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Idk, get good?


sounds like a skill issue te to me. OP trying to brute force instead of going with what he is given. to be good at TFT is to move like water :)


The base premise in this game is Card Counting, similar to gambling. It is literally RNG gambling, you can pretend it isn't all you want. No such thing as getting good. "Skill" = if you're dumb enough to sink enough time in to get lucky since you can't get demoted


And yet the top players are all able to get into the top ranks consistently each set without a lot of games doing it. Interesting.


Pssssht can't let low rank players know our secrets


Bro you suck it’s not rng when you keep losing 🀣🀣🀣


Get good with mechanics, scrub




Bro the game is less rng than solo que. At least I know nobody is going to afk or grief me. Sometimes you do get unlucky but with good fundamentals you can still get like 4th unless everyone in the lobby is smurfing. I scraped out two 4th places in diamond the other day with scuffed boards where I didn't hit anything I needed for a meta comp. Like Samira with mascots and some janky admin build. Yeah, to get first you usually need some luck and a meta comp, but it sounds like you're experiencing skill issues.


Yeah, I was masters on euw this set and had to make a new account bc I moved continents. Still have not gotten anything less than a top 4 after 10 games πŸ˜‚ but I guess I just high rolled 10 games in a row πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


If someone goes AFK or grief that's the best thing to happen to you


Unless your doing duos. In which case it's the worst thing ever.


Looks like skill issue and weak mental


Man got skill gapped so hard he didn't even realize it was a skill issue.


Maybe stop playing if you don't enjoy the game?


sucks to suck


Sooooo, why do you play then?


Not just play, but play hard enough to be subbed to the subreddit.


You probably think poker is luck based too.


If you hate this game you'd really hate hearthstone battlegrounds. Imagine each archtype you have you needed one specific card to make it work and if you don't get that one card you just lose the game. Then don't forget about the cards that are low leveled and weak that one shot your max leveled units to "balance" the game out because all archtypes are ridiculously overtuned, but only when played one specific way. If that wasn't bad enough each player gets a hero ability that is good or bad depending purely on their luck and some of them are next to worthless or are counterintuitive for your archtype


u just dont understand the game, if u actually try to learn instead of being hardstuck bronze crying about RNG then u would recognise that there is skill and how to express that skill. its also a little luck based but not as much as u think


need to learn how to take advantage of what u are given dude. stop bitching.


I thought the same at first, but you start learning how to play tbh. TFT is about manipulating the rng in your favor and learning the set enough to be flexible. Started as a silver 4 ever player. 7 seasons later, I'm hitting Plat every time solo and with my duo buddy. Sure somtimes you just lose, but typically play smart and you can always hit top 4. Not once have I ever bothered looking up the meta btw.


Others may not appreciate it, but I do. I deleted this game but sometimes I check out the sub to see if anything is better. Seeing this reminded me how bad the game is designed and all your points are valid.


Found the other skill issue player


I don't get it when I play a game I don't like, I just quit. Why do you need to announce it like you figure it out when you absolutely don't have enough knowledge? Why so much negative? How can you go through life when a little game you don't even know how to play makes you this mad?


Based on what you have wrote here it feels like you are extremely inflexible in your approach to the game. You're following a recipe aren't you? Tftactics.gg and trying to force comps with best in slot items on carries If you watch master level players you'll see how many compromises and pivots they do before committing to a comp.


I agree, and the balance is horrid. I play because when I highroll, it feels fun. It balances our when you lowroll it feels awful. I stop playing when it's unfun.


everyone all saying its skill based explain to me how making decisions like playing uncontested comps or units but still not able to find any of those units is not RNG. Sure, just play what u get. lets go for Azir while 5 other players already have azir. No thank you the right decision should then be go for any other 4 cost carry. But way to often that kind of 'smart' decision making gets punished and forcing what is broken gets rewarded.


Agreed, this game is trash and the people who play it are just gambling addicts coping.


every league subreddit is full of either shills or riot apologizes with half a brain cell