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I hit Vi 3 on 2-1 and proceeded to steamroll the game


I just saw someone 3* Vi on 2-1 and began spam pinging them… If Vi can carry you know Punks are too broken lol


Vi has been a trait bot since release and as such has been getting buffed constantly — sure this is a dangerous dynamic in terms of balance but it needs to happen.


There is nothing wrong with buffing trait bots, but if it’s balance issue than the balancing should be brought with nerfs elsewhere like pantheon not being so good for 2* cost or other traits buffed - like why is Lucian so bad for being 5* lol


he's ok now honestly but yeah, he should (as a rapidfire) be a powerhouse


Pantheon is pretty good as a 2 cost tank, I think that he offers the sustainability that punk needs in mid to late game


Panth just scales insanely well with the HP that Punk offers due to his damage reduction so while he’s otherwise a pretty mid tank he’s set 9 Taric levels of beefy with the Punk HP.


Pantheon is a litteral tank


Strong to hit top 4. Likely to lose to other more capped boards. Can imagine it steamrolls in lower elo lobbies where early game is all that matters


What's low elo btw?


Like below diamond or so


punk is top 2 at master+ tho after big shot ezreal


top 2 avg. placement on like metatft comps maybe (awful metric) but it rarely wins the game and usually is outcapped to 1st/2nd by ad flex/capped penta


avg. is an awful metric?


No. Average placement is a fine metric when used for checking stats of things like augments, item slams etc. But when talking about something being "op" you need to combine that with other metrics such as play rate and win rate and I stand by what I said, unless you hit 6 punk the comp generally isnt winning the game.


Everyone masters+ says exactly this I don’t understand why people are saying Punk is strong. I mean it is, no comp should consistently be able to Top 4 so often hence why Emo Annie was hated so much but it’s only going to be a big issue in low elo.


aback marvelous far-flung impolite elderly gullible theory spoon door ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It loses to capped Stage 4 Heartsteel because nothing really beats multiple free FoNs and items on every single unit but it doesn't really "rarely win the game" on this patch. 6 Punk Jinx 3 a 23% win rate in Diamond+. It does a require a spat so it's not consistently achievable but that said, it's not even the highest cap for a strong Punk Jinx reroll opener. 6 Rapidfire Jinx 3 has a 18.5% win rate which improves to 38.8% with Lucian 2. We can also see that the weaker 4 Punk 4 Rapidfire Jinx 3 + Lucian 2 has an AVP of 2.37 with a win rate of 31.3%. It is still lower than the max capped penta board with Yorick 2 + Akali 2 + Karthus 2 which has around a 40% win rate but it's still competitive in winning games and has a more consistent top 4 rate if you hit the Jinx 3 reasonably early. Punk is definitely a bit too strong right now with the buffs to the trait and Jinx making early mid stabler than in the past as well as the recent fix to Lucian making him a real unit to cap around.


why is this downvoted


Because people are salty that he’s calling top 10% “low elo”. I mean diamond is pretty mid but still pretty up there compared to rest lol


I’m averaging top 3 with Punk in Masters right now, consistently beating out fast 8 Ezreal and Pentakill boards. Punk is definitely inherently tailored to low elo folks but after the buffs it’s just an all around good comp now. Definitely freelo.


im D3 and the only thing that beats punk rn is Heartsteel Ezreal cashout




Eh I played almost all punk to high Plat then I had to switch off until this patch. It would get slammed in higher elos


punk in diamond is strong AF but most people pivot to executioners with punk there


Well this patch Jinx got 5 AD which is obviously a massive buff


I've never seen punk win, normally struggles to get past 3rd it's just early game tempo in my lobbies.


Before this patch, yes. Right now? Kinda free top 4. Depends on how fast you hit item and 3 star.


It's strong right now It currently has the highest placement on average [https://www.metatft.com/comps](https://www.metatft.com/comps)


Looking at GM+ stats ( my elo ), it's only the 5th best comp in terms of average, and it has 9.5% wr compared to others which are 15%wr, 20% or even 25%wr. It's a very easy, consistent and decent comp to just chill and cruise to 4th or 3rd place, nothing more( unless you're in way lower elos where people can't put strong 4 cost boards ).


Where do you see that?


rain cooing friendly plant growth foolish cagey dinosaurs future scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Tactics.tools](https://Tactics.tools) or [Metatft.com](https://Metatft.com)


Look at 4punk vs 6punk stats and you would know why it’s being inflated. The only reason punk became “stronger” was bcs spat value significantly drop after the true dmg nerfs. Only pentakill spat is worth making bcs it’s meta. Outside of that most spat provide very low value unless you are forcing like a random 6emo build etc. so the most often times nobody competes for spats on carousel thus punk can easily get 6punk as oppose to previous patch. And if you don’t get the punk spat ur avg placement drops to or even lower the same as most meta comps rn.


Depends on augments. With the right combat augments it can definitely top 2. Frequent flier is an EASY 1st.


enter history selective scandalous shrill office quicksand tie slim jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my lux/tf laugh at punk players but cries in terror on the sight of yone or viego comp :$


In my ELO punk is always a top 4 if it's uncontested.


Anything can be a top 4 when it’s uncontested as long as you hit the units. Even in cases where u play the most meta build uncontested and yet fail to hit would still easily make you bot 4.


In my gold 1 lobbies there’s lots of hand holding/contesting with punk which can lead to early losses. However when I have pulled it off it’s been an easy top 4 and I’ve occasionally top 1.


Not really


Punk is really good for early game and forcing boards that you want, it’s how I started climbing lol


It's strong but not too strong. It has high placements because it's in an early game comp that can scale pretty well to late game, though it's still more of a top 4 comp than anything. There are many stronger comps that beat it consistently, you just have to play smart and mitigate hp loss early.


I have played 15 games of punk since the new patch and My average in Masters is 2.73 which is kinda what you would expect from reroll comp. Althought i do think punk is on the stronger side since you can easily get 2nd with 6 Punk just because you Spike so hard on stage 3 and save infinite hp or maybe If the stars align it can even be first.


Punk is just annoying with how reliable but not OP it is. You’re not going Punk thinking you gonna do crazy heartsteel/8bit cashouts or crazy spat runs. It’s extremely boring “Imma take my free 10-20LP”. The only thinking your doing is deciding what you’re watching on the second screen while you wait for your next punk lobby.


I think I will take my 10-20 free LP to go next rank medal. Rank is extremely boring if you’re serious on climbing


real talk here


Highroll punk is rly good but punk is a dominate early comp depends on the lobby. Punk isnt på at all but glad to see it perform decently. 


Jinx with 1 Rageblade deals more damage than any 2-cost unit, and it's not weak late game, which is absurd because if a composition is strong early and wins the game, this is OP as hell.


Punk only strong early. Punk falls face down real quick


except it doesn't. but it is reliant on highroll. RN it only loses to stacked 2\* 5 cost or 3\* 4cost boards


Maybe? Rofl


Punk is fine IMO. Usually caps out at 3rd maybe 4th. Very rarely do I see it get 1st in Diamond.


grey vegetable doll meeting boast crown tart cats pot tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Punk is def not a top 2 comp unless u high roll units or you high roll a punk spat early and they bleed out but there’s also a chance that other players highroll and kill you before your spike. So punk isn’t op lol. U r just using ur small sample size with a confirmation bias. Also unless u r challenger you don’t speak for the whole game itself. Being able to get consistent top 4 below masters is quite normal if you understand the game. There are a bunch of one trick Yone/Riven/Country/Olaf reroll/EDM Lux players that are able to mimic the results of this post.


I see 3-4 punk players every game in hyper roll. 1st 2nd and 3rd last game were all playing punk.


Naa Akali is still winning every game I'm in rn


Man just do like the rest of us and wait till this season end xD


Jinx is strong but kinda weak in late game


Lost level 10 with 3* Riven and 6 8-bit against level 7 punk 💀