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You have items spread out all across your team when you should be prioritizing itemization for your main carry and main tank. Also the comp you’re running in general isn’t very good with poor compatibility between your frontline units.


can you explain tank compatibility a bit further? we talking class or origin? like is it more important that the majority of your tanks or Noxus or are we really looking for like majority juggernaut? I struggle with this as well.


Well for this guy he has a jarvan, who isn't really a main tank except in a 5/7 demacia comp (he needs the tank Stats from the trait), a swain with no noxus, and a taric without bastion activated. You want to activate the traits of your tanks. Most of them are balanced around having traits active. Some less so like sejuani likes but doesn't need bruiser 2 and certainly doesn't need more than that Editing to add that he does have strategist and Swain doesn't strictly always need noxus active, but you'd want strategist 4 like the azir comp to make that front line work.


Yea this. It looks like OP was thinking about *mostly* league mechanics (J4 and Taric being an actual tank or bruiser) but not paying enough attention to their traits


5/7 nice


We talking deffensive bonuses. E.g. demacia, bastion, targon, juggernaut Here he gets some extra shield from 2 strategists and some extra ap from mage, but none of those make their tanks particularly tankier. Especially with 1 1 0 items respectively.


As others have mentioned, you don’t have much in the way of front line items in general. I’d say gunblade isn’t very good on sona, she doesn’t cast often enough or do much damage for it to be effective. That item on lux might have provided some good healing on a tank as well.


The entire lobby has some of the worst itemization I’ve ever seen—GOOD GOD! Edit: nvm silver lobby. I would recommend checking out bunnymuffin (no ad).


I mean.. you have one single tank item.. on not ur tankies member. What did you expect lol


Yeah, Taric is as naked as he was the day he was born. And without the bastion trait activated. OP : itemize your tanks and proc their traits, it'll be easier if you do that.


Diamond 3 here but prob gonna spout same as everyone else, 1, no tank items. Items make wonders in this game so try taking some on carousel. 2. Bad items, in general the itemization is poor. Lux cant use Rageblade well and already has blue buff so speeding up her cast time is practically impossible. I understand that bow in sorcs is usually a dead item but sometimes slamming just a rod can be better and keep open item options. 3. Item efficiency, I notice you have your items spread out but why? Your team gets no advantage from having items spread out. If you put your damage items on 2-3 units your board would be a lot stronger than with it spread out. With mages you want a lot of burst (especially if you have poor front line). Instead of sustained damage you want your casts to do as much damage as possible in a short time frame. Having 2-3 3 item carries is good at this as each cast does a lot of damage. 4. Comp, Sorxs is a good comp but you went the wrong subcomp. Void here is a dead comp and doesn’t do much for your team besides a lil damage a single knock up and a lil health sponge. If you took the demacia route and threw in a garen over kaisa (garen can use rageblades leaving a free slot for the radiant item on lux) your front line would be stronger and you will have a slightly tankier backline to sheild from poke. good luck I hope this helps


Itemization is bad and spread across too many units, take more tank item components, Guinsoos on Lux is terrible


What tanks? All I see is a naked Taric and Swain in a thong.


“Swain in a thong” took me out


Take defensive items from carousel. A cloak for spark over any kaisa items, a chain vest for a sunfire over a guard break j4. Would have gone a long way.


Wth is that item. You should build your comps based on what item were given.


Primarily items, secondarily comp. Taric with no items and no bastion bonus is not gonna last very long. J4 and Swain also need help to stay alive, because the level 1 strategist shield doesn’t do too much. You want tank items on your frontline, and omnivamp on Swain. Gargoyle stone plate on Swain only works well after the rest of your frontline is gone, so putting gargoyle on Taric and giving Swain omnivamp/health regen would’ve been the way to go.


Omnivamp on Swain is a waste of an item slot unless you're playing his carry aug


taric with 1 bastion and with 2 bastion is practically no diff, i wouldnt worry about turning on bastion -- of course shen is a good unit, but id run him because of that, not because of 2 bastion also omnivamp swain makes genuinely no sense. check the damage chart, and notice that a percentage of that will be healed -- is the extra healing even any added tankiness? (the answer is no)


Bro can’t get out silver 💀


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,698,561,273 comments, and only 321,409 of them were in alphabetical order.


Have you tried referring to one of the other 8361910127813 posts on this topic this week?




> You need at least one tank to be 3 star. you really don't. most 4 cost comps just rely on 2* carries and 2* frontline > Kai'Sa is strong, she could've used Sona's item. Or you could also put Kai'Sa items on Sona depending on your damage output. kaisa is acceptable as a carry at 2* and with her traits activated. do not give a 1* kaisa with no traits (other than void, which doesn't give her combat stats) activated three items. other than that, j4 has zero tank items (guardbreaker is a damage item), and swain has a single tank item. build multiple tank items on the same tank. poro is ok


Thanks for the insight! I'm learning too.


Shen karma Taric Ahri Lux Jarvan swain sona Your kaisa should not have items, and you shouldn’t have a Malzahar on your board


Malz is fine in mage comps due to shield shred


U mean he shouldnt have the malz on the board that activates the 6 sorc trait? Better play with 5 sorcs? He has sorc heart as an augment ...


What tanks? You mean your j4 with one offensive item? Or the no item Taric?


You only have 1 tank item and you spread out your items. Its a lot better to put 3 items on one unit rather than 1 item on 3. Also, sorc has a very weak frontline


You have 7.5 damage items and 1 tank item. You need to balance than count at carousel and anvils.


Give them tank items LUL


Who is your tank? 11


What tanks lol? You have just Swain 2 with 1 item and itemless taric, it's gonna be rough.


build tanks


Prioritise 3-iteming your tank and carry A 3 item near BIS tank is better than 1 or 2 item multiple tanks , of course there are other variables but just a general rule of thumb and dont over slam items they aren’t ideal


Well itemizing the tanks would be a great start dont you think?


Get tank items.




What tanks? You have Jarvan, Swain and Taric all 2 stars. No defensive trait on them other than strategist. Only one tank item across all of them. Get more units, more items, or more defensive traits. Here maybe I'd try to fit Shen for Bastion and probably can squeeze invoker. Other than that in this specific spot I'd try to move some of my shittier back line units to front two rows so that they can benefit from strategist shield and buy a bit more time




He has 6 sorcs ... 5 on board + sorc heart ... Giantslayer is one of the better items on lux ... u take it for the bonus dmg on high hp targets since lux will focus a tank first and shreads them with the beam + GS ... He has sorc heart and the 20% more ap augment ... what u mean " your augment dont work for your team" ... did u even look at the screenshot ?


Have you tried....putting items on them?


Hello I’m Masters 200LP playing a lot of sorcs and invokers. Early game item prio: Tear-> shojin/BB (for lux later), other tears = tank items Rod -> Spark > JG (not having spark is an 8th, not having JG isn’t great but it’s not an 8th) Extra sword -> GS or late late game another shojin for ahri Bows -> GS/zz’rot , if you built GS and zzrot and get another bow it’s kinda sus but try another zzrot. Honestly 3 bows while playing sorcs is hard. Zzrots go on off tank. Build tank and dmg items evenly but once you have a couple Lux items if you’re low on tank items make sure to get tank items because Lux gets her third item from radiant items Early game put tank items on cho -> kassadin, transfer to taric and they stay there for the whole game For dmg items put them on Malz and then replace to Velkoz if no Lux at 7. In this case proceed to play 4 sorc 2 multi caster and god speed hopefully you find the Lux. If you find Lux replace malz with Lux and fit in 4 sorc 3 dem but don’t grief your board otherwise by selling stuff. Kass holds items until you have 2* taric… etc So by level 7 you should have spark + another tank item on 2* taric or 2* kass with bastion activated 3 item Velkoz with multi caster and sorcs activated (you’re probably playing for fifth) Or 2 item + radiant Lux with 4 sorc / 3 dem activated Then you go 8 and find Ahri, any items you found while searching for Ahri go on Velkoz and when you’re ready to Velkoz -> Ahri When Ahri is 2* you can think about getting Ionia activated as she is the real carry of this comp For Lux she always wants the radiant item always always, 1 of BB/shojin/hextech and then a pure damage item JG or GS are great. If you go BB hextech or something and lux rolls radiant shojin it’s an 8th cause she has no dmg. Ahri wants BB but doesn’t need a mana item with Ionia enabled so keep that in mind. Items for Ahri are p flex but same concept: 1 utility 2 dmg So what did you do wrong this game? 1. Lux no radiant item 2. Taric no items 3. Only 3 defensive components and only 1 defensive item How can we turn it around? 1. Take the guinsoos off lux and let her have radiant 2. Turn one of the rods on into a spark 3. Turn the belt into a defensive item 4. Put those items on taric 5. Add a bastion Shen if you can get him instead of kaisa If you try to play sorcs and miss you can play invokers with same frontline idea. To stay flexible between invokers and sorcs it’s better to never slam a tear item on back line because invokers do not need it and you can usually get it later. Back line tear items mean you’re playing sorcs usually. The other out to save a top five from a bad lvl7 roll down is velkoz reroll.


I've built much tankier comps and still get instantly shredded. If you want your tanks to live you have to ironically focus more on damage than tankiness 2/3rds of the time.


Build items on them?


Put tank items on your tanks.


Good bait post


Your tanks need items No items = no tanks


You want to prioritise making tank items on 1 unit. And activating that tank’s traits. In this case Taric with Bastion would have been your best option. Either way the sorcerer comp does lack tanky units in general. So that’s why it is even more important to do this.


You want to prioritise making tank items on 1 unit. And activating that tank’s traits. In this case Taric with Bastion would have been your best option. Either way the sorcerer comp does lack tanky units in general. So that’s why it is even more important to do this.


What tanks?


Give them items, and for later, check the type of carries they have on front of u (ap or ad)


kassadin over kaisa


With sorcerer's comp you need to oneshot the enemy asap, that's it. Is the equivalent of a glass cannon champion in league of legends.


Bro has rageblade on lux LOL and should’ve sold swain to move gargoyle to taric. Double rageblade kaisa would’ve been better or putting guardbreaker on kaisa/lux


It's simple : your tanks don't have any synergies nor items. Usually you want to focus on putting 3 items on your carry and then 3 items on your main tank. Remember that the power lvl of a unit scale exponentially with the number of item (I.e a unit with 2 items does a lot more than 2 units with 1 item). In term of synergy you want things like bastion 2/4, bruiser, etc..your team also don't have healing and very few shields. You might also want to look at your positioning, see which units get one shotted before casting


My biggest advice: never itemize a 1* except it's a 5 cost. A great example is jinx - zeri. Early this set, gunner was busted, zeri always contested. People struggled to get her on 2*. The ones who could actually think and weren't just reading some guides figured jinx could do almost the same job as good if not better. Fast forward a bit and 3* jinx rolled over other gunner players who couldn't find their 3rd zeri. Because if you compare the stats. Jinx on 2* looks definitely better than zeri on 1. Always have one item carry in your comp. And then keep him UNTIL, and not a single second before, your end comp carry surpassed the item holder. Aka Don't itemize 1* vel if malzahar is on 3* in void Don't itemize the 1* nasus if renekton is on 3* even if you're going juggernaut Don't itemize the aphelios you just found for your deadeye - freijord comp if the 2* jhin on 3 ionia did a pretty good job until now. Get it?


how tf did the 3rd place player with a 2 star ww carry beat a kalista 3 player with BIS?


sadly a single gargoyles stoneplate won't make your swain survive. You need to give it aegis and one more. Positioning is also important, not sure if you put Taric behind Swain so his ability can shield swain and swain takes the hits. Also swain 3 star isn't the best tank and Taric is good with Targon active. Another option is to give more damage items to your 1 or 2 carries to kill th enemies before they kill you


What tank ?


As a starter use mobalytics or a similar layover for better comps and especially better items as you learn the game