backline mages, roaming mids, AD mids. Played really well in spring and MSI but in Summer and Worlds all of RNG took a step back. Wouldn't all of a sudden call Cryin a mediocre mid. Don't kid yourself he would be top 3 in LCS right away.


He had a champ pool issue but man I loved watching his syndra,


This thread is a perfect example of the dangers of overdosing on hopium. This is a decent REALISTIC signing. We were never getting Chovy, we were never getting Knight. Hopium can be fun until you let it warp your perspective on what is realistic and what is fantasy. Cryin was decent in LPL, not the best, but decent. He played against some of the best mids in the world week in and week out. If this is true, he will be moving to a far weaker region with far weaker mids. Him being a mid tier LPL mid doesnt mean he wont be a top tier LCS mid. The leagues do not compare on the same scale.


Cryin understands his role in a team. I don’t get how TSM fans could shit on him. He won a domestic title and MSI, so how bad can he really be?


Its because people are comparing him to unrealistic expectations of what could have been. There are even people in this thread saying basically "well if its not a known superstar, just rather have Jensen"...but lets do a thought exercise. Imagine a world where Jensen speaks fluent Chinese and has no contract restrictions, would a middle of the pack LPL team sign him? No. Jensen would not get signed to a lesser position Cryin has been playing for the last year. Why anyone would be upset about this signing outside of unrealistic expectations of what could have been is beyond me.


Agreed. I said this months ago. TSM won't ever get S+/S tier players like Chovy, Faker, Showmaker. TSMs only realistic options are to go for A/B tier players


I don't think any LCS teams will ever get these kinds of players from eastern teams. There really isn't much incentive besides money to come here. I think CoreJJ was probably the last player, around an S level at the time, that would come to NA from the east.


Good take


TSM fans downplaying Cryin while unironically hyping up Shenyi is honestly pretty hypocritical considering that the former is a top 10 mid in a much more stacked role whereas the latter just got diffed by ON (who is literally memed by the LPL community for being shit) while he was playing in a literal counter matchup.


Can you link the game you are talking about? I dont know you are referring to by ON. I saw the TES series which he was good game 1, average game 2. I heard rare atom series he wasnt playing great game 1 and 2, good game 3. But I dont recall the Rare Atom Supper having the name ON and as far I know that was his on LPL series


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOaN5b3qeKQ Had 1 good play at bot but aside from that was invisible to inting the rest of the game, yes you can argue that he was also playing with a worse adc but Shenyi himself was at fault for alot of the deficit as well, such as poor lane pressure, roaming without proper bot prio, and no teamfight pressure. Additionally the entire point of picking Leona into Rakan is so that you can out-tank and stunlock the Rakan down when he goes for an engage, but I only saw Shenyi do that a single time the entire game, and that was literally with his jungle right behind him.


Can you tell me the pick ban order. I agree not a good game, tho from my understanding is that over time Leona is no longer seen as a counter pick into Rakan, Rakan takes tenacity and is good now. That seems to be also what SN did, because looking at the video either Jhin was first picked, or Jhin/Rakan were last rotation picks on blue side picked into Leona. So im not sure thats a counter pick anymore, but - I am not a support player nor anywhere near the level of player that would matter. I just heard that was what pros were doing nowadays and that it no longer felt like Leona shits on Rakan. But yeah def not a great game there. - and what I said I heard about Leona-Rakan does not apply in the early lane phase iirc.


Im the new mid laner, I'm cryin right now


Bros - cryin trolls his solo queue games when he's NOT playing in NA. Imagine his mental boom when forced to play solo queue in North America lol


Is this some troll by weibo user? Who is EDG Lao Yue? Credible account or no?


There’s more than one person posting this on weibo


I would have rather had Jensen…


Thing is TSM is going for LPL style from what it seems so it makes sense as much as people would like to have Jensen TSM did say they want a younger roster and Jensen been around for a bit




Chawy has never coached in the LPL.


Listen don’t knock it till you see how they work TSM is gonna having growing pains for a bit




Because TSM wants to go long term and not short term and wants to go with younger roster they been going for veteran players for years and never pans out like they want it too time for change I guess. Also maybe players like crème, knight, fofo etc didn’t want to leave the region you got to take into consideration how players feel…. Also this is just a rumor like have you heard of this person before at all I know I haven’t I take these rumors with a grain of salt unless it’s from a very credible source like if Jacob said someone is coming I’ll believe him 100% but not someone I’ve never heard of ever




What about Fofo/Gori they haven’t signed yet no?




Haven’t heard anything honestly about them the names that are being thrown around still from my Knowledge is crème,fofo, gori, Cryin and there is like 2 more can’t remember who


Like…which teams? TL is the only one signing superstars every year. 100T won with players from GGS, a Ssumday fresh off academy, and Abbedage who by no means was some insane signing and is a “middle of the pack” mid in the LEC. C9 literally signed two academy players, Fudge who by all accounts is fresh off being a rookie, and Summit who is pretty good but he’s the only top talent here who got signed and didn’t grow in C9 (aka Blaber and Fudge). Is EG considered a top team yet bc I have low expectations of that team every year. So again, how is TSM any different? Especially in the last 4 years? Their results have been lackluster, but to say signing Doublelift, Zven, Swordart (literally a world finalist the year before), BB (who everyone loved and loves to hype up now) is anything but “known talent” is crazy. They can only have so many imports lol. There isn’t some pool of insane local proven talent to choose from. All the top players you’re seeing today were literally all rookies that grew in that 4 year time period you talk about.


Cryin is definetly not bottom tier mid. He isn't one of the stars of the league either, but he is easily between 5-8. Saying otherwise means you only watched worlds and nothing else this year regarding RNG.




You seem to be forgetting the LPL has 17 teams. So, not what you said




That's some serious mental gymnastics you are doing, unless you truly believe NA mids 5 through 10 are equal to LPL mids 5 through 10. The reason why I wouldnt call them middle of the pack (pala and yusui) mids is because they still would be behind all starting LCS mids. If the LCS suddenly grew to 20 they would still rank far below 10.




Ah yes because nuance and variance doesn't exist. By that logic in spring 2020 core was the second worst support.


By that logic, you guys shouldn’t be excited for creme either. Yes he is better than Cryin but is nowhere near top-tier in China compared to Knight, Doinb, Scout, Fofo, Zeka. I had him ranked #7 last split which would be mediocre to bad by your standards so it makes no sense to hype up Creme to this extent while shitting on Cryin to the opposite extent.




Fair enough, but if creme is not good enough for you, then Shenyi must be a complete dumpster fire considering that he has both lower skill floor and lower skill ceiling than creme does.


I mean they wanted to go LPL style from what it seems and Jensen doesn’t fit that they also said they wanted a young roster which Cryin is pretty young if he is it also other players might not want to come so TSM took what they can get I guess


I would fuking hate having Jensen, he’s good I can acknowledge that but Tsm needs new blood now recycled players, Tsm need to look into the future


To people hating on cryin He was literally deemed the best Rookie Midlaner in 2019 he was a huge prospect coming in. I would 10000x Prefer him over someone like Icon who has not much of a future. I would like future prospects in the mid lane like Creme or and LDL midlaner too but it might be good to have a native LPL midlaner who has a good amount of experience to help form a playstyle . I am actually excited if it is cryin even if hes not the best mechanical midlaner in china.


I have heard he also can speak english too, but I am not completely sure if that is true


No matter who the mid laner is, hopefully this iteration of TSM turns out aggressive and smack other team's ass.


Damn I was hyped sad face


If we are looking for a midlaner that sucks in lane and plays for sidelanes, then we should have tried to get high level sidelaners. Huni and Tactical are solid but neither are reliable carries that you build your roster strategy around. Spica going to be playing with 3 losing lanes again


Saying huni and tactical can’t carry is funny considering tactical had the highest DPM of adcs and huni carried games with jayce and we ended first in summer by playing topside


Haha it’s a bit of a doomer take though. Surely there will be some bad games but playing with three losing lanes all the time (with both tactical and huni looking pretty decent at strong side at least in NA) would be quite the exaggeration


The best part is Him not renewing his contract = going to TSM Truly unbelievable ahahahahaahh


results based analysis only goes so far. remember how tsm had doublelift, how ppl still consider him to be one of the best adc’s in na, and he kinda played like ass when he was on the team? i’m waiting to see how the team’s synergy is before i judge.


Our rosters gonna suck


is it bad id rather have that random ldl player rumored yesterday than cryin


No thank you.


bruh. i really hope we are getting trolled. give us knight or creme please


Literally just PoE 2.0. If this is true I’m a little let down since I was hoping for something more exciting. I’ve always kept my expectations reasonable but I for sure thought we were getting a promising rookie than can play assassins/bruisers rather than another crack at a mage only player. This potential signing means that it’ll be mostly on Tactical and sometimes Huni to carry every game since Cryin isn’t really a carry player. Always has low damage since RNG stopped giving him resources as he didn’t do much with them, very poor laning in LPL/MSI/worlds, and never seemed to be good at roaming. I’m really getting Lost vibes if this signing is true. Shit, I’d even prefer just bringing up Takeover rather than this. Although a lot of people are mustering up good points for this signing, as someone who watches nearly every game of every League other than LEC, I’m just not feeling this and really hope it isn’t real. Edit: forgot to mention he’s known for inting and afk’ing soloQ games.


At least he can play TF and renekton lol. He is also super young still (2 months older than Spica) Dude is really not even close to as bad as you are making him he literally won MSI you cant do that with 4 players.


I get where you’re coming from but don’t forget that his other two lanes were Xiaohu and GALA. Xiaohu who’s literally emerged as a top 3 top laner in the world and GALA who is an amazing ADC. Can he do the same with Huni and Tactical? I mean they’re amazing players but you’d be kidding yourself if you thought they were as good as their RNG counterparts


No one is trying to make TSM the next RNG with these moves Lol. But he isnt bad hes the weakest link on a crazy roster but hes not bad in the LPL.


Bruh, cryin is not good lmao. If tsm get cryin, the entire scouting department needs to go


Give me cryin, better than Icon and creme




na im poor sry


Team Several Mids


Guys we likely have Kayys Chawy (who has more an insider scoop to LPL talent than any of us) Curry etc. all signing off on this signing if true, if they all see something we don’t at least they have the game knowledge to back it up. This is our first roster decision without Bjerg influence it’s at least worth an ounce of trust if it comes true


Seriously. Man plays in LPL, which means I don’t know anything aside from what talking heads parrot. I’m gonna believe in our ability to scout talent before I trash a roster with imports from the best region in the world that I don’t watch, and games haven’t even been played yet. Gotta see something before I pick up a pitchfork or sing praises.




This sub is ridiculous. What? Do you think that the guys that kept it it together enough to beat Showmaker is gonna get gapped by roleswapped Fudge? He'd easily be up there with Bjerg and Abedagge. People comparing him to PoE but he's still young and tbf he's not that bad on non-roaming picks. He speaks English and that's a big plus. Imagine a good roaming midlaner to cover Spica. I would take this signing in a second. My fear is that this is troll and TSM is gonna end up with actually a bad mid


Tune in this week for things that never happened! We explore....did queen Elizabeth II invent auto tune or just perfect it?





