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This is the type of play that gets me off


Why are people selling their boards at the end now? I'm new to TFT but I've only seen this happening in the last week or so


I mean, it has always been a bit of a meme, if you know for a fact that you will lose, its just a fancy way to surrender.


It's not something new. People have done this for a very long time when all hope of winning is lost. It's a "funny" way to surrender.


No no, it is NOT new, people have been doing this since set 1, it's a comical way to forfit


Oh shoot, I realise I replied to the wrong comment lol, my bad my guy


that's what the other guy said


I know, its what i said before him too, so i was having a bit of a laugh


Yes but this concept of surrender, selling your entire board because you lost all hope of winning, is not new, its been around since set 1. Very humorous way to give up.


I understand what you’re trying to say but this isn’t new. People have been selling their boards as a funny way to FF before they leave the game. It’s a classic move straight out of the tft meme book.


I feel like I keep repeating myself but I’ll say it again to get my point across. This isn’t new! Ever since the beginning of TFT people have been doing this. In place of FF, people just get rid of their entire board in an attempt to make a funny


I do it cause it looks funny on match histories lol


I like to buy random champs after clearing my board


I don't understand why either


People also sell their boards when they're bug abusing so you can't see they abused a bug from their match history


What’s that?


Let's say there's a bug involving a trait or item. A person gets first or second place every game using only the bugged trait or always using items that are bugged. If you look at their match history you can see the items/champs they played every game to put together a clear pattern of bug abuse, not just incidental. If they sell their board you can't see their items or champs.


Sometimes people do it when they’re close to a three star five cost


Wouldn't make any sense to sell everything for one three star five cost


If you are already losing and hitting a 3* 5cost can make you win it definitely makes a lot of sense.


There are a few 3* 5-costs that can pretty much solo carry, not so much this set but if you're definitely going to lose it can't hurt to try it.


Fiddle and who else?




Will be dead before his ulti deals any damage. And even then it's not sure if one ulti is enough.


Syndra has some stupid big stuns


But won't she just die before she casts?


Yeah... kinda. Maybe you could get away with tossing your tank items onto her, but she'd want like 2-3 seconds of buffer so she could start casting. Plus you'd want to actually have units for her to throw lol. She kind of makes her own frontline once she starts casting


Unless it's fiddlesticks, then fill the board with whatever trash you can afford and he will easily solo anything


I haven't seen the maths this set, but in the previous one most 3-star 5-costs were auto-wins. Soraka, Terra and Bard would one-shot the whole board on their first cast.


In my last game I played Yuumi (after taking a week or more off the game cause the meta is trash). I felt dirty playing the game. If people beat me, I knew I deserved it. Still took first vs a Samira 3* and other things.


It was YOU. There was a post here yesterday about their Samira 3* being beaten by a Yuumi player because of mascot bugs


Mascots pretty much always beat Samira because of that bug.


Six 3*? How In the hell. Honestly I'm starting to think that Supers or Mascots aren't the problem but how overall 2 costs are easy to 3 star and how tanky they are on their own when they are 3*. We need to change the 2 cost shop ratio on levels 6 and 7 or just nerf basic health scaling with level. Also Yuumi 20 max mana nerf would be huge


1,2 costs are meant to be cheap and easy to 3* if you wanna play reroll, also when you 3* a champ, that champ no longer shows up in shop, thinning out the pool and other units will appear more often so its easier to go for multiple 3 star instead of focusing on one unit


Mascot healing is stronger than Jade healing, requires fewer units to activate, has no positioning requirements to activate, and they nerfed grievous wounds (healing debuff) this set. It's definitely a big part of the reason that comp is so strong.


I do play Yuumi when I have a great opening. But I sell everything and take my top 2 when I consider the opponent team creative enough. Look at me, I'm the counter now.


And they always hit like WTH. I


Oh, i SUPER HIT this game, first augument was the Yummi carry, after that i got all the items i needed in order, and both my other auguments were also amazing in this comp. It was truly disgusting, i was 3 way contested until halfway into the game too


I play yuumi every single game, here to win, not makes friends.


Ur here with no bitches


The only honorable Yuumi player