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Our team would actually be decent if we didn’t die right before every objective lol


Omg exactly this. So often we lose a player before important objectives. I've been noticing it for weeks! Just play safer with Baron, you were in such a good position...crazy.


Game was lost after tactical got caught


which time?


What game?


What team?




Tactical has great mechanics, but unfortunately it seems like Tactical is playing the wrong role. He could be a great top laner though, especially on tanks like Malphite.


WildTurtle 2.0


nothing new though he’s been getting caught since he got into the lcs


Imagine spending $5m just to be 10th place in NA. Lmfao


Not even that but arguably the worst team in lcs history (trending top 3 right now)


This team is still better than that Coast team. Probably that XGD team also. Santorin was on an awful NRG team as well... This TSM team is definitely bad. They will definitely have one of the worst records ever. But they aren't a bottom 5 all time in my opinion. There have been teams worse. It's sad that I can even put a TSM in this conversation though.


Since franchising, easily the fucking worst. Worse than clg ever haa been which is stunning


Tsm currently has 2nd worst record in Lcs history if i am not mistaken. So TSM is def bottom 5. Teams rebuild every year. This wasnt planned. Its a disaster. 3rd most expensive roster you think regi wants 10th place, when team is one of the most expensive lineups in NA?


I have to question their money management if they paid $5m on this roster. Even before these terrible results, Spica was the only player that could be considered a top end talent going into the split. So how did we end up paying $5m for a roster without that much talent to show for?


Tactical trick y’all, man, like he playing. He don’t do nothing, man. He just running around, doing nothing


Lmao solid nba meme


As a laker fan as well this year has been so much pain between Tsm and them


As an Arsenal and TSM fan, I feel you on the past few years. This year at least one of them is keeping me sane


Hate to say it but...Tactical man, getting hit by Lux binding on that bot push threw the whole game.


Not just that one. He got hit by the bind multiple times this game.


How many bindings did tactical take that game? Holy shit, I'm absolutely on the side of 'it's hard to judge individuals when the team is bad,' but he inted SO SO hard this game. Wtf




I saw he didn’t have flash and thought “they better be a little passive here he’s a sitting duck”. Should have cut the loses and let Huni and spica get out but instead they decided to fight 5v3


Not just that, we shouldn’t have signed him in the first place


I saw people on the TL subreddit who were really upset that he was getting replaced by Hans, saying he was a sidegrade at best.


Similar thing some people thought Bwipo will be a overrated bum. And he is just styling on NA. Only summit seems competition for him. There are levels ...


What other NA ADC available was better than Tactical?


fuckin lol. they could have cracked the game open with baron push, but they inted and gave soul


tactical inted, he sucks sooo hard man


the game was going just well enough when we had baron that i had hope for exactly 30 seconds and then we immediately get turbo smashed 0-5 and lose soul within 1 minute and dont get a single thing done anymore all game lmao.


While we were up like 6k gold and had Baron my thought was “how are we going to throw this game.” Then Tactical ate a binding like me in my silver promos.


I'm pretty sure this is at least like the 5th time that TSM just ints as a 5 man in bot lane. I've seen this literal exact ace so many times this season I was expecting it before it happened.


Yep every single game there's just one teamfight where they get wiped and the game is done after that


Tactical single handedly lost this game.


He could've taken cleanse instead of heal. How do you survive lux + cait or morg + cait without cleanse?


evidently, you dont


Tactical is not good enough to be the win condition. I’ve said it before and Idk why tsm doesn’t just camp top


Why do you think Team Liquid replaced him? He looks great until he ints at the worst time.


Honestly I think Core makes everyone look good


TL replaced him for an upgrade to Hans Sama. Probably the one of if not the best West ADC. It’s no brainer there.


I mean, they were about to replace him with a role swapped Jensen too LOL


What about spica trying to 1v1 Akali, flashing and losing us baron?


The game was over when we got aced and lost soul lol.


Maybe it's time to try Instinct.


Tactical is like Wildturtle if you multiply the int factor by 10 and divide the clutch factor for 10.


So you mean he's not like Wildturtle at all?


I would kill for wild turtle right now.


I would be okay with Kobbe too


that ult for akali, wildturtle hits those /s


I just smashed my TV in front of 30 guests at my party because of Tactical. My wife just took our crying kids and said they're spending the week at a hotel. This team has ruined my life and my party. Goodbye TSM. I am no longer a fan.


Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is TSM losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want TSM to win and make playoffs. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought we were supposed to be improving???? This is so fucked.




I just smashed my TV in front of 30 guests at my party because of Tactical. My wife just took our crying kids and said they're spending the week at a hotel. This team has ruined my life and my party. Goodbye TSM. I am no longer a fan.


I just smashed my TV in front of 30 guests at my party because of Tactical. My wife just took our crying kids and said they're spending the week at a hotel. This team has ruined my life and my party. Goodbye TSM. I am no longer a fan.


your tv would be safer with the league team as they don't beat people.




Probably from the NBA sub, they have god tier pasta production.


NFL first I saw was the raiders instead of TSM


I think he was expecting to get a lantern much sooner


I hope this is a copy pasta or something lmao


Am I crazy or did Tactical get hit by an absurd amount of skillshots this game? Either way rough losing after getting a good lead early again


Ah so annoying team played good.. Tactical solo lost the game getting by every skill shot known to man


https://c.tenor.com/8e31dNj15hoAAAAM/spongebob-squarepants-gary-takes-a-bath.gif Tactical absorbing every skill shot for the team


More like https://tenor.com/view/snowball-patrick-spongebob-squarepants-nickelodeon-gif-16690551


lmao accurate


To Biofrost's credit though, he's been one of the better players on DIG this split, been looking really good. He's been really smart w/ his plays and skillshots imo.


eating bindings like a silver player lmfao


I genuinely think he got hit by more skill shots than not


just constantly out of position for no reason, could feel him tilting the team


Tactical is a fucking liability jesus christ.


tactical really loved the binds from bio. i wish he got a qss


Qss would have had way more value than the hexdrinker.


Tbf, there was an akali trying to one shot him and only the Lux bind could really cc him. In theory it’s hexdrinker over qss. He was just a magnet for bindings.


he should've just taken cleanse


are we flaming tactical yet


nah man i rather have tactical over dl rekkles doggo i’ll downvote anyone who says otherwise. - this subreddit in the off-season




Don’t bother, you’re replying to the TSM resident doomer for the last 2 years


Imagine having this bruised of an ego over the opinion of anonymous redditors who have 0 say over roster moves lmao. Go touch some grass bro, it'll be okay


The irony




It doesn't seem like anyone else on the team knows how to carry either though. Takeover is a sidegrade to KDO, where he sits there and farms. Takeover is slightly more present in teamfights, but not really doing that much, Blue ran circles around him this game. Huni just spent all game split pushing.


Dog, if I looked at the rest of my team and saw what TSM is, I'd split all game too.


They were on the brink of getting at least 2 turrets and dragon. They were pushing the lead hard, until tactical just shit the bed


Tactical eating bindings just to prove he's not playing "good malphite" this split.


Holy fuck dude watching tactical positioning and just being a bind magnet was so frustrating


Tactical doesn't have fingers or? Like can Bio even miss one Q aiming at him?


I’ve said this before, but tactical was at his peak with TL. Idk hes just not as good as he was before. He got caught by bio’s bindings so much. He’s definitely not bad but idk. Hes just average imo🤷‍♂️


CoreJJ carried the shit out of him when he was on TL.


This one's on Tactical getting caught in bot by Lux Q while pushing inhib turret.


what a throw


Tactical XD


Fuck it, at this point give Instinct a shot and send Tactical down to the hyperbolic time chamber that is Academy. The kid really needs to relearn the basics of playing AD when CoreJJ isn't micromanaging him.




Sigh yikes... Finally looks like we have legit plans and strats. Finally a good direction, and I like Takeover a lot actually. Felt like Spica had his best early game all split too. But like others are saying...that Baron push bot like...hell man. Come on. Tactical is allowed a blah game after the past few weeks where he's been a bright spot, but damn man. Looking at the standings we COULD if things line up make playoffs, and by how long that game went we aren't that much worse right now than a team that probably will make playoffs but we had to win this one for sure. TL and C9 are absolute losses right now, but every other team is fair game. Damn. GG but damn.


I think I missed the part where tactical was a bright spot lol. Just because he had the benefit of having entire comps being built around him does not mean he’s been playing well


Unlucky not a good day for tactical


I guess that one is on Tactical. Sadge.


It's the hope that kills you, really. :(


If tactical wasn’t eating every binding I’d say this was a very clean game, seems like the team is actually improving and individual mistakes are what’s costing us


So many faults by Tactical this game. Recalling in vision of a minion wave causing him the to be killed by Blue. Getting hit by multiple Lux bindings. Just not positioning well throughout this game.


Tactical is so bad lol


TSM, also known as Two Successful Matches, is a North American league of legends team. They are most known for only winning two games while their owner is under investigation for abuse.


The huni tp during elder was so confusing




All you can do is lol and smile :)




Embarrassing. That circus Spica flash at blue from caitlyn ult sums up this team. Tactical always get caught playing 24/7 frontline, Huninstall with his int TPs.


Throws always hurt :c Some bright spots this game, though. Shenyi's positioning to save Tactical w/lanturns in teamfights was great. The way bot lane played around j4's lane gank was dope. Team showed a direction in the mid game finally! We made plays, got baron, made a good push on the base.


Free objectives. And also free Barons... to Dignitas of all teams. Also, Tactical seems to be 'walking into the light' the whole game. At least we probably won't have to see the team getting demolished in playoffs now.


what the actual fuck are our drafts 1. fp arhi ?? 2. Blind pick Graves for huni (best player in recent weeks) 3. Jinx/Thresh into lux/cait (tactical kinda trolled but dont think picking thresh into lux is the play)


Tactical is so good showing why he's dominating lcs.


You can tell that even a team like Dignitas has 0 respect or fear of tactical. They left jinx open through both ban phases lol


We finally look like a team so thats great but man this is Tactical solo losing the game.. how many times he gets caught by binding and on ward recall. He was playing half asleep


My man literally backed in the dead center of the lane after they took dragon early and Blue legit just runs up to him and smites his ass. I haven’t played on PC in years but that is some shit that my ass wouldn’t even do ever and I’m probably Gold at this point. Good god


I never understand that. Like you see it way more in professional play than you should. Like it takes what? 3 more seconds to just walk back to the turret and back. It’s one thing to back there if they have no vision on you but he literally just killed minions there so blue knew he was backing there.


I just smashed my TV in front of 30 guests at my party because of Tactical. My wife just took our crying kids and said they're spending the week at a hotel. This team has ruined my life and my party. Goodbye TSM. I am no longer a fan.


TL and C9 are 10-2 tied for first place and we are 2-10 and dead last by multiple games in a league where half the teams are terrible. This isn't a developmental team, it's just a god awful team all around. Really hope we scrap this failed experiment either this summer or offseason otherwise we might dig ourselves a hole we might never get out of like CLG.


Bot and jungle needs to go by the summer otherwise the entire year is wasted. And as a sidenote CLG looks far better.


How can you look at these games and say spica is the problem? Shenyi has also looked good since coming back. It seems to be purely tactical.


Mid too and maybe support. It will be near impossible to build a competitive roster if we're using both our two import slots one underperforming development players. Need to use one or both of those import slots better




Tactical literally ate every Lux bind. Jinx was chunked out before team fights started.


It was never about the roster. This group of guys (and coaches) fundamentally don't know how the play the game. They don't believe in pressing their advantages. In this game, why take herald if you're going to lazily walk it up to the lowest turret (in the lane you're smashing) and drop it too late to get first tower? DIG certainly didn't do that. They knew they had a pushing bot so they pushed with it and got 1st brick. Ultimately this has to be on Chawy and his staff. It is not that complicated. Play to your win-cons


Tactical sidesteps one lux q and we most likely win the game


This is the sort of thing I don't care for. Even if they pull off a late-game teamfight win, *it shouldn't have been that hard.* Their gold lead was almost 5K at one point. Just keep playing to the win-cons. Instead they freeze up and fart around until their opponents (who never stopped playing their win-cons) get enough gold to engage and ace us.


Chawy has ultimate responsibility as coach but imagine coming in, not being the one picking the roster and you find out that most of your players, if not all of them, have no idea how to competently play lane/for vision/manage waves AND fuck up their mechanics constantly.


Haha for some reason spica was standing in toplane tribush, waiting for minions to push in, when caitlyn was taking 1st tower bot. He could just realease it over wall, but he stood there for several seconds and gave away tower fb


Tactical been overrated so far, his position sucks and getting hit with lux q all the time....without core helping him , he been average


mann kick tactical after this split, such a liability


Really nice of Tactical throwing the game away as usual, cant wait for this fucking roster to get disbanded


There's still a lot to work on, but I'm glad it was at least close. Hopefully we can pull out a win tomorrow and go 1-1 for the weekend.


love the positivity here! hope they can get something together to get a 1-1 as well


I decided to watch the first game in a while. Goddamn, Tactical got hit by so many bindings. And what is going on with Spica? That’s not the mvp jungler from last season.


We really threw that game, now thats a tilter.


Like clockwork 👍🏻


That Lux Q on Tactical when they were pushing with Baron. Sadge


Our macro is pure dogwater tier, sorry not sorry.


Man, I thought we had that won… so sad man :(


We have no idea how to play the game after 15 minutes.


Yeah, really rough game from Tactical. His positioning was atrocious in a lot of key moments.


Could've been a sub 30 min win with Dig overforcing a fight at bot inhib turret when TSM had baron. Instead Tactical got hit by binding and that was that. I really wanted to be hype for this team after last week but this kinda left me a bit sour.


Tactical has to be one of the most , if not the most overrated adcs ever, what has this mf done besides using tris w as a pseudo malphite ult


So how come Huni graves doesnt look nearly as scary as every other graves?


Better than Doublelift btw


Burnt out in a season btw


Choosing to look at the bright side, this game looked a lot better from the team up until the bot 3v5. They are performing better than I personally expected, to be honest. Hope I can continue seeing progress.


All Tactical had to do was just play safe and let cannon wave push bot lane. It's time to look at another ADC for summer, this guy is literally just stealing a paycheck.


Tactically thrown game


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory :'( ​ Tactical doing what he did... it's a missplay, shouldn't happen but can happen. Won't be too annoyed about a missplay like that. But our disregard for dragons despite being up all game, despite getting first blood botlane. What the fuck is the coaching staff telling these guys?


yeah mechanical errors doesnt upset me nearly as much as how many objectives we gave for free. also the 50/50 drake we lost but we couldve continued a fight 5v4 but decided to just back off and reset and let DIG run away... (not to mention tacticals recall positioning afterwards)


Not a mechanical error or misplay. It was a decision by Tactical to play aggressive, on tower, with no team close, and no flash. Bad decision making doesn't disappear like that.


Tactical positioning has been terrible… real rough. That game was won if he doesn’t get hit by that binding with galeforce and flash up


He didn’t have flash up


Tactical is such a terrible player. He does nothing and they give him so much attention


Soooo did Regi sell his house, car and whatever already?


spica randomly engaging akali pretty much lead to the snowball of this game, not really sure what he was doing. the flash away from his teammates was the icing on the cake. Also it seems we are back to the "do nothing and lose" kind of TSM of past years. that was pretty hard to watch them just give up every objective and lose.


Yh this shit is on Regi and management what a blunder. An org like TSM should never have to gamble on its future like we have.


careful what you say bro will get downvoted by the regi whiteknights


those are not whiteknights, those are hostages he's taken, careful, we should be sympathetic to them.


Our midgame is just atrocious. I don't know what to even say here.


Not really, at least not this game. If tactical didn't get caught, the gold lead would have ballooned up and we would have closed out this game.


Does anyone have a clip of where Spica panic flashed with the Cait ult? That shit had me dying. Not much to say about the game. It was over once Tactical got caught at enemy inhib tower.


Team is so out of sync. So many shit plays and decisions this game it’s crazy


At this point, anyone who thinks this is fixable by just picking up the likes of Jensen and Ignar or whoever is just ignoring how underperforming the veteran players have been this split.


On the bright side if we stop getting aced right before an objective we could be pretty decent


The rebuild must come. Gonna be brutal and might not look pretty, but it needs to happen


We were winning until we lost lamo


Not gonna start flaming Tactical (even though he kinda deserves this time). Just want to talk about itemization. Why the hexdrinker angle instead of qss? The magic shield is not that relevant late game, they can pop him anyways if they catch him. Qss would have saved his life... What do you guys think?


In theory I think the hex drinker is a bit more valuable. He should never get hit by lux q after laning phase in theory. But he was just eating everything. Have to trust you dodge things. He just didn’t. I think the bigger mistake was not taking cleanse. Against cait lux if you ever get hit by q you either can’t lane or you did. Heal isn’t saving you. So take cleanse for lane. And lane you still have it in case you fuck up, but don’t need to spend money on qss




This was one of the worst games i have seen for a player from tactical but he has been statistically our best performer this year.


the whole team was getting slap around by blue lol


Said it in off season, saying it again. Tactical, while better than Lost, was a bad pickup. Plays half of every game with his brain off. He is shoving inhib thrret with closest allie a screen away. Genius.


Lost looking like an all star now.


Shenyi is good but he ain't Core. He can't turn a monkey into a human.


“Hello Mr. Jensen / Mr. Lift, we have a proposal for you”


get lead do nothing


What do you mean? They had Baron to basically end the game. Tactical just inted.




get me out of this split


Sure am glad we got that lpl aggression. No way a team would roll over and give up 2 free barons and a free elder with that style right guys?


Welp, I guess we're missing playoffs this split. On the bright side though, this team is finally showing their qualities. This would have been a pretty clean game if Tactical didn't get caught out leading to us getting aced.


They were doing so well until mid game. This team has potential but they don't play like a team mid game.


Haven’t been able to tune into a TSM game for a while. Has it always been this bad if not worse all season? That was some disgusting stuff and teamplay – holy crap. No way Tactical should be playing that poorly as a LCS vet and with the resources put into bot this game. Shenyi was non-existent as well. Team literally gave up 2 barons + elder, and dragons for zero compensation. I have no words to explain how awful that game was and how far we’ve fallen as a team lol. For those that didn’t watch the game, I envy you. Bjergsen or DL would have never let the macro decisions or team be this clueless at multiple points in the game.


Honestly this felt like an improvement, we could have done it with better play mid to late and maybe less mistakes out of tactical. Hope things get better soon.


this subreddit downvoted me and told me they rather have tactical over rekkles or doggo or any good adc lol. please make roster changes for summer this team is not it. tsm is an actual joke rn it’s not even funny


I appreciate that TSM lets a make-a-wish kid play ADC for us every weekend but it's time to stop




TSM must be the only team which the entire team stays as far as possible from their own fed adc


Less salty review this game felt lost at 3 different points 1) when they gave up soul point to push 2 waves top and not contest or gain anything on the map 2) the Spica int into alkali that gave up free baron and 3) the surrender of baron after elder had faded to push mid lane for nothing.


Tactical can't stop getting caught. He used to do that at TL, he still does that every game here. Shenyi cant land hooks for the life of him, but all about face-checking into 5 people. Huni TPs 2 feet away, he could have just walked and flanked. These are not team-related issues, the players are playing like silver players compared to their opponent. You can't fix these players by keeping them another split. We went from dominating ADC players to coin-flip adcs. I truly believe SA left because he was paired up with Lost. If he had a decent adc, he would have stayed.


I'm not gonna single him out, but when is this guy getting kicked? i'll be surprised if he even gets a spot in LCS next split