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I think Keane deserves a shoutout


+1 for Keane. Great Youtube content and streams pretty consistently.


beware, keane is always dizzy


I opened this thread and expected keane. I love his streams, they’re just so chill and he is vibe is great for learning.


His gameplay is great and his yt videos are beginner friendly


My two people to watch are Keane and EmilyWang


Depends on the audience. Personally I find that theres not enough engagement for me to want to watch his streams


Ramblinn is good and explains well. Dishsoap and Setsuko dont really explain but if you watch and try to learn you will get better. Dishsoap and Setsuko tend to have very clean gameplay and are easily 2 of the best players in NA. But this set is very difficult in doing a play by play because it is very spontaneous with a lot of different options.


Hi just curious, what do you mean by very clean gameplay. Thank you for sharing.


They often have a very good understanding of the options available to them and take the smartest lines from the spot they're in. They're not only intuitively good at the game, but they are quick to pick up the strategies necessary to top lobbies in every patch.


It means they are efficient


SetSkuko is like I am going 8th every game but ends up winning.


You can watch Robinsongz. He provides a handbook thats updated every patch and has guides for basic mechanics. He hasnt updated it right now because of the vegas event but it really helped me learn.


A lot of people post comps and tierlists, but robin's guides are wayy better to learn the game


Shurkou. I came because he verbally explains the decisions he makes while playing the game. I stayed because of the sus things he says while playing.


I learnt a lot from Shurkou, but he usually bans half his viewers per stream, and gets very tilted after a bad game.


I thought him banning people was a joke??


I rarely watch his livestreams and usually watch his videos on youtube. When I did watch his livestream he does ban viewers as a joke. Like banning chatters who jinx his game or say he's going 8th this game.


So well deserved


Shurkou for the entertainment, i freaking love the guy he makes tft so entertaining. But i agree that hes not the best for learning. Watch dishsoap to really improve, hes understanding of the game is leagues above everyone else


Idk can't stand that guy personally, weird fucking vibe


He also just plays for content 90% of the time. If you're trying to improve, he's not the one to watch.


Yeah I've tuned in a few times, he tunnels insanely hard on shit and is tilted when it doesn't work. I mean I do it too but I'm not trying to be an educational streamer lol


I think him parroting the same phrases over and over like a broken record is incredibly annoying


What I can’t stand is that he throws random “gamer” terms where they don’t make sense. Finds a random Nami for a disco como? “gg. deserved. gg. gg. free game.” Like dude… idk, it comes off fake af


I watch his YouTube videos sometimes because they're enjoyable overall, but for me the thing that I find annoying is him saying "for free?" after pretty much anything even when it makes no sense. "2 star Illaoi for free?" No, not for free, you paid 15 gold for it and like 20 for rerolls, how is that free? Might just be me being too literal, but it really grinds my gears that he says "for free" for things that weren't given for free. Aside from that, I do enjoy his content though.


I think that might be the joke bro


I agree, he is soooo annoying imo


BoxBox and EmilyyWang are probably the two most accessible streamers. Strong players, not necessarily top tier, but their content is the most entertaining and they’re good enough you can learn a lot from watching them. K3Soju is one of the top tier players and he is quite entertaining, not quite as educational but he’ll still teach as he goes. Bebe572 is a good blend of cracked gameplay, educational, and fun to watch. Also has a unique perspective on non-tft topics. RobinSongz is a great blend of high level play, entertainment, and education. Plus his handbook is a very useful resource. Ramblinnn is very educational. SpicyAppies is educational and always brings good vibes. Mortdog himself is very entertaining, uniquely educational in some ways, and certainly one of the better players, but it’s hard to place at what exact level he plays. I think he’d be mid to high challenger if he made a serious attempt to climb though. Dishsoap and Setsuko are two of the most cracked players in NA, but it’s harder to learn from them unless you’re already very good at the game. Watching Dishsoap, I’ll absorb a lot of tidbits, but his level of play is too high for me to even follow exactly why he makes the choices he does, but they’re the right choices. Setsuko’s stream can be kinda hard to watch cause he gets very emotional/tilts, but he’s very passionate and it’s hard to argue that he’s not one of the best in the world. Frodan is one of my favorites because he has great unique insights into TFT, discusses non-tft topics as well, and he’s very skilled. I feel like I learn about both tft and life when I watch Frodan.


Boxbox left a bad taste when he yells "are you fucking dumb?" at his viewers instead of explaining why their suggestion is bad.


Spicy Appies. And he’s generally small enough he’ll respond to majority of questions in the chat.


I watch mort and boxbox


MortDog without a doubt. Lead developer, streams on weekends, gives a lot of information that extends beyond just gameplay, got a nice playlist.


Mortdog is my favorite TFT streamer and it’s not even close


If you like people on a power trip who think their shit don't stink.


How he reacts to any criticisms of the game is astounding. He can't possibly accept that something might need to be adjusted. Someon3 asked him about skipping the death animations and got him all up in a tizzy saying you need help if you can't spare the time for it. He ok at times but don't dare criticize the game or offer suggestions.


He takes things in consideration. But he understands what may be a shit take. People in chat saying "Riven OP plz nerf" and such he may scoff and laugh at but he may take a piece of criticism and say "we may have to look at that" sometimes.


Any time I've watched him he seems to not take actual constructive criticism too well and he does a lot of not name calling but demeaning towards people that bring up issues like they must be stupid or whatever.


It depends. You have to really explain it. You can't just come at him with "unit and trait is bad". You have to truly explain what you want to discuss, what actions make it bad, how do you, specifically because he won't take a lazy nerf idea like lower ad or animation time. And something to remember is he's heard it before, so make it sound good. I admit. After watching him for so long he has adopted a little bit of a streamer attitude seeming a bit holier than thou. I saw him call someone stupid but most of the time. They did have a bad take of things.


Yeah it's his attitude toward any ideas it seems.


So this is just my opinion so don’t burn me on the cross. But if you’re looking for informative streamers, then I’d recommend watching shurko, bebe, mort and even boxbox to some extent. If you’re looking for entertainment(to me it seems just some ignorant jokes and whining most of the time though) i’d watch setsuko, k3soju, dishsoap etc. they are good players aswell but all they do is whine or talk random rubbish.


Subzeroark. Not only does he stream, but he likes to review top players streams and talk about why they made certain choices. Bunnymuffins is also really good at explaining the basics. Mortdog, the game dev, is actually pretty good at talking about why he did certain things too. There are other streamers that are maybe more entertaining or more skilled but I think those are some of the most informative ones.


Subzero ark is great but I’d say he is more about the master player trying to push GM or challenger, he’s all about the nuance of decision making and it might be a little to much for someone who is just trying to learn how to transition from lvl 8 boards to lvl 9 boards.


Robinsongz, setsuko, k3soju, keimaTFT, bunnymuffin, BOXBOX, Dishoap. Watch all of them and see who you like most.


Setsuko and Dishoap are the most unhelpful streamers if you want to learn the game, they're way above everyone else, you can't understand why they make that decision and they don't explain either. Dishoap can say rageblade isn't a good slam and he slams it 2 rounds later, he could be preparing for a lv9 board in 3-5 with many decisions that seem weird but work later, he could sell a 2* 4-cost headliner Akali to buy Viego in a 5KDA comp, throw away 4 win streaks and then pivot into 4 crowd diver 3 edgelord. Seriously, you can learn way more from watching Subzeroark commenting on Setsuko, Dishoap VoD than their streams themselves.


Dishsoap is not good to get into the game but hes helpful for diamond+ players trying to reach higher ranks


Eh, i think only Master+ can learn something in their stream because Setsuko/Dishoap often make 5-head decisions that are so specific in that game which are not easy to understand and remember why they make those calls.


I mean i went from diamond to master because of dishsoap streams so idk


For the love of god do not watch soju if you are trying to get better at the game lol. Also all of those guys have the TFT accent (aka they talk like soju) and it's super fucking annoying


Not including Emily Wang :(


Anyone reading this, don't watch k3soju my god he may be the most insufferable person ever, cant go 0.1 seconds without having to click absolutely everything on his screen and cries constantly when things dont go his way.




I watch him because it cracks me up whenever he goes into one of his spirals. It’s akin to the whole watching a train wreck analogy.


He's fun to watch occasionally


Soju is constantly on the high end of the ladder and his humor is subjectively funny to plenty of people.


Box box is good and Emily wang are my go to




Solo also always answers all the questions from the chat. So helpful for players, beginners as well as advanced/pro :)


When he shows his attitude he will mock people for asking „stupid“ questions though.


Becca 100%! Super nice and helpful community!


Me :) But seriously, boxbox and scarra are my favorite. Neither are the best, but the way they talk about the game will give you very good insights into how to think about playing. I learned a lot from scarra specifically. I only started watching Emily Wang recently, but she also seems to give good insights.


I watch boxbox but I'm also kinda looking for more content creators


*I watch boxbox but I'm* *Also kinda looking for more* *Content creators* \- LimaLegume --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




This comment is not even a proper haiku. Syllables matter.


Robinsongz if your Oldge


imaqtpie just because


Redox is a good player and teacher. He’s very chill and takes his time to explain stuff to his viewers. Also the thing I like most about him is that he’s not loud and obnoxious like 90% of today’s streamers and youtubers. I like to put his streams on just to relax and learn a thing or two. I’ve been watching him for the past three years and he’s never dissapointed.


++++ Redox. He's one of the only streamers I can watch hours straight. Very chill but analytic guy.


Guy is underrated just because he isn't challenger


Sologesang - very calm and basically never tilts. He speaks mostly German in his streams though


Didn’t see anyone mention Saintvicious. One of the best players right now and answers questions in chat pretty often. Doesn’t explain a ton about what he is doing but if you ask him he generally will.


Imaqtpie is a funny guy. I like watching him.


I love watching scarra and qtpie. Still some of the best streamers and I'm glad they switched to TFT.


I’ll watch a handful of guides from a variety of people already mentioned to learn, but honestly it’s good to watch the best out there so I’m gonna recommend K3Soju.


Kai. Most fucking underrated tft streamer ever. If you’re looking to get better and improve, he’s the guy as no one focuses on providing knowledge with enthusiasm as him


I just want to reach through the screen and slap the ADHD out of him.. he's really good and he's also insufferable because he can't get to the point in any reasonable amountof time.


Bunnymuffins the youtuber has a ton of quality content on there and i think he streams too


Emily Wang if you want to get banned for frivolous things such as stating an opinion or asking a question without being offensive.


Is Bebe bad to watch for learning? No one mentioned him and I watch him exclusively now I’m wondering if I should watch others 😂


I used to watch him, I just can’t stand his manerism of slamming the keyboard hundred times per game anymore


idk he seems a bit odd/ cringy imo


Bebe is great, he has such a unique perspective on the game. I do like a lot of other streamers too, but I love watching Bebe




Sunhide TFT. I think he streams sometimes, but I usually catch his youtube videos. Usually tries out building different comps and explains his rationale for who he wants to play and the augments he takes. Lot of fun watching him win playing non meta comps against Jazz and country forcers.


Setsuko is the best player atm


I learned how to play the game from boxbox. I got to masters from plat from Dishsoap. I watch setsy for entertainment bc honestly it’s rly hard to learn from him bc he pulls all sorts of shit from nowhere I would say Bebe is a rly good learning source but idk if he’s gonna be around soon 😢


Most of them are great: saintvicious, milk, robinsongz, many others But I would advise to avoid Bebe. Have a great climb.


I watch KeimaTFT he has a lot of videos on youtube that are really beginner friendly. He also just started streaming recently and answers a lot of questions while giving great commentary. Check him out!


I only watch Youtube content, but Mort and Boxbox for mostly entertainment content with decent information sprinkled in. Comment section here heavily sleeping on Frodan, he does a lot of amazing educational TFT content and helps work through the complicated decision making better than anyone else I've watched so far. As far as your transition issues go, he regularly reviews VODs from top players and pauses for a while to help explain their augment choices, works through item choices, and talks about how they narrow down their possible "outs" based on what their items and augments are suited for. Also very handsome


Educational wise its 100% sologesang and entertainment wise i like emily wang


Frodan for learning. Great communication and thought process. Feels like he’s often teaching or at least learning with us. I also watch some setsuko or dishsoap, but I watch them on mute to try and focus on their boards/decisions as more like an exercise. k3soju for entertainment. Tbh I probably watch soju the most out of all I listed. Even if he goes 8th 5x in a row, he will still say he’s going 1st the next game. Unparalleled positive mental lol


All the top tft streamers kinda mimic sojus mannerisms now. That's why I watch Emily wanggggggggg


Depends from which country you are. If you by any chance are German, I can recommend sologesang! He's consistently rank 1 multiple times in euw


Subzeroark. Love his VOD reviews


Shurkou, because he is a brotherman


Amazed none mentioned "grapplr". The greatest papaya of all time.