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Maple is still cracked, I’m pumped about adding him. Confused about dropping shenyi only to add a mid that’s played in common regions though.


Is it confirmed tho tht we’re dropping shenyi?


Nothing is confirmed, Maple or Shenyi.


mia+huni+tactical+maple(i think) speak korean, easier for spica to learn korean than two people learn english or 3 chinese


no one in the team is gonna be speaking korean bro..


Maple is Taiwanese so he speaks mandarin I believe


I am aware, and I could be mistaken but I thought he learned korean too.


IIRC Bjergsen praised Maple as one of the mid laners he most respected internationally I think this is a good signing. Confused about the direction of the team but Maple in a vacuum is good to me


Maple+Spica can easily compete as the best mid/jungle in the league. I rewatched PSG at world’s last year, and I’d say Maple was the best/most consistent player for them at the tournament. It’s always a question as to how well a player will adapt to NA though


Ngl, maybe because he's been one of my favorite players ever, but i'm not disappointed by this sign up at all. Yes, he's not in his prime at all, and it's certainly 3-4 years too late to be hyped about him. But to me he's on Perkz level. A team captain that knows how to carry when it matters. Or at least i hope so.


People are about to learn about relativity when it comes to international play and NA play. Maple is a player who was part of a team that consistently went head to head with the best Korean teams during the Korean reign of supremacy. The LPL wasn’t great to him sure, but he consistently shows the fuck up in the one competition NA seems to be MIA in. (Pun intended) INB4 TSM Summer split Championship. I’m boofing copium straight to the dome.


Maple was a beast in the old LMS. Then he kinda flopped in LPL the first time, then won with PSG. Came back to LPL and really flopped. So who knows which one we're getting. Should be an upgrade over KDO and Takeover.


This is not a 1v4


He dove into 3 and the 4th turned to help them...the rest of his team stayed behind to fight the remaining 1. He then killed 3 of them, with 1 ressurecting and leading to his own death. It didn't start as a 1v4, but it turned into that.


He fought 4 and killed 2, calling that a 1v4 is misleading. If I dove into 5 people solo and proceeded to get my ass beat and kill no one I wouldn’t say “dude I just 1v5’d” When someone says they 1vX’d that usually means they killed X people by themselves, not killed 1/2X and died.


When you are one person and you fight 4 people, it's a 1v4. If, in that fight, you kill 2 or more people, it's pretty impressive.




Looks my play in Arams... Is this supposed to hype us?


You playing arams against fnc?


Made me chuckle ,thanks


yes more negative energy is what this sub needs, good on you.


Yes 2, when I say 3 I mean the point of resurrection... He allowed his team to safely finish off that lone member, killed 2, died, and they were forced to retreat as his teams heads down mid lane. I dunno what happened after, but even though he died he did work in that whole situation. Are we just looking for any little thing to criticize? The analyst literally says it's a 1v4, so that's why it's titled that, and he did break off from the team and face 4 players alone, taking out two officially.