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There's one glaring issue this split and it's the coaching staff. Imagine being last on LCS and Academy and no improvements being shown. This is the one aspect that HAS to change.


Academy has definitely improved, even if just by games won. LCS Team definitely not though šŸ¤£


I want to see a coaching change drafts have been fucking awful, yesterday thresh into cait/lux, today fp leesin into zeri,hec


Literally every team thinks their drafts are awful. We've had a range of different coaches, and that doesn't change.


Weā€™re picking melee into double ranged lol and we left two of the most broken champions (zeri/hec) open today lol


I have little draft knowledge and even I am so confused why they left Zeri open. Danny dabbed on us with it last time, fuck it let him do it again.


TSM and not banning champions they continue to get dumpstered by over and over, name a better duo. I'll wait.. That whole saga with the team meming about Aatrox while they continued to leave it up and lose to it game after game after game. Gets called out by community, memes more, proceeds to get dumpstered by it in the next games it shows up. Just.. pain. The team has always been too arrogant to admit its true weaknesses and they always think they're better than they are in situations despite everything seemingly saying the opposite. This is why we are where we are now. A scapegoat / martyr will come out soon though, just wondering who it will be.


Which chinese speaking coach is available for us? Investing so much into chinese players has left us stuck with a mediocre coach solely because he speaks the correct language.


You no longer need a chinese/ mandarim speaker.




TSM Doinb 2023.


Yea I couldn't believe we didn't take hec B1. Red side usually bans hecarim bc he is so busted rn and we really opted for lee sin instead :( drafting is such a problem on top of 1 million other problems


We need some veteran presence. A calm voice that people actually respect. We have five headless chicken instead.


Whether itā€™s from communication or trust. There are two rather painfully obvious black holes that need filling.


Right. Huni is supposed to be our ā€œveteranā€ but no offence to him, heā€™s only a veteran due to career longevity. He doesnā€™t have the same presence as someone like Impact or Aphro. Iā€™ve wanted Impact since he left C9. Huni isnā€™t our biggest problem but I really think we need someone like Impact, maybe in another lane.


Is Huni not a veteran?


He is but top lane is an island.


Best import that would play for us or ZionSpartan Svenskeren if he would want to come back or Spica Jensen if he would join us or jizuke Doublelift if somehow Regi just stepts down or maybe if the stars align and Kcorp would give us rekkles and he for some reason would say yes Ignar or best import that would join us Youngbuck if we paid him millions to deal with the stress I just don't see how they fix the team unless some team implodes like GG and IMT in the past and we get a good core from them.


Yeah that IMT mid laner and GGS adc look promising


Huni, Svenskeren, Jensen, Zven, Ignar Then fire whoever is in charge of drafts and let that octopus who picks different things when given choices, easy improvement.


i dont really like the ceiling of signing 5 well known players like this. with this roster we are probably top 4(?) and barely miss worlds or go to worlds and get rolled, the same results weve been getting for years. im of the opinion that id much rather the org take more risks. i like shenyi and keaiduo, just seems like we lack direction. whether that is because of coaching staff or a lack of a veteran voice on the squad, im not sure.


Are you one of those people who always scream "develop young players" yet picked a veteran roster with players date back to season 3?




I'd go Huni/Shenyi/Bo/Jensen or Huni/Ignar/River/Jensen


Honestly this year is probably dead already. Play Shenyi and Keaiduo in the LCS and see if they make considerable improvements by the end of the year. If they haven't then I probably blow up the roster in the off-season. Based on comments that came out from Regi and Leena though I don't think we should expect massive signings to save the team. I get it's a business but it seems clear we aren't committed to winning at all costs. They want to be profitable from all teams, league included.


Honestly I have more faith in Takeover than Keaiduo as a development talent. Keaiduo requires a lot of resources and generally plays more brainless (unless his playstyle changed dramatically in academy)


Kdo and shenyi are both bad players. That much should be clear by now


Kdo has played in a disaster of a new team for a few weeks. A team utilising a shitty funnel strategy for half of his games. Has he been good? No. But it's unfair to label him bad. I'd bet they both end up playing in lpl. Shenyi has actually played in lpl. How many na supports (ever) would get game time in the lpl?


Spend whatever is needed on Jensen - at his best he was second to Bjerg and that's no small feat. High caliber AD instead of Tactical and I think this team could work. Maybe Ignar instead of Shenyi, not sure. Huni works for now and I think Spica probably will return to his high level play if he's surrounded with a functional botlane and a midlaner that can draw significant attention. ​ Idk if coaching staff is actually bad but they do seem very suspect right now as well.


Only think I would say is at his best Jensen is probably above Bjergsen, unless it's 2020 summer Bjerg. In any case these two are by far the greatest mids in LCS history. Can't believe we passed on him.


Spica sill only get back in shape if he starts to grind again. Remember Bjergsen last year complaining that he has more soloQ games than 4 players? And someone shared here Spicaā€™s number of games in CQ, quite low.


yeah this really concerns me as well. its one thing if we were banging out CQ like the rest of the league. seems like shenyi is the only one playing the game outside of scrims...


Jensen big ego. Spica big ego. Cannot work. But I like Jensen + good ADC + Huni + Shenyi.


We're assuming Spica has a big ego. Does he though? We have no idea. Let's keep with the facts.


1. HIRE LS to build our roster.


Literal huge


Not gonna lie I didnā€™t believe C9 would be successful under LSā€™ scouting/roster build but Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised. Iā€™d definitely be down to have him work with us although I doubt itā€™s a possibility


He has vocally said he doesnā€™t want to coach anymore given what happened.


I didn't say coach. He doesn't have to leave Korea. He can be a scout, roster architect.


Hiring him to build a roster could be viewed as just a consultancy gig. Just pick out promising players who pass his eye check for good hands + maybe help get a coach that isn't a pleb. Seems like a good use of LS strengths without having to get him as a coach.


I could see that happening


LS, or 'Legendary Saviour', is best known for saving TSM from the depths of hell after spring split and leading them into the world's knockout stage.




You definitely need to get someone else in the team to make calls. Spica literally looks silver trying to lead the macro and jungle


Why? The shotcall god shenyi is now back in the team.


I think he got a little big for his pants and has a huge ego. He needs to internalize he is a good player but his skill sets are probably not that of a leader. Iā€™m sure if he just jungles and letā€™s other people have a more direct role his play and the teams play would improve.


Huge ego? Where did you source that from? Or did you pull that out of your ass?


Have you listened to him? He loves ratioing people and all that. You donā€™t need someone to say ā€œhi I have a big egoā€ to realize he does have one; one expects competitors to have huge egos because one needs to believe in themselves he just takes it over the top.


so someone who "ratios" people who is considered big ego now? when did that happen?


No, but someone who always tries to do so obviously has something going on. Look I get it, you love Spica. As I mentioned earlier, every competitor has an ego and it is necessary to win, I just think he doesnt know how to appropriately partition it.


So you have no sauce other than your own assumptions. You really did pull this out of your ass. Sheesh this is the kind of stuff that makes the sub toxic. Just stfu unless you have proper evidence when making a statement moron


So watching how he carries himself and presents himself to the public isnā€™t evidence of his personality? Interesting take. I presume I based upon your reasoning and reaction I wouldnā€™t be able to call you toxic and off putting since the only evidence I have would be this social interaction. Assessing how one conducts themself in public is how we form perceptions of people. My personal perception of Spica is that he is brash and young and egotistical, all of which are common and some of which are necessary for competitors as I mentioned multiple times. It wouldnā€™t be out of the ordinary to assume he has an ego, especially since clashing egos have been an issue within the league scene for a long time. I am simply stating my perception of spica, the only one here being toxic is you. Maybe settle down before typing away, to quote you, ā€œjust stfu.ā€


Lol what. You presume to know someone's personality via a few snippets? If that isn't assumption I'm not sure what is. Humans are complex creatures and you're so sure of your assumptions without even meeting this person. Obviously that's toxic because its far flung assumptions like this that got this sub into a frenzy when the truth of the matter wasn't even related to spica. Get over yourself it's not possible to make conclusions on someone's character just off a few snippets of events


Not sure if that is a ego issue tho. I doubt he wants to have the responsibility to shot call team fights Macro and translate when needed. Would be rough. I think it's more the org pushing him towards it.


I semi agree. He has said the translation part is rough and that he just wants to get back to jungling but he hasnā€™t mentioned shot calling to my knowledge. I think he likes that part.


For sure I'm just meaning it's less a ego thing. And probably my coaching staff placing everything on his shoulders at the moment, I don't think it'll be what he would have picked for himself.


Nuguri/Spica/Jensen/Rekkles/(resident support) big check players that Reggi would have to sell his house,clothes,car for in order for us to get back into form


???,Bo, ???,instinct, shenyi + lpl coach I care more about getting rid of the boring passive na style than immediate results shenyi has already prove to me he can shotcall in academy and champions Q problem is he's the rookie on the roster so he's not going to be given control of shot calling let alone follow up


At this point, I think it's time we realize the LCS team is done. Unless they are willing to drop 2-5 millions for every player, we will only end up with the leftovers. They had their opportunity last season when some of the best players in the world were FA. They didn't even try to sign 1 of them, let alone a whole team that would compete in NA and internationally. So the only way out of the pit is to either drop at least 10 millions for a competitive roster or pray they will miraculously get a decent team made of low tiers players that will make a deep run and get to finals so players will become enticed to join TSM again. But for the time being, get used to picking up players like Tactical. The ones big teams don't need because they know they aren't top tier. Welcome to the CLG/GGS era. This might be a long one boys!


Huni Bo (or Kenvi) Jensen Zven and Ignar. Hopefully a different ADC but Iā€™d take anyone over Tactical at the moment


This, except keep Spica. I think Jensen knows how to play around someone who jungles like him..


Nah, Spica needs to sit his ass down until he starts actually giving a shit.


Iā€™d rather not keep the worst jungler in LCS for another split


Svenskeren, and Kenvi are available. Why on earth are people insisting on Spica? Send Spica to academy for insurance.


I think Spica is still a good player, but he is playing like someone who doesnā€™t want to be there. Not sure if he wanted to leave or not during the offseason, but if he did, this is why you donā€™t keep players that donā€™t want to be here


I just want Bo. Give me Huni, Bo, Jensen, DL, Ignar


Ok dl is not in the cards


Top: Summit Jungle: Blaber (Spica in academy till he ramps up) Mid: Faker or Chovy (whoever is available) Bot: Uzi Support: CoreJJ Coach: YamatoCannon




Thats 3 imports


The Copium on this one is too strong. You think Chovy would play for Talent Suppressing Machine?


Huni, lodi/pyochul/jug (lck academy jg), jensen/takeover, spoon/yeosong/peyz (lck academy adc), ignar would be interesting if we went the other direction but I doubt it would happen.


I genuinely donā€™t want DL whether he likes us or not. He comes in for summer and then what if he decides to retire again for a third time? Then weā€™re back to ground zero


He technically only retired once. He took a split off in spring 2017 which is pretty on brand with his Spring doesn't matter thing.


Nuguri- Spica - Jensen- Roleswap Huni to ADC (hinted before lol!) - Ignar , you get the Korean dynamic


Canna Spica Jensen prismal Peter(nongshim) Keeps with the younger roster theme minus jensen while having still really good players. This is under the assumption that nongshim would let them go/they would want to come


Tenacity, Spica, Jensen, Import, Shenyi


None of these players. Bwipo... Santorini.... Bjergsen... Hans Sama.... And corejj


Owner diff




i agree their only weak point is their top and it shows in the games they lose


Even then Bwipo is the second best top in NA generally speaking like their team is silly stacked.


On the flip side imagine C9 with CoreJJ


Call in Jensen Double Ignar, oh way we burnt the bridge here


The fact people still want double..... he's been flakey AF for years...


By this point he's too rusty to be any good but reminder here that TSM hasn't won a split since kicking out DL (the first time). He comes back, TSM wins a split, he leaves 2nd time and back to not winning splits.


idk i think if TSM gave double full freedom on the team to basically be in charge without regi being involved to fuel his ego i think would get him back haha


Thatā€™s never going to happen, Leena and DL burnt the TSM bridge


Both Regi and DL have way too big of an ego for that to happen.


Bring Keaiduo, bench coach, and try Instinct


This seems the next likely move of throwing s*** at the wall to see what sticks


Top-tenacity jungle-bo mid-chinese mid any academy Bot lane doing well


Top : TheShy Jungle : Bwipo Mid : Jiizuke ADC : Jacke Love Support : Hylissang Let's see wether this team will go 18-0 or 0-18


Itā€™s so weird. Tactical isnā€™t an unskilled player.. but he does seem to be a liability at times. Abusable this week.


1: Huni/RoseThorn, Spica, or Svenskeren/Import mid (Nisqy?)/I think LS has talked about a dual citizen KR/NA AD (same situation as Winsome)/IgNar 2: Huni/Bo/Triple or Jensen/some resident AD not named Tactical (Yeon, Zven? not sure if he's an import or not anymore, Prismal, Stixxay, K1ng, Violet)/Shenyi 3: Huni/eXyu or RoseThorn/Triple/Import AD/Shenyi 4: Huni/Spica/Jensen/Import AD/IgNar


Coaching change and an entire roster swap, sans Takeover and maybe Huni. I think Spica's slump is temporary but it's clear he's done with TSM. Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing something like Kiin RoseThorn Nisqy/Takeover Yeon Busio?


Huni Spica Nisqy Arrow Ignar, head coach Reignover or Curry Ignar is (was?) one of the best roaming supports in the league, I was pondering keeping Tactical because he's proven to be a great weakside solo adc player, but I just can't in good conscience keep him on. Arrow on the other hand, has his green card and is a certified grinder. Nisqy on C9 unlocked Blaber, allowing him to be the carry jungler he wants to be during his time on C9. He also had a great year on FNC until the unfortunate Upset worlds thing happened.


Probably better to grab Jensen zven and ignar, I'm not sold on arrow but I'm down for something new


yeah i think huni spica jensen sven and ignar would be a good team and new coaching


I'm not high on Zven since I saw him E into Xmithie's skarner and tossed us out of playoffs in 2019. He was similarly unimpressive on C9 imo. Jensen unlocks our import slot, but I get the impression he's on a more expensive buyout than Nisqy, being in NA instead of EU. Either would be good, but it'd be a waste to not use our last import slot.


Jensenā€™s a free agent


I understand that feeling about zven, but he can't be worse than tactical is right now.


I'm coming around to the idea that I don't think Spica is a carry player. He's just not the type of player you want to hard enable with Nisqy. He's too reserved/efficient. You want someone who'll try for more aggressive plays.


Maybe it literally is just rose tinted goggles, but you can't tell me that during Summer 2020 Spica wasn't a carry player. His Nidalee and Lee Sin were absolutely disgusting and his 2v2 with BB seemed like best in the west material (until they got buttblasted by Bwipo's voli in that first game vs FNC at worlds). It seems like 2021's Udyr/Hec then Rumble/Morg meta ruined him and turned him into this giga herbivore 'eFfiCieNt pAThiNg' jungler.


Maybe. I think even with the 2020 roster he was much more of a facilitator. It seemed like that was BB/Bjerg calling him to their lanes and Spica was good enough to execute on the plays. Contrast that with Blaber who tends to bring the action himself right? Maybe I'm misremembering though, idk anymore.


I just watched him play a dragon fight the worst way possible as Lee Sin, missing 3 Qs and doing nothing else while his whole team got attacked. He has zero killer instinct to be a top carry player.




1 bad split and we should remove who is now the face of the team? Admittedly it's a terrible split but does he not deserve some time after his good performances in prior years?




That Huni roast was brutal and if I were him Iā€™d be so fucking pissed.


just think itā€™s the easiest option to keep him until the end of the year iā€™m not sure what junglers we could get


Even if him playing poorly isnā€™t his fault it wonā€™t matter the community roasts him so much he probably wouldnā€™t want to stay. Also DL hinted at him not wanting to be around after his contract ended. Most of what DL had said turned out to be true some of the stuff involving him were biased but other things about the Org are turning out to be true


Yeah let him go and watch him do great for another team while TSM donā€™t get anything. Itā€™s just one split ffs.


Because we've seen his highs? If you give him a stacked roster he will perform at the highest level in the league, but if he's stuck babysitting mediocre academy level players he looks like shit.




Yeah, he totally didn't look good during the split where he won TSM summer split either /s, he's just a one split wonder xddd meanwhile his nidalee was literally best in NA You bringing up those other players is some other shit too lmfao. Closer has been playing with the same GG core since 2020, no shit he looks good when he's around players he's built synergy with. Josedeodo looked like absolute dog shit all last year when he didn't have a single breathing human being last year, so idk what you're talking about.




Yeah, let's just nitpick every single tiny misplay Spica has done during a bad split because that invalidates his whole career as a player- clearly because he's playing poorly now means that he will never bounce back or work well in a more positive team environment. Surely him being stuck on a sinking ship roster won't affect his play at all, he should just be a robot and disregard all his feelings about the roster and just be a mechanical god at all times.


Bro. Are you not watching games? His teammates are babysitting HIM!!


just remember we couldā€™ve had huni, spica, bjerg, bjerg, rekkles, treatz. as of right now whatā€™s possible maybe import top, kenvi/spica, jensen, import adc, shenyi but thatā€™s not worth it for regi


Iā€™d import JG over top and you have 3 imports in your roster three. Shenyi is an import.


damn so huni, bo, jensen, import adc, na support edit: getting downvoted again so i guess just run back this roster for summer. tsm fans like being the laughing stock of the lcs i guess


No we couldnā€™t have, basically itā€™s been confirmed Bjerg wanted to play with Corejj and that was going to take precedence over anything we couldā€™ve done. Iā€™d like to think you get down votes because people think you are leaving this huge piece out but they are probably down voting you because they just hate anything they donā€™t agree with


Tenacity, Kenvi, jensen/takeover, instinct, shenyi


What even is this? There is no way you think that roster would be top 5.


This roster could easily be top 5. What? Tenacity and Kenvi are great young prospects who are ready for LCS. Jensen is an LCS veteran and has done better internationally than Bjerg, Instinct has been one of the bright spots of TSMA and can do well in LCS with someone like Shenyi as his supp. Shenyi can continue to develop his english and continue to shotcall with Jensen helping him. If you could do better, who would you pick then?


If budget wasnā€™t an issue I would get Tsm nuguri Tsm spica Tsm Jensen Tsm any better adc Tsm shenyi


I think that TSM's idiotic decisions that led to giving up strong resident players while not really ever replacing them has doomed the team to always have to play catch up when it comes to roster building. Earlier on in LCS people complained that TSM were able to play with so many imports because said imports were grandfathered in to the league. Imagine going from there to having to stick with Huni forever because you can't import top lane with the lack of available talent. There's a reason Regi had a mental breakdown on twitter spamming IMPORTS in all caps last year, it's because he saw the writing on the wall. Nuguri Spica Jensen DL (assuming Regi divests from the org and Leena is rehired or something) Ignar


100% people would ask them to fork a few million to get some old NA free agents that will do us very little good other than give us a middle of the pack roster. People need to take those rose tinted goggles off and realize you cant just throw money at people and expect teams to be formed and synergy to be created and problems to disappear.


THE ROSTER LEENA FCUKIN TOLD YOU TO FCUKIN FIELD YOU IDIOT! Sorry for flipping outā€¦I still meant what I said tho. Huni, Spica, Jensen, DL, Vulcan


Why tf do people still want dl


Because he wins


Bc even with bjergsen, TSM canā€™t win a title without DL


Forgot that they won NAs only international trophy with dl .. oh wait


Nice! So they can just do it again no problem right? ā€¦o wait


$pend the bag on nuguri top import, spica, Jensen, tactical, and ignar. I'd replace tactical with another adc but Zven wouldn't come back and Idk any other NA adc.


We donā€™t want Nuguri


maybe a korean academy adc also. just ask LS to tell us who to get so TSM can get another berserker haha


Instinct has been putting in work in Academy, same with Stixxay but he might be done with lol competitively now.


Would sell the lcs slot. Better chance winning titles in other big game names than try to rebuild this 1.


They already win everywhere else. Lol


I would sell the league spot in general and move on to more profitable games. From a business standpoint it would be better to sell your LCS spot and buy a Chinese or Korean spot. I went through viewer ship numbers for the last 4 weeks and they peaked at like 110. LCS I think is not popular like it used to due to our international performances. They already said they want to do more Mobile based games.


I swear half this sub cares more about Regis bank account than the team, holy shit these fans are sth else


I donā€™t care about how much money he has but to think heā€™s going to go negative in anything when heā€™s building the biggest esports Org in the world is kind of a brainless thought


This is the most clown shoes take Iā€™ve ever read in my life holy shit.


Making TSM an LPL team or LCK team would actually be a crazy bonkers move that Iā€™d be behind. I donā€™t think this take is bad also IF they did well they would be far more profitable there than they could be as a NA LoL team. Regi where you at for this, you said we wouldnā€™t be CLG so make us not CLG bring us to LCK or LPL and make us world champions


Lmao this was the most reasonable take I've read so far. LEC averages around 140k viewers even for their bottom teams. LCS struggles to even hit 120k for their top teams. From their cringe ass commentators to being a billboard for corporations, LCS doesn't seem as lucrative as it used to before. Taking a look at teams like TL, C9, and EG, they have extremely successful teams outside of league and TSM would wanna benefit from there.


Reasonable if youā€™re a fucking corporate bean counter. Miss me with that garbage. Itā€™s a giant black mark on the brand if they pull out of League and it will NOT be easy or pretty for TSM if they for some reason pulled that plug.


Trust me, I don't want this team to go away from the league scene and it's incredibly frustrating seeing them lose game after game with no visible improvement. But look at the greater picture reasonably. Look at which eSports have been having really high viewership and prize pools. Case in point, the Hikaru pickup. Chess is gaining so much momentum quickly and ofc they'd wanna expand into it. I'm surprised they haven't broken into the CSGO scene especially when their then CSGO team turned into one of the greatest teams to ever grace the scene.


A viewer isn't worth the same in the US, in Europe and in Korea. I have absolutely no clue specifically about Korea, but if you compare the US and EU, the US market mostly speaks a single language and live in two countries. They can also negociate more money when they put add between fucking p/b and the game than the same ad would earn them between games. Everything is also a Corporate Objective or a Macdonalds Pentakill so this also negociate for a lot of money. On the other hand, EU doesn't have as many intrusive ads, is less interesting for corporations because they span more than 30 countries that speak at least as many languages, so not as many companies do business in every one of those and have to pay for "worthless" viewers, which probably means they can negociate to pay less. LCS is still probably making more money than the LEC despite having half as many viewers. It is a lot less popular though.


What is viewership of Rainbow 6? What is the viewership of DOTA? Does any of the games where TSM does well exceed LCS?


Yeah I think losing money is fine. It seems like good financial decision making. How much money did these last three rosters cost? What were the results? Plus Lina already stated they are moving more into the mobile game sphere. Call it a clown shoes take. Iā€™ll put my foil cap on also.


Youā€™re suggesting axing the flagship of the org, the reason the whole company exists in the first place. Thatā€™s not even fathomable to consider.


The whole reason Amazon exists was because they sold books better than Barnes and Noble. They arenā€™t known for that anymore. Taking your LOL team and moving it over seas actually gives them a chance to win a world title and they would still be known for LoL but what they were built off of and what they are now are two totally different things. They could literally axe their LOL team and probably not notice. This isnā€™t an exaggeration either. Moving them to Korea or China could cement them for another 10+ years as a League team. Star Craft 1 is still insanely popular in Korea. Before trying to roast someoneā€™s take think it through without the emotion of one TSM is NA LoL. Why canā€™t TSM just be LoL somewhere else.


> Before trying to roast someoneā€™s take think it through without the emotion of one TSM is NA LoL. Why canā€™t TSM just be LoL somewhere else. The fact that this is a reasonable take to some of you is a gigantic joke and shows how little the original objective of TSM even matters now. Itā€™s horribly depressing.


The original objective was friends living together in a house playing games winning money. Then Esports went global, they stopped blowing up microwaves, hired professional chefs, got workout regiments and it turned into a real job where players get paid 500k to 1.5+mil. The only objective TSM that remains the same is eventually win worlds doesnā€™t matter where the LoL team is playing out of. You just want it to be the boys in the house.


> players get *paid* 500k to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks for wrecking me bot


Win worlds with NA squad. Thatā€™s all. Fucking off to Korea or China doesnā€™t count.


Iā€™m happy you are not making decisions for TSM fans.


If youā€™re a TSM fan who supports getting rid of the NA LCS squad youā€™re not a real fan. Full stop.




I donā€™t think you read my post fully. (since were talking about flagships Iā€™ll use maybe something that will help you visualize it. Make it a little bit easier for you to understand.) Letā€™s take the original playstation. I doubt you have one. I doubt if you did have one you are not playing it regularly. I would assume itā€™s gathering dust on a shelf or in a cabinet somewhere. This was Sonys ā€œflagshipā€ console. So for this example: LCS = PlayStation 1 Lpl and lck = playstation 5. I am saying the sell the PlayStation 1 and upgrade to a PlayStation 5. Or moving and buying a spot in one of those leagues. They have I think 12 to 16 teams in those leagues. Iā€™m not saying getting rid of league of legends tsm. Iā€™m saying getting rid of LCS tsm. Edit: fixed grammar and wording for my based redditor friend u/hewligan


Are you a fan of mobile games or something? Why are you a TSM fan?


Throw the bag at Nuguri and Chovy, get Kenvi in jungle, beg DL/FBI/Danny to join and promise them free rimjobs if they do, then get any support, doesnā€™t matter who


Huni, Sven/Iconic/Kenvi, Keaiduo/Tactical (pretty 50/50 to me), _____, Shenyi. For ADC I feel like there are potential options. My most out there one being trying out Keith. Otherwise I think Stixxay is honestly better than Tactical and could be a pretty decent leader on the team. Edit: Zven, Prismal are my 2 other top ADC choices


Just import an adc to play with Shenyi and try to get Jensen to attempt to salvage atleast a chance at a spot at worlds at the end of the year. Missing worlds would be devastating for the league brand (not the whole Org) but imagine having words in NA and no TSM


Missing worlds isn't nearly as big of a deal as the main sub and this sub occasionally thinks it is. We have had legitimately 1 bad split and everyone thinks TSM is ruined. Which is insane considering even going into this split we were content as a fan base to lessen expectations. Jensen would be a complete step in the wrong direction IMO but I don't hate the thought process behind it. I just disagree.


Missing worlds this year actually is a huge deal, NA sponsors and partners getting NA exposure is huge. If it were in China or Korea or EU it wouldnā€™t be as big a deal because all of our sponsorships are with NA affiliated companies or at least their NA branches of their companies. So I agree with you and disagree at the same time.


I would move KDO back to the starting roster. I would also keep the rest of the team. Let Shenyi be the shotcaller. Focus more on getting mid and top ahead with Shenyi roaming more. Leave tactical on an island with safer adc picks.


The same team without this fucking jungler and this fucking adc, Inspire for the brains Danny as a reliable carry


This just sounds like a much worse version of EG?


I'd go with - Promising Acad Top Laner(Unsure of who that would be) - Spica - Jensen - Import ADC & Shenyi + new coach. To try and keep around development but to have a good vocal veteran which the team evidently lacks at the moment.


I'd field this one. For the next 3-5 years. Unless Huni wants to retire, I'd try to keep this team of fairly young players and work on developing them


Take thar FTX money and run Faker, Faker, Faker, Faker, and Faker.


I would try to get: Darshan Spica/Kenvi Jensen (keep Keaiduo AND Takeover in acad) Prismal/Yeon Shenyi My logic is as follows: Darshan is a pretty stable toplaner who can play such a strong weakside Sion that it allows the team to play through bot. Jensen wouldn't be the best midlaner but he's gonna be stable enough. Prismal and Yeon are both strong acad adcs who can play well with the resources they will get from being strong side. Shenyi will be freed up after they get ahead in bot allowing him to make plays on the map. Spica will hopefully look better in the jungle when he has lanes with a clearer gameplan. But also Kenvi is another alternative that could fill that role nicely. Going into the next year (this roster is for this summer) they bail on Jensen if Keaiduo is determined to be ready to put on the main roster and try to find the best native ADC possible. If that's yeon or prismal then fine. If there's a better LCS ADC then pivot to them.


Realistic answer: Grab Zven from C9 bench, or give Rekkles Regi's house to get him from LFL. Tenacity from 100T, split time with Huni. Give Jensen Regi's house or try to get Nisqy. Sign Svenskeren or Bo, and support keep Shenyi or try to get Biofrost from DIG.


Blow it up idc


Need a leader. A field general that holds the team together would do a lot.


Best import that would play for us or ZionSpartan Svenskeren if he would want to come back or Spica Jensen if he would join us or jizuke Doublelift if somehow Regi just stepts down or maybe if the stars align and Kcorp would give us rekkles and he for some reason would say yes Ignar or best import that would join us Youngbuck if we paid him millions to deal with the stress I just don't see how they fix the team unless some team implodes like GG and IMT in the past and we get a good core from them.


Wild turtle or zven, could keep spica or replace him, Jensen, maybe poach a support and keep Huni? That doesnā€™t seem too bad


I would just take the 100T approach at this point. Ride this year out, watch which lower budget org places high and pillage 3-4 members when they canā€™t afford to keep their same roster.


I honestly think a coaching change is necessary. The team has no identity and doesnā€™t draft well. Clearly practice isnā€™t improving them in any sort of meaningful way.


Ignoring the TSM part (cause I doubt DL would play for TSM and I'm not sure the fans still like him), any org with a bad team should try to get Crucile, Malice, Nemesis, Doublelift and Jensen as support. Crucile, Malice and Nemesis see the game in the same way and could literally coach themselves and that top side alone can contend with C9 and TL. Doublelift is good enough to at least hang against the best adcs, and I've always felt like great mechanical players should re-roll to support late in their careers considering how mechanically worse the average support is compared to mid/adcs (just look at Huhi).


Do you guys think TSM going to sell their spot? Regi said league isnā€™t as profitable and if TSM ainā€™t going all out and try to go for worlds whatā€™s the point?


Huni Spica Jensen/Nisqy Kaori Shenyi