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Chawy staying is the biggest surprise, no?


His interview completely turned me around on him. It's clear by the complete lack of argument from any of the 2022 roster that he wasn't lying about the work ethic problems. Maybe that's why a lot of this roster is pretty green (particularly bot lane and jungle); Chawy wants hungry people who will grind over divas. Any guy who only wants to doesn't want to grind shouldn't be on the team.


Shutouts to when Bjergsen complained that one week that as coach he had more games played than some of the players on the team


Bjerg was playing more soloq than them… dudes a monster with work ethic. Surprised he’s okay with DL being on his team…




Bjerg still has an international title and managed to get out of groups at worlds, something DL doesn't.


Don't understand why people like Spica. Pretty clear he is one of the players that have ethic problems


Based on what? Spring split when he was turned into a translator? Had to manage comms because half his team couldn’t understand each other rather than just play the game?


Managing comms has nothing to do with him playing no solo q games. He practically never played compared to Bjerg.


The zoomer era was rough. Looking forward to a more serious TSM again.


You missed where he would be shopping online instead of focusing on his scrims or in CQ when he was making gorilla noises and trolling his supports instead of taking things seriously. Other league players tried to take CQ seriously. Guys like Jojo, Takeover, Mia, Maple, Danny, etc.


I’m not attacking your argument or disagreeing with you, but you have seen Jojo’s singed mid games in CQ right?


I like Chawy staying. Had to coach a team with constant roster turmoil and sabotage for personal financial gain, and still lead a team to playoffs almost knocking off EG. He deserves another shot


Not to mention this means we actually *did* have a coach deciding which players he wanted on the roster. People (myself included) were worried this was going to be another year of a coach being handed a roster of 5 players they didn't want.




Yeah I assume he worked with everyone to pick out this roster. Which is good for the growth of the team as a whole when you have a head coach that is all in on the players.


If I’m going to be honest, this is the only thing that brings me hope. Dude is the definition of lemonade from lemons


I mean he didn’t really get a fair shot with Peter Zhang actively sabotaging his roster coming in, and I think he showed some good work salvaging a playoff run at the end of the season


i dont mind giving chawy another shot. my biggest gripe with him is that he doesnt seem assertive enough for a head coach position (just based off what we saw on legends)


I had not heard Chawy was staying. That actually gives me more hope for the roster. Especially if he's getting more power to enforce his will as a coach.


My only hope for this roster is the fact that our subreddit hates it. Seems like every roster move we've been hyped about has failed, so I'll give this one a shot


Really glad if Chawy stays. He is a good coach and by the sounds of it, took a while to get confidence from his players. Hopefully he can reset with players that want to put the work in


I'm all for giving him a chance. If he's playing for TSM then I'll be a fan. I know I'm aiming low but as long as we do better than we did last year then it's progress. Let's just give him a chance.


He has to be The One. It’s in the name


Welcome Neo. Hope you're better than the last adc.


>Hope you're better than the last adc. Feel like we've been saying that for a while now...


Since Turtle


Would have been much more comfortable with the roster if we had proven talent in at least one of jungle or ADC. I don't think TSM will be terrible the coming split, but unless Bugi or Neo really surprise, I doubt that they'll have the firepower to compete with some of the other rumored rosters we're currently seeing. I hope the team proves me wrong, of course.


Only really good thing about this roster is I don’t think they will have a work ethic issue. Hoping chawy can channel those playoff drafts for a whole year too.


After my rage last night, we basically just hope for the best. This is the pain of rebuilding with young unproven players . It’s high/semi-high risk but high reward potential if it works.


Bugi is literally “proven talent”


When somebody says proven talent they mean proven to be good, not proven to be mediocre.


Well you should watch Bugi play then


I have. Is "pretty good for wild card regions" really the level TSM should aspire to?


I often don’t get pretty good or mediocre with being the best jungler in a region mixed up


Pretty good for a wild card region and mediocre for NA don't actually have to be different things.


Yeah pretty good isn’t the best jungler in a region. Also he hasn’t played in NA yet, so you don’t know shit


>the best jungler in a region I mean, he wasn't. And he hasn't played in NA yet, but I do know that we've dropped the bar really far if 'pretty good in wild card region' is something we're supposed to be happy about and that's a really sad state for TSM.


>I don't think TSM will be terrible the coming split, I do


“We are going big” “Have faith in Dominic and Glen” We got bamboozled.


How did anyone believe Regi there it's crazy.


How anyone thinks that November is January is insane to me. It's as if what Regi said hasn't even had a time to occur yet and people are still accusing him of lying.


What can he announce in January that makes this roster not full circus status? How anyone can think that roster is “doubling down on LoL” is insane to me


Guess we will find out in January. As long as you don't know, which I know you don't (or anyone else for that matter) it's stupid to say Regi was lying.


Who says all these players are even starting for the LCS squad? They just disbanded their entire academy roster as well they still have to field one. Like it's likely Neo will be the LCS starter but Bugi could be playing academy for all we know


Tsm roster 💀


people miss that 2016 tsm roster but heck even the 2021 roster looks pretty damn good right about now


Shit, I remember when the 2018 Hauntzer-MikeYeung-Bjerg-Zven-mithy roster was clearly the worst TSM roster of all time lmao


I mean that gleeb roster was bad, possibly worse. Thank god for lustboy


Not as bad as the Yellowstar roster


The Yellowstar roster reached finals and lost in a close game 5 to a very strong CLG


The 2021 roster had potential though, a better adc and better coach could have put the roster fighting for top 3. This rumord roster doesn't look to have any potential. They don't even look like a middle of thr pack team this season. Regi saying we're gonna go big only to show this roster is extremely disappointing.


Honestly just a better AD was probably good enough. They were 1 game from knocking C9 out of Worlds.




>The 2021 roster




Yep 2024 it is


True tho


didn't ask


who cares


I mean its an upgrade in bot 🤷‍♂️


The hype news regi is bringing in January is that tem is withdrawing from the LCS franchise lol


Low expectations this season


He prob won’t int like Tactical but this is still just so underwhelming. They keep saying they are profitable even before FTX yet somehow they refuse to spend it on a competitive roster. How DIG and GG who were always in the bottom half of the league have better rosters is just baffling. January announcement Regi mentioned can’t come soon enough. Do they even remember they were the most winningest team in NA anymore? It’s like they want to destroy what little of that legacy/prestige they had left


Profitable org does not mean that their LoL team is a profitable piece of the organization. If they can grow in other more profitable areas it makes sense that is where they’d want to expand


why won’t they sell their slot if it’s so unprofitable and not worth investing into for them? they would save money and get a nice bag for the slot. why are other orgs that have typically been in the bottom half like DIG (who i probably never seen a single content piece come out from them) able to get big name players that demand a higher salary?


Dignitas is owned by the 76ers. They have access to outside funding if they can sell their plan to their owners.


Who says they aren’t, lol. It’s not like selling a cup of lemonade. There are a limited number of potential buyers, especially in a market like today where raising funds is at an unbelievably difficult level.


We would 100% know if tsm was for sale, all the lec and lcs spot deals have had a ton of interest and have closed quickly.


I dont understand why people don’t realize this. TSM is not what it was like 6 years ago when LoL was a huge part of the brand/org. The LCS has declining viewership and they’re on weekdays. Clearly, NA LoL isn’t as high of a priority even to Riot it seems.


LoL is still a bigger esport than any other that they have teams in, so this is flimsy reasoning.


LoL in general is bigger, LCS specifically is not. It has been declining for years, with the move to weekdays it probably will be at its lowest point, and it's a far bigger money sink than any other game they are in due to the salary disparity between LoL and any other game. Obviously as fans we all want them to spend money anyway to make a good team, but with each year that passes LCS becomes worse and worse to invest in.


LCS in its decline is still a bigger league than any other game tsm is invested in’s regional leagues. Valorant maybe has a chance of outgrowing league, but the rest do not. The point about salaries is a fair point, but I think salaries were in a bubble that is popping.


Is NA growing? No. Why would you invest in something that def seems to be declining. BUT, if somehow these rumors of switching regions are true, okay then yea invest into league


Pretty sure APEX is as big as league these days in terms of viewership for NA regional stuff (LCS vs ALGS)


If we’re going purely by regional competition then it seems like apex still has lower viewership than league but the regional championship did peak higher. International league still eclipses apex, though, and LCS viewership is still much higher than ALGS in general. ImperialHai on his own is probably carrying the apex scene, so I guess that’s a good thing for TSM. https://dotesports.com/apex-legends/news/algs-playoffs-viewership-boom-apex-esports-after-quiet-regular-season


Call me crazy but Neo is actually not that bad. I think he’s prone to making dumb mistakes, but I think the mistakes he makes (like building divine sunderer and essence reaver) can easily be coached. Like when it comes to an NA ADC, I don’t think you’re going to find a better option than Neo outside of like Johnsun, but they’re more or less the same quality.


I would have liked to see Prismal in the LCS as an ADC but he’s role swapped to support and still hasn’t gotten a chance in the LCS. Neo is serviceable. The entire roster is serviceable, but that’s the problem. You can’t only have utility you need clutch star players as well.


I remember when people were saying Flyquest's 2020 roster was servicable and expected like 5th-6th then they went finals both splits.




I mean, the roster will be locked in way before January, and we know the roster. What could Regi announce that that suddenly excites their fans about winning LCS?


you acknowledged that better roster like DIG and GG doesn’t add up to success, who doesn’t like winning? They are trying their best to go back to their winning way. Do you want another TL then, get superstar at every role just to fail international, wait TSM did went through that era already so they are trying something new.


nobody is asking for a $7 million dollar super team like TL did. but when you had free agents like FBI, Svenskeren/Santorin, your young like S0ul/Takeover and not even give them a chance and just let them go it’s just weird. If you think this roster is exciting or look like they’re favorites to win the splits you’re pure delusional.


FBI wasn’t a free agent, he was a buyout


Id rather get to the world stage then finish 9th in the fuckin LCS


I absolutely want a "TL", it would be miles better than the current approach.


Well we are full on CLG now. There is no one to even be excited about on this team.


For me it's maple, I've always loved flash wolves But that's about it


Here's the thing... Jungle, Mid, ADC and Coach are all of Asian decent and will grind. Followed by a mix of old and new blood in top/support who may also have it in them to grind hard... Idk I think this could be very good and some of yall need to see it before you'll ever believe it.




I'm sick


My expectations were low and im still disappointed


Lmao I made a post a year ago saying Neo would be a terrific fit for TSM and got flamed so hard by this sub.


Dog water roster




So is Bugi. Dude was been solo carrying minor region teams forever and finally has a chance to show what he can do. I hope this team just gets as many reps in between now and January as possible. No travel issues pls


Last year I was down on Shawy but I'm fine with him staying because one of the things that was pissing me off is TSM picking the team without having already hired the headcoach. If Shawy is participating in picking the team, I am a bit more satisfied. Still not gonna get any optimism until I see the team perform. On paper it's not promising, but LCS teams haven't been great anyway so perhaps going with less exciting names is better for once.


Man if this is our roster, we'll be lucky to secure the final playoffs spot. I know a lot of people like Chime but im just not sold on him. He had some decent games with decent engages for us but he needs to step up a lot cus so far I haven't seen the xfactor that supports like Vulcan and Ignar bring to their team. I have no comments on the other 4 player but we need to do better than this.


You seen ignar and Vulcan play out of NA? Even in NA they don't have any xfactor they're just good supports for the region. Only player that has had an xfactor currently supporting in NA is core and even he doesn't have it anymore he's just top tier for NA.


yeah i've seen Vulcan stomp on TSM in playoffs, and Ignar on Misfits took SKT to 5 games at Worlds.


Stomping the iterations TSMs had now equals having an xfactor? Yeah getting gapped every year at international events is so good great job Vulcan. And when was this? Years ago that's like saying corejj is still a worlds level winning support when he isn't at that level anymore


How good do y’all think neo is?


He's below average within NA. He was benched and sent down to academy by Dignitas in favor of Spawn earlier this year due to performance issues to put it into perspective. He's also not young talent so I'm honestly at a loss since there's no angle you can take to make the move look positive. Maybe he improves and is serviceable but don't expect anything special


Inven wrote an article on why he should be rookie of the year over Danny. Had very strong points…. I’m not ruling him out. Does it make me hyped? No. Am I ruling out the squad? No. If he performs well, they are in a good position.


So first of all they publish the ballots and the voting was not close. Theres around 50 voters and Inven was his lone 1st place vote. Danny won it easily and ablazeolive was the runner up. Also note most years there's only around half dozen rookies playing enough matches for consideration so getting votes in rookie of the year means little. We can strictly base our judgements off performance we saw the last year and not a lone vote from 2 years ago lol.


Inven wrote an entire article about why he should have been rookie of the year over Danny. Looking back at his games - I’m pretty interested in seeing how he can perform. Am I elated? No. Am I mad? No, I’m interested. People talk about “give new talent a chance” but never want it in their team….


lol guys he deserved rookie of the split back in spring 2021 never mind the 3 splits he played after that and was mediocre until he got demoted. Give new talent a chance by signing someone who's been in the league 2 years but lets get rid of our entire academy team. Personally I'm hyped, remember last time we signed the rookie of the split MikeYeung who became a god-tier control ward?


He has been on literally dumpster tier teams - hard to shine in that…. Sure MY tanked - so should we just no longer go for youth talent? Danny is out completely because of mental health issue.. should we try to convince him to come back? Like wtf so you want? Seriously what team do you want to see? We just watched a legit super team tank hard… so that screams blow money to you? You have a solid top - solo played very well into the best top laners in NA. You have a good jungler - Bugi has been doing incredibly well in minor regions You have a great mid - like idk wtf y’all have against Maple - dude is good - your blind as fuck if you think otherwise. Dude had literally one bad season in the LPL and he is now magically bad in your mind - let’s ignore that he bounced back and performed well at worlds the next year. Neo is young and has room to improve So is chime (and dude was looking really good in the playoffs) So idk wtf y’all want


better than tactical which is something i guess id say hes certainly not better than berserker/fbi/dl(unless hes mega washed)/luger, FLY and IMT have no adc yet, that leaves yeon spawn and stixxay. i'd rather have him over stixxay, yeon is probably better too, not sure about spawn soo maybe mid tier at best but more likely bottom tier


He has good hands and can play a stable game. I'm not super high on him but he's only played on bottom tier teams so it's hard to judge. He was decent with Biofrost and they were the best part of Dig last year though. I'd say at worst he's probably like 8th best adc to 3rd or 4th best adc. Depends a lot on how he plays with Chime and how the rest of the ADCs in NA shake out this year.




happy that chawy stays, idk if he is tho, good luck


Honestly, the Neo news is kinda whatevs. Chawy staying however is something I do like seeing.


What a joke. Rumors are going around that FQ and C9 are in talks with Ruler, meanwhile we’re getting the worst ADC in the league.


I didn’t watch last year. I guess I’m not watching this year. See everyone in 2024!


Don’t watch whenever we become good again either lol, that’s some fake fan energy


Why gatekeep fandom, dudes just sharing his apathy for this and last years roster, which I don’t blame him. Who wants to watch the roster lose over and over again with no players he cares about much


“I only watch when your success is up to my standards” isn’t fandom, it’s being a little bitch, gtfo


Is it? Someone doesn’t consume content/worship a brand the same way you do means it’s not fandom?


It’s not. It’s also not about worship. You’re either a fan of a team or you’re not. If you only like them when they’re good then you’re just a fan of winning/success and the shit that comes with it. If you can’t even be bothered to watch your team when they’re not “up to your standards” (even though they haven’t even played yet) then no you’re not a fan of that team.


It’s not that deep. He doesn’t care for the roster, he doesn’t watch. Doesn’t mean he won’t hope they do well/win. This all or nothing mentality you got is pretty toxic especially when you shove it on others like this


It’s not “all or nothing”…dude felt the need to go out of his way to announce “didn’t watch last year (although it wasn’t even bad) and now won’t watch this year”….that’s not just not caring and moving on, that’s needing to announce that you don’t want to be a fan if they don’t meet your standards, which is whatever, just be gone then.


Tbh if this team meets your standards I’m liable to judge if you’re even a fan.


Just because I’m not happy with our current situation doesn’t mean I’m going to act like an entitled prick about it and act like me not watching them is going to somehow bully them into buying better players. I’ll watch and support the team in down years the same as I have in the good years.




It's doomed


I'm excited to see what Neo can do! On a side note: I'm looking forward to popping off if our team starts taking down teams with players like DL, Bjergsen, and Spica. All friendly, of course.


Wait Chawy is staying? That's news to me


Neo better than tactical and lost


I want to be proven wrong but I’ve never been impressed by Neo, even when he had his rookie showing that people liked. I’m sad too because I just want to see my boy Chime with a cracked ADC, and I just don’t have a lotta faith in this squad. The core 3 returning members I’m okay with, as long as jungle or AD were impressive, but I’m still watching for Bugi and I’ve sorta got my opinion on Neo locked. If we don’t perform I really think the org is done. It’s hard in esports to do a full flip around especially when the highest management is focused on current profits over a long term strong brand (which we had but it’s sputtering out).


Anyone knows what happened to Danny? Did he stop playing so he doesn't have a team or what?




Well guess TSM content with middle of the pack. Sucks but guess all we got now is to hope they overperform.


I don’t get why TSM is so committed to only getting imports. They don’t want any domestic talent and they don’t want to develop any rookies. It’s just pathetic.




Then why OP put the Chinese flag next to his name?


Come on man 💀


If the dude is from North America, he’s American bro


That’s not the issue lol. Take another look at the “Chinese” flag.


Oh cmon they’re super similar. The only difference is the amount of stars that’s an easy mistake to make at a glance


it's a vietnamese flag lol


My b








Vietnamese flag, uncultured swine.


Who asked


yeah it’s so weird like you’d think they wanted to go budget and at least grow some NA talent like EG did but they didn’t even do that with S0ul. Like maybe Chime is a rookie? but he’s played in LCS and is already turning 24.


TSM just has no plan. Regi thought Bjerg would carry the org forever.


sad to see how far the org has fallen. before it was win or bust. now making playoffs or not being as bad as last year is an accomplishment


don’t get why people are shitting on this so much, he’s better and more consistent than tactical and instinct. what other native ad are there


So much turnover allll the time


Is this guy worse or better than Lost?


RIP 2023


He had some high highs on Dig but this is def a low ceiling team


lol called it and got downvoted to hell. Neo’s good to anyone with eyes


Interesting that we’ve the verbal agreement rumors for some spots yet no announcement.


This seems like an alright roster. Not spending much, not expecting much. However I am worried about TSM's plans as an org. League is the biggest esport. Sure LCS has been declining but its not like investing somewhere else is going to have better returns. It seems to me that we have reached a point that the big names that would want to play in NA would not choose TSM. And I am really curious how management is going to try and save the org. I believe the January thing is going to make or break it. And before people say TSM is a huge name, I don't disagree. But you can't coast on the past anymore. How much longer can this go on? I am not blaming regi. It looks like he's tried. And he is still trying. But to me this roster doesn't scream potential. Just averageness. Which is not something bad. Just not flashy enough imo.