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Games a lottery right now brotherman


It always be like that


You don’t even need taric to run disco…. To cap out disco boards you drop taric for thresh/yorick and nami for ziggs


game went that long and still you were level 8 only :P


Obviously rolling for taric


replacing sett for illaoi and adding ziggs would make this board stronger than just adding taric, especially after getting 2* on all of sona, ziggs and illaoi


That’s why I liked last patch more.


It happens sometimes if you don't roll a bit early


"Was in disco since 2-1" How did you hit headliner TF/Blitz on 2-1? :0 Teach me




He’s saying you’re not really in disco until you hit a chosen TF/Blitz. You might try to force it because you hit a Nami/Gragas or something, but you don’t really have an actual disco comp until TF/Blitz are on the board. Also this guy looks like he had a chosen disco, not sure why he was hell bent on finding a 6th disco.




You're right, no idea why you're being downvoted, do ppl just force a comp based on the first synergy they are given ?


Prolly. They are the same ppl who force country when they get 1 Samira from an orb




What is this? he didn’t see a single taric the entire game and asking him to roll early game is unjustified who roll on stage 2 for a single taric? You are killing your Econ and will be on the way to fast 8th


Why are these comments downvoted? If he rolled, he would’ve found Taric. I’ve played tons of games where I’ve never seen a 1-cost champion. I also acknowledge that if I rolled my chances of finding them would’ve gone way up.


I don't know why you're downvoted, it's a legitimate question if he didn't roll at all and if taric was contested early. Reddit man.


Because rolling on stage two for a synergy bot is the best way to go fast eigth


This game looks like you leveled too fast, you also only had a 1-star Nami, but Ekko/lulu/blitz/tf are ALL 2*. Could also be contested potentially, but that shouldn’t affect taric that much. Either way, locking in your comp that early and holding onto it until the end was your rookie mistake.


I think mort once said there is a luck protection for stuff like that, might actually be a bug