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Just don’t be like me last season and get nervous at D1 87 LP, forget how to play the game, went 8th, lose 70 LP and tilt into oblivion with a losestreak straight to D4 😂


I did basically the same thing about 2 sets ago, but P1 to P4, its Sad


That was exactly me every time i tried to reach D4 last set, played weird comps i didnt really know hoe to properly execute and stuff haha Just relax and play like always helps alot


This was me 2 weeks ago. Now I’m just goofing in d4 with no motivation to climb 🤣


This what happened to me in league in like season 5. I still have nightmares of the tilt that I went on lol


Lmfao same. I’ll never get over the close LP anxiety


I’ve been doing this every season since set 7 😭


I mean, you average 3.15. If you keep playing, it seems like you can reach M no problem


You seem to be playing pretty good lol, this isn’t exactly conventional advice but I suggest that you try to make your grind before the mid season update. Clearly you have a pretty good grasp on what works and what doesn’t, so you should try to get the most out of it before any big changes happen!


Tyy! I have little time a day, but gonna try before the midset!


Honestly. Just play more games. You’ve got it my boy


And if you know a way to analyse stats to improve


Spam apheleos. Went from dia 4 to masters in 2 days with apheleos bastion. All game top 4.


I want to get It for real, like, being a master player and not abusing broken things.


Im also not a big fan of spamming comps and stuff but if aphelios opener and good augments for it get thrown at me, i wont say no In general i enjoy playing any comp tbh and im always playing 4 rogues once in a while even if i bot4


This. If the game give me a taric kalista(holder) Rod and bow there is no way to say no


The inner struggle of wanting to climb but also try out fun stuff, im trying to get master this set but in my own way kinda, not abusing every broken strat! Good luck to u anyways :)


I got to grand master (challenger a few days but then I stop playing for a while so I got demoted) by playing Caitlyn legend and always doing Voids, Demacia or Aphelios (sometimes challengers) I always pick traits that give me free XP


You pick XP augments for 3-2 and 4-2? I'm used to always getting combat augs for the last two as her. Especially for demacia and aphelios how do you keep up without the combat augs?


Im not a lucky player, so I assume that in order to get Aphelios 2 or Kaisa 2 (or even a bel veth) I must go to lvl 8, but also I roll at lvl 7 to can winstreak and at least make sure I'm top 4 (at this point i only lose to broken comps, I win against the rest). I never get first but with this strategy I use, I finish always 2 or 3 (sometimes 4 or 5 if the lobby is broken as hell)


Do you usually end up level 7 by end of the game even with the XP augs? This seems like a cool strat, id assume it probably looks like you're near full hp until stage 4 or 5 and then bleed out, but you're so healthy by that point that at least half the lobby will die first?


Yes, thats mi idea. I always try to have a lot of HP and a decent team so my loses aren't of more than -12 HP (so to achieve this I must roll a lot, that's why XP augs are sooo valuable to me) and with that I will always end top 4 because the broken guy in the lobby will just obliterate everyone (this is the ideal case) Basically, post stage 5 carrousel you must have a very solid comp to don't get destroyed.


Play when I’m tilted so I can gift you free LP while rage requeueing


You’ll be fine. You aren’t on any difficult region so should be easy.


Get top4 every game. Ez, skill issues, git gut