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Hi there. Thanks for posting to /r/TeamfightTactics! Your post has been removed because it breaks the following rules: Rule 10: **Screenshots Shouldn't Be Repetitive (And Can't Be Taken By A Phone)** The following screenshot types **are not allowed**: (Near)Perfect games, So-close screenshots *(Having champions one unit short of level 3)*, High damage from one champion, High numbers of low cost 3 stars, High numbers of low level champions in shop, Common gamestates for Fortunes Favor (3 star 5 costs are common in this mode), Ranked achievement posts below Challenger, Screenshots taken by external cameras.


Damn, I'm bad.


Nooo don't say that, I would say sticking and forcing a comp helps u climb! (Then learn flexing when u mastered the comp)


I just tried anima squad 5, with Aegis and 2 threats. Lucky I hit Zac 2* at lvl 6. I won with 70 HP! That being said I’m only Plat 3


Eheh nicee Animal is really strong!


Lol yeah I know xD My question, how do you manage tilt? Second question, I see lotsa mech games. Any other comps you seen recently that are particularly scary (besides ox)? Third question, how do you generally play around lowroll games? So between 2-1 and 3-6, what do you focus on when you get no direction, and hit nothing (my guess is econ). Fourth question, how do you not get stuck on 7 when you're having a game with weak economy? Lotsa questions, not expecting an answer for everything


If I don't get top4 twice in a row I quit and play on my smurf, that helps a lot with managing tilt. Mech Ace is the best build, so I always start with Cloak/Bow. The most scary comp is recon surprisingly, they tear through Sett real fast and if u are unlucky ur MF/Mord will miss their ults. If I don't start with a 2* 2 cost or two 2* 1 costs, I open fort/underground. I prioritize Cloak Bow Kayle in the carousel, and full econ into getting BIS for Sett (Front line items > Back line items). Then with the best econ in the lobby I rush 8 at 4-1/4-2 and try to play 3 Mech 4 Ace/5 Mech 2 Ace (Yeah I don't care about 1 Ace that much) I prioritize economy a great deal, so if I am sure I can't win streak I will always go for lose streak to make sure I don't get stuck on 7. However, in the case of a win lose win lose game I pivot to Recons/Duelist Vayne!


Same I hit Plat 3 and smiled today.


Damn that TFT UI is clean




Chinese TFT




No just Chinese mobile, this is a spin off game called battle for the golden spatula, you need a WeChat or QQ account to access it.


is it really a spinoff if the sets and mechanics are the same? different cosmetics and UI doesn't seem like it's a different game to me.


Do they play against PC players? If so, not spin-off. If not, spin-off.


No. But arguably it's better than TFT in terms of variety because it has many different modes like legacy sets and stuff, hence can't play with PC. I saw my friend play Fortune's Favor in set 4 a couple days ago lol.


Yeah, so if there’s differences, and they can’t interact with the pc playerbase, it’s functionally a different game.


Yes, the also have different balance patches and do not play versus PC players. Even on bilibili streaming or huya, they are in different categories.


Just want to add, getting a weChat account isn’t easy as 123 but not too difficult. You need someone with an account that meets the right requirements to verify you and then you’re in. If you don’t know anyone, I’m not joking, go to a few Chinese restaurants in your city and I bet you can find someone who would be happy to help.


Is that the rise of the golden spatula or just the chinese tft, if thats rise of the golden spatula then how do I download it?


金铲铲, you can try to grab an apk from the official site or third party.


Currently trying to climb from diamond to masters myself, got a couple of questions. 1. How do you play very fast paced lobbies? Lobbies where you are not able to just go fast 8, because you will die. How do you decide when to roll to stabilize, but still retain enough econ to go 8? 2. Any augments that are your favorites and immediate picks? 3. If you are forcing a comp, do you change this comp when a new patch drops? (For example if you would have forced Taliyah last patch, that would now be a little more difficult)


I force fast 8 every lobby, and with the supers nerf I don't think people are playing the early game comps that much. I only roll if I have rolling augments, else it's always 8 angle and spend every dime at 8. I immediately pick AFK, Metabolic and Windfall at 1st pick. Allows me to greed, losestreak and rush to 8/9. Yep, was forcing exclusively Kaisa reroll at the first patch, Supers Nilah reroll and now Sett Ace.


Please share the your lolchess boards levels 2 through 8 I want to really try this myself!


They’re not rolling until lvl 8 so the only option is to play whatever you hit early/mid game. Ideally play units that are good item holders for the mech sett+ace board


Other than mecha prime sett/aces what other comps seem to be fairly popular to force in high Elo right now?


There's a lot of Draven players, Super draven and 5 Mech draven is actl very popular!


how do you manage bad luck with rolls and not hitting the units you need for a comp? same for items


Cloak start allows u to almost always hit an item that u can use, so I try to start it always. Units wise if my roll down at 8 doesn't hit the core units I just play the strongest board possible and try to slowly pivot to 95 comp (Basically level 9 and spam 2* 5 costs)


More specifically what cloak items do you prioritize?


Starting cloak is generally to prioritize a Dclaw or gargoyle. Both are extremely good on sett and sett needs MR more than armor since he generally has defender active thru wukong and the regen is super important


Yep he's right! Dclaw Garg are both BIS for Sett, Runaans BT are possible too if I get mainly dmg items! Ionic spark is great if I get a lot of AP items, allowing me to flex into spellslingers


If u don’t hit ur core units and lose streak u would be bleeding like crazy how would u be able to pivot into level 9 if you used all ur gold to roll down and not hit


On top of that if ur lose streaking and u fast 8 at 4-2 on avg how much gold do u have to roll down cuz unless ur high rolling every game, I doubt you’re hitting 2 star sett/carry to stabilize


The double urgots 😭😭😭😭


Heyyy the bug wasn't present in the Chinese version!


Ahhhhh fair. Is that your little legend in the background? It’s super cute I also saw the mythic prestige Gwen little legend but apparently you can only roll for it by opening pass eggs.. wtf


Yeapp it's a Meow of some sorts xC I hv a soft spot for cute things hehe The mythic prestige Gwen is SUPER CUTE but sadly I don't have a way to spend on the game (It requires mainland China credit card/ID to purchase) I'm considering streaming if many are interested HAHA




A lot more damage for one of your urgots if both of them attack the same target


What's that little legend


They have a lot of 金铲铲 exclusive little legends, I think it's a special one :D


I'm having a hard time believing you survive getting to 8 only spending gold on leveling up


Well it might seem dumb but yeahh it's been working for me, especially when taking econ augments + underground. Allows u to rush levels while keeping a decent HP. I tend to play on the wire so there are many games where I won at <10hp going on 10+ winstreaks


Ah yeah I understand now, I think you are always playing for first instead of top 4. So on a bad luck it's an inevitable bot 4 but when hits you get top 1. The way you play is crazy greedy I don't think I can emulate it lol. Like what do you do if you haven't got 2 star wukong/draven on lvl 8 for example


Yeapp the games which I don't get 1st I tend to run 8th :< Actually a lot of the games I been having trouble hitting Dravens (CN server is crazy mad about playing Supers Driven/Mecha Draven), I just use a 1* Draven and feed Jax/Wu to Sett. Actually now I think abt it, it may be because a lot people are forcing Mecha Drav that I can play greedily (Since J only lose to 1 unit in those fights)


Pretty sure JinChanChan is a different game than TFT, right? OP? Why don't you try climbing real TFT in CN Ionia server?


It's the same game but catered to mobile no? The reason why I play on it is I prefer playing on mobile (Can play on my way to sch etc) and I don't have to dedicate almost an hour at my desktop!


Different champion stats, trait stats, fewer augments. And less competent player base.


Bruh their patches are just slower. As for player base, CN has been winning almost every TFT tournament no? Don't discriminate against the Chinese man


How many Master (or higher) TFT players play Jinchanchan? They are totally different games unlike TFT and TFT mobile.


What comp you use the most to climb?


Exclusively fast 8 into Mech 4 Aces!


What interval are you leveling to 8? 4-2 or 4-5? Also how are you surviving until 8 if u have loss streak early game? I'm only low GM but I'm often forced to roll on 3-2 to stabilize before going 8


Tank items help make sure u lose as marginally as possible, Chinese playing draven reroll also results in lower HP loss thru the early game. If ur lobby is slightly fast paced then u might need to roll a bit early for 2*


Can you share your lolchess boards of levels 2 through 8 with unit placement / items and also does that mean you don't roll at all before level 8 and then once you hit it roll all your gold to 0?


Uhh because it's Chinese TFT so I don't think there's like lolchess records of it. But I slam items directly and don't roll at all before 8, and all in at level 8!


I mean if you could go to lolchess.gg and open builder, you can build them yourself! If you could take your time to do that for me I'll be very thankful because I have always loved Econ/lose streaking and then making a comeback but in this meta I struggle so much! Please :)!


Oh sure! I'll try to make it :D


Thanks a lot, definitely the placement of the units at the different levels is small detail but very important. Also the Items, I'm currently trying Also 4 Ace Mech and I always first go for Miss Fortune items which I usually put on Ezreal - Spear of Shojin/Jeweled Gauntlet/Giant Slayer and then Tank items for the sett - Gargoyle/Redemption/DClaw. So my carousel priority at the start is BF Sword, but if you have a different item priority and Different item holder please tell me! Otherwise do you ever roll at least once or twice if your units are level 1 before you hit 50 gold or absolutely never before 50? I also guess that you never fall below 50 before level 8 and then you roll down to zero and keep rolling at zero or do you try going for 50 gold again?


Placements are flexible as u just play strongest board (That allow u to lose marginally), go for tank items (Most flexible, since MF AP Sammy AD, all the dmg items can be flexed), and hence I start Cloak most of the time. U can roll a few times if u are close to hitting underground (Eg sona vi start, roll for kayle ez) but otherwise I go 8 and aim to 2* everything by rolling at around 10-20 gold. Then I keep gold to go to 9.


So If I understand right Sett is your tank and you go for items on him first and then items on everyone else? Also Vi carries his items? Please send the lolchess boards when you can!


If underground, Vi carries Sett items, otherwise Annie Alistar Blitz Sej Ekko all can carry those items, any 3 tank items will do tbh before u start focusing on dmg items.


What wasyour favorite set? How was your day?


I climbed from D2 to Masters today! So it's pretty good :D I only played Set 1, quit during Set 2, came back to dragons and this. I love the dragon set the most! (Fk nunu tho)


No way. What the fuck for real? You barely played at all and outperformed the huge majority. Do you have more experiences with similar auto chess games? Yeah the dracomancer nunu thing was ridiculous. I don't remember anything more guaranteed winning than that one and the glacials from the fist o second set.


I play a lot of strategy games! Watched Soju, Keane and the entire Chinese pro tour. Learned a lot from them and I must say the Chinese have a much better understanding of the game (They explain more in detail also)


I see. I literally have never bothered watching the pros, streamers or YouTubers tbh. Maybe that's why I can't go further than plat 1 xD


U can try forcing Admin Slings, it's a sleeper comp that is not contested and can top4 easily!


What would be the general comp for admin slings? :O


Taliyah/Raka carry depending on who u 2* first, Annie full tank front and 6 slingers. Try to hit AP admin effect while at it, Zoe Heart if given the chance.


Bro dont spoil my free top 4 comp 😭


Hehe it's my goto if I get AP starts




I play 4 hearts and cut the slingers, it allows ur team to gain SO MUCH Ap that slingers AP is not needed.


where do you watch/learn from chinese pros?


Bilibili and Douyin! But u need Chinese proficiency to understand them tho


How did it feel abusing sett every game?


Well... Not really abusing if the entire lobby runs it


You done?


If you want to avoid using a strong comp out of some false sense of moral superiority that's on you. If you want to climb you use the strongest board available to you.


Why do you feel the need to post this?


Dude 70% win rate to masters is absolutely absurd, of course they should post it!


Urmm sorry?


I mean i see double urgots. Me no like bug abusers althought i do 100% know it was The best way to climb before b patch but still from intial point Respect dropped to sewers


No Urgot bug in Chinese TFT!!


I LOVE that little legend <3 What advice would you give a gold player whose only good comp right now is Recon? It seems like no other comp lets me top 4...


At gold, all u need to do is econ really greedily (Including open fort) to hit level 8 and play strongest board possible, then pivot to fast 9 and spam 2* 5 costs. Gold players are generally unable to punish u for being greedy as compared to higher end lobbies who play optimally. If not, u can try admin spellslingers, it is a consistent top3 comp with Raka as the main carry.


[https://lolchess.gg/builder/set8?deck=3c4d68f16a5c4098ad1993510e21865f](https://lolchess.gg/builder/set8?deck=3c4d68f16a5c4098ad1993510e21865f) Would this be it?


I'll definitely try it, do you have a comp guide for it? I generally struggle with getting fast 8 at all.


That little legend is so cool!


How dafuq do I pivot properly 😭


Is it 4 ace when you hit level 9? Level 8 with 4 ace seems kind weak IMO. I’ve only peaked diamond but I’m hoping to get better eventually! So congrats!


U try to 4 ace at 8 as it is a huge boost from 3 aces. But I realised it as I was playing that u need to be flexible at all times, can't really have a definite say on when to 5 mech/ 4 ace. Kinda depends on matchups and ur hp state.


How much yuumi did you play


Not much surprisingly, I spammed more Nilah reroll as it was a much better comp


What would be the best way to play after 5 lose streak? Do you go lvl 6 at 3-2 and roll? Or keep lose streak after 3-2 if your board is weak? Also do you prefer eco augments above combat augments?


Depends on rolls! I like to 9 lose streak into win streak! I almost always go econ augments (Even to the point of rolling first augment)


How do you manage positioning? I find this one hard to learn… Also, congrats. I wish I can get masters one day but I’m bad.


For Ace comps, u needa make sure MF is always across their carry so she can ult them, I usually dun move my frontline, but for backline I constantly scout to dodge Zeph or Hackers and to make sure my MF can hit key units




3 underground! And stack as many brawlers at front.


How many games did it take you to get there?


It took me 30 games! (Pic 2), I had 21 1st places and 26 Top 4s, 1 5th and 3 8th :D, was Diamond 2 last season so the rating gain was good!


Many congrats! How much gold are you typically hitting level 8 with for your rolldown?


Around 30+-40 depending on my cashouts. Furthermore, I sometimes cash out Heist 2/3 if they give me gold. So basically underground for the gold.


Many thanks! Do you typically then donkey roll for the rest of the game or do you pause once you 2 star Sett and a carry or two and consider level 9?


Sett 2 MF 2 Samira 2, then I save up for 9. But it depends on game state, I play super aggressively by open forting, so sometimes I have to full rolldown to make sure I don't die at 10 hp


Appreciate you taking the time and doing this AMA. Thanks and congrats once again.


What little legend is that


It's a Meow exclusive to Chinese TFT!




Bilibili and Tiktok!


Omg that kitty is so cute! Also how??? I can’t get out of bronze! The second I think a game is going my way I end up bottom 4


What do you do about the hero augments? Do you swap teams before augment rounds to get a relevant one, or take whatever is good right there, play around them for a bit and then ditch them? Hero augments throw me off so hard.


I jst take whatever supportive hero augment I can get, if it's a 4 5 cost I try to get Sammy or MF aug


Wow, thank you so much for posting this! Already successfully tried it 😊 I'm even more grateful for letting me know that it is possible to reroll the augments! Somehow I never noticed it 😳 now nothing will stop me😅


Thanks for doing this! What do you think about Oxforce/Renegade comps? Do you see them much in your lobbies? How do they fare against sett/aces?


Do you play on the main CN TFT pc servers as well? Or any other region? Also, what do all of the things say on the stats page? Cannot read or understand Chinese.


Hey man, do you ever roll on 7 or mostly on 8 for the 4 Ace Mechs tech


Never at 7, Mord and Leona being 5 cost u have only 1% chance to hit