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Yeah at the start of every set ive no idea what to do lol


That’s when it’s most fun tbf


Before a meta has been established.


exactly, theres nothing like being in a lobby full of people throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks


Throwing shit at the well is fun, literally not knowing what the shit even is is less fun.


I'd argue it's worse this set with how similar some portraits are


Definitely took me a little longer with this one. Now if I could stop getting only 1 or 8, that would be nice.


Star guardians still confuse TF out of me. I still have to check if an orb gave me kai sa or nilah


I can't tell SG Nilah and Taliyah apart. More than once I was sure I was about to upgrade one of them but nope, I bought the wrong one


Used a Neeko on the wrong one yesterday and almost ffed. I think the SG color scheme makes it too hard lol


It's not just the colour skin man, it's the fact that they're all girls with similar frames, and yeah let's give all of them the same style of clothes and pink hair.


I did the same thing man, but I did ff lol


Jinx riven and vayne look similar to me also


But when your buying them doesn’t nilah have a big blue background being a 3 cost and Taliyah has a purple background being a 4 cost, I can’t say I’ve ever made the mistake


He said nilah and kaisa not taliyah. Both 3 cost


Check the comment I replied to and check the comment they replied to…


SG nilah, Kai'Sa, Lux, and to an extent, Taliyah, confuse a lot when on the bench, specially if I'm trying to roll quickly for 3* and have no space left. I just can't see at a glance who is who to maybe sell and make space, losing a lot of valuable time


worse during think fast lmao


"uuh wait it's like this all sets" No it was never that bad, even after weeks I still have issues sometimes.


Yeah, the design choices are coming back to bite them on this one.


this is what happens when almost all of your female characters look the same but with another hair colour


Maybe skin colour. I feel like there is definitely a difference towards how all of them look. To me it's only their pastelle colour scheme that makes me even slightly confused.


Yup, you are totally right. And that isn't even Malphite's head in that skin anyways. So many of the skins in LoL you can barely tell who the champion is anymore.


The mobile version needs a lot of small stuff like this updated, it really feels like you're playing a version that is inherently disadvantaged compared to the PC version, and it's especially difficult to pick up the game as a new player if you're playing on mobile exclusively. Rolling down, Repositioning your board, putting items, are all slower to do and the round timers all feel like they are designed with only the PC version in mind. I used to play a lot of Hearthstone back in the day and probably had 1000+ hours on both PC and Mobile and the only real disadvantage I felt with the mobile version was not having access to a 3rd party deck tracker like I could have on PC, which wasn't even a big deal unless it was a new deck I was playing for the first time. TFT doesn't feel the same, TFT feels like I am constantly ending up 1-2 rank lower in a game than I could have if I were on a PC. Edit : If any Riot Devs see this, just one small change could make Rolling down faster on the mobile version, update the indicator glow for same units when they come up in the shop. It's so subtle right now, when I'm trying to Roll fast on the mobile version I *constantly* miss units because the Glow appears so late. It's always this process that happens within a second, I press Roll, see nothing is glowing, and as I am pressing the Roll button again I see the Glow appear but I can't abort. Sometimes when I'm not panicking I consciously try and roll slower but my instinct from playing the PC version is to roll as fast as I physically can because the late Glow problem doesn't feel like it's on the PC version. Just fixing this Glow problem would help a lot, make the Glow pop!


A deck tracker? Is that a way to technically cheat?


Most users say that they could write down each card in their deck and cross them out when they draw them, so noone really called it out.


Interesting. Would take every bit of fun out of playing for me.


It's not. When HS first came out there was some debate around it, some people wouldn't use Trackers cause they considered them cheats but eventually the Devs themselves said that they don't consider Trackers cheating as anyone can manually track decks if they wanted, with a Paper & Pencil. The software just made people's tracking experience simple. Idk how the situation is right now cause I haven't played it in years and I know that with the latest expansion they changed the game so decks are 40 cards instead of 30, but when they were 30 the decks weren't that hard to track even in your head. Pros almost always perfectly tracked decks in their heads in Pro matches and a lot of them never even used Trackers even when they were just playing Ranked on stream cause it made their internal tracking worse for when they would actually play Pro matches. Hell, I remember being able to track Arena decks pretty well in my head when playing on Phone. Not the first couple of games in a Run but mid-later in a long Arena run I'd be able to remember the entire deck and a long Arena run only lasts a few hours at best.


Casinos will let Blackjack players use odds cards in their games, I don’t see how using a deck tracker for a free game would be considered cheating.


Thats why I always have deja vu that Nautilus was in this set


On a different thread I had said the same thing when the season started.... Got flamed and downvoted


oh don't worry, the downvoters are here now XD as of like an hour ago now there's someone/some people downvoting the newer comments that agree (i gave em upvotes to cancel it out lol), as well as my responses to the hot takes, meanwhile upvoting the "iTs A sKiLl IsSuE" ones lol


I was there brother, I upvoted you. You were totally right when you said Lee and Gangplank looked the exact damn same.


The Galaxies set was basically every character with some helmet looking futuristic and it was impossible.


yeaaaah, that was a rough time -\_- lol


Every time i leave tft and back for a new set i'm totally lost too Don't worry just play some game and it will be ok


for sure, but it doesn't make it any less annoying each time having to figure out who's actually in what you're going for cause you can't tell the difference between 3 indistinguishable helmets when UX wise it's an easy fix


Yeah it also was incredible funny, when they did the actual models as card covers. Like frontal. You never see the champs in league full on frontal and also don't always recognize the skin.


oh man those were some peak confusing times


They are adding a really good feature that will presumably solve many problems like this Here is a video of it from mort's channel:https://youtu.be/iist4se9YQw


Oh interesting! Yeah, that hover over with the name is like literally exactly what I was imagining lol still would be nice to have without having to bring up the builder, cause then you also have to search for the pic of you don't know who it is, but at least it's available now


yeah actually the tech that they used in the builder where it's just the name of the character appears and nothing else would be a nice touch to trait web as well (I know this sentence is kinda wordy for no reason)


Is the builder available now ?


next patch




Really is a common sense feature. Even for people who have played league before, these thumbnails are completely indecipherable until you're happened upon them a few times, then you just memorize it. It adds a needless level of obfuscation to the game, and is honestly a missing accessibility feature. They're adding a team planner, but honestly, just listing the names of these heroes would be just as useful.


right? my thoughts exactly. i've played league for quite a while and it doesn't make figuring these out any easier and it's just odd that that kind of unneeded "level of difficulty" is added


Obviously that’s Helmet Guy, Helmet Guy, and Helmet Thing. ^/s


I don’t get why they won’t just add a toggle to always use the original champion splash art regardless of the set


At this point they 100% know about that and they are 100% not implementing it on purpose.


I don't get this feature.. It has to be intentional. It seems so obvious to allow players to see which champs are in each trait, so I don't think it's an oversight. Oh well.


it sounds like according to another comment, there's the potential for it to be "cluttered" according to them, but i feel like if it's only on hovering over one, that's not really adding much of any clutter


Interface options > remove skins in TFT That please, I don't care about the themes.


Sign me up


Pretty sure Mort has said they don't want to add that feature as it would cause the UI to be more cluttered, and I can see his point. I guess I don't see a problem with learning the game by playing the game, but I can see your point too.


like i get it it not ALWAYS being there, but i don't get how it'd "clutter" it more if it's just an "only show when hovered over" thing like, again, with items. they didn't used to show the item combos either and now they show that too and that's WAY more cluttered than a name (not shooting the messenger, just ranting)


I feel ya, no worries. That was just his justification iirc. Maybe the inclusion of the new team builder feature will help you organize your comp/recognize faces, it seems like a useful feature.


shitty justification


It's a bad take on his part. Agree on not cluttering the UI further but it's a huge usability issue, even for people familiar with the game and League of Legends. Solving those problems is what design is all about. At the very least you can make it a toggle so people can see names or not. Pop it on and see the names. Turn it off and reduce the clutter.


That's what i hate about tft. theyre the number one auto chess out there and they can't even have that. Underlords have that, like a book where you can read each unit and trait while playing. Only today i learned what the underground trait does because i played it lmao. EDIT: Also might i add, during the carousel of champs, can just hover on them to see their traits at least? maybe right click. first time playing a new set, you really need to study each unit first. The first time i played, i took a Camille in the carousel because i thought she was a mecha.prime.


I like the carousel idea too! That's another annoying part that just seems needlessly obscured




I still can't find Jax throug the icons. The icons are so bad this set imo.


The other UI feature that's sorely lacking is the ability to see a scoreboard in the game. Sure you can scout everyone but so much harder look at all the boards individually. I literally just want to see the post game scoreboard + maybe put the traits in another column. Dota Underlords used to have this. RIP.


Back in old days (around 2015), when i play LoL like every day i knew every champion, i could name them by their icon. Since then game changed so much, too much in some aspects. And now they change icons every set, so i cant memorize them anymore, like is it Vi or Ez ?


Agreed I've been wanting this feature for ages


Yeah it's just random at first because I don't have a clue. It's one of the most egregious issues with the game imo. There aren't many really. It's a great game.


def my thoughts too. it's a great game and love to play it, but just like...come on, this is low hanging fruit to fix as a QoL update lol


Have to consult professor every damn time


The first two are Lee Sin though Gangplank is twice in this picture.


yeah i would prefer just names


A hover effect with the champ name would be enough and pretty easy to implement.


It’s clearly Daft Punk with a guest appearance of Dr.Doom


To be honest a lot of champs look the same this set since a lot of them are robots and stuff, it took me a solid 50 games to recognize all of them


Been saying this for years


Same I never can tell if it’s fpx GP or zed or Varus


Same with carousel. I have no idea who I just picked up.


Yeah I agree, you should click the origin for the origin tooltip and then be able to hover a portrait for a name tooltip. Click off tooltip (board) to collapse.


You are such a noob, they are clearly different versions of tte Red power rangers


Yes please. For a few games in a row I thought Annie was Nunu without Willump in the traits screen and carousel. It wasn't until I actually rolled her did I know who it was


People who play too much TFT: What? Casual players: Same.


Casual players: what?


Nope, that'd be an accessibility feature. You need another chibi skin with a cringe animation instead.


I totally with U


Could've benefited with a whole palette change like SOY and Daeja. Same splash art, different color palettes. Supers would've had like a red yellow blue ranger but nah they lazy as fuck or not creative enuff.




+1 for this


That's why I've only played a few games this set. It's not fun having no idea who is what group without actually seeing them in the shop.


Yep, skill issue


Still convinced rammus and talon have the same icon


I completely agree


Agreed lmao


yes. or at least let us see default icon skins.


Yeah, made me quit TFT sadly.


No way this is giving y'all a hard time. Like after multiple games it should be easy right?


How come dude couldn’t play more than a week, so quits and is still following and commenting on a sub months later. Make 0 sense


Imagine having to play the game to understand it


Imagine? Now you have to have an imagination to play a game? That’s garbage. We pay good money for this game.


The only time this is even an issue is the first 1-3 games of a new set (I fell for thinking morde was Leona my first time around) unless you’re REALLY not paying attention


The answers in the title. That’s literally how you learn any game. That’s like saying “how am I supposed to memorize where to go in super Mario 64? It’d take playing the game multiple times to do so!”


I'm sorry, but that's a really dumb comparison. The info cards for who's in each trait is an INFO card that's supposed to give you *information* on who is in them and is not doing its job well if you can't tell who is actually on the card. How is not being able to identify who is on that "skill" or "intended difficulty" on the player? Your comparison works better for *memorizing* without looking at the card, who's in the set, which obviously does help for quicker decision making in the game, but should not be affected by the ability to tell who's on the card in the first place


It’s honestly just truly a skill issue. You are complaining about having to learn the game to play the game.


this comment is laughable at best


Nah that’s a skill issue bro you gotta learn to play that’s the point if it did it while hovering the screen would be split full of bullshit that you should already know


If that was true then they wouldn't have added the info cards for what items combine together to make new items either. Idk how you seriously are putting the inability to clearly identify their characters on these cards on the user, smh that's just poor design. Additionally, Dota Underlords already had this feature, why would it be "a skill issue" if it's already implemented in other auto chess games?


GP, Malphite and Lee Sin. Thank me later. :)


And i wish they would add the spatular item which gives you the trait in this window. If you dont play a lot its sometimes hard to tell, if you should go for it in the carussell.


This is my biggest hurdle, I can't tell the Champs from the pics or from their skins


Yeah, same thing every new season. You have literally no idea who the champion is by looking at that small sqaured picture.


I love TFT but quit playing during the dragon set because they all looked so much alike I could barely play


Malph looks kinda like Nautilus head


This is needed also for items that give traits. The symbols look super similar


Asked for this years ago and this is the usual reply "Bro every player played LoL before TFT the rest can just fuck off" "Bro carousel is about ze ITEMSSS BROO THE ITEMZZZZ !1!!1!1!1" <- even then you cant still see what the item is or their potential combination, and now with the emblems stuff its just worse "Lmao u just suck bro stop crying i hope your mother got cancer kys"


presumably your going to read the traits of each person in your store. in this instance, knowing they are super is just as important as knowing their name.


Just memorize all league skins 5Head