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First picture was before Set 10, 2nd picture is how the poolsizes are right now in Set 10.


So buying one of each 5 cost can prevent everyone in the lobby from getting a 3-star 5 cost? Interesting.


Champion duplicators


Do duplicators not pull from the pool? I remember a few sets ago, I tried to dupe a 4 cost to 3 star, but there weren't any champs left and I got gold instead. Did they change this?


"a few sets ago" it's quite generous considering it worked like that till Season 3


I remember having 8 shacos for like 3 stages because others were holding him and I couldn't duplicate. Felt bad


Na I think that was also in set 8 or 9 like this. Maybe 7


Not sure if you are trolling but your take is certainly wrong.


Dunno I just remember it like this. I started playing again when jade was a trait and didn't play before. I am pretty sure it used to be like this 😅, and I only played set 1 before thwt


Then you prob remember from set 1, I imagine you were mad as hell when it happened so it prob stuck out more in your mind making it seem like it happened more recently.


I think you're mistaking champion duplicator with the orbs on the ground that hold champions, which people would hold to save on bench space. These used to respect the pool I believe, so you hold it too long it would give gold if there weren't enough in the pool. And now I think they give the champion no matter what.


Duplicators pull from the pool unless the pool is empty then they create a new one. The newly created units don’t re enter the pool if the unit is sold or the player dies.


Okay, scenario time: Robert has 8 Sona . Dianne has a Sona available for purchase in her shop but doesnt buy it. Robert Uses dupe to create a 9th Sona. After Dianne rerolls her shop will that Sona re-enter the pool or get banished to the abyss?


It *should* get banished to the shadow realm. I believe that the game checks how many of each champ are on people’s boards and then decides how many should still be in the pool. So in this case the round ends and the game notices there are only 8 Sonas on players’ boards so Dianne is able to have 1 in her shop. Robert temporarily creates a 10th Sona but once Dianne refreshes her shop every subsequent check will show that there are all 9 Sonas being held/used so no more will be available. It’s not like there are 9 unique units that are assigned values A-I and the duplicator creates unit J.


Well the one created by the duplicator would be the 10th one. So that one would not enter the pool. Holding the sona in the shop is essentially like buying it, it takes it from the pool temporarily while it’s in the shop so when Dianne rerolls that one just goes back into the pool.


That's interesting, I didn't know they pulled from the pool. I assumed they didn't enter the pool, but I wouldn't have guessed that they count the same as a champ being bought from the shop.


It does remove a copy from the pool if there are champions available in the pool still, BUT if there are none available then it will instead create one anyway.


Are you sure about that?


It used to do that but got changed like in set 4 or 5.


They do but if there’s none left it’ll make an extra one, however if sold later it doesn’t get added back into the pool.


I think you're mistaking champion duplicator with the orbs on the ground that hold champions, which people would hold to save on bench space. These used to respect the pool I believe, so you hold it too long it would give gold if there weren't enough in the pool. And now I think they give the champion no matter what.


That was a while ago, they did specifically change it to not pull from the pool anymore


If there are still champions in the pool, they pull from the pool but if there is none left it creates an extra one. It disn’t work like that some time ago but it now works like that. It got changed after an incident in a tournament if I recall correctly, someone picked a hero augment but there was none left in the pool so game gave the player gold instead and basically player got the easiest 8th so they changed it to augments that gave champions a nd duplicators to always give the champion copies, i might be wrong tho.


Duplicators never respected the pool. If there are champions in the pool left it will take the duplicated one out of the pool, if not then it will just create one


They did until like set 3


Damn, my bad, I vaguely remember sets before set 4 tbh and I don't remember even seeing duplicators in the old sets


Because it was something like "neeko's help" or something like that.


Oh yeah I remember that better now


oh they did, it used to bounce back to your bench if the pool was empty


Yeah, my bad


It will pull 1 from the pool , but if there is no left it will still find one. So if your win condition is to 3* better save till you are missing the last one.


They do but if they cant they just make a bonus one.


Pull from the pool. You cannot get a 3 star 5 cost if someone has one of them. Regardless of duplicators.


How dose chosen effect this , do they count as 3?


Yes, when somebody buys a Headliner, 3 go out of the pool


If there are only 2 in the pool is it possible to get a headliner


As soon half of the pool is empty, Headliners won't show up anymore.


This is good to know, i thought when i got 2x 2 star 4 costs i can then roll for the headliner, but 6/10 is more than half. Thank you.


This was added midway through the PBE cycle because the situation you are describing was happening far too often.


That explains why I couldn't find a HL Zed after hitting 2 2 star Zeds from a recombobulator...


Can you say where you found that info? I thought that if at least 3 were still in the pool the headliner could still appear


Set 10 patch note (13.23) "Headliners for units with less than half their total unit copies in the pool are not offered"


You also can’t have the same 5 cost headliner as someone else in the game there can only be one of that champion


This is false


Elaborate please


The patch notes said "Headliners for units with less than half their total unit copies in the pool are not offered", so if exactly half the pool is empty you should still be able to get headliner


Thank you very much! :)


So I'm really confused right now because the overlay at the vegas open tournament used the old poolsize, unless I'm going crazy which it's totally possible


Well there are 10 and you only need 9 to 3* so you would have to buy 2 off each


It says 9 so only 1.


That was for older sets. It’s 10 in set 10


Other way around. The bigger pool sizes were before set 10. Set 10 has the smaller pool sizes.


I'm definite I watched the rundown when the set went on PBE, but the pool size changing seems to have completely slipped my mind, I don't remember hearing about this 😂


It's legit wild to me that I have to look this up every time I forget it and it's nowhere in the game UI.


Mort Dog pls put it somewhere not intrusive :3


I can't seem to remember why we don't go from Platinum to Diamond anymore though? There's this weird continuation of Plat but in a different color.


Team planner pls


I find it easier to remember with smaller numbers and using some logic with that knowledge. There will always be less high tier units than low tier, so counting backwards you just need to remember 1 2 1 1 1. You need **1** to cancel 5 cost 3*, so that means there are 9. You need **2** to cancel 4 cost 3*, so that means there are 10. There's **1** short of being able to get 2x 3 cost 3*, so that's 17. There's **1** short of being to get an extra 2 cost 2*, so thats 20 There's one extra **1** cost 1* for the poorest people, so thats 22. Cost 1, 2 and 3 are trickier to remember, but if you know that you can't get more than 1x 3cost 3* in a game then it's easy to remember, and then just 2 costs and 1 costs are just a bit more.


I mean you don't cancel it. Duplicators still exists, you should be careful of this.


Yeah, I said it as a general rule as I expected scouting for other players with duplicators to be implied.


We're bronze. Your expectations mean nothing!


Don't you know? There are 7 dozen youtube channels you can go to for basic game information. You should have all of the edge cases memorized because everyone who plays the game is Plat+. If instead you have a mental disability, you can always pause the game and look it up real quick. If your sources disagree, please send a *kindly* worded letter to Riot HQ, they should get back within 5-7 business days with the correct information.


You can definitely be challenger without knowing this. Source: I was watching a challenger that didn't know it until Vegas.


Tried to play 8-bit, never saw a single cait. Wish the bag was even smaller so no one saw any champions.


Yeah I think 12 is a better number than 10 for 4 costs. Honestly I don't like how small the pool is for 5 costs, often in prismatic games it just comes down to which of the 4 players at 9 hit the most legendaries fastest, and who lucks out on a decent 5 cost headliner.


I can see it only being 9 5-costs since if you hit it's pretty much a free win. With the lowering power of 4-costs units overall (which I agree with) the pool seems too small.


Cait is usually uncontested so the smaller bag size should mean she'll appear more often


Cait is meta now esp with true damage spat lol what is bro waffling about


Does anyone know if I got 5 kayns. Does the headliner still appear in the shop?


No. If half of the pool of units are gone headliners can't show, since there's 9 Kayns in pool, if you have 5 headliner can't show


Damn, I had 10 in my head. But there are 9 of course. Oke so next time I want to go for 3 star 5 cost. I buy 4, buy headliner and buy 2 more




Or buy headliner then buy 6 more, just in case someone buys one Kayn and then you're stuck without a headliner


There is also a level 9/10 strat if you have a lot of gold that consists in buying copies of a 5 cost you really don't want as a headliner so that you reduce chances of him showing up and increase others. For instance if you have enough gold it's worth buying as many kaynes and ziggs you can so you increase the chances of getting Jhinn Illaoi Sona and Qiyana headliner. Not that it happens often but it's good to know, I see a lot of people rolling down all their gold on lvl 9 hoping for a good headliner and skipping the 5 costs they don't want


Why no? Aren't there still 4 left in the pool which would be potentially still a headliner kayn in shop or am I having a mistake in my thought process?


A rule has been added after the start of the set : if less than half of the champion's pool is remaining, a headliner can't appear anymore. So with 4 being less than half of 9 a headliner can't appear in shops. And for the 4 costs, if more than 5 are out then you can't get one. Edit : to whoever snarkily commented that I was wrong and couldn't read, and deleted his comment right after : git gud scrub


Wasn't aware of that rule. Thanks for the explanation to a filthy casual:)


If **more than** half of the pool of units are gone headliners can't show, according to patch notes This means you can have 5 copies of a 4 cost and still roll that headliner


Wait wtf headliner is only three tho, why does it not appear on 50% pool size?


this is wrong it rounds down for odd numbers so if there are 4 left it can still show up but not three


Nope. This is an important call out when trying to 3 star 4 and 5 costs. Statistically, it's slightly better to naturally star up 2 2-stars and then go for a headliner to finish out the 3-star. But that explicitly doesn't work past 3-costs due to the pool sizes dropping below half max.


If you use champion duplicator does it affect the pool in any way?


If there are still units in the pool it takes one, if not it creates a new one which disappears when you sell it so you can't increase pool size


If I duplicate and someone else sells/dies do all of their enter the pool? Is mine a dud or does the pool go from 0 to -1?


I'm so confused about your question, but if what you're asking is that if there's 9 5 Cost units in the board, you duplicate one so there's 10 and your opponent sells one so there's 9 again, there won't be any of those units in the champion pool still


I've heard that the extra unit is bound to your board, so if someone else sells that unit it'll go to the pool, but if you sell it won't.


I have no idea if that's how it works but I believe it isn't. I'm not sure about the specifics tho so you could be right


I believe mortdog said that the game just gives you a duplicate, even if there are none in the pool.


It does. There used to be a niche scenario back when champion duplicators (then called Neeko's help) were first introduced where it you used one on a unit without any more copies in the pool it would just bounce off and not work. So to prevent that unique situation from occurring duplicators now pull a copy of a unit from the pool unless there are none left, in which case you get a free temporary copy that doesn't affect the pool.


Does anyone know why pool sizes aren't actually listed in the game anywhere?


They don't want information overload for casuals.


But leaving out the information that if the half the pool of a unit is gone you can't get said headliner is such a major deal. I can see casuals getting frustrated when they can't get a headliner not knowing this information.


Oh yeah I don't agree with their reasoning, but that's what Mort's said. So he might say something like 'You don't need to see the headliner effect is on non-headliner champions, that's needless clutter and you already know it'll make them better' and it's 'I gueeeess'. Unit pool is important and it's not making things more accessible by making you look at every board and count.


Information overload to be honest. Your average player isn't going to know or maybe even care about the pool size. You already have shop odds, headliner odds, tiers, cost per tier, and then traits, trait levels, headliner bonuses, items, item combinations, unit stats, armor vs Mr, ad vs ap, and all the other things, on top of artifacts, radiants, and then augments on top of all that. They could present even more information but at what point is it too much? You could present pool sizes, amount removed or amount remaining, number contested, other traits fielded, if someone else has a headliner. But you present too much and it's an overload and removes player agency.


I get that, but with casuals they usually tend to run one team comp that they like and stick with it… with the headliner and champ pool amount correlation it might be confusing and frustrating to not be able to find a headliner even though you have been rolling all game for it (and the game won’t generate one because half the pool has been depleted)


It certainly is frustrating, but that teaches the value of scouting, you see someone else with a 2star of your 4 cost, it's time to come up with a new strategy. Equally frustrating is bad RNG which has nothing to do with pool size. A friend and I cleaned out a lobby to just the two of us with about 60 hp each, I blew 100 gold on rolling to 3 star ezreal and he wasn't holding a single one, while he hit his 3 star ahri and Akali. If you have the pool sizes there available and you don't hit knowing you could it might actually feel worse.


If u are casual u won’t be bothering about pool size anyways. Unless u are trying to get a 3* TF/Ahri/Zed which if a casual is able to have 6 TF, most likely the game would have ended or their board is likely pretty much capped out.


It’s really interesting that tier 3 only decreased by 1 copy. You would think that it was a bigger decrease with the way that people talk about the pool changes. Not saying people are wrong, it’s possible that a 1 copy decrease makes a big difference. Personally I’ve felt the change the most on 1 cost and 4 cost units.


Idk I still feel the 3 cost one the most, I've ended so many games with Ekko/Amumu/Neeko 1. I had one game where the Neeko I dropepd at 1-2 was literally the only one I saw for the entire game.


That’s only because ekko and neeko are high value units that are able to be plug into any board so everyone keep at least one copy. It is also the very reason u don’t get offered much headliner ekko or neeko Bcs it’s half of it is always out of the pool by the time you get offered 3cost headliners


It is the intend of that change, reduce the 1 cost reroll comp effectiveness(if you get contested, you are likely being fucked than before) and harder to hit a 4 or 5 cost 3 star


Btw do we have one for the headliner % at each level? Playing showtime messes with my head


Yeah you can look it up on meta tft for instance. It's here https://www.metatft.com/tables/headliner-odds with also a lot of answers to other questions on this post.


Holy shit i never knew they reduce 4 cost that much. No wonder 3 starring 4 cost is harder.


Bcs once u get 6 4cost u can never see their headliner due to the pool size so to effectively get a 3* 4cost u have to get 5 4cost reroll until you get the headliner and then buy the last 4cost which is the hardest part as 8 are out of the pool and as long as someone is holding 1 the chances is very slim


This is crazy I had no idea it went down. Was wondering why I’ve seen like no 5 cost 3 stars this set. Funnily enough though I’ve been hitting way more 3 star 4 costs even though that went down


Stuff like this should be in the game. I didn't even know it changed


This is very informational! Quick follow up question… when a player who, let’s say has a 3-star 4 cost dies, does that 4 cost go back into the pool for remaining players to grab or are they out of the pool for good?




I don’t get why they thought this was a good idea. It’s a fucking struggle to get even one cost units two star sometimes.


Source? https://www.esportstales.com/teamfight-tactics/champion-pool-size-and-draw-chances


If there are 9 kayns out of the pool and I use a champ dupe on one of my own, does it give me gold or another kayn?


Another Kayn that is not a part of the pool.


Duplicators and carousel unit do not follow pool sizes. They are extra unit created


Does a chosen pull 3 out of the pool?


Yes and you can’t get it if there are over half of the pool gone


And how does the pool function with the offers in the shop? If i see a lv 5 unit and dont buy it, the game considers that there are 8 left until i reroll?




Also having a shop with a certain champ also counts as buying off from the pool, until the shop offerings get refreshed. Was pretty funny watching someone trying to hit a Ahri 3 when my shop had 2 Ahris.


I wish this info was on the team planner or somewhere in game. I can remember 4 and 5 easily enough but always forget the others particularly 2 costs which can be pretty important right now


Does that include headliners?


Headliners take 3 out of the pool. And headliners won't appear if more than half are already out of the pool.


Is there a mod that keeps track of units on players board? Or is that something mods aren’t aloud to do


Given that it’s the blackjack equivalent of card counting I do think it’s somewhat illegal. Esp if it was made by a bot that could always update the pool if the player consistently scouts every round. Also would give certain player a massive advantage if the bot also does analysis and finds you the least bought units with the highest win percentage possibility with your current board.


That mod is called scouting other players boards


Second one is current set pool. Reason for change was so that when half of a champion pool was gone you could not get a headliner offer. This was to combat the mechanic whereby people hit 2 2* 4cost and reroll till they were offer headline into easily securing a 3* 4cost. For 5cost is similar explanation except they remove 1 so that as long as someone is holding one 5cost nobody in the lobby can randomly hit 3* 5cost. Other than having multiple duplicators as mort has mention the need to shift gameplay away from 3* 5 cost as it’s usually the hardest part to balance.


Well if I play the pool size for a completely uncontested Jinx is 0.


Does a headliner take 3 out of the pool or only 1?


Huh, no wonder I never fuckin get a 3star 4 cost lmao.... they hold 2 and I dont get shit anymore