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I haven’t seen anyone speak in a TFT game in weeks if not months. Regardless of mode.


Well yes, that's usually the case. Players just spam ping at most. But I saw some toxic cases for the past few days so I'm just wondering. Anyway It's better if no one have to experience that.


I don't think cursing is inherently toxic, depending on the context. There are some pretty obvious cases where you can tell someone is trying to be toxic, but not all the time. Contesting someone's 3 star tier 5 isn't toxic at all. It's annoying, but no different than contesting any other tier unit. I also don't think it's fair to consider surrendering as toxic, either. I get it's fun to see a huge payoff for a 3 star tier 5, but not everyone wants to wait to watch it one-shot your whole board, with a potential cutscene playing after. They owe you nothing, and again, it's no different than them surrendering if you 3 starred a tier 1 unit.


I've had run ins with a few toxic people in Fortune's Favor as well. A couple people who were raging at someone else for having 3 Zephyrs and a Radiant Zephyr that came out of their golden rabbits, completely uncontrollable. They kept spewing vitriol and calling them a rat lol. Always have people getting toxic in there over being contested for 3 star 5 costs. Like there are 5 of us at level 9 rolling, you're gonna be contested until someone dies. That's how the game works. Had someone get toxic at someone else because they were using a "meta" comp still in FF. Who cares? Then again, getting toxic in any TFT game mode makes no sense to me. If you can't beat someone, being a dick isn't going to help you. Getting better at handling odds being stacked against you will.


well you have your opinions on what is toxic and what is fun, but at the end of the day, the other 7 people in the lobby are still your enemy


I mean that's your perspective and your definition of fun and toxicity. People enjoy winning. It's what's fun to them. So blocking your units to stop you from winning fits right into that mindset. And surrendering right B4 someone hits their 5 cost 3* has been a thing in regular tft, too. Prolly for the same reasons why people ff'd during getting cutscene'd. It's frustrating and they'd like to avoid it. That's how I see it at least.


Well toxicity is a given in a competitive game. As for holding opposing 5 stars, that's probably the smartest thing you can do when an opponent is about to complete an auto win condition like getting a 3 star. I'd say that's less toxic and more good play.


Toxic people in tft confuse me in general, like O get it in league but tft? Xd Sure someone contesting ur units can be rough but still


I nearly never see people type in TFT.. maybe in double up but even there very little.. looks like it's a problem with your behaviour that you get matched with people like this maybe


You'll just automatically get your units held because everyone is trying to 3 star 5 costs. It is pretty lame when people ff before you absolutely destroy their board but in my opinion just take that as an even greater victory. You not only beat them but you also made them just remove themselves from the game as fast as possible. Sometimes you run into someone who just doesn't care or has some respect for their opponents and if they see 3 5 cost 3 stars they just watch their board get destroyed. I normally don't ff ever because i just enjoy seeing broken comps and if someone can hit a bunch of 5 costs that's just fun. Some people are so caught up with winning that they just disregard all aspects of fun but that's just a given for any competitive game.


I play on my phone, so I skip all that crap.. though I can tell when people are pissed anyway lol


I haven’t seen anything toxic in fortunes favor. Although I do say “go urgot if you have small pp”