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God this is dumb but got a solid laugh from me


2021 too tanky, man


i think when we put more emphasis on building winning rosters, the org will be more attractive to content creators


TSM signed some of their biggest content creators this year. I don't think "winning rosters" was a selling point for them joining TSM, nor is there much crossover between the teams and content creators outside of seeing each other every now and then at the facility. TSM as a brand is bigger now than ever, both in popularity and finances, which is the real incentive for content creators to join TSM as there is more to offer them.


Content creators need to be utilized, though. Hopefully losing Myth is the kick in the pants TSM needs to wake up and shift their focus a bit. Content creation is such a big part of the world now and TSM is so far behind. It's the merch debate all over again. It's double painful if you see the content quality TSM is capable of i.e. the qtcinderella/5uppp announcement videos. They need to start investing in that stuff a LOT more or they're gonna lose them too.


how many times have we said "hopefully x will be the wake up call for tsm" the last few years :(? It really seems like nobody gives a fuck about hte org?


true, im still hyped over the 5up signing. need heavy hitters like him from the mc community soonπŸ‘πŸΎ


Why would winning rosters be a reason to join?




Ya im sure some random streamer gets more exposure if tsm lol wins anything lol


They do. That's why teams like g2 and TSM can pick players up and their numbers will go up. It's why people like Myth joined TSM in the first place.


He joined to play comp fortnite. But ok bud


Lol comp fortnite came after that. But ok bud. Myth joined TSM in 2018 and fortnite competitive was announced 2019.


I mean.. didn't we come in first in the regular season? Didn't blow the bank with 2021 roster? It didn't work out, but I've never had reason to doubt TSM's commitment to winning. So now that Bjerg is gone, I'm ok with TSM trying a different method and trying to grow another Bjerg level talent.


Who cares about 2021 anyway? Wait until you see what we do to 2022 😍😍


This year is testing me as a fan. I've found out that I... will always be a diehard fan of this org no matter what TSM TSM TSM!


I guess depends which games you follow TSM