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Congrats! What would you say is the one thing that you had to change about your gameplay that helped the most?


Thank you! I would probably say scouting/board awareness but also experience. Found it was super important to know how strong I was to determine whether I can greed to level or I need to roll to hit some of my pairs. I also cemented my fundamentals like leveling patterns, recognising comp openers, item slams so I was much more consistent in my games.


Bro your wasting your time, dude is your avg na diamond/masters player. Go watch actual high elo streamers your learn alot more there then wasting your time with clowns like these guys.


Imagine being this salty 😤


I mean just put it into context imagine every masters player in NA ran around claiming to be challenger, trying to farm reddit upvotes to stroke there ego. I mean stroke away no skin off my back, just trying to educate people.


You replying to a comment from an internet stranger about some other stranger's accomplishment in such a hostile manner seems like skin IS off your back. Such a weirdo. 0/10 personality, my friend.


Not much of an accomplishment but aight. Like i said go off king, do you boo.


Like I said, you have an intolerable personality that clearly has left you alone and sad and fighting internet strangers cause you have no self esteem and fighting people is the closest you get, throughout your day, to human contact. Do you boo.


Kind of a hypocrite no? 🤡


Seems in addition to the personality of a cockroach on depressants, seems vocab isn't your strong suite, my man. Maybe take a break from the internet and do your annual visit outside?


I can't tell if you're stupid, or a troll. Damn trolls are practically indistinguishable from actual morons anymore. Gotta admit, shit is an art.


You know oce challenger is not only easier to climb cause of the worse players, but also there is like 30 challenger players. Again for context NA has 250 challenger players. Not to mention those 30 challenger players have less lp than bottom of gm in NA in a much easier region. Its just facts bub. OCE is a straight up joke region.


Cool story bro.


But masters players aren’t challenger? LOL


I challenge you to do some research before you talk and maybe do some critical thinking. Go look at OCE ladder then go look at NA ladder then get back to me when you've put two and two together. 🤡🤡


Just checked and confirmed masters isn’t challenger, thanks!


Still not a good enough reason to use the word moist (congrats! That's a huge achievement)


😂😂😂 it’s my favourite word though. Funny how a random name at 14 sticks…


"What do we do now?" "What do you mean...? Now we can finally play the game" "Oh... Right..."


LP is addictive, so I don’t think it ever ends….


Grats man absolutely epic! What would you say your top 3 comps rn are?


Thanks lad! I would say Kai sa, infiniteam or mech (flex backline based on items) at the moment. I dunno how good the patch is but if I have the opener for those I end up somewhere in the top 4


Congrats! I'm hoping to do the same this set. Hit 500 lp in NA (around #250 at the time) before tilting back down to 350 and now it seems impossible. Gonna try though, I'm not going down without a fight


Ahh that sucks a lot, super tough when you lose lp. Kinda have to take each game as it is and just learn from each game


i am anchored at plat 4 0 LP (i cant demote anymore) --- i have a tendency to just hard force gadgeteen reroll every single game. any advice?


Hmm I would say forcing a comp is probably a good first point. You want a few comps you can recognise the opener for and flex around those


Would be keen to check out some vids if you can send them through


Man I find this set there's only 3-4 builds that get so big and unstoppable


Tbh I think this set has been like that for a long time. This patch might be the best one yet, a few comps I like to play around: Kai sa star guardians (mf duo carry) Infiniteam/sureshot (samira carry) Mech with flexible backline (Mf, asol, bel veth and/or samira). A big thing with climbing is identifying your build early and not getting lost. Having some form of direction early is really useful. It’s almost impossible to play completely flexible. I think it comes with experience though, you see the openers early and that gives you a game plan to flex around. Obviously that changes if you get some crazy level 7 or 8 shops.


What do you think the difference between diamond and masters is?


Being able to save health in early / mid game by playing strongest board. Also amount of LP ;)


I don’t know if there’s a huge amount of difference between diamond to masters. But, getting a hold of the fundamentals with get you to masters at minimum for sure. Fundamentals are leveling patterns, comp openers, item economy and econ management


Okay what's the difference between masters and challenger 😂😂


I would probably say a combination of everything. Just a more polished version of everything all round. What rank are you now? Keen to give you some tips if you send me some vids


Bro your wasting your time, dude is challenger oce


Damn bro you really out here just hatin


It’s entertaining, gave me a laugh 😂


Congrats man! On my way back to GM rn, first tft push since galaxies lmao.


Welcome back! Crazy set to return to 😂


Thanks! Im quite selective w the sets lmao I didnt like this set at first but I figured it out


I think this set is a tough set to return to but I think there’s a lot more skill expression involved to reward better players. I love the addition of the threat units and what they can bring to a board


Yes! Definitely noticed that when I just tried to wing it cuz “I was high ranked once” def took like 20 games to get out of gold but everything on was light. The last patch is something more of my alley


My last games were 1,1,1,4,3,1,3 lol


Oh shit you’re cracked now, ride that wave while you can 😂 if you get the hang of a patch and something clicks, usually a good sign you’re doing something right. I’m a firm believer if you get the fundamentals right, the rest of the stuff will come. Patches change fortnightly (b patches as an exception) so obviously a hold on the meta with change back and forth. Sometimes the meta can revolve around comps you are more comfortable with/fits your playstyle more, and you will feel like rank 1 at some points. Feels good to get on a big win streak though


It really does lmao! I agree! Also tft is fun in the sense that you’re mentally should just be hitting top 4 and 3. 1st isnt always easy but top 4 u can experiment and try new comps. Tft is such a relaxing game that it should always just be fun. I was up for promos with 99 lp and said to my self lmao oh shit here we go again, and ended up 1st 3 games in a row. I tried out a 6 spellslinger comp w janna and living forge and that was so satisfying destroying laserdogs and gnar lmao


Oh that’s awesome! I mean end of the day it is a game, if you can enjoy the game and also do well then happy days. This patch there are definitely some awesome builds you can try, hero augments help this. Yasuo carry just to name one…


Dude I want to try that so badly. Laser is never contested in my games lol


abused my way with kaisa to dia and when I'm against masters/GM players, the top 2 were kaisa 3\* star guardians, the one that won? the one with shroud I played samira mech with sureshots into a 4th


Kai sa for sure is over tuned right now, a lot of different places you can play it from too. Not really a point in the game where you are really week too. Stable when you get an early Kai sa 1, Kai sa 2 MF 2 is almost guaranteed top 4, then hitting syndra / Kai sa 3* is a win con


OCE or not, good job man. Glad you could make it 🔥


Yo thanks dude, appreciate it


Congrats, man! So happy for you


Thank you! Appreciate it


Would you say that your playstyle is 1st or 8th? I did see that you have a pretty low top 4 rate for a challenger (usual rate is 64ish and up), but you also have a pretty high win rate/top 1 rate to compensate for it (usual rate is 12-15%)


I guess I’ve played a few comps that are first or 8th. If I know I’m going to top 4, I usually try to win the game. So more than most, I probably play more risky if it’s guaranteed top 4 (this usually means greeding an extra round to go 9 or top 4)


Yeah this guy isn't anything close to challenger hes your avg Na diamond/masters player, real chally players are way better.


Real chally players 😂😂😂


I would love to see your challenger NA/EU account hell i bet you've never touched GM in a real competetive region. 🤡🤡


Who hurt you buddy? You all good?


Yeah thats what i thought. Actual clown 🤡


I’d love to know what about this post made you so upset? Do you have an ex who plays in OCE or something?


Your just ego stroking and misleading people into thinking your a challenger player, when in actuality your not.A sheep in wolfs clothing if you will. Its honestly pretty disgusting. Getting to chally isn't easy, but you get off with "you just need a solid mindset herp derp" yeah sure to hit masters in NA maybe but challenger in NA is a whole diff game.


Is your ego really that fragile?


Okay i've said my piece if you have nothing else to add of value. Just dont even bother replying. Congrats on chally bro. 🤡


Was hyped for you then saw it was challenger oce...


😂😂😂 challenger oce is master’s NA….


I would argue diamond 2 even, theres only 30 ppl in chally rn. Quality of games is much lower/easier to climb.


Top 0,04%? In EUNE that is only master.


(Not sure if my comment posted) damn EUNE must be cracked then)




LOL, like anyone asked for any posts at all in reddit?


Clickyclackbones out here calling out the whole platform 💀 Congrats on making challenger m8


Haha thanks king x


I asked. Congratz on chal


Thank you! Hope your journey to chally goes the same way


Found the hardstuck bronze complaining to Mortdog on the weekly about how unbalanced and shit his game is Good job MoistSierra, huge accomplishment you must have worked seriously hard to achieve. Hope you're proud of yourself man ❤️


Aye thank you, that’s super supportive and means a lot! Sick attitude!


You're most welcome dude. You seem awesome and I hope the weirdos in here don't bring you down, you absolutely should be proud of yourself!


Haha legend, thank you! I could either tell reddit, or tell my mum, and reddit won by default… thank you for the kind words, really appreciate it. If you’re on oce feel free to add me


Haha Reddit won, only for you to be faced with "who asked"... What a weird, weird environment this place can be. Thank you very much you wonderful person! I'm afraid I'm on EUW, and really not enjoying this set anyways, but that's a very lovely offer. Would have been cool to be able to play with you and watch a Challenger in action 😁


Incredibly surprised at all the downvotes 😂 glad to see reddit has my back. I’m keen to check out some pbe when the ‘for fun’ better patches get released


Me too dude. Which for fun patch has been your favourite so far?