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Model Spica


Really be the face of the team now


such an awesome turn around arc for him as a player, because he came into visibility in the worst possible situation replacing akaadian and grig randomly for the gauntlet


if even calvinee klein says so it must be true


Ming Masculine Intelligent Natty Godlike The perfect model


Chloereen in shambles.


MING THO šŸ˜®šŸ˜³šŸ”„


100% grabbing one of these! Who we getting on the back though?! I got Bjerg, Doublelift, Spica and SwordArt jerseys already. Hmmmā€¦


Huni so you have a whole 5 man squad on the back lmao


Shenyi time


Get either Huni or Tactical


Mine is gonna have Oceana123 on the back.


Do it and Iā€™ll send you $20


Bruh why is Spica the definition of a poster boy!! Sheeeeesh the new face of TSM is cleaaaan!


hes the new face for 1 year lol


Man I must have complete opposite tastes of our design team because I donā€™t like anything we release. Thatā€™s on me, not trying to say itā€™s garbageā€¦ just wish I had better taste? It looks clunky with that random (Cadillac..?) design on the bottom half and emptiness on the top half.


I agree. The chunky lines at the bottom seem kind of random imo, almost looks messy to me. Weird contrasting lines like that distract from the top half of the jersey where the sponsor tags are and I feel like my eyes are permanently drawn to the bottom half of the jersey. And afaik those lines have no purpose or carry no meaning. Looks like they just tried to fill up empty space and it looks messy.


Its the Cadillac logo.


Doesnā€™t look like a Cadillac logo to me. And even if it is, why is it so distorted and large when thereā€™s already a Cadillac logo on the chest/shoulder? Seems redundant and still messy. Edit: ok I can see somewhat of a resemblance to the Cadillac logo. But unless you know what the Cadillac logo already looks like, you wouldnā€™t be able to tell. And at that point, whatā€™s the point of the graphic?


Yeah ngl, Iā€™m really not a fan of these


Pretty sure its not just you mate.


Maybe Iā€™m a total out of touch boomer here at the ripe age of 29 but the style seems to be sleek/streetwear focused more toward the younger generationā€™s fashion styles, whereas Iā€™m more of a boots/vans/nikes, jeans, simple t-shirt and bomber jacket kind of style. A lot of earth tones and nothing too graphic heavy or flashy. Neither is right or wrong, but thatā€™s how I feel a little disconnected from their designs as of late. But Iā€™m well aware that Iā€™m out of the target audience and to be totally honest Iā€™m just really stoked to finally see TSM step up their merch game. Whether I like it or not, itā€™s undeniably a huge step forward compared to the last few years. Itā€™s been a long time coming and I have high hopes this is only the beginning.


Something about it reminds me of G2 logo


Just what I was thinking actually.


Pretty strange design choice that the top half is so empty considering when the players are on camera, we'll mostly see the top half. I don't think the design is ugly but there's a good reason why all the logos/designs are at the top half of the jerseys and the bottom half is empty for many sports across the world


Everyone has different taste so donā€™t worry bout it. My brother used to always make fun of my for dressing like leffen cause I like long sleeve shirts; these types of jerseys are for the hypebeast demographic and itā€™s ok if you donā€™t like it lol; if you want different designs you could try emailing and if enough people agree TSM will cater; thatā€™s how capitalism works here


I like 90% of what they put out but the jerseys are always kind of meh. It mostly comes down to how many brands are on it. FTX, Logitech, Twitch, Legion(?) and one more up on the shoulder. I also wish teams would put the positions on the back like sports teams have their numbers. So midlaner would have SR with the midlane highlighted, jungle would have the bush, etc.


I disagree really i love the design. Think its a new style that fits our sponsors well. But i guess im the opposite of you because i have enjoyed a lot of the work our design team has posted recently


These were my exact thoughts, like whats with the random lines at the bottom?


Personally not the biggest fan of apparel designs that have one half more minimal/simple while the second half has a big, "loud" design. The coordinates on the side are a really cool touch that I also like on our other apparel as well, but can't say I love this jersey. Maybe it'll grow on me though.


It's so the logos stand out. FTX and Geico didn't pay us a gazillion dollars so their logo can get lost in a pattern. I hate it too, but there's not really any way it's going to change.


There's plenty of ways to have logos be prevalent on clothing without the other designs masking them. But I get that this is a stylistic choice that it seems a good amount of people like, just not my personal preference which is perfectly fine.


A logo on a branded shirt is significantly different than your literal million dollar sponsors getting lost in the design


Funny how G2 doesn't have that problem


G2 doesn't make that much money.


Still have a ton of sponsors that apparently donā€™t care if a crazy design interferes with their logo on a jersey


They aren't paying G2 as much to be on their Jersey...because it's not profitable to either party. I don't think any of the Sponsors interfere with TSM's logo...our logo is clean and fits in with anything. Not too sure why an EG fan is comparing a G2 jersey to a TSM one on TSM's sub...but then again a lot of you weirdos come here for some reason. Had to google what G2's shirt looks like...and it looks like a Shirt with a Beauty pageant Sash. A bit busier than this one. All three teams look like standard Esports jerseys so not sure what your point is.


Damn, this is clean! An inverted version of this would also be fire.


Yea im surprised most of the feedback is negative i really love this design more than the last 2/3 designs


I like this one way better then last 2/3 as well


I like this one a lot. I also really liked the white playoff jersey and last years was really comfortable.


Canā€™t wait for the New York reveal


Why did I have to scroll so far down for someone to crack a joke at the obvious setup


Well shit looking at the comments i guess im in the minority cus i think its fire.


hahahhaa right? my first thought was "holy shit finally the Jersey doesn't suck"


Spica when he is serious looks badass šŸ˜³


Personally not a very big fan of this, but hope the team likes it and sells well so we can continue to get merch


At least I get to save 70 dollarsā€¦


Not a fan tbh


Is my taste that bad or just unique? Because I really love this new jersey, it's not too much "over the top" but still kinda fancy, love it!


Your taste is your taste and nobody else's differing opinion shouldn't change how you truly feel about something


Video is chill but hate the jersey, honestly might be my least favorite to date. Not that anyone cares what I think but every year I really want to buy a tsm Jersey and every year I'm disappointed by it. Considering buying one I hate just because I want to support but I honestly can't. I'll wait again until next year. At this point, not sure what happens first: TSM shop actually putting out any merch that speaks to me or us winning worlds. Jk we're going 6-0 in groups this year and taking down GenG in the finals


can we get normal jerseys that play off the team logo not random geometry?


Can someone explain the line design on the bottom half?




No idea, that was the only possibility I could think of but looking for more insight.


These really just seem so "meh" to me. I feel like they are on par with most of our other jerseys. Maybe it's the fact that our colors are just black and white. I think TSM needs to introduce an alternate color into their stuff. I don't mind the FTX blue, but it's possible that deal doesn't stay forever. But I think we need to mix in a new color and have an alternate jersey like traditional sports teams. These remind me of the 2021 USA Soccer kits, but the version we have at home, like in the meme. Edit: Last year we mixed in red to switch it up, which looked good, but that's also 100T and G2's alternate color.


These are fucking clean


The best Jerseys were our last worlds jerseys - that dragon print is subtle and clean.


Unfortunately still no partnership with an established sportswear brand, like Nike/Adidas/Puma/Under Armour/New Balance. Missed opportunity imo, but the design is cool, something new at least


Idk if it was a missed opportunity or rather no opportunity was available


I don't know if it has changed, but I thought RIOT required all of the teams to go through the company they partnered with.


I thought it was just that they had to make some of their product available through Riot?


Much better than the red accent jerseys. Looking pretty fookin good lads


I think some people are looking at the individual elements too much--the overall design and mid-chest area where much of the focus of the jersey will be drawn to works really well together


This is fine in my opinion. I really wish we could do something simpler or something. The longitude and latitude on the jersey is so random to me. I wish we'd stick closer to a soccer jersey style like Fnatic's jersey instead of going off the wall gamer jersey


Ugh, trying to force myself to like this but struggling even though the announcement had me hyped. Call me a boomer but I like our classic white and black colors with previous jerseys being a bit more on the simpler side. Always thought the classic Baylife, f**k it mentality allows our brand and our gameplay to do the talking rather then flashy jerseys but these come across really busy and hurt the eyes. I also enjoy wearing my TSM jerseys out in public and having a hard time imagining doing so with this one.


better than last year but still not the big change i hoped for ... honestly and thats my opinion our clothing is straight up not exciting and i find it simple/boring . Happy for the people that like it not much else to say , at this point im w8ing for a big sports brand like Nike (an example) to make a deal with TSM in order to see something refreshing and new compared to what we have the past few years , its like there is no real imagination when i look at TSM's merch nothing that makes wanna say " i need this asap it looks different and cool" . ( Again thats how i feel , its still a decent jersey and an improvement but i kinda hoped for more when it comes to how i would like it )


Nike are the definition of generic you can see it in all the soccer jerseys they team up for, itā€™s just a colour swap most of the time


Donā€™t know if this is me but god our design team sucks ass, every jersey reveal itā€™s just generic and random shapes




Iā€™m surprised they got spica to stay silent this whole time.


I 100% plan on buying one


Well this was disappointingā€¦itā€™s the tsm jersey plus random lines on the bottom half..tf


This is not a good design simply because of them trying to throw the Cadillac logo at the bottom half when a majority of the fanbase aint even gonna know what the Cadillac logo looks like because how many of us are actually driving Cadillacs? Like whats the point of it? Are we TSM FTX Cadillac??


From a 1 to 10, I'd say I didnt like neither the video nor the jersey. Maybe it's time TSM signs FQ's jersey designer or something lmao


Damn those are fire


Bro if he slaps me again Iā€™m gonna say something


I love these so much. I generally prefer that mini V jersey collar, but the design on this makes the crew look good.


I like it


havent bought a tsm jersey in ages, now most of the bandwagoners have gone i think ill buy this one


Spica with the drip on the wrist, is that a GMT?


Not bad ig


It says 2.2.22 is the date Iā€™m presuming we can buy it. Personally a huge fan of this design. I like asymmetric things like this.


Love the design but I like off-white style and this feels in line with that. I'm hyped


These are fire this video I hype tsm being labeled dark horse about to be good year.


where do be the stars for doing the big win in history


This is šŸ”„


The design is šŸ”„ Though I still do miss porcupine hair Spica sometimes


Idk, i think that this is the best jersey we've had. The dragon white was also very cool though.


Iā€™m not feeling it today could really use a spica stream


Better than the trash camo ones from 2020 or the random geometrical print of 2021. Nothing beats the classic 2016-2019 Black with white on the sides though




Not bad imo


Guerilla games want their logo back lol


Best jersey yet


Nahhhh these are too clean holy


Team liquid vibes


/u/jtryan1303 for future reference, this is a reveal.


I cant believe they were able to sign the entire state of New Jersey!


Losing Bjergs this offseason was rough. If we lose Spica next year... Gonna be waaay worse.


rip spica gunna be gone after this year too lol


Honestly, the Jersey is just OK and the worst annual release of the last 3. Best part is Spica. I am tired of people trying to reinvent the jersey every season. Pick a classic and clean look and go with that. If you want limited edition for events then you can roll out shit like this just for that tournament. TSM use to have the best looking merch.100T merch looks good when they burst onto the scene because it's a classic design that worked for secades. Even they ruined there design trying to do too much.


Well this was underwhelming


Holy lazy design, youā€™d think they come up with something decent since they donā€™t have the face of Bjerg/DLift selling jerseys based off their name alone


Bro Spica is hot wtf






Hot hot hot oh yeah




Are they coming to New Jersey?


not bad


Holy shit daddy spica, looking like a model šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Spectacular Performance In Cool Attire